12 research outputs found

    Photoluminescence Quenching and Structure of Nanocomposite Based on Graphene Oxide Layers Decorated with Nanostructured Porphyrin

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    Nanocomposites based on few-layers graphene oxide (FGO) decorated with porphyrin nanorods (PN) were synthesized and the interfacial interaction between these two components was investigated by using scanning electron microscopy (SEM), photoluminescence spectroscopy, resonant Raman scattering and Fourier transform infrared (FT-IR) techniques. SEM showed good exfoliation of FGO and its successful interaction with the PN. The photoluminescence results showed an important interaction between FGO and PN resulting in a quenching of the photoluminescence of the PN-FGO composite. Resonant Raman with PN aggregates and FT-IR results revealed a π- π intermolecular interaction confirming the energy/charge transfer. Moreover, the investigation of X-ray diffraction confirmed the intercalation of PN in FGO and their disaggregation. The findings presented here are an important contribution to achieving the functionalization of graphene derivative surfaces with PN for various optoelectronic applications and particularly photovoltaic cells

    Photoluminescence Quenching and Structure of Nanocomposite Based on Graphene Oxide Layers Decorated with Nanostructured Porphyrin

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    Nanocomposites based on few-layers graphene oxide (FGO) decorated with porphyrin nanorods (PN) were synthesized and the interfacial interaction between these two components was investigated by using scanning electron microscopy (SEM), photoluminescence spectroscopy, resonant Raman scattering and Fourier transform infrared (FT-IR) techniques. SEM showed good exfoliation of FGO and its successful interaction with the PN. The photoluminescence results showed an important interaction between FGO and PN resulting in a quenching of the photoluminescence of the PN-FGO composite. Resonant Raman with PN aggregates and FT-IR results revealed a π- π intermolecular interaction confirming the energy/charge transfer. Moreover, the investigation of X-ray diffraction confirmed the intercalation of PN in FGO and their disaggregation. The findings presented here are an important contribution to achieving the functionalization of graphene derivative surfaces with PN for various optoelectronic applications and particularly photovoltaic cells

    Étalement urbain et dynamique des agglomĂ©rations Ă  Alger : quel rĂŽle pour la promotion administrative ?

