The objective of this work was to develop the multifractal description of soil porosity values (2-D sectional porosities) as a function of depth with data from binarized 2-D images that were obtained from X-ray CT scans of 12 water-saturated 20 cm-long soil columns with diameters of 7.5 cm. A reconstruction algorithm was applied to convert the X-ray CT data into a stack of 1480 grayscale digital images with a voxel resolution of 110 microns and a cross-sectional size of 690x690 pixels. The series corresponding to the percentage of void space of the sectional binarized images were recorded. These series of depth-dependent macroporosity values exhibited a well defined multifractal structure that was represented by the singularity and the Rényi spectra. We also parameterized the memory, or long range dependencies, in these series using the Hurst exponent and the multifractal model