43 research outputs found

    a model to improve the evaluation and selection of public contest candidates in the Police Force

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    Goncalves, M. B., Anastasiadou, M., & Santos, V. (2022). AI and public contests: a model to improve the evaluation and selection of public contest candidates in the Police Force. Transforming Government: People, Process and Policy, 16(4), 22. https://doi.org/10.1108/TG-05-2022-0078 ---- Bailao Goncalves, M., Anastasiadou, M., & Santos, V. (2022). AI and public contests: a model to improve the evaluation and selection of public contest candidates in the Police Force. Transforming Government: People, Process and Policy. https://doi.org/10.1108/TG-05-2022-0078Abstract Purpose The number of candidates applying to public contests (PC) is increasing compared to the number of human resources employees required for selecting them for the Police Force (PF). This work intends to perceive how those public institutions can evaluate and select their candidates efficiently during the different phases of the recruitment process. To achieve this purpose, artificial intelligence (AI) was studied. This paper aims to focus on analysing the AI technologies most used and appropriate to the PF as a complementary recruitment strategy of the National Criminal Investigation police agency of Portugal – Polícia Judiciária. Design/methodology/approach Using design science research as a methodological approach, the authors suggest a theoretical framework in pair with the segmentation of the candidates and comprehend the most important facts facing public institutions regarding the usage of AI technologies to make decisions about evaluating and selecting candidates. Following the preferred reporting items for systematic reviews and meta-analyses methodology guidelines, a systematic literature review and meta-analyses method was adopted to identify how the usage and exploitation of transparent AI positively impact the recruitment process of a public institution, resulting in an analysis of 34 papers between 2017 and 2021. Findings Results suggest that the conceptual pairing of evaluation and selection problems of candidates who apply to PC with applicable AI technology such as K-means, hierarchical clustering, artificial neural network and convolutional neural network algorithms can support the recruitment process and could help reduce the workload in the entire process while maintaining the standard of responsibility. The combination of AI and human decision-making is a fair, objective and unbiased process emphasising a decision-making process free of nepotism and favouritism when carefully developed. Innovative and modern as a category, group the statements that emphasise the innovative and contemporary nature of the process. Research limitations/implications There are two main limitations in this study that should be considered. Firstly, the difficulty regarding the timetable, privacy and legal issues associated with public institutions. Secondly, a small group of experts served as the validation group for the new framework. Individual semi-structured interviews were conducted to alleviate this constraint. They provide additional insights into an interviewee’s opinions and beliefs. Social implications Ensure that the system is fair, transparent and facilitates their application process. Originality/value The main contribution is the AI-based theoretical framework, applicable within the analysis of literature papers, focusing on the problem of how the institutions can gain insights about their candidates while profiling them, how to obtain more accurate information from the interview phase and how to reach a more rigorous assessment of their emotional intelligence providing a better alignment of moral values. This work aims to improve the decision-making process of a PF institution recruiter by turning it into a more automated and evidence-based decision when recruiting an adequate candidate for the job vacancy.authorsversionpublishe

    LA FORMATION DES ENSEIGNHANTS D´ART: Lignes directrices et implicacions

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    Cet article présente les aspects de la recherche menée par des enseignants d’art de la municipalité de Camaçari, Bahia, dans le cadre de la maîtrise, et révèle les préoccupations qui ont émergé au cours de ce processus, à savoir: Comment la relation de plaisir et de déplaisir dans l'enseignement peut-elle affecter le travail quotidien de l'éducateur? Quelles dimensions de la subjectivité de l'éducateur sont liées à l'acte d'éduquer? Ainsi, l'objectif de ce travail est d'étudier comment la relation de plaisir et de déplaisir de l’enseignants d’art, ainsi que leurs histoires de vie en formation, peuvent résonner dans la vie quotidienne de l'école. Certains théoriciens étaient invités à cette discussion: Delory-Momberger, Barbier, Souza, Galvão, entre autres. La présente étude a un caractère qualitatif et la lumière de la recherche biographique est développée, car elle permet l'expérience de lui-même, revisitant ses origines, le sujet peut ressentir ses relations avec lui-même, avec l'autre et avec le monde. Ainsi, il cherche à connaître la réalité, sans lui imposer aucune interposition de valeurs, motivée par la conviction selon laquelle l’espace académique se concrétise comme le lieu privilégié du débat d’idées, exempt de préjugés et de prosélytisme, vers une formation professionnelle engagée avec une discussion large et réflexive sur l'éducation contemporaine

    Study on the impregnation of Laropal A81 to consolidate the wood support in easel paintings

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    [EN] The following work is focused on the study of the suitability of the urea-aldehyde resin, commercially known as Laropal (R) A81, for consolidation treatments on deteriorated wood from panel paintings. The physicochemical properties of this resin, such as the low molecular weight, low viscosity in solution and, interestingly, the possibility to be dissolved in low-toxicity solvents, suggest that Laropal (R) A81 could penetrate well into the wood microstructure thus offering an alternative option to other resins which require the use of more harmful solvents. The behaviour of Laropal (R) A81 for the consolidation of deteriorated wood was compared to that of other two resins widely used as consolidants - Regalrez (R) 1126 and Paraloid (R) B72. Laropal (R) A81 was dissolved in Mostanol and in Dowanol PM, the Paraloid (R) B72 in butyl ethanoate and the Regalrez (R) in cyclohexane. ATR-FTIR was used for the assessment of resin retention and penetration depth in the wood, whereas FESEM images allowed us to evaluate the morphological changes undergone by the wood as a consequence of the application of the consolidation treatments. The changes in the gloss of the wood were also evaluated, which complemented the results obtained by the other two tests. According to the results obtained in this study, we argue that urea-aldehyde resin has good specificities (good retention and penetration depth) in order to be used as a consolidant for deteriorated wood in easel paintings.Carvalho, CR.; Osete Cortina, L.; Araujo, ME.; Pérez-Marín, E.; Dos Santos Bailao, AM. (2021). Study on the impregnation of Laropal A81 to consolidate the wood support in easel paintings. International Journal of Conservation Science. 12(3):869-878. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/186043S86987812

