102 research outputs found

    Tourism management and information and communication technologies (ICTs): The new smart destinations approach

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    Este artículo analiza el nuevo enfoque de los destinos inteligentes para la gestión turística a escala local. Se estudia su génesis y se realiza una propuesta de conceptualización desde una perspectiva sistémica, que se contrasta con la gestión turística actual mediante una encuesta a municipios turísticos de la Comunidad Valenciana. Los resultados ponen de relieve que no se ha asumido como objetivo de gestión el enfoque de los destinos inteligentes, el cual requiere un proyecto global que incorpore cinco ámbitos fundamentales: gobernanza, sostenibilidad, conectividad, sistema de información e innovación. No obstante, la complejidad asociada a este enfoque hace aconsejable un desarrollo de tipo flexible, escalable y adaptado a cada entorno territorial.Aquest article analitza la nova perspectiva de les destinacions intel·ligents per a la gestió turística a escala local. Se n’hi estudia la gènesi i s’hi realitza una proposta de conceptualització des d’un punt de vista sistèmic que es contrasta amb la gestió turística actual mitjançant una enquesta als municipis turístics de la Comunitat Valenciana. Els resultats demostren que no s’ha assumit com a objectiu de gestió la perspectiva de les destinacions intel·ligents, la qual requereix un projecte global que integre cinc àmbits fonamentals: governança, sostenibilitat, connectivitat, sistema d’informació i innovació. Tanmateix, la complexitat associada a aquesta perspectiva fa aconsellable un desenvolupament de tipus flexible, escalable i adaptat a cada entorn territorial.This article analyzes the new smart destinations approach to tourism management at the local level. We examine the origins of this approach and propose a conceptualization from a systemic perspective, which is contrasted with current tourism management strategies through a survey of tourist destinations in the Valencia Region. The results show that the smart destinations approach has not been considered as a management objective. This approach requires a global project incorporating five key areas: governance, sustainability, connectivity, information system and innovation. However, due to the complexity of the smart tourist destination approach, a particular kind of development that is flexible, scalable and adapted to each geographical environment is recommendable.El presente trabajo se enmarca en el proyecto de investigación Nuevos enfoques para la planificación y gestión del territorio turístico: Conceptualización, análisis de experiencias y problemas. Definición de modelos operativos para destinos turísticos inteligentes (CSO2014-59193-R), financiado por el Programa Estatal de I+D+i, Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad

    Measuring the progress of smart destinations: The use of indicators as a management tool

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    This paper aims at developing and applying an indicators system for smart tourism destinations in order to better understand the current situation of a set of destinations which are developing smart tourism policies. The indicators were developed by adapting existing indicators in tourism destination management and smart cities literature, creating a new system based on a smart destination theoretical model that establishes three interrelated levels in which smart destinations are grounded: strategic-relational, instrumental and applied levels. Within these levels, nine different dimensions to be measured were identified. The indicators were constructed in collaboration with a public organisation (INVAT.TUR) devoted to providing technical assistance to smart destinations and were pre-tested, readjusted and then applied to a set of destinations of the Region of Valencia (Spain). Obtained findings reveal an uneven performance of destinations in the different dimensions of the three levels. A notable performance is observed in indicators for connectivity and online marketing, while more efforts need to be done in accessibility and sustainability initiatives. However, disparities are evident between different indicators and destinations. These results are discussed and framed within the relevant literature on smart destinations while providing information for destination managers and policy makers to adapt and replicate these indicators in their own territories. This paper is a first attempt to develop and apply indicators to measure smart destinations progress in literature and therefore constitutes an important precedent for future studies.Work supported by the Spanish National R&D&I Plan financed by the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness under grant CSO2017-82592-R (“Analysis of planning processes applied to smart cities and tourist destinations. Balance and proposal of a new methodology: Smart Tourism Planning”)

    Crowd Monitoring in Smart Destinations Based on GDPR-Ready Opportunistic RF Scanning and Classification of WiFi Devices to Identify and Classify Visitors’ Origins

