72 research outputs found

    Family-Based Modeling and Analysis for Probabilistic Systems

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    Feature-based formalisms provide an elegant way to specify families of systems that share a base functionality and differ in certain features. They can also facilitate an all-in-one analysis, where all systems of the family are analyzed at once on a single family model instead of one-by-one. This paper presents the basic concepts of the tool ProFeat, which provides a guarded-command language for modeling families of probabilistic systems and an automatic translation of family models to the input language of the probabilistic model checker PRISM. This translational approach enables a family-based quantitative analysis with PRISM. Besides modeling families of systems that differ in system parameters such as the number of identical processes or channel sizes, ProFeat also provides special support for the modeling and analysis of (probabilistic) product lines with dynamic feature switches, multi-features and feature attributes. By means of several case studies we show how ProFeat eases family-based modeling and compare the one-by-one and all-in-one analysis approach

    Evaluation du risque hygiĂ©nique liĂ© Ă  l’utilisation de digestats liquides en Suisse

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    Le but de ce projet Ă©tait la caractĂ©risation de l’état hygiĂ©nique des digestats liquides provenant des installations de mĂ©thanisation en Suisse. Ceci en relation avec les intrants utilisĂ©s et les techniques de prĂ©traitement, de mĂ©thanisation et de post-traitements employĂ©es. Trois campagne d’échantillonnage ont Ă©tĂ© rĂ©alisĂ©es: en hiver 2012-1013, au printemps et en Ă©tĂ© 2013. Lors de ce travail, diverses installations reprĂ©sentatives de mĂ©thanisation mĂ©sophiles et thermophiles ont Ă©tĂ© Ă©tudiĂ©es en dĂ©tail. Les teneurs en salmonelles, en germes coliformes, en E. coli, en entĂ©rocoques et en Campylobacter des intrants ainsi que les digestats provenant des diverses Ă©tapes des processus ont Ă©tĂ© analysĂ©es. Les dĂ©chets verts ainsi que les contenus des panses sont les intrants contenant le plus de germes pathogĂšnes. Le lait et les produits OESPA en contiennent par contre relativement peu. Une grande variabilitĂ© entre les produits d’une mĂȘme catĂ©gorie d’intrants est toutefois observĂ©e. Les salmonelles n’ont pu ĂȘtre mises en Ă©vidence que dans peu d’intrants et en quantitĂ©s modestes. Une prĂ©sence plus importante de salmonelle dans les intrants OESPA n’a pas Ă©tĂ© observĂ©e. Aussi bien les germes coliformes que E. coli et les entĂ©rocoques ont Ă©tĂ© trouvĂ©s en concentration moyennes dans la plupart des intrants. Campylobacter spp. n’a pu ĂȘtre isolĂ© d’aucun intrant. Les salmonelles et E. coli sont efficacement Ă©liminĂ©s dans les installations thermophiles et n’étaient plus dĂ©tectables dans les digestats. Les teneurs en entĂ©rocoques Ă©taient significativement rĂ©duites par les traitements thermophiles, sans ĂȘtre toutefois complĂštement Ă©liminĂ©s. Dans les installations mĂ©sophiles, le processus de traitement n’a qu’une influence mineure sur les germes Ă©tudiĂ©s. Les quantitĂ©s de E. coli ont Ă©tĂ© rĂ©duites, mais des quantitĂ©s notables de ce germe ont Ă©tĂ© retrouvĂ©es dans les digestats. Il faut souligner qu’une multiplication des germes Ă©tudiĂ©s lors du traitement mĂ©sophiles n’a pas Ă©tĂ© observĂ©e. L’utilisation de digestat liquide frais ou stockĂ© est Ă  dĂ©conseiller dans des cultures consommĂ©es crues. De maniĂšre gĂ©nĂ©rale, une grande prudence est Ă  observer lors d’utilisation de digestats mĂ©sophiles en maraĂźchage. Du point de vue hygiĂ©nique, les digestats liquides provenant d’installations thermophiles sont non problĂ©matiques, pour autant que la conduite de l’installation soit faite selon les rĂšgles de l’art. Pour les autres cultures, l’emploi de digestat mĂ©sophile est possible. Les mĂȘmes recommandations d’utilisation que pour les lisiers sont Ă  respecter

    Modeling Role-Based Systems with Exogenous Coordination

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    The concept of roles is a promising approach to cope with context dependency and adaptivity of modern software systems. While roles have been investigated in conceptual modeling, programming languages and multi-agent systems, they have been given little consideration within component-based systems. In this paper, we propose a hierarchical role-based approach for modeling relationships and collaborations between components. In particular, we consider the channel-based, exogenous coordination language Reo and discuss possible realizations of roles and related concepts. The static requirements on the binding of roles are modeled by rule sets expressed in many-sorted second-order logic and annotations on the Reo networks for role binding, context and collaborations, while Reo connectors are used to model the coordination of runtime role playing. The ideas presented in this paper may serve as a basis for the formalization and formal analysis of role-based software systems

    Diagnosis of malaria in a traveler 9 months after returning from West Africa by illumigeneÂź LAMP assay: A case report

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    Loop-mediated isothermal amplification (LAMP) is a rapid molecular technique that has been introduced into malaria diagnosis. The test is easy to perform and offers high sensitivity. We report a 53-year-old male patient who was hospitalized with fever attacks, chills, and headache caused 9 months after returning from Africa. During his stay in Africa, he used malaria chemoprophylaxis. Microscopy of thin and thick blood films and rapid diagnostic antigen testing remained negative for three times. The EDTA blood samples were tested using the Meridian illumigeneÂź malaria LAMP assay that gave a positive result for Plasmodium spp. Diagnosis of malaria was subsequently specified as P. ovale infection by real-time PCR. Ovale malaria often manifests with delay and low parasitemia. The patient was treated with atovaquone-proguanil, followed by primaquine for prophylaxis of relapse. This case illustrates the usefulness of the illumigeneÂź malaria LAMP assay for initial screening of malaria parasites

    Yoga and Sex: What is the Purpose of Vajrolīmudrā?

