33 research outputs found


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    In oncology practice, the human body surface area (BSA) is used for the calculation of the dose of chemotherapy. The human BSA is determined by derived formulas, but it is not directly linked to the pharmacokinetics of the drugs. Obesity alters the disposition of drugs pharmacokinetics, which should be considered when prescribing medications in this patient population. Failure to adjust doses in obesity may result in increased toxicity. The aim of this study was to assess predictors of an increase in the level of trygliceride considered to be among the cardiovascular risk factors. Method. The study involved 118 oncology patients with various tumor localizations. The patients underwent anthropometric measurements (height, weight, circumference, fat fold thickness, the distance between the epicondyls above the joint), and the BSA (according to the Mosteller formula). Patients who received cisplatin chemotherapy were analyzed in serum triglyceride levels before and after the treatment. Results. A comparison of female and male subsamples revealed no significant in variance between sexes and no significant differences in initial triglyceride, triglyceride change, and in the age between groups. Body fat mass was relatively higher in females, while body muscle mass and bone mass were relatively higher in males. There was a difference in the cisplatin dose, with a higher dose for males than for females. The results demonstrate that the higher cisplatin dose and higher body fat mass are significant predictors of an increase in triglyceride for both sexes


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    In oncology practice, the human body surface area (BSA) is used for the calculation of the dose of chemotherapy. The human BSA is determined by derived formulas, but it is not directly linked to the pharmacokinetics of the drugs. Obesity alters the disposition of drugs pharmacokinetics, which should be considered when prescribing medications in this patient population. Failure to adjust doses in obesity may result in increased toxicity. The aim of this study was to assess predictors of an increase in the level of trygliceride considered to be among the cardiovascular risk factors. Method. The study involved 118 oncology patients with various tumor localizations. The patients underwent anthropometric measurements (height, weight, circumference, fat fold thickness, the distance between the epicondyls above the joint), and the BSA (according to the Mosteller formula). Patients who received cisplatin chemotherapy were analyzed in serum triglyceride levels before and after the treatment. Results. A comparison of female and male subsamples revealed no significant in variance between sexes and no significant differences in initial triglyceride, triglyceride change, and in the age between groups. Body fat mass was relatively higher in females, while body muscle mass and bone mass were relatively higher in males. There was a difference in the cisplatin dose, with a higher dose for males than for females. The results demonstrate that the higher cisplatin dose and higher body fat mass are significant predictors of an increase in triglyceride for both sexes

    Workshop on Baltic salmon management plan (WKBaltSalMP)

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    This report contains the output of the International Council for the Exploration of the Seas (ICES) workshop on evaluating a draft Baltic salmon management plan (WKBaltSalMP). The main aim was to provide scientifically based responses to a special request received from the European Commission (EC). The process included two meetings attended by scientific experts, national managers and stakeholder representatives. As requested, information on river size and estimated potential productivity was compiled and updated following consultation with national experts within ICES WGBAST (Baltic Salmon and Trout Assessment Working Group). Existing and alternative reference points for assessment of stock status and fishing opportunities were also examined. The group concluded that the currently used targets (50% and 75% of the potential smolt production capacity, PSPC) are inconsistent with the overall objective in the draft plan of achieving maximum sustainable yield (MSY). As a precautionary reference point Rlim was evaluated, defined as the lowest level of smolt production from which the stock would be expected to recover to its specific MSY-level (RMSY) in one salmon generation, if all fishing was completely closed. Simulations developed specifically for the workshop allowed evaluation of requested recovery rates of individual wild salmon stocks under alternative commercial fishing scenarios. The simulations examined commercial harvest rates ranging from 0 to 0.9 (encompassing rates that gives maximum yield in the commercial sea fisheries, located between 0.2 and 0.3; Figure 5.1.1), with additional values examined below 0.1 to better illustrate impacts on less productive river stocks. Neither the EC request nor the draft multiannual plan specify criteria for when (i.e. with what probability) a target has been reached. Therefore, stock-specific tables with simulation-based probabilities of smolt production being above alternative targets for each fishing scenario are presented. These analyses only included river stocks currently assessed analytically by ICES. For remaining stocks, such river specific probabilities could not be determined. For river stocks not assessed analytically, correlative analyses between total estimated sea survival and recruitment over generations were performed. These results indicate that sea survival seem to play an important role in the development also for these stocks, similar to for those currently included in the ICES model. A simplified stable-state population dynamics model was constructed to study trade-offs between mixed (sea) and stock-specific (river) fisheries in terms of achievable catches and proportions of stocks above/below reference points. This analysis illustrated that when the mixed fishery harvest rate is low all river stocks can achieve MSY, whereas when this harvest rate increases, smaller (less resilient) stocks fall below this target. That some smaller stocks fall below MSY (or even goes towards extinction) does not make a noticeable difference to the total yield. Hence, there exists an inbuilt conflict between overall production aims and protection of weak stocks that can only be resolved if mixed-stock sea fisheries for Baltic salmon are kept at a low level. The report also contains requested comments on the draft management plan. The workshop identified that the draft has a strict focus on commercial sea fisheries, although the relative importance of recreational fisheries for Baltic salmon has increased significantly over time. The current two management units for EU commercial fisheries (subdivisions 22 to 31 and Subdivision 32) are further maintained in the draft, whereas evidence has accumulated that salmon are migrating between these areas more than previously recognized. The draft finally does not address management of hatchery-reared Baltic salmon more than marginally, despite large ongoing releases for various purposes in most countries

