62 research outputs found

    Determinación del porcentaje de espermatozoides con activacion de caspasas 3/7 obtenidos de epididimo de alpaca analizados mediante citometría de flujo

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    La activación de las caspasas es un evento clave durante la apoptosis, produciendo alteraciones espermáticas que se traducen en problemas de infertilidad. El presente estudio, tuvo como objetivo, deteriminar el porcentaje de espermatozoides con activación de caspasas-3/7. Para tal efecto, se emplearon 23 testículos/epidídimos obtenidos del Camal Municipal de Huancavelica, los cuales fueron procesados en Lima para la recuperación de los espermatozoides de la cola del epidídimo. Las muestras fueron lavadas por centrifugación en PBS y los pellets fueron reconstituidos con 100μl del reactivo CellEventTM Caspasa 3/7 Green Detection Reagent e incubadas a 37.5 ̊C por 30 minutos; luego de 20 minutos iniciada la incubación, se agregó 0.5μl de Ioduro de Propidio. Las lecturas se realizaron por citometría de flujo. Se obtuvo un promedio de espermatozoides con caspasas 3/7 activas de 36.21%, con una desviación estándar de 11.25%, intervalo de confianza entre 31.34 a 41.08% y un coeficiente de variación de 31.07 %. De forma similar, mediante el test Kolmogorov- Smirnov, se encontró, que el porcenitaje de espermaitozoides de epidídimo, con caspasas 3/7 activadas siguió una distribución normal. Asimismo, se evaluó la correlación entre el porcentaje de actividad de caspasas 3/7 y los parámetros testiculares volumen y peso y los parámetros seminales motilidad y concentración, no siendo significativas. Se concluye que la activación de caspasas 3/7 en espermatozoides de alpaca puede ser evaluada utilizando el fluorocromo CellEventTM Caspasa-3/7 Green Detection Reagent mediante citometría de flujo, encontrando un 30-40% de espermatozoides epididimarios de alpaca apoptóticos, los cuales podrían estar relacionados con una fecundación fallida.Perú. Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología. Fondo Nacional de Desarrollo Científico y Tecnológico (Fondecyt). Contrato 135–2020–FONDECYT y Proyecto PCONFIG2020 A2008038

    Multifractal analysis of discretized X-ray CT images for the characterization of soil macropore structures

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    A correct statistical model of soil pore structure can be critical for understanding flow and transport processes in soils, and creating synthetic soil pore spaces for hypothetical and model testing, and evaluating similarity of pore spaces of different soils. Advanced visualization techniques such as X-ray computed tomography (CT) offer new opportunities of exploring heterogeneity of soil properties at horizon or aggregate scales. Simple fractal models such as fractional Brownian motion that have been proposed to capture the complex behavior of soil spatial variation at field scale rarely simulate irregularity patterns displayed by spatial series of soil properties. The objective of this work was to use CT data to test the hypothesis that soil pore structure at the horizon scale may be represented by multifractal models. X-ray CT scans of twelve, water-saturated, 20-cm long soil columns with diameters of 7.5 cm were analyzed. A reconstruction algorithm was applied to convert the X-ray CT data into a stack of 1480 grayscale digital images with a voxel resolution of 110 microns and a cross-sectional size of 690 × 690 pixels. The images were binarized and the spatial series of the percentage of void space vs. depth was analyzed to evaluate the applicability of the multifractal model. The series of depth-dependent macroporosity values exhibited a well-defined multifractal structure that was revealed by singularity and Rényi spectra. The long-range dependencies in these series were parameterized by the Hurst exponent. Values of the Hurst exponent close to one were observed indicating the strong persistence in variations of porosity with depth. The multifractal modeling of soil macropore structure can be an efficient method for parameterizing and simulating the vertical spatial heterogeneity of soil pore space

