65 research outputs found

    Linguistic Features as Depicted in Tulembang Mantra

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    Tulembang Mantra is the oldest form of literature in South Sulawesi as an aspect of ancient cultures which is still maintained up to the present time and is still used by the traditional community such as farmers. The traditional community of Makassar uses it according to its purpose. Tulembang Mantra is the form of expressions or words believed to be able to provide occult power. The power aims to give strength to human beings in carrying out various activities. The research used the recording, interview and note taking to collect the data. The population consisted of five mantras and three informants. The samples were the same as the population. The data were analyzed using the qualitative descriptive method [3]. The research result indicates that the form is a kind of praises to something occult or something that must be assumed sacred. Tulembang Mantra exerts Basmallah “in the name of Allah” and Assalamu’alaikum “peace be upon you” in general as an opening discourse. The form of discourse is more as monolog and dialog. They are used to talk to the Almighty God and ”paddy ”. As the result, mantra tends to be free in choosing the syllables, lyrics, or rhyme. “This is clear that the mantra contains acknowledgement, hope, self-cleanliness and mind, serenity, and inner satisfaction”.   Keywords: tulembang mantra, features, occult power, textual meaning, sacre

    Efek Shot Peening Terhadap Korosi Retak Tegang (SCC) Baja Karbon Rendah Dalam Lingkungan Air Laut

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    The aim of this study is to investigate the effect of shot peening on stress corrosion cracking of a low carbon steel in ocean water environment. The dimension of specimens were prepared in accordance with the ASTM G39. The hardness testing was carried out using microvickers with 0,25 kgf load in the longitudinal direction. The corrosion cracking test was immersed into artificial sea water for about 7 months. The test shows that the pitting corrosion is dominantly nucleated at the metal film interface. The biggest pitting corrosion was occurred under the static loading of 70 for the specimens unpeened. The presence of pitting corrosion promotes stress corrosion cracking. The cracking has a intergranular branched morphology which is typical for the chloride cracking of low carbon stee

    Analysis of Formant Frequencies of the Correct Pronunciation of Quranic Alphabets Between Kids and Adults

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    It is an obligation for a Muslim to become skilled and proficient in reciting Al-Quran considering that Al-Quran is the fundamental source of revelation from Allah SWT. In Al-Quran, there are 28 alphabets where each of them has their own unique sound. The Quranic alphabets produce sound that are characterized from their point of articulation (Makhraj) and their characteristics (Sifaat). Knowing the correct way of pronunciation through engineering perspective may help Muslim in learning Al-Quran, in the sense that the signal of the experts can be used in Quranic teaching and learning as a reference model. Since both adults and children possess different vocal tract, therefore there will be different outcomes of the pronunciation between both experts. The features identification of the pronunciation of both experts is needed to represent the actual and correct pronunciation that will be used as a reference for Quranic teaching and learning at later. In this paper, the focus was on the identification and analysis of the correct pronunciation of the Quranic alphabets on the data obtained from adults and children experts. The first and second formant frequencies (F1 and F2) were used as the features where they were used to represent the pronunciation of each alphabet for both adults and children category. The speech analysis software PRAAT was used to accomplish the pre-processing of the data using Spectral Subtraction technique and also used to measure the F1 and F2 values. Linear Discriminant Analysis (LDA) was used for classification of the signals and results shows that some of the alphabets can be identified uniquely using F1 and F2 features of the two categories

    Neuroimaging Evidence of Major Morpho-Anatomical and Functional Abnormalities in the BTBR T+TF/J Mouse Model of Autism

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    BTBR T+tf/J (BTBR) mice display prominent behavioural deficits analogous to the defining symptoms of autism, a feature that has prompted a widespread use of the model in preclinical autism research. Because neuro-behavioural traits are described with respect to reference populations, multiple investigators have examined and described the behaviour of BTBR mice against that exhibited by C57BL/6J (B6), a mouse line characterised by high sociability and low self-grooming. In an attempt to probe the translational relevance of this comparison for autism research, we used Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) to map in both strain multiple morpho-anatomical and functional neuroimaging readouts that have been extensively used in patient populations. Diffusion tensor tractography confirmed previous reports of callosal agenesis and lack of hippocampal commissure in BTBR mice, and revealed a concomitant rostro-caudal reorganisation of major cortical white matter bundles. Intact inter-hemispheric tracts were found in the anterior commissure, ventro-medial thalamus, and in a strain-specific white matter formation located above the third ventricle. BTBR also exhibited decreased fronto-cortical, occipital and thalamic gray matter volume and widespread reductions in cortical thickness with respect to control B6 mice. Foci of increased gray matter volume and thickness were observed in the medial prefrontal and insular cortex. Mapping of resting-state brain activity using cerebral blood volume weighted fMRI revealed reduced cortico-thalamic function together with foci of increased activity in the hypothalamus and dorsal hippocampus of BTBR mice. Collectively, our results show pronounced functional and structural abnormalities in the brain of BTBR mice with respect to control B6 mice. The large and widespread white and gray matter abnormalities observed do not appear to be representative of the neuroanatomical alterations typically observed in autistic patients. The presence of reduced fronto-cortical metabolism is of potential translational relevance, as this feature recapitulates previously-reported clinical observations