    Ichthyofauna of the Salaca River basin

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    Bajinskis J. 2013. „Salacas upes baseina ihtiofauna”. Maģistra darbs. Rīga, Latvijas Universitāte, Bioloģijas fakultāte, 64 lpp. Šī maģistra darba mērķis ir izpētīt ihtiofaunas daudzveidību un zivju sabiedrību struktūru Salacas upes baseinā. Darbā veikta tādu ekoloģisko faktoru, kā upes sateces baseina platības, ūdens temperatūras, izšķīdušā skābekļa daudzuma, krituma, ezeru un biotopu ietekmes uz zivju sabiedrību struktūru analīze. Pētījums balstās uz zivju monitoringa datiem, kas ievākti laika periodā no 1993. līdz 2012. gadam 27 Salacas baseina upēs, 60 parauglaukumos. Salacas baseina upēs zivju uzskaitē ar elektrozvejas metodi noķertas 30 zivju un divas nēģu sugas. Kā dominējošās sugas Salacas baseinā konstatētas bārdainais akmeņgrauzis Barbatula barbatula un mailīte Phoxinus phoxinus, relatīvi bieži sastopamas tādas zivju sugas – kā rauda Rutilus rutilus, taimiņš Salmo trutta un asaris Perca fluviatilis. Galvenie Salacas upes baseina zivju sabiedrību struktūru noteicošie faktori ir upes sateces baseina platība, upes temperatūras un skābekļa režīms. Pēc zivju sabiedrību līdzības Salacas baseina upes var iedalīt četrās grupās ar galvenajiem zivju sabiedrību tipiem: upes ar reofīlo invertivoro un omnivoro zivju sugu sabiedrībām, kurās dominē mailīte, bārdainais akmeņgrauzis, grundulis Gobio gobio un taimiņš; upes ar taimiņa, mailītes un bārdainā akmeņgrauža sabiedrībām; potomāla tipa upes ar eiritopo zivju sabiedrībām, kurās dominē rauda, asaris, vēdzele Lota lota un līdaka Esox lucius un upes ar jauktām reofīlo un eiritopo zivju sabiedrībām ar bārdaino akmeņgrauzi, lasi Salmo salar, raudu un asari. Slimību un pataloģiju intensitāte zivīm Salacas baseina upēs pieaug līdz ar indivīdu skaitu. Kopumā Salacas baseina upes pēc šī rādītāja atbilst labam ekoloģiskajam stāvoklim. Atslēgas vārdi: Salacas upes baseins, ihtiofauna, zivju sabiedrībasBajinskis J. 2013. „Ichthyofauna of the Salaca river basin”. Master thesis. Riga, University of Latvia, Faculty of Biology, 64 pp. Aim of this masters work is to examine diversity and structure of fish communities in the Salaca river basin. In this reaserch where analised such ecoloogical factors as river catchment area, water temperature, disolved oxygen concentration, slope, lakes and biotope influence on fish community structure. Research is based on data from the monitoring of fish witch has been collected during the period from 1993. till 2012. in 27 rivers, 60 sampling areas of the Salaca basin. During fish monitoring with electrofishing method in the rivers of Salaca basin, 30 fish and 2 lamprey species where caught. Dominant species where stone loach Barbatula barbatula and minnow Phoxinus phoxinus, relatively often such fish species as roach Rutilus rutilus, trout Salmo trutta and perch Perca fluviatilis where found. The main factors determining structure of the ichthyocenoses in the Salaca river basin are the river catchment area, water temperature and disolved oxygen concentration. The rivers of Salaca basin can be devided into four groups with main types of fish communities by fish community similarity: rivers with reophile invertivorous and omnivorous species communities, in witch minnow, stone loach, gudgeon Gobio gobio and trout are dominant; rivers with trout, minnow and stone loach communities; potamal type rivers with generalist species communities, in witch roach, perch, burbot Lota lota and pike Esox lucius are dominant and rivers with mixed rheophile and generalist species communities with stone loach, salmon Salmo salar, roach and pike. Desease and pathology intensity of fish in the rivers of Salaca basin increases with the number of individuals. In general, after this indicator rivers of the Salaca basin corresponds to a good ecolgical status. Keywords: Salaca river basin, ichthyofauna, fish communitie