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    Devant les disparitĂ©s spatiales auxquelles Ă©taient confrontĂ©es les villes algĂ©riennes aprĂšs l’indĂ©pendance, l’État a tentĂ© de faire face Ă  la situation en reconsidĂ©rant le maillage territorial par quatre dĂ©coupages administratifs successifs (1963, 1974, 1984 et 1997). Nous proposons, dans cet article, d’analyser les consĂ©quences spatiales de ces politiques publiques sur le processus de dĂ©veloppement de l’agglomĂ©ration algĂ©roise. Une rĂ©flexion profonde sur l’évolution des agglomĂ©rations Ă  Alger (changement de statut, Ă©mergence de nouvelles agglomĂ©rations, fusion entre les agglomĂ©rations chefs-lieux et les agglomĂ©rations secondaires, etc.) nous semble une approche trĂšs intĂ©ressante. Cela, d’un cĂŽtĂ©, pour avoir une vision claire du processus d’étalement urbain et, d’un autre cĂŽtĂ©, pour mieux apprĂ©cier l’évolution morphologique Ă  laquelle est confrontĂ©e la ville d’Alger. Dans l’article, nous analysons la dynamique des agglomĂ©rations qui a accompagnĂ© le dĂ©coupage administratif Ă  Alger. Il s’agit de donner un Ă©clairage nouveau sur le rĂŽle qu’ont jouĂ© l’évolution et le changement de statut des agglomĂ©rations ainsi que la promotion administrative,  pour mieux apprĂ©cier l’évolution morphologique qu’a connue la ville d’Alger. À travers la mise en place d’une base de donnĂ©es sous SIG et par une approche historique et comparative, le rĂ©sultat de ce travail nous a permis une meilleure lecture spatiotemporelle des mutations qu’ont subies les diffĂ©rentes agglomĂ©rations Ă  Alger, de 1966 Ă  ce jour. En effet, cette approche n’a jamais fait l’objet d’une analyse profonde dans le cadre des diffĂ©rentes recherches sur la ville d’Alger.In the face of the spatial disparities that faced Algerian cities after independence, the government attempted to address this situation by redefining the territorial grid layout through four successive boundary changes to administrative divisions (1963, 1974, 1984 and 1997). Our article analyzes the spatial consequences of these public policies on the development process in the Algiers metropolitan area. We believe that careful consideration of the evolution of the urban areas comprising Algiers (changes in status, emergence of new urban areas, amalgamations between major and minor urban centres
) is an extremely valuable approach. Firstly, it provides a clear picture of the process of urban sprawl and secondly, it allows for a better understanding of the physical changes the city of Algiers is dealing with in its urban landscape. Our article analyzes the dynamics surrounding the changes to administrative division boundaries in the Algiers metropolitan area. We want to shed new light on the role played by the evolution and changes in status of particular urban agglomerations and the promotion of different administrative structures, as a way to foster a better understanding of the physical changes undergone by the city of Algiers. The establishment of a GIS database and the adoption of a historical and comparative approach have enabled us to trace spatiotemporal changes in the different urban agglomerations of greater Algiers from 1966 to the present day. In spite of a variety of studies on the subject, this is the first time an approach such as ours has been used for an in-depth analysis of the city of Algiers.Las ciudades argelinas, despuĂ©s de la independencia, confrontaban desigualdades espaciales, el Estado tratĂł de enfrentar esta situaciĂłn reconsiderando las redes territoriales mediante cuatro reparticiones sucesivas (1963, 1974, 1984 y 1997). Nuestro artĂ­culo presenta las consecuencias espaciales de dichas polĂ­ticas pĂșblicas sobre el proceso de desarrollo de las aglomeraciones argelinas. Una buena reflexiĂłn sobre la evoluciĂłn de las aglomeraciones en Argel (cambio de estatuto, nuevas aglomeraciones, fusiĂłn entre ellas, distritos y aglomeraciones secundarias, etc.) serĂ­a un enfoque interesante. Por un lado, para tener una visiĂłn clara del proceso de expansiĂłn urbana y por el otro, para apreciar mejor la evoluciĂłn morfolĂłgica que confronta la ciudad. Analizamos la dinĂĄmica de las aglomeraciones que acompañan la reparticiĂłn administrativa en Argel. Presentamos un nuevo enfoque sobre el rol de la evoluciĂłn y del cambio de estatuto de las aglomeraciones, asĂ­ como de la promociĂłn administrativa para apreciar mejor la evoluciĂłn morfolĂłgica de la ciudad. El resultado del anĂĄlisis de los datos de SIG y el enfoque histĂłrico comparativo, nos ha permitido una mejor lectura espacio-temporal de las mutaciones de las diferentes aglomeraciones en Argel, desde 1966 hasta hoy en dĂ­a. Este proceso nunca fue objeto de anĂĄlisis exhaustivo en las investigaciones sobre la ciudad de Argel

    La dépendance automobile à Alger : entre efficacité du systÚme automobile et précarité du systÚme de transport