    Nitrogen and sulphur management: challenges for organic sources in temperate agricultural systems

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    A current global trend towards intensification or specialization of agricultural enterprises has been accompanied by increasing public awareness of associated environmental consequences. Air and water pollution from losses of nutrients, such as nitrogen (N) and sulphur (S), are a major concern. Governments have initiated extensive regulatory frameworks, including various land use policies, in an attempt to control or reduce the losses. This paper presents an overview of critical input and loss processes affecting N and S for temperate climates, and provides some background to the discussion in subsequent papers evaluating specific farming systems. Management effects on potential gaseous and leaching losses, the lack of synchrony between supply of nutrients and plant demand, and options for optimizing the efficiency of N and S use are reviewed. Integration of inorganic and organic fertilizer inputs and the equitable re-distribution of nutrients from manure are discussed. The paper concludes by highlighting a need for innovative research that is also targeted to practical approaches for reducing N and S losses, and improving the overall synchrony between supply and demand

    Selective formation of tungsten nanowires

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    We report on a process for fabricating self-aligned tungsten (W) nanowires with polycrystalline silicon core. Tungsten nanowires as thin as 10 nm were formed by utilizing polysilicon sidewall transfer technology followed by selective deposition of tungsten by chemical vapor deposition (CVD) using WF6 as the precursor. With selective CVD, the process is self-limiting whereby the tungsten formation is confined to the polysilicon regions; hence, the nanowires are formed without the need for lithography or for additional processing. The fabricated tungsten nanowires were observed to be perfectly aligned, showing 100% selectivity to polysilicon and can be made to be electrically isolated from one another. The electrical conductivity of the nanowires was characterized to determine the effect of its physical dimensions. The conductivity for the tungsten nanowires were found to be 40% higher when compared to doped polysilicon nanowires of similar dimensions

    Quantitative proteomics analysis reveals important roles of N-glycosylation on ER quality control system for development and pathogenesis in Magnaporthe oryzae

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    The fungal pathogen Magnaporthe oryzae can cause rice blast and wheat blast diseases, which threatens worldwide food production. During infection, M. oryzae follows a sequence of distinct developmental stages adapted to survival and invasion of the host environment. M. oryzae attaches onto the host by the conidium, and then develops an appressorium to breach the host cuticle. After penetrating, it forms invasive hyphae to quickly spread in the host cells. Numerous genetic studies have focused on the mechanisms underlying each step in the infection process, but systemic approaches are needed for a broader, integrated understanding of regulatory events during M. oryzae pathogenesis. Many infection-related signaling events are regulated through post-translational protein modifications within the pathogen. N-linked glycosylation, in which a glycan moiety is added to the amide group of an asparagine residue, is an abundant modification known to be essential for M. oryzae infection. In this study, we employed a quantitative proteomics analysis to unravel the overall regulatory mechanisms of N-glycosylation at different developmental stages of M. oryzae. We detected changes in N-glycosylation levels at 559 glycosylated residues (N-glycosites) in 355 proteins during different stages, and determined that the ER quality control system is elaborately regulated by N-glycosylation. The insights gained will help us to better understand the regulatory mechanisms of infection in pathogenic fungi. These findings may be also important for developing novel strategies for fungal disease control. Genetic studies have shown essential functions of N-glycosylation during infection of the plant pathogenic fungi, however, systematic roles of N-glycosylation in fungi is still largely unknown. Biological analysis demonstrated N-glycosylated proteins were widely present at different development stages of Magnaporthe oryzae and especially increased in the appressorium and invasive hyphae. A large-scale quantitative proteomics analysis was then performed to explore the roles of N-glycosylation in M. oryzae. A total of 559 N-glycosites from 355 proteins were identified and quantified at different developmental stages. Functional classification to the N-glycosylated proteins revealed N-glycosylation can coordinate different cellular processes for mycelial growth, conidium formation, and appressorium formation. N-glycosylation can also modify key components in N-glycosylation, O-glycosylation and GPI anchor pathways, indicating intimate crosstalk between these pathways. Interestingly, we found nearly all key components of the endoplasmic reticulum quality control (ERQC) system were highly N-glycosylated in conidium and appressorium. Phenotypic analyses to the gene deletion mutants revealed four ERQC components, Gls1, Gls2, GTB1 and Cnx1, are important for mycelial growth, conidiation, and invasive hyphal growth in host cells. Subsequently, we identified the Gls1 N-glycosite N497 was important for invasive hyphal growth and partially required for conidiation, but didn't affect colony growth. Mutation of N497 resulted in reduction of Gls1 in protein level, and localization from ER into the vacuole, suggesting N497 is important for protein stability of Gls1. Our study showed a snapshot of the N-glycosylation landscape in plant pathogenic fungi, indicating functions of this modification in cellular processes, developments and pathogenesis