    Asuhan Kebidanan Berkelanjutan Pada Ny M.B. di Puskesmas Manutapen Tanggal 14 Maret sampai 28 Mei 2022

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    Latar Belakang: Berdasarkan laporan KIA Puskesmas Manutapen jumlah sasaran ibu hamil pada tahun 2021 (Januari-Desember) adalah 286 ibu dengan cakupan kunjungan ibu hamil K1 sebanyak 238 ibu. Jumlah ibu bersalin pada Januari-Desember 2021 sebanyak 195 orang. Jumlah ibu nifas yang mendapat pelayanan kesehatan masa nifas adalah 195 orang. Jumlah bayi lahir hidup 260 bayi. Cakupan KB aktif sebanyak 1445 orang. Tujuan: Mampu menerapkan asuhan kebidanan berkelanjutan sesuai standar pelayanan kebidanan pada ibu hamil, bersalin, BBL, nifas, KB dengan menggunakan pendekatan manajemen kebidanan. Metode: Studi kasus menggunakan metode penelaahan kasus, lokasi studi kasus di Puskesmas Manutapen, subjek studi kasus adalah Ny. M.B dilaksanakan tanggal 14 Maret sampai 22 Mei 2022 dengan menggunakan format asuhan kebidanan pada ibu hamil dengan metode Varney dan pendokumentasian SOAP, teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan data primer dan data sekunder. Hasil: Ny. M.B. selama masa kehamilannya hasil pengkajian dan pemeriksaan tidak didapat masalah, proses persalinan normal, pada masa nifas involusi berjalan normal, keadaan bayi sehat, konseling ber-KB ibu memilih metode kontrasepsi Implant. Kesimpulan: Telah diterapkan asuhan kebidanan berkelanjutan pada Ny. M.B. yang ditandai dengan ibu mengikuti semua anjuran, keluhan ibu selama hamil teratasi, ibu melahirkan di fasilitas kesehatan, masa nifas berjalan normal dan bayi dalam keadaan sehat

    Colorimetric analysis of two watercolours used in retouching

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    Prussia blue and phthalo blue have a particularly importance in retouching because they provided a considerable amount of green and they are also transparent, which will give strong clear greens when needed during the retouching practice. The objective of this experiment is to evaluate the colorimetric change of the two cited pigments, in watercolours, after being exposed to direct sunlight for one year, comparing the results with another two samples protected from solar radiation, and also analyse the spectral curves similarity between both. The pigments are of the brand Artist´s Watercolour of Winsor & Newton. Colour variations were determined in the uniform colour space called CIELAB. The results show that phtalo is more stable than Prussian blue

    Análisis colorimétricos en dos acuarelas usadas en reintegración

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    Prussia blue and phthalo blue have a particularly importance in retouching because they provided a considerable amount of green and they are also transparent, which will give strong clear greens when needed during the retouching practice. The objective of this experiment is to evaluate the colorimetric change of the two cited pigments, in watercolours, after being exposed to direct sunlight for one year, comparing the results with another two samples protected from solar radiation, and also analyse the spectral curves similarity between both. The pigments are of the brand Artist´s Watercolour of Winsor & Newton. Colour variations were determined in the uniform colour space called CIELAB. The results show that phtalo is more stable than Prussian blue.Azul de Prusia y azul ftalo presentan una particular importancia en la reintegración porque suministran una considerable tonalidad de verdes y son también transparentes, por lo que aportan verdes claros cuando se necesitan en la práctica de la reintegración. El objetivo de esta experiencia es evaluar los cambios colorimétricos de los dos pigmentos citados, en acuarelas, después de haber estado expuestos a la luz directa del sol durante un año, comparando los resultados con otras muestras protegidas de la radiación solar, también analizar las curvas espectrales y las similaridades entre ambas. Los pigmentos son de la marca Artist´s Watercolour of Winsor & Newton.Depto. de Pintura y Conservación-RestauraciónFac. de Bellas ArtesTRUEpu

    Identificação de padrões de estalados: estudo de caso nas pinturas de Adriano de Sousa Lopes

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    Este estudo teve como objetivo analisar o tipo de estalados presentes nestas obras de Sousa Lopes. Inicialmente, efetuaram-se análises ao material constituinte das preparações, aglutinantes e pigmentos, para, posteriormente, estudar as características físicas das fissuras. Para esse estudo utilizou-se um programa de sistemas de informação, QGIS®. Quanto à classificação dos tipos de estalado, utilizaram-se as metodologias desenvolvidas por Spike Bucklow e Knut Nicolaus. Concluiu-se que estas doze obras de Sousa Lopes apresentam quatro tipos de estalados, que variam em função do período de estada em Lisboa (estalados de espiral, grinalda e grade) e em Paris (estalados de grade fixa, reticulares e diagonal). Os estalados presentes são de idade e prematuro, sendo que a sua origem deriva do mau emprego da técnica e do material, da pouca qualidade do material, da utilização excessiva de secante e de negligência na preservação em acerv