    Studies of DNA repair strategies in response to complex DNA damages

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    The main aim of this thesis was to study the role of the indirect actions of γ-rays and α-particles on the complexity of primary DNA damages and the repair fidelity of major DNA repair pathways: non-homologous end joining (NHEJ), homologous recombination repair (HRR) and base excision repair (BER). The complexity of radiation-induced damages increases and the proximity between damages decreases with increasing LET due to formation of ionization clusters along the particle track. The complexity of damages formed can be modified by the free radical scavenger dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO). In addition, the effects of low doses of low dose rate γ-radiation on cellular response in terms of differentiation were investigated. Paper I investigates the role of the indirect effect of radiation on repair fidelity of HRR, NHEJ and BER when damages of different complexity were induced by radiation or by potassium bromate. We found that potassium bromate induces complex DNA damages through processing of base modifications and that the indirect effect of radiation has a high impact on the NHEJ pathway. Results in paper II confirmed our conclusions in paper I that the indirect effect from both γ-rays and α-particles has an impact on all three repair pathways studied and NHEJ benefits the most when the indirect effect of radiation is removed. In paper III we investigated the effects of low dose/dose rate γ-radiation on the developmental process of neural cells by using cell models for neurons and astrocytes. Our results suggest that low dose/dose rate γ-radiation attenuates differentiation and down-regulates proteins involved in the differentiation process of neural cells by an epigenetic rather than cytotoxic mechanism.At the time of doctoral defense, the following paper was unpublished and had a status as follows: Paper 2: Manuscript.</p

    Studies of DNA repair strategies in response to complex DNA damages

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    The main aim of this thesis was to study the role of the indirect actions of γ-rays and α-particles on the complexity of primary DNA damages and the repair fidelity of major DNA repair pathways: non-homologous end joining (NHEJ), homologous recombination repair (HRR) and base excision repair (BER). The complexity of radiation-induced damages increases and the proximity between damages decreases with increasing LET due to formation of ionization clusters along the particle track. The complexity of damages formed can be modified by the free radical scavenger dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO). In addition, the effects of low doses of low dose rate γ-radiation on cellular response in terms of differentiation were investigated. Paper I investigates the role of the indirect effect of radiation on repair fidelity of HRR, NHEJ and BER when damages of different complexity were induced by radiation or by potassium bromate. We found that potassium bromate induces complex DNA damages through processing of base modifications and that the indirect effect of radiation has a high impact on the NHEJ pathway. Results in paper II confirmed our conclusions in paper I that the indirect effect from both γ-rays and α-particles has an impact on all three repair pathways studied and NHEJ benefits the most when the indirect effect of radiation is removed. In paper III we investigated the effects of low dose/dose rate γ-radiation on the developmental process of neural cells by using cell models for neurons and astrocytes. Our results suggest that low dose/dose rate γ-radiation attenuates differentiation and down-regulates proteins involved in the differentiation process of neural cells by an epigenetic rather than cytotoxic mechanism.At the time of doctoral defense, the following paper was unpublished and had a status as follows: Paper 2: Manuscript.</p