    Enfermedad de Pott. Caso clínico radiológico

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    Introduction: tuberculosis is an infection caused by mycobacterium tuberculae, which mainly affects the respiratory tract, although it can be seen affecting the musculoskeletal system, this is the spine the most affected, where it causes a cold and caseous collection known as Pott's disease, which depending on the location can weaken the vertebra and cause pathological fractures with the consequent impact and limitation on the life and health of the patient. Case presentation: a 33-year-old male patient who came to us for a fracture of the vertebra D12 due to a fall sitting on his own feet, visualized in simple Rx of total spine in lateral projection. Discussion: posterior displacement of bone fragment and subchondral sclerosis is evidenced, in the CT study it is corroborated fracture crushing of vertebral body D12, with posterior displacement of a vertebral segment that narrows the medullary canal, and in the resonance images it is confirmed crush fracture of vertebra D12 with displacement of bone fragment and stenosis of the medullary canal, causing severe compressive myelitis with fibrosis at the level of the medullar segment D12.Conclusions: the usefulness of conventional and high-tech diagnostic means in the diagnosis of this entity was shown, identifying the associated injuries and complications that the patient may suffer.Introducción: la tuberculosis es una infección causada por el micobacterium tuberculae, la cual afecta principalmente a la vía respiratoria, aunque se le puede ver afectando el sistema musculo esquelético, de este es la columna vertebral la mas afecta, donde provoca una colección fría y caseosa conocida como enfermedad de Pott, que en dependencia de la localización puede debilitar la vértebra y provocar fracturas patológicas con la consiguiente repercusión y limitación en la vida y salud del paciente.Presentación de caso: paciente masculino de 33 años de edad, que acude a nosotros por una fractura de la vértebra D12 producto de una caída sentado de sus propios pies, visualizada en Rx simple de columna total en proyección lateral.Discusión: se evidencia desplazamiento posterior de fragmento óseo y esclerosis subcondral, en el estudio de TAC se corrobora fractura aplastamiento del cuerpo vertebral D12, con desplazamiento posterior de un segmento vertebral que estrecha el canal medular, y en las imágenes de resonancia se confirma fractura aplastamiento de la vértebra D12 con desplazamiento de fragmento óseo y estenosis del canal medular, provocando severa mielitis compresiva con fibrosis a nivel del segmento medular D12.Conclusiones: se mostró la utilidad de los medios diagnósticos convencionales y de alta tecnología en el diagnostico de esta entidad, identificar las lesiones asociadas y complicaciones que puede sufrir el paciente

    A packing computational method relating fractal particle size distribution and void fraction in granular media

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    The study of granular systems is of great interest to many fields of science and technology. The packing of particles affects to the physical properties of the granular system. In particular, the crucial influence of particle size distribution (PSD) on the random packing structure increase the interest in relating both, either theoretically or by computational methods. A packing computational method is developed in order to estimate the void fraction corresponding to a fractal-like particle size distribution

    Macroporosity of 2-D cross sections of soil columns via X-ray CT: multifractal statistics and long range correlations for assessing 3-D soil pore structure

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    Soil pore structure controls important physical and biological processes in the soil-plant-microbial systems where microbial population dynamics, nutrient cycling, diffusion, mass flow and nutrient uptake by roots take place across many orders of magnitude in length scale. Over the last decades, fractal geometry has been proposed to deal with soil pore complexity and fractal techniques have been applied. Simple fractal models such as fractional Brownian motions, that have been proposed to capture the complex behavior of soil spatial variation, often cannot simulate the irregularity patterns displayed by spatial records of soil properties. It has been reported that these spatial records exhibit a behavior close to the so-called multifractal structures. Advanced visualization techniques such as X-ray computed tomography (CT) are required to assess and characterize the multifractal behavior of soil pore space. The objective of this work was to develop the multifractal description of soil porosity values (2-D sectional porosities) as a function of depth with data from binarized 2-D images that were obtained from X-ray CT scans of 12 water-saturated 20 cm-long soil columns with diameters of 7.5 cm. A reconstruction algorithm was applied to convert the X-ray CT data into a stack of 1480 grayscale digital images with a voxel resolution of 110 microns and a cross-sectional size of 690x690 pixels. The series corresponding to the percentage of void space of the sectional binarized images were recorded. These series of depth-dependent macroporosity values exhibited a well defined multifractal structure that was represented by the singularity and the Rényi spectra. We also parameterized the memory, or long range dependencies, in these series using the Hurst exponent and the multifractal model. The distinct behavior of each porosity series may be associated with pore connectivity and furthermore, correlated with hydraulic soil properties. The obtained multifractal spectra were consistent with multinomial multifractal measures where larger concentrations were less diverse but more common than the smaller ones. Therefore, models to assess pore space connectivity should incorporate a multifractal random structure compatible with this multinomial structure and the long range dependences that displayed these porosity series. Parameterization of the memory in depth dependencies of 2-D porosity series yields a useful representation of complex 3-D macropore geometry and topology

