114 research outputs found

    The social geography of childcare: 'making up' the middle class child

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    Childcare is a condensate of disparate social forces and social processes. It is gendered and classed. It is subject to an excess of policy and political discourse. It is increasingly a focus for commercial exploitation. This is a paper reporting on work in progress in an ESRC funded research project (R000239232) on the choice and provision of pre-school childcare by middle class (service class) families in two contrasting London locations. Drawing on recent work in class analysis the paper examines the relationships between childcare choice, middle class fractions and locality. It suggests that on the evidence of the findings to date, there is some evidence of systematic differences between fractions in terms of values, perspectives and preferences for childcare, but a more powerful case for intra-class similarities, particularly when it comes to putting preferences into practice in the 'making up of a middle class child' through care and education

    Manageable creativity

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    This article notes a perception in mainstream management theory and practice that creativity has shifted from being disruptive or destructive to 'manageable'. This concept of manageable creativity in business is reflected in a similar rhetoric in cultural policy, especially towards the creative industries. The article argues that the idea of 'manageable creativity' can be traced back to a 'heroic' and a 'structural' model of creativity. It is argued that the 'heroic' model of creativity is being subsumed within a 'structural' model which emphasises the systems and infrastructure around individual creativity rather than focusing on raw talent and pure content. Yet this structured approach carries problems of its own, in particular a tendency to overlook the unpredictability of creative processes, people and products. Ironically, it may be that some confusion in our policies towards creativity is inevitable, reflecting the paradoxes and transitions which characterise the creative process

    Pathways of patients with chronic haematological malignancies: a report from the UK’s population-based HMRN

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    \ua9 2024 Roman et al. Background: Arising in blood and lymph-forming tissues, haematological malignancies (leukaemias, lymphomas and myelomas) are the fifth most common group of cancers. Around 60% are currently incurable and follow a chronic, remitting–relapsing pathway often initially managed by ‘watch & wait’. This involves hospital-based monitoring, followed by treatment if the cancer progresses (which not all do) and then further observation, in a process that may continually repeat. New treatments are constantly emerging, survival is improving and prevalence is rising, but population-based data documenting entire care pathway are sparse. Hence, empirically-based incidence and prevalence estimates about various treatment states (watch and wait, first-line treatment, observation, second-line treatment, etc.) and patterns of healthcare activity are lacking. Likewise, despite complex trajectories, anxiety-provoking watch and wait, and therapies that impede quality of life and incur marked healthcare costs, evidence about patient preferences for information sharing and treatment decisions is scant. Objectives: Primary – to generate high-quality, evidence-based information about the care pathways of the general population of patients with chronic haematological malignancies. Secondary – to produce information resources suitable for testing in routine National Health Service practice. Design: Population-based cohort of ≈ 8000 patients with chronic haematological malignancies, incorporating five nested work packages, each with its own individual design: (1) exploration of patient experiences: information and treatment decisions; (2) population-based analyses; (3) health economics; (4) development of information resources to support decision-making; and (5) patient well-being and decision-making survey. Setting: This programme is predicated on the infrastructure of the United Kingdom’s Haematological Malignancy Research Network (www.hmrn.org); which provides ‘real-world’, robust, generalisable data to inform research and clinical practice, nationally and internationally. Set in Yorkshire and Humberside, the Haematological Malignancy Research Network’s catchment population of ≈ 4 million has a comparable sex, age, urban/rural, and area-based deprivation (Index of Multiple Deprivation, income domain) distribution to the United Kingdom as a whole; and in terms of ethnic diversity the region is centrally ranked, with around 80% of residents identifying as White British, 9% as Asian and 2% as black. Within the Haematological Malignancy Research Network, clinical practice adheres to national guidelines, and all patients with blood cancers are centrally diagnosed (≈ 2500 each year), tracked through their treatment pathways and linked to national databases (deaths, cancer registrations and Hospital Episode Statistics). Linked to the same national databases, the Haematological Malignancy Research Network also contains an age-and sex-matched general-population cohort. Participants: Patients aged ≥ 18 years, resident in the study region, and diagnosed with chronic lymphocytic leukaemia, follicular lymphoma or myeloma. Methods: Core Haematological Malignancy Research Network data were used to compare the hospital activity of patients with chronic lymphocytic leukaemia, follicular lymphoma and myeloma with that of the general population. Following additional linkages to genetic and clinical data, follicular lymphoma prognostic factors were examined. Two self-administered questionnaires addressing (1) quality of life and well-being and (2) decision-making were iteratively developed, piloted and deployed. Linkage to quality of life, clinical information and Hospital Episode Statistics enabled economic (myeloma) model development. In-depth interviews were conducted with 35 patients (10 alongside relatives). Results: Trajectories of ≈ 8000 patients were mapped, and patient-pathway visualisations summarising individual and aggregate information were developed. As expected, patients with chronic blood cancers experienced higher levels of hospital activity than their general population counterparts, the largest effects being for myeloma. Following survey deployment, 3153 patients were recruited across 14 hospitals, 1282 with chronic lymphocytic leukaemia, follicular lymphoma or myeloma. Over half of the questionnaires were completed by patients on watch and wait; the remainder were completed during treatment or post-chemotherapy monitoring. Information gathered, coupled with in-depth interviews, demonstrated patients’ marked anxiety and fluctuating preferences for information sharing and decision-making, contingent on complex, inter-related factors. In turn, prognostic and microsimulation economic models were used to predict individual-level trajectories across multiple treatment lines, examining associated overall survival, costs and quality-adjusted life-years. Limitations: Survey mapping to individual care pathways could not be completed because the COVID-19 pandemic delayed clinical data collection. Patients who attended clinics and participated in the survey were more likely than non-attenders to have had first-line chemotherapy, be slightly younger and live in more affluent areas. Conclusions: This programme collated high-quality, population-based evidence. Previously lacking, this, coupled with new findings on preferences for information sharing and treatment decisions, provides the foundation for future research. Future work: The translation of information accrued into resources suitable for testing in routine NHS practice is key. In this regard, COVID-19 has changed the communication landscape. The visualisations developed by this programme require further refinement/testing using participatory co-design with stakeholder groups. Underpinned by a suitable protocol applied within a single multidisciplinary team setting, prior to further evaluation within/outside the region, such outputs require testing in a cluster-randomised trial