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    International audienceAs a result of half a century of transformations due to successive urban policies, Algiers today is a spread, fragmented and disjointed agglomeration. It also faces real challenges in terms of planning of transport and mobility. The automobile dependency status is reflected by the fact that it has become essential for daily movements for a large part of the population. The organization and efficiency of the transport system and urban form directly influences the mode of transport favored by the population. Our article proposes to compare the performance of private automotive system and public transport in terms of accessibility. Through the establishment of a GIS database and a comparative approach, the result of this work allowed us to better understand the space-time dimension in Algiers and the evolution of accessibility, that have happened to the various agglomerations between 2004 and 2015. Indeed, this approach has never been the subject of a deep analysis in the various researches on the city of Algiers. An accessibility modeling appears to be a very interesting approach, firstly to have a clear vision of “accessibility”, one of the decisive parameters of any transport policy and also to better appreciate the consequences of the various public transport policies.AprĂšs un demi-siĂšcle de transformations urbaines (consĂ©quences de politiques urbaines successives), Alger d’aujourd’hui est une agglomĂ©ration Ă©talĂ©e, Ă©clatĂ©e, fragmentĂ©e et discontinue. Elle est Ă©galement confrontĂ©e Ă  de vĂ©ritables enjeux en matiĂšre de planification des transports et de la mobilitĂ©.Le concept de dĂ©pendance Ă  l’automobile reflĂšte le fait que cette derniĂšre soit devenue indispensable pour l’ensemble des dĂ©placements quotidiens d’une majeure partie de la population. L’organisation et l’efficacitĂ© du systĂšme des transports et la forme urbaine influencent directement le mode de transport privilĂ©giĂ© par la population. Notre article se propose de comparer la performance du systĂšme automobile et du transport en commun sous l’angle de l’accessibilitĂ©.À travers la mise en place d’une base de donnĂ©es sous SIG et par une approche comparative, le rĂ©sultat de ce travail nous a permis une meilleure lecture de la dimension espace- temps Ă  Alger ainsi que l’évolution de l’accessibilitĂ© qu’ont subie les diffĂ©rentes agglomĂ©rations entre 2004 et 2015.En effet, cette approche n’a jamais fait l’objet d’une analyse profonde dans le cadre des diffĂ©rentes recherches sur la ville d’Alger. Une modĂ©lisation de l’accessibilitĂ© apparaĂźt comme une ligne directrice trĂšs intĂ©ressante, d’une part pour avoir une vision claire de l’un des paramĂštres dĂ©cisifs de toute politique de transport «l’accessibilitĂ© », et d’autre part pour mieux apprĂ©cier les consĂ©quences des diffĂ©rentes politiques publiques en matiĂšre de transport

    Estimation of the misalignment of the exchange rate of the dirham with respect to its equilibrium level by the beer method in the light of the implementation of the exchange rate reform: Estimation du dĂ©salignement du taux de change du dirham par rapport a son niveau d’équilibre par la mĂ©thode BEER a l’aune de la mise en Ɠuvre de la rĂ©forme de change