    Resposta da produtividade de grãos e outras características agronômicas do trigo EMBRAPA-22 irrigado ao nitrogênio em cobertura

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    As doses e a época de aplicação do nitrogênio (N) podem influenciar as características agronômicas do trigo (Triticum aestivum L.) irrigado e, conseqüentemente, a produtividade de grãos. Neste sentido, foram instalados dois experimentos na Estação Experimental da Universidade Federal de Viçosa, localizada em Coimbra (MG), em 1995 e 1996. Os tratamentos foram constituídos pela combinação de quatro doses de N (30, 60, 90 e 120 kg ha-1), quatro formas de parcelamento (dose total aos 20 dias da emergência (DAE); ½ aos 20 + ½ aos 40 DAE; 1/3 aos 20 + 2/3 aos 40 DAE e 2/3 aos 20 + 1/3 aos 40 DAE) e uma testemunha (sem N em cobertura), dispostos em esquema fatorial 4 x 4 + 1, no delineamento em blocos casualizados com quatro repetições. A altura e o acamamento das plantas, a biomassa seca, o índice de colheita, a massa de mil grãos, o peso hectolítrico e a produtividade de grãos foram influenciados pelas doses de N. Em 1996, o número de espigas por metro quadrado e o número de perfilhos férteis por planta diminuíram, em conseqüência do acamamento precoce das plantas, enquanto o número de grãos por espiga e o número de grãos por metro quadrado aumentaram com o incremento nas doses de N. As formas de parcelamento influenciaram somente o acamamento das plantas

    Tpc1 is an important Zn(II)(2)Cys(6) transcriptional regulator required for polarized growth and virulence in the rice blast fungus

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    The establishment of polarity is a critical process in pathogenic fungi, mediating infection-related morphogenesis and host tissue invasion. Here, we report the identification of TPC1 (Transcription factor for Polarity Control 1), which regulates invasive polarized growth in the rice blast fungus Magnaporthe oryzae. TPC1 encodes a putative transcription factor of the fungal Zn(II)(2)Cys(6) family, exclusive to filamentous fungi. Tpc1-deficient mutants show severe defects in conidiogenesis, infection-associated autophagy, glycogen and lipid metabolism, and plant tissue colonisation. By tracking actin-binding proteins, septin-5 and autophagosome components, we show that Tpc1 regulates cytoskeletal dynamics and infection-associated autophagy during appressorium-mediated plant penetration. We found that Tpc1 interacts with Mst12 and modulates its DNA-binding activity, while Tpc1 nuclear localisation also depends on the MAP kinase Pmk1, consistent with the involvement of Tpc1 in this signalling pathway, which is critical for appressorium development. Importantly, Tpc1 directly regulates NOXD expression, the p22(phox) subunit of the fungal NADPH oxidase complex via an interaction with Mst12. Tpc1 therefore controls spatial and temporal regulation of cortical F-actin through regulation of the NADPH oxidase complex during appressorium re-polarisation. Consequently, Tpc1 is a core developmental regulator in filamentous fungi, linking the regulated synthesis of reactive oxygen species and the Pmk1 pathway, with polarity control during host invasion