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    Crowd monitoring was an essential measure to deal with over-tourism problems in urban destinations in the pre-COVID era. It will play a crucial role in the pandemic scenario when restarting tourism and making destinations safer. Notably, a Destination Management Organisation (DMO) of a smart destination needs to deploy a technological layer for crowd monitoring that allows data gathering in order to count visitors and distinguish them from residents. The correct identification of visitors versus residents by a DMO, while privacy rights (e.g., Regulation EU 2016/679, also known as GDPR) are ensured, is an ongoing problem that has not been fully solved. In this paper, we describe a novel approach to gathering crowd data by processing (i) massive scanning of WiFi access points of the smart destination to find SSIDs (Service Set Identifier), as well as (ii) the exposed Preferred Network List (PNL) containing the SSIDs of WiFi access points to which WiFi-enabled mobile devices are likely to connect. These data enable us to provide the number of visitors and residents of a crowd at a given point of interest of a tourism destination. A pilot study has been conducted in the city of Alcoi (Spain), comparing data from our approach with data provided by manually filled surveys from the Alcoi Tourist Info office, with an average accuracy of 83%, thus showing the feasibility of our policy to enrich the information system of a smart destination.This research was carried out within the research Project Alcoi Tourist Lab framework, co-funded by the Alcoi City Council & the Valencian Innovation Agency. The research was also partially funded by project UAPOSTCOVID19-10 from the University of Alicante. Finally, this research was partly supported by the EU CEF project GreenMov, CARM HORECOV-21 project (https://horecovid.com/ (accessed on 12 January 2022)). is financed through the Call for Public Aid destined to finance the Strategic projects contemplated in the Research and Innovation Strategy for Smart Specialization - RIS3MUR Strategy by the Autonomous Community of the Region of Murcia, through the Ministry of Economic Development, Tourism and Employment within the framework of the FEDER Region of Murcia Operational Program 2014–2020 within the framework Thematic Objective 1. Strengthen research, technological development and innovation by 80% and with CARM’s own funds in 20%, and finally the EU project H2020 NIoVE (833742)

    Las OGDs ante el ecosistema turístico inteligente: oportunidades y riesgos

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    Comunicación presentada en II Congreso Mundial de Destinos Turísticos Inteligentes. Oviedo (España), 25-27 junio de 2018.La presente comunicación se plantea tres objetivos fundamentales: 1. Analizar los diferentes enfoques del Ecosistema Turístico Inteligente (ETI) desde la perspectiva de las Organizaciones de Gestión de Destinos (OGDs). 2. Identificar el impacto del ETI en las funciones principales de las OGD. 3. Contrastar con profesionales de la gestión turística local las oportunidades y riesgos que se derivan del ETI para las OGD.La presente comunicación se enmarca en el proyecto de investigación “Análisis de procesos de planificación aplicados a ciudades y destinos turísticos inteligentes. Balance y propuesta metodológica para espacios turísticos: Smart Tourism Planning”. Proyecto CSO2017-82592-R del Programa Estatal de I+D+i del Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad (2018-2020)

    Exenatide extended release in patients with type 1 diabetes with and without residual insulin production

