455 research outputs found


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    This research study of facilities and infrastructure supporting gender equality at health institutions aims to see the extent of the availability of facilities and infrastructure to support health institution services, especially hospitals in the city of Jambi and how hospital policies regarding the implementation of government policies relating to gender equality. This research uses a combined research method (Mixed Method Research) with a sequential Explanatory type strategy, with a quantitative data collection design followed by qualitative data. The population in this study is a hospital in the city of Jambi with a sample of 3 hospitals with state hospitals taken by purposive sampling technique. Data collection techniques using observation techniques, questionnaires, interviews and documentation and data validation with triangulation techniques. The data analysis technique used in this study used a mixed method technique. Quantitative data analysis uses a percentage and Likert scale followed by qualitative analysis. This study found that hospitals in the city of Jambi have sufficient status to meet hospital standards with facilities and infrastructure supporting gender equality with a percentage value of 48.73% of the 13 parameters of the facilities and infrastructure studied. These results indicate that the implementation of government policies in supporting gender equality has not yet been realized

    Eksplorasi kesulitan belajar siswa kelas vii pada pokok bahasan suhu dan kalor melalui model pembelajaran inquiry training ditinjau dari keterampilan proses sains dan fase inquiry training di SMP Muhammadiyah Palangka Raya

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk 1) mengetahui pengelolaan pembelajaran. 2) mengetahui aktivitas siswa. 3) mengkaji keterampilan proses sains dan 4) mengeksplorasi kesulitan belajar siswa kelas VII pada pokok bahasan suhu dan kalor melalui model pembelajaran inquiry training di SMP Muhammadiyah Palangka raya. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif. Instrumen yang digunakan adalah tes keterampilan proses sains, lembar pengelolaan pembelajaran, lembar pengamatan aktivitas siswa, angket dan instrument wawancara. Adapun pengambilan sampel menggunakan purposive sampling, sampel yang dipilih yaitu kelas VII-B Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di SMP Muhammadiyah Palangka Raya pada bulan September sampai dengan November 2017. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: 1) Pengelolaan pembelajaran berdasarkan hasil analisis data memperoleh kategori cukup baik dengan nilai rata-rata tiap pertemuan 3,05. 2) Penilaian aktivitas siswa berdasarkan hasil analisis data ketika mengikuti proses pembelajaran siswa terlibat aktif sehingga dalam penilaian aktifitas yang dilakukan oleh tiga orang pengamat memperoleh kategori baik dari rata-rata nilai 78,4. 3) Keterampilan proses sains siswa berdasarkan analisis hasil pre-test dan post-test mengalami peningkatan yang cukup tinggi. Indikator pengamatan dari 37,0 menjadi 83,2, indikator pengklasifikasian 34,5 menjadi 75,7 indikator pengkomunikasian dari 31,0 menjadi 49,2 selanjutnya pada indikator pengukuran dari 15,0 menjadi 66,0 indikator peramalan 17,0 menjadi 61,4 dan pada indikator pengkomunikasian dari 16,0 menjadi 60,0. 4) Kesulitan belajar siswa yang tertinggi ditinjau dari keterampilan proses sains terletak pada indikator pengkomunikasian yaitu 50,8%. Kesulitan tertinggi yang dialami siswa yang ditinjau berdasarkan fase inquiry training terletak pada fase keempat yaitu mengolah data suatu informasi dengan presentase 54%. ABSTRACT This study was aimed to 1) to know the learning management; 2) to know the students’ activities; 3) to investigate the skill of science process; and 4) to explore the learning difficulties of temperature and heat as main subject through inquiry training model of the seventh grade students at SMP Muhammadiyah Palangka Raya. The study was designed in qualitative data. The test of science process skill, learning management sheet, observation checklist of students’ activity, questionnaire, and interview were used as the instrument of data collection. The sampling technique was purposive sampling-that was, VII-B grade. The study was conducted on September until November 2017. The result findings showed that: 1) Based on the result of data analysis, the learning model was fare with the average at 3,05 for each meeting; 2) The students’ activities assessment based on the result of data analysis when they joined the process of learning enthusiastically so that the category was in good of score average at 78,4 that observed by three observers; 3) the skill of science process based on pretest and posttest result had increased significantly. The observation indicator from 37, 0 became 83, 2 classification indicator from 34, 5 became 75,7 communication indicator from 31,0 became 49,2. Measure ment indicator from 15,0 became 66,0 forecasting indicator from 17,0 became 61,4 and communication indicator from 16,0 became 60,0; 4) students learning difficulties based on the skill of science process that located at communication indicator at 50%. The highest difficulties of students was investigated from inquiry training phase in which the fourth phase that was about data processing of information at 54%