    Multifractal features of 3-D macropore structures of discretized X-ray CT of undisturbed soil columns

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    The objective of this work was to develop the multifractal description of soil porosity values (2-D sectional porosities) as a function of depth with data from binarized 2-D images that were obtained from X-ray CT scans of 12 water-saturated 20 cm-long soil columns with diameters of 7.5 cm. A reconstruction algorithm was applied to convert the X-ray CT data into a stack of 1480 grayscale digital images with a voxel resolution of 110 microns and a cross-sectional size of 690x690 pixels. The series corresponding to the percentage of void space of the sectional binarized images were recorded. These series of depth-dependent macroporosity values exhibited a well defined multifractal structure that was represented by the singularity and the Rényi spectra. We also parameterized the memory, or long range dependencies, in these series using the Hurst exponent and the multifractal model

    Generation of Functional Human Adipose Tissue in Mice from Primed Progenitor Cells

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    Adipose tissue (AT) is used extensively in reconstructive and regenerative therapies, but transplanted fat often undergoes cell death, leading to inflammation, calcification, and requirement for further revision surgery. Previously, we have found that mesenchymal progenitor cells within human AT can proliferate in three-dimensional culture under proangiogenic conditions. These cells (primed ADipose progenitor cells, PADS) robustly differentiate into adipocytes in vitro (ad-PADS). The goal of this study is to determine whether ad-PADS can form structured AT in vivo, with potential for use in surgical applications. Grafts formed from ad-PADS were compared to grafts formed from AT obtained by liposuction after implantation into nude mice. Graft volume was measured by microcomputed tomography scanning, and the functionality of cells within the graft was assessed by quantifying circulating human adiponectin. The degree of graft vascularization by donor or host vessels and the content of human or mouse adipocytes within the graft were measured using species-specific endothelial and adipocyte-specific quantitative real time polymerase chain reaction probes, and histochemistry with mouse and human-specific lectins. Our results show that ad-PADS grafted subcutaneously into nude mice induce robust vascularization from the host, continue to increase in volume over time, express the human adipocyte marker PLIN1 at levels comparable to human AT, and secrete increasing amounts of human adiponectin into the mouse circulation. In contrast, grafts composed of AT fragments obtained by liposuction become less vascularized, develop regions of calcification and decreased content of PLIN1, and secrete lower amounts of adiponectin per unit volume. Enrichment of liposuction tissue with ad-PADS improves vascularization, indicating that ad-PADS may be proangiogenic. Mechanistically, ad-PADS express an extracellular matrix gene signature that includes elements previously associated with small vessel development (COL4A1). Thus, through the formation of a proangiogenic environment, ad-PADS can form functional AT with capacity for long-term survival, and can potentially be used to improve outcomes in reconstructive and regenerative medicine


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    Background: Mexican damiana (Turnera diffusa Willd. Ex. Schult), specifically damiana of California has a high demand in the international market for its popularity as aphrodisiac, but its marketing has been affected by the adulteration of its products due to a lack of authentication mechanisms and limited information on the differences between the two currently known varieties. The aim of this study was to establish a leaf standard monograph with scientific bases of the varieties aphrodisiaca and diffusa of Turnera diffusa Willd. Ex. Schult, cultivated at the same agronomic and environmental conditions. Material and Methods: Damiana leaves were collected from a cultivar located in the municipality of Culiacan, Sinaloa, Mexico in 2016. The pharmacognostic studies were carried out in terms of macroscopic and both optical and electronic microscopic characteristics of leaves of the two varieties for their distinction. Results: The leaves of diffusa variety were twice as large as those of the aphrodisiaca variety, whereas papillose glandular trichomes were observed with greater density in the aphrodisiaca variety than those on diffusa leaves where unicellular trichomes were the ones observed in greater density. The leaves of both varieties are dorsiventral and hypostomatic with paracytic stomata. Conclusion: The obtained qualitative and quantitative leaf standards provide reference information for the proper identification and monograph preparation of the aphrodisiaca and diffusa varieties of Turnera diffusa. Pharmacognostic characteristics such as the type of stomata, trichomes, and leaf identify the species, whereas characteristics as leaf size and trichome density differ between varieties

    Antibióticos empíricos para la neumonía adquirida en la comunidad en pacientes adultos: Una revisión sistemática y un metaanálisis en red