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    AimsTo test whether a long- acting GLP- 1 receptor agonist would improve glucose control in patients with type 1 diabetes (T1D) and to determine whether the presence of residual beta cell function would affect the response. In addition, we sought to determine whether the drug would affect beta cell function.MethodsWe performed a randomized placebo- controlled trial of exenatide extended release (ER) in participants with T1D with and without detectable levels of C- peptide. Seventy- nine participants were randomized to exenatide ER 2 mcg weekly, or placebo, stratified by the presence or absence of detectable C- peptide levels. The primary outcome was the difference in glycated haemoglobin (HbA1c) levels at 24- weeks. Participants were followed for another 6 months off study drug.ResultsAt week 24, the time of the primary outcome, the least squares (LS) mean HbA1c level was 7.76% (95% confidence interval [CI] 7.42, 8.10) in the exenatide ER group versus 8.0% (95% CI 7.64, 8.35) in the placebo group (P = 0.08). At week 12 the LS mean HbA1c levels were 7.71% (95% CI 7.37, 8.05) in the exenatide ER group versus 8.05% (95% CI 7.7, 8.4) in the placebo group (P = 0.01). The improvement at week 12 was driven mainly by those with detectable levels of C- peptide. Those treated with exenatide ER lost weight at 12 and 24- weeks compared to those treated with placebo (P- <0.001 and P = 0.007). The total insulin dose was lower, but not when corrected for body weight, and was not affected by residual insulin production. Adverse events were more frequent with exenatide ER, but hypoglycaemia was not increased.ConclusionTreatment with exenatide ER may have short- term benefits in some individuals with T1D who are overweight or who have detectable levels of C- peptide, but short- term improvements were not sustained.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/163873/1/dom14121_am.pdfhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/163873/2/dom14121.pdfhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/163873/3/dom14121-sup-0001-Supinfo.pd

    Umbilical cord mesenchymal stem cells for COVID-19 acute respiratory distress syndrome: A double-blind, phase 1/2a, randomized controlled trial

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    Acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) in COVID-19 is associated with high mortality. Mesenchymal stem cells are known to exert immunomodulatory and anti-inflammatory effects and could yield beneficial effects in COVID-19 ARDS. The objective of this study was to determine safety and explore efficacy of umbilical cord mesenchymal stem cell (UC-MSC) infusions in subjects with COVID-19 ARDS. A double-blind, phase 1/2a, randomized, controlled trial was performed. Randomization and stratification by ARDS severity was used to foster balance among groups. All subjects were analyzed under intention to treat design. Twenty-four subjects were randomized 1:1 to either UC-MSC treatment (n = 12) or the control group (n = 12). Subjects in the UC-MSC treatment group received two intravenous infusions (at day 0 and 3) of 100 ± 20 × 106 UC-MSCs; controls received two infusions of vehicle solution. Both groups received best standard of care. Primary endpoint was safety (adverse events [AEs]) within 6 hours; cardiac arrest or death within 24 hours postinfusion). Secondary endpoints included patient survival at 31 days after the first infusion and time to recovery. No difference was observed between groups in infusion-associated AEs. No serious adverse events (SAEs) were observed related to UC-MSC infusions. UC-MSC infusions in COVID-19 ARDS were found to be safe. Inflammatory cytokines were significantly decreased in UC-MSC-treated subjects at day 6. Treatment was associated with significantly improved patient survival (91% vs 42%, P =.015), SAE-free survival (P =.008), and time to recovery (P =.03). UC-MSC infusions are safe and could be beneficial in treating subjects with COVID-19 ARDS

    The Demise of Islet Allotransplantation in the US: A Call for an Urgent Regulatory Update The ISLETS FOR US Collaborative

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    Islet allotransplantation in the United States (US) is facing an imminent demise. Despite nearly three decades of progress in the field, an archaic regulatory framework has stymied US clinical practice. Current regulations do not reflect the state-of-the-art in clinical or technical practices. In the US, islets are considered biologic drugs and more than minimally manipulated human cell and tissue products (HCT/Ps). Across the world, human islets are appropriately defined as minimally manipulated tissue which has led to islet transplantation becoming a standard-of-care procedure for patients with type 1 diabetes mellitus and problematic hypoglycemia. As a result of the outdated US regulations, only eleven patients underwent allo-ITx in the US between 2011-2016 and all in the setting of a clinical trial. Herein, we describe the current regulations pertaining to islet transplantation in the United States. We explore the progress which has been made in the field and demonstrate why the regulatory framework must be updated to both, better reflect our current clinical practice and to deal with upcoming challenges. We propose specific updates to current regulations which are required for the renaissance of ethical, safe, effective, and affordable allo-ITx in the United States

    The demise of islet allotransplantation in the United States: A call for an urgent regulatory update

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    Islet allotransplantation in the United States (US) is facing an imminent demise. Despite nearly three decades of progress in the field, an archaic regulatory framework has stymied US clinical practice. Current regulations do not reflect the state-of-the-art in clinical or technical practices. In the US, islets are considered biologic drugs and “more than minimally manipulated” human cell and tissue products (HCT/Ps). In contrast, across the world, human islets are appropriately defined as “minimally manipulated tissue” and not regulated as a drug, which has led to islet allotransplantation (allo-ITx) becoming a standard-of-care procedure for selected patients with type 1 diabetes mellitus. This regulatory distinction impedes patient access to islets for transplantation in the US. As a result only 11 patients underwent allo-ITx in the US between 2016 and 2019, and all as investigational procedures in the settings of a clinical trials. Herein, we describe the current regulations pertaining to islet transplantation in the United States. We explore the progress which has been made in the field and demonstrate why the regulatory framework must be updated to both better reflect our current clinical practice and to deal with upcoming challenges. We propose specific updates to current regulations which are required for the renaissance of ethical, safe, effective, and affordable allo-ITx in the United States

    Desarrollo de un caldero que emplee combustible orgánico para la generación de energía mediante vapor

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    La creciente poblacion y el avance industrial han resultado en desafíos medioambientales significativos, en los cuales las empresas industriales desempeñan un papel fundamental como fuentes de contaminación atmosférica. Específicamente, los sectores que emplean calderas impulsadas por combustibles químicos contribuyen de manera considerable a la emisión de gases de efecto invernadero y otros contaminantes directamente a la atmosfera. Ante esta problemática, surge la necesidad de adoptar enfoques más limpios y sostenibles en la generación de vapor mediante el diseño de un prototipo de caldera ecológica. El propósito de este proyecto de titulación es abordar los desafíos originados por el incremento de la contaminación industrial y la búsqueda de enfoques más respetuosos con el entorno. El enfoque central de este proyecto se concentra en la utilización de cascarilla de arroz como fuente de combustible orgánico en la producción de vapor. Al destacar la importancia de la biomasa como fuente de energía renovable y fomentar un enfoque más sostenible en la generación de vapor, este trabajo contribuye al rastreo de soluciones prácticas y respetuosas con el medio ambiente en el ámbito industrial.The growing population and industrial advancement have led to significant environmental challenges, in which industrial enterprises play a pivotal role as sources of atmospheric pollution. Specifically, sectors utilizing boilers powered by chemical fuels substantially contribute to the emission of greenhouse gases and other pollutants directly into the atmosphere. Confronting this issue, the need for adopting cleaner and more sustainable approaches in steam generation arises, achieved through the design of an eco-friendly boiler prototype. The aim of this graduation project is to address challenges stemming from the rise in industrial pollution and the pursuit of environmentally-friendly strategies. The central focus of this endeavor centers around the utilization of rice husk as an organic fuel source for steam production. By underscoring the importance of biomass as a renewable energy source and promoting a more sustainable approach to steam generation, this work contributes to the pursuit of practical and environmentally-conscious solutions within the industrial sphere

    Diseño de una red inalámbrica de sensores para alertar accidentes automovilísticos en una autopista

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    El proyecto presentado a continuación busca integrar varias tecnologías con el fin de crear una red inalámbrica de sensores que permita detectar e informar en tiempo real siniestros vehiculares ocurridos en carreteras, ya que dentro de las mismas existen áreas con cobertura celular nula, la cual es un impedimento a la hora de solicitar a entidades de socorro la ayuda pertinente. Para la implementación del prototipo se utilizaron herramientas basadas en el paradigma open source, como el microcontrolador Arduino nano, sensores de distancia (HC-SR04) y acelerómetro (MMA7361), sistema embebido Raspberry PI 3 modelo B en conjunto con módulos XBee PRO S2 que actúan como nodos de comunicación dentro de una red Zigbee que a su vez se comunica a una WLAN para lograr conectividad con el servidor. Para el almacenamiento, procesamiento y visualización de los datos se implementó un servidor de base de datos MySQL y una aplicación web desarrollada en NODE.JS.GuayaquilIngeniero en Telemátic