    The Relationship Between Budget Participation, Organizational Commitment, The Use of Management Accounting System, The Use of Performance Measures Information, and Managerial Performance in Malaysian Local Authorities

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    This study examined the relationship between budget participation and managerial performance in Malaysian local authorities. In particular, it aims to identify the mediating effects of organizational commitment, the use of management accounting system (MAS), and the use of performance measures information. A total of 131 heads of department in Malaysian local authorities participated in the survey. A structural equation modeling was utilised to examine the direct and indirect effects of budget participation on managerial performance through path analysis. The findings from the research revealed that budget participation influences managerial performance via the mediating variables of organizational commitment, the use of MAS, and the use of performance measures information. Several limitations may be noted in this study. First, the research survey was conducted only in local authorities. Thus, the results may not be generalized to other public organizations. Secondly, this study only involved organizational commitment, the use of MAS, and the use of performance measures information to explain the relationship of budget participation on managerial performance. Thirdly, the use of respondents’ perceptions to measure the constructs is subject to the respondent bias. The theoretical contribution of this study is to extend earlier literature by addressing the relationship in which, budget participation, organization commitment, the use of MAS, and the use of the performance measures information can be interrelated in providing explanations of managerial performance. The practical contribution for this study is that its findings can have practical relevance in the current management setting in Malaysian government organization. The results from the present study also provide insights on the roles of budget participation as management mechanism by local authorities’ managers in evaluating their performance

    The law administrict in Penang / Badariah Khalid

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    The Yang Di Pertuan Agong may appoint a Commissioner of Land Titles and one or more Deputy ecmmieaioners of Land titles. The Commissioner the general directions and control of all officers. Every officers appointed is deemed to be a public servant

    Analisis Sistem Pengurusan Belanjawan Dalam Konteks Sistem Belanjawan Diubahsuai Kajian Kes : Di Kementerian Perdagangan Perdagangan Antarabangsa Dan Industri (MITI)

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    This study focuses on the financial management system of Malaysian government in the context of operational expenditure. In practice, this system is managed by the Treasury Department, which is under the Ministry of Finance. The Treasury is responsible in managing the governmental expenditure and distribution of governmental wealth in completing project or any governmental projects. The Treasury also prepare for the Malaysian Annual Budget. The proposed and approved budget expenditure is for the use of all governmental departments, ministries, agencies to cany out the governmental projects efficiently and effectively. However, the approved budget is only limited to a certain phase of target expenditure. This is the criterion of Modified Budget System (MBS). There is four main criteria in MBS namely confirmed target expenditure, agreement report programme, exception report programme for those agencies that do not comply the mutual needs and evaluation report programme that decides on whether the objectives of the programmes are fullfilled in identifying problems and constraints towards the original goals. Hence, a study has been done at the Ministry of International Trade Industry (MITI), Its main objective is to identify how the management system of Malaysian government have been carried out using the concept of MBS. The scopes are based on the four main criteria in MBS. The methodology of this study is both quantitative and qualitative methods. In addition, this study also uses a content analysis and unstructured interviews to gain relevant data and information needed for this study. The findings show that the performance of MBS at the MITI is on the trial phase. There are ample spaces for improvement. MITI was carry out four main programmes namely support service, policy and research, developmental trade and industry programmes. Therefore, MITI needs a big budget to carry out these programmes. Until 1997, MITI has been asking for additional grant. In addition, the MITI evaluation plan programme shows lack in efficiency and effectiveness of the carried out programmes. Hence, the MBS committee at MITI should monitor and resolve these problems in order to achieve MITI planned goals

    The role of television in fostering national unity amongst multiethnic society of Malaysia (1963 - 1998) / Badariah Zakaria

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    Unity – national unity to be precise – is always in the mind of the nation since the dawn of Merdeka when Malaysia (formerly Malaya) gained her independence from the British in 1957. The newly born nation inherited a mélange of various races, religions, cultures and ethnic backgrounds - predominantly Malays, Chinese and Indians; and a wide ethnic diversity from Sabah and Sarawak such as Kadazan, Iban, Bidayuh, Dayak, Melanau and Bajau. From that moment on, the entire diverse communities are expected to understand, accept, appreciate, respect, and enjoy each other’s culture and existence; as a result of which there is a desired state of ‘oneness’ – unity in diversity. This study explores the role of televisions, both public (first launched in 1963) and private (first launched in 1984) in fostering the spirit of national unity amongst the multifarious society in the critical period from 1963 to 1998 – a long span of 35 years – uncovering a rich historical tapestry of the broadcasting era

    The role of television in fostering national unity amongst multiethnic society of Malaysia (1963 - 