    Municipal quality management and perspective for future

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    Šī pētījuma tēma ir “Kvalitātes vadība pašvaldībās un perspektīva nākotnē” Ņemot vērā kvalitātes vadības sistēmu popularitāti valsts iestādēs, ir jāaplūko, vai tās ir tik pat aktālas arī pašvaldībās. Autors kā galveno šī pētījuma mērķi izvirzīja nepieciešamību analizēt vai pašvaldības, kurās ir ieviesta kvalitātes vadības sistēma arī turpina to pilnveidot. Galvenie uzdevumi bija aplūkot kurās pašvaldībās ir izstrādātas kvalitātes vadības sistēmas, kurās pašvaldībās ir iegūti ISO 9001 standarta sertifikāti, kā arī jāveic vienas pašvaldīas papildus izpēte. Lai to veiktu efektīvi, tika izvirzīti vairāki indikatori. Šī pētnieciskā darba rezultātos tika iegūts, ka izvēlētā pašvaldība pastāvīgi turpināja ieviest kvalitātes vadības sistēmu un pilnveidot vidi kvalitātes nodrošināšanai nākotnē. Papildus autors nāca pie secinājuma, ka šīm pašvaldībām, kas ir ieviesušas kvalitātes vadības sistēmas, ir jākļūst par līderiem, lai kvalitātes vadība kļūtu par katras pašvaldības sastāvdaļu.Theme of this research paper is “Municipal quality management and perspective for future”. As the popularity of quality management in public sector rises it is very important to look into the situation with municipal bodies and their connection to quality management. As the main goal of this research paper author stated necessity to analyse if municipal bodies who implement quality management systems in their organisation keep developing them. Main objectives that had to be looked at. Which municipalities have implemented quality management system? Which municipalities have acquired ISO 9001 quality standart certification? Detailed analysis of one municpality. For the detailed analysis author uses specific indicators. In the result of this paper, author came to conclusion that municipality continues to develop quality management system and environment for it’s development. Author added that these municipalities, that did implement the quality management system have to become leaders, so that quality management is implemented in every municipality in Latvia

    Radiation-induced changes in levels of selected proteins in peripheral blood serum of breast cancer patients as a potential triage biodosimeter for large-scale radiological emergencies

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    The threat of a large scale radiological emergency, where thousands of people may require fast biological dosimetry for the purpose of triage, makes it necessary to search for new, high throughput biological dosimeters. The authors tested an assay based on the quantitative analysis of selected proteins in peripheral blood serum. They were particularly interested in testing proteins that are specific to irradiation of skin, as these can be used in cases of partial body exposure. Candidate proteins were identified in an earlier study with mice, where skin of the animals was exposed to different doses of radiation and global expression of serum proteins was analyzed. Eight proteins were found, the expression of which showed a consistent dose-response relationship. Human analogues of these proteins were identified, and their expression was measured in peripheral blood serum of 16 breast cancer patients undergoing external beam radiotherapy. The proteins were Apolipoprotein E; Apolipoprotein H; Complement protein 7; Prothrombinase; Pantothenate Kinase 4; Alpha-2-macroglobulin; Fetuin B and Alpha-1-Anti-Chymotrypsin. Measurements were carried out in blood samples collected prior to exposure (control), on the day after one fraction (2 Gy), on the day after five fractions (10 Gy), on the day after 10 fractions (20 Gy), and 1 mo after 23-25 fractions (total dose of 46-50 Gy). Multivariate analysis was carried out, and a multinomial logistic regression model was built. The results. © 2014 Health Physics Society