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    This volume explores aspects of yoga over a period of about 2500 years. In its first part, it investigates facets of the South Asian and Tibetan traditions of yoga, such as the evolution of posture practice, the relationship between yoga and sex, yoga in the theistic context, the influence of Buddhism on early yoga, and the encounter of Islam with classical yoga. The second part addresses aspects of modern globalised yoga and its historical formation, as for example the emergence of yoga in Viennese occultism, the integration of yoga and nature cure in modern India, the eventisation of yoga in a global setting, and the development of Patañjali’s iconography. In keeping with the current trend in yoga studies, the emphasis of the volume is on the practice of yoga and its theoretical underpinnings

    The oncofetal gene survivin is re-expressed in osteoarthritis and is required for chondrocyte proliferation in vitro

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    Background Regulation of cell death and cell division are key processes during chondrogenesis and in cartilage homeostasis and pathology. The oncogene survivin is considered to be critical for the coordination of mitosis and maintenance of cell viability during embryonic development and in cancer, and is not detectable in most adult differentiated tissues and cells. We analyzed survivin expression in osteoarthritic cartilage and its function in primary human chondrocytes in vitro. Methods Survivin expression was analyzed by immunoblotting and quantitative real-time PCR. The localization was visualized by immunofluorescence. Survivin functions in vitro were investigated by transfection of a specific siRNA. Results Survivin was expressed in human osteoarthritic cartilage, but was not detectable in macroscopically and microscopically unaffected cartilage of osteoarthritic knee joints. In primary human chondrocyte cultures, survivin was localized to heterogeneous subcellular compartments. Suppression of survivin resulted in inhibition of cell cycle progression and sensitization toward apoptotic stimuli in vitro. Conclusions The present study indicates a role for survivin in osteoarthritic cartilage and human chondrocytes. In vitro experiments indicated its involvement in cellular division and viability. Learning more about the functions of survivin in chondrocyte biology might further help toward understanding and modulating the complex processes of cartilage pathology and regeneration

    Divergent dynamics of inflammatory mediators and multiplex PCRs during airway infection in cystic fibrosis patients and healthy controls: Serial upper airway sampling by nasal lavage

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    Background In cystic fibrosis (CF), acute respiratory exacerbations critically enhance pulmonary destruction. Since these mainly occur outside regular appointments, they remain unexplored. We previously elaborated a protocol for home-based upper airway (UAW) sampling obtaining nasal-lavage fluid (NLF), which, in contrast to sputum, does not require immediate processing. The aim of this study was to compare UAW inflammation and pathogen colonization during stable phases and exacerbations in CF patients and healthy controls. Methods Initially, we obtained NLF by rinsing 10 ml of isotonic saline/nostril during stable phases. During exacerbations, subjects regularly collected NLF at home. CF patients directly submitted one aliquot for microbiological cultures. The remaining samples were immediately frozen until transfer on ice to our clinic, where PCR analyses were performed and interleukin (IL)-1ÎČ/IL-6/IL-8, neutrophil elastase (NE), matrix metalloproteinase (MMP)-9, and tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinase (TIMP)-1 were assessed. Results Altogether, 49 CF patients and 38 healthy controls (HCs) completed the study, and 214 NLF samples were analyzed. Of the 49 CF patients, 20 were at least intermittently colonized with P. aeruginosa and received azithromycin and/or inhaled antibiotics as standard therapy. At baseline, IL-6 and IL-8 tended to be elevated in CF compared to controls. During infection, inflammatory mediators increased in both cohorts, reaching significance only for IL-6 in controls (p=0.047). Inflammatory responses tended to be higher in controls [1.6-fold (NE) to 4.4-fold (MMP-9)], while in CF, mediators increased only moderately [1.2-1.5-fold (IL-6/IL-8/NE/TIMP-1/MMP-9)]. Patients receiving inhalative antibiotics or azithromycin (n=20 and n=15, respectively) revealed lower levels of IL-1ÎČ/IL-6/IL-8 and NE during exacerbation compared to CF patients not receiving those antibiotics. In addition, CF patients receiving azithromycin showed MMP-9 levels significantly lower than CF patients not receiving azithromycin at stable phase and exacerbation. Altogether, rhinoviruses were the most frequently detected virus, detected at least once in n=24 (49.0%) of the 49 included pwCF and in n=26 (68.4%) of the 38 healthy controls over the 13-month duration of the study. Remarkably, during exacerbation, rhinovirus detection rates were significantly higher in the HC group compared to those in CF patients (65.8% vs. 22.4%; p<0.0001). Conclusion Non-invasive and partially home-based UAW sampling opens new windows for the assessment of inflammation and pathogen colonization in the unified airway system