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    Objetivo: El objetivo principal de este metaanálisis en red es identificar el antibiótico empírico (Em-ATB) con mayor probabilidad de ser el mejor (HPBB) en términos de (1) tasa de curación y (2) tasa de mortalidad en pacientes hospitalizados con neumonía adquirida en la comunidad (NAC) . Método: Criterios de inclusión: (1) pacientes adultos (>16 años) diagnosticados de NAC que requirieron hospitalización; (2) aleatorizados a al menos dos Em-ATB diferentes, (3) que informen de la tasa de curación y (4) que estén escritos en inglés o español. Criterios de exclusión: (1) protocolo de antibióticos ambiguo y (2) publicados exclusivamente en formato resumen o carta. Fuentes de datos: Medline, Embase, Cochrane y revisiones de citas desde el 1 de enero de 2000 hasta el 31 de diciembre de 2018. Riesgo de sesgo: Herramienta de Cochrane. Calidad de la revisión sistemática (RS): A MeaSurement Tool to Assess systematic Reviews-2. Certeza de la evidencia: Grading of Recommendations Assessment, Development and Evaluation. Análisis estadísticos: método frecuentista realizado con la biblioteca 'netmeta', paquete R. Resultados: se incluyeron 27 ensayos controlados aleatorizados (ECA) de las 41.307 citas seleccionadas inicialmente. En cuanto al riesgo de sesgo, más de una cuarta parte de los estudios presentaron riesgo bajo y ningún estudio presentó riesgo alto en todos los dominios. La calidad de la RS es moderada. Para la curación, se construyeron dos redes. Así, dos Em-ATB tienen la HPBB: cetarolina 600 mg (dos veces al día) y piperacilina 2000 mg (dos veces al día). Para la mortalidad, se construyeron tres redes. Así, tres Em-ATB tienen la HPBB: ceftriaxona 2000 mg (una vez al día) más levofloxacino 500 (dos veces al día), ertapenem 1000 mg (dos veces al día) y amikacina 250 mg (dos veces al día) más claritromicina 500 mg (dos veces al día). La certeza de la evidencia para cada resultado es moderada. Conclusiones: Para la tasa de curación, ceftarolina y piperacilina son las opciones con la HPBB. Sin embargo, para la tasa de mortalidad, las opciones son ceftriaxona más levofloxacino, ertapenem y amikacina más claritromicina. Parece necesario realizar un ECA que compare los tratamientos con el HPBB para cada evento (curación o mortalidad) (CRD42017060692).Objective: The main aim of this network meta-analysis is to identify the empiric antibiotic (Em-ATB) with the highest probability of being the best (HPBB) in terms of (1) cure rate and (2) mortality rate in hospitalised patients with community acquired pneumonia (CAP) . Method: Inclusion criteria: (1) adult patients (>16 years old) diagnosed with CAP that required hospitalisation; (2) randomised to at least two different Em-ATBs, (3) that report cure rate and (4) are written in English or Spanish. Exclusion criteria: (1) ambiguous antibiotics protocol and (2) published exclusively in abstract or letter format. Data sources: Medline, Embase, Cochrane and citation reviews from 1 January 2000 to 31 December 2018. Risk of bias: Cochrane's tool. Quality of the systematic review (SR): A MeaSurement Tool to Assess systematic Reviews-2. Certainity of the evidence: Grading of Recommendations Assessment, Development and Evaluation. Statistical analyses: frequentist method performed with the 'netmeta' library, R package. Results: 27 randomised controlled trials (RCTs) from the initial 41 307 screened citations were included. Regarding the risk of bias, more than one quarter of the studies presented low risk and no study presented high risk in all domains. The SR quality is moderate. For cure, two networks were constructed. Thus, two Em-ATBs have the HPBB: cetaroline 600 mg (two times a day) and piperacillin 2000 mg (two times a day). For mortality, three networks were constructed. Thus, three Em-ATBs have the HPBB: ceftriaxone 2000 mg (once a day) plus levofloxacin 500 (two times a day), ertapenem 1000 mg (two times a day) and amikacin 250 mg (two times a day) plus clarithromycin 500 mg (two times a day). The certainity of evidence for each results is moderate. Conclusion: For cure rate, ceftaroline and piperaciline are the options with the HPBB. However, for mortality rate, the options are ceftriaxone plus levofloxacin, ertapenem and amikacin plus clarithromycin. It seems necessary to conduct an RCT that compares treatments with the HPBB for each event (cure or mortality) (CRD42017060692)
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