29 research outputs found

    A zoo-led study of the great ape bushmeat commodity chain in Cameroon

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    Current levels of bushmeat hunting in west and central Africa are largely unsustainable, and will lead to the loss of an important natural resource and cause the extinction of threatened species. Worryingly, great apes are hunted for their meat despite being protected across their range. In this paper, we highlight the main actors involved in the trafficking of great ape meat around the Dja Biosphere Reserve (DBR) in Cameroon, and describe the commodity chain associated with the trade. In total, 78 hunters, porters, traders and consumers were interviewed. Hunters, all men, were primarily driven by profit, encouraged by middlemen, though some hunt for their own consumption. However, we identify that great ape hunting is undertaken by specialised hunters along a relatively short supply chain. Gorilla and chimpanzee meat is sold to restaurants and wealthy buyers via few intermediaries. The price of great ape meat varied at different stages of the chain. Middlemen obtained the greatest financial gain, whereas wholesale traders profited least. Movement of ape meat to markets was predominantly by public transport and facilitated by drivers who can pass through checkpoints unnoticed. Based on our study we recommend potential interventions, including support of law enforcement, investments in conservation and development initiatives, and monitoring and research

    European small pelagic fish distribution under global change scenarios

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    The spectre of increasing impacts on exploited fish stocks in consequence of warmer climate conditions has become a major concern over the last decades. It is now imperative to improve the way we project the effects of future climate warming on fisheries. While estimating future climate-induced changes in fish distribution is an important contribution to sustainable resource management, the impacts on European small pelagic fish—representing over 50% of the landings in the Mediterranean and Black Sea between 2000 and 2013—are yet largely understudied. Here, we investigated potential changes in the spatial distribution of seven of the most harvested small pelagic fish species in Europe under several climate change scenarios over the 21st century. For each species, we considered eight Species Distribution Models (SDMs), five General Circulation Models (GCMs) and three emission scenarios (the IPCC Representative Concentration Pathways; RCPs). Under all scenarios, our results revealed that the environmental suitability for most of the seven species may strongly decrease in the Mediterranean and western North Sea while increasing in the Black and Baltic Seas. This potential northward range expansion of species is supported by a strong convergence among projections and a low variability between RCPs. Under the most pessimistic scenario (RCP8.5), climate-related local extinctions were expected in the south-eastern Mediterranean basin. Our results highlight that a multi-SDM, multi-GCM, multi-RCP approach is needed to produce more robust ecological scenarios of changes in exploited fish stocks in order to better anticipate the economic and social consequences of global climate change

    Building adaptive capacity to climate change in tropical coastal communities

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    To minimize the impacts of climate change on human wellbeing, governments, development agencies, and civil society organizations have made substantial investments in improving people's capacity to adapt to change. Yet to date, these investments have tended to focus on a very narrow understanding of adaptive capacity. Here, we propose an approach to build adaptive capacity across five domains: the assets that people can draw upon in times of need; the flexibility to change strategies; the ability to organize and act collectively; learning to recognize and respond to change; and the agency to determine whether to change or not

    Climate change and capture fisheries

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    Fisheries management and governance challenges in a climate change

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