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    RĂ©sumĂ© La volatilitĂ© constatĂ©e des taux de change rĂ©els dans beaucoup d’économies, notamment dans les pays en dĂ©veloppement, et l’efficacitĂ© du taux de change en tant qu'instrument dĂ©cisif dans l’élaboration des politiques d’ajustement structurelles et dans la stabilitĂ© Ă©conomique, soulĂšvent la question de la dĂ©termination d'un niveau d’équilibre du taux de change. En effet, toute distorsion prolongĂ©e et sĂ©vĂšre du taux de change par rapport Ă  son niveau d’équilibre crĂ©e des dĂ©sĂ©quilibres macroĂ©conomiques et conduisent Ă  une perte de compĂ©titivitĂ© et augmentent les pressions sur le niveau des rĂ©serves de change, en particulier, dans les Ă©conomies adoptant des rĂ©gimes de change fixe. Dans ce cadre, cette Ă©tude porte sur l’estimation du taux de change d’équilibre afin d’évaluer le degrĂ© d’alignement/dĂ©salignement du taux de change d’équilibre avec le taux de change effectif rĂ©el. Cette Ă©tude vise Ă  prĂ©senter de maniĂšre rĂ©sumĂ©e les rĂ©sultats et les conclusions de cette estimation qui a Ă©tĂ© rĂ©alisĂ©e Ă  l’aide de la mĂ©thode appelĂ©e : Behavioural Equilibrium Exchange Rate (BEER) en raison de son niveau d’adaptation avec les rĂ©alitĂ©s et les spĂ©cificitĂ©s de l’économie marocaine. L’estimation du modĂšle s’est basĂ©e sur l’analyse des donnĂ©es par l’utilisation de la technique de la cointĂ©gration pour le modĂšle de long terme du taux de change rĂ©el et a portĂ© sur 69 observations pour la pĂ©riode 2001-2019, exprimĂ©es sur une base trimestrielle. L'Ă©valuation du taux de change d’équilibre Ă  travers la mĂ©thodologie BEER fait ressortir les principales conclusions suivantes : − Une sous-Ă©valuation, depuis 2014, de la valeur du dirham aprĂšs avoir atteint un niveau maximum de surĂ©valuation en 2012. Cette Ă©volution favorable est liĂ©e notamment Ă  la stabilitĂ© soutenable de la dette publique pour s’établir Ă  65% en 2019 et l’amĂ©lioration progressive des Ă©quilibres macro-Ă©conomiques, avec une rĂ©duction substantielle des dĂ©ficits budgĂ©taire et du compte courant de la balance des paiements qui sont passĂ©s respectivement de 7,2% et 9,5% du PIB en 2012 Ă  3,6% et 4,1% du PIB en 2019. − Le degrĂ© de dĂ©salignement du taux de change dĂ©pend des politiques et pratiques passĂ©es et prĂ©sentes particuliĂšrement celles dĂ©diĂ©es Ă  renforcer davantage la compĂ©titivitĂ© de l’économie marocaine ; − Presque deux annĂ©es aprĂšs le lancement de la rĂ©forme du rĂ©gime de change, la valeur du dirham est restĂ©e fortement stable et continue d’évoluer bien vers sa norme. − Le dĂ©salignement n'est pas statique et n'indique pas une distorsion durable ou une faiblesse structurelle de la monnaie nationale.  Mots clĂ©s : Taux de change effectif rĂ©el ; taux de change d’équilibre ; mĂ©salignement ; fondamentaux   Abstract The observed volatility of real exchange rates in many economies, especially in developing countries, and the effectiveness of the exchange rate as a decisive instrument in the elaboration of structural adjustment policies and in economic stability, raises the issue of determining an exchange rate equilibrium level. Indeed, any prolonged and severe distortion of the exchange rate from its equilibrium level creates macroeconomic imbalances, leads to a loss of competitiveness and increases the pressures on the level of foreign exchange reserves, especially in the economies adopting fixed exchange rate regimes. In this context, this study focuses on equilibrium exchange rate estimate to assess the degree of alignment/misalignment of the equilibrium exchange rate with the real effective exchange rate. The purpose of this study is to summarize the results and conclusions of this estimate, which was conducted using the Edwards Behavioral Equilibrium Exchange Rate (BEER) method because of its adaptation level to the Moroccan realities and specificities. The model estimate was based on data analysis using the cointegration technique for the long-run real exchange rate model and included 67 observations for the period 2001-2019, expressed on a quarterly basis. The assessment of the medium-term equilibrium exchange rate through the BEER methodology highlights the following main conclusions: − An undervaluation, since 2014, the value of the dirham after reaching a peak of overvaluation in 2012. This improvement is due in particular to the sustainable stability of the public debt to stand at 65% in 2019 and the gradual improvement of macroeconomic balances, with a substantial reduction of budget deficits and balance of payments current account, which rose from 7.2% and 9.5% of GDP respectively in 2012 to 3.6% and 4.1% of GDP in 2019; − The degree of misalignment of the exchange rate depends on past and present policies and practices, particularly those aimed at further strengthening of the Moroccan economy competitiveness; − Almost two years after the launch of the reform of the exchange rate regime, the value of the dirham has remained strongly stable and continues to move well towards its norm; − The misalignment is not static and does not indicate a lasting distortion or a structural weakness of the national currency. Keywords Real effective exchange rate; equilibrium exchange rate; misalignment; fundamentals

    Prevalence and molecular epidemiology of carbapenem-resistant Gram-negative bacilli and their resistance determinants in the Eastern Mediterranean Region over the last decade

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