    The difference that tenure makes

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    This paper argues that housing tenures cannot be reduced to either production relations or consumption relations. Instead, they need to be understood as modes of housing distribution, and as having complex and dynamic relations with social classes. Building on a critique of both the productionist and the consumptionist literature, as well as of formalist accounts of the relations between tenure and class, the paper attempts to lay the foundations for a new theory of housing tenure. In order to do this, a new theory of class is articulated, which is then used to throw new light on the nature of class-tenure relations

    Young British Pakistani Muslim women’s involvement in higher education

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    YesThis article explores the implications for identity through presenting a detailed analysis of how three British Pakistani women narrated their involvement in higher education. The increased participation of British South Asian women in higher education has been hailed a major success story and is said to have enabled them to forge alternative, more empowering gender identities in comparison to previous generations. Drawing on generative narrative interviews conducted with three young women, we explore the under-researched area of Pakistani Muslim women in higher education. The central plotlines for their stories are respectively higher education as an escape from conforming to the ‘good Muslim woman’; becoming an educated mother; and Muslim women can ‘have it all’. Although the women narrated freedom to choose, their stories were complex. Through analysis of personal ‘I’ and social ‘We’ self-narration, we discuss the different ways in which they drew on agency and fashioned it within social and structural constraints of gender, class and religion. Thus higher education is a context that both enables and constrains negotiations of identity

    Cohesion as ‘common sense’: Everyday narratives of community and cohesion in New Labour’s Britain

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    The final, definitive version of this paper has been published in Politics, Vol. 36(3) July 2016, DOI: 10.1177/0263395715620811 published by SAGE Publishing. All rights reservedThis article engages with popular narratives of community and cohesion, explored through a series of focus groups in Bradford and Birmingham. This article argues that the participants interviewed used discourses propagated by government to make sense of these narratives in their neighbourhoods and communities. The use of these discourses constructs what Gramsci calls a ‘common sense’ position, which legitimises a specific and targeted notion of cohesion. However, participants can contaminate these discourses, which can lead to subtle changes or explicit challenges to dominant discourses on community and cohesion in the United Kingdom.Peer reviewe

    "Arabic is the language of the Muslims–that's how it was supposed to be": exploring language and religious identity through reflective accounts from young British-born South Asians

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    This study explores how a group of young British-born South Asians understood and defined their religious and linguistic identities, focusing upon the role played by heritage languages and liturgical languages and by religious socialisation. Twelve British-born South Asians were interviewed using a semi-structured interview schedule. Interview transcripts were subjected to interpretative phenomenological analysis. Four superordinate themes are reported. These addressed participants' meaning-making regarding "the sanctification of language" and the consequential suitability of "the liturgical language as a symbol of religious community"; the themes of "ethnic pride versus religious identity" and "linguistic Otherness and religious alienation" concerned potential ethno-linguistic barriers to a positive religious identity. Findings are interpreted in terms of concepts drawn from relevant identity theories and tentative recommendations are offered concerning the facilitation of positive religious and ethnic identities

    A narrative based model of differentiating rioters

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    The present study applied a narrative analysis upon rioter accounts of their motivations during the August 2011 England riots. To the authors’ knowledge, this piece of research was the first to utilise narrative theory to explore the phenomenon of Rioting. Narrative accounts of twenty rioters were compiled from media, online and published sources. Content analysis of the cases produced a set of 47 variables relating to offenders’ motivations given when describing their criminality. Data were subjected to Smallest Space Analysis (SSA), a non-metric multidimensional scaling procedure and results revealed four distinct themes: the Professional Rioter, the Revengeful Rioter, the Victim Rioter and the Adventurer Rioter in line with previous research conducted on differing crime types (Canter et al, 2003; Youngs and Canter, 2011). The four narrative themes are consistent with motivations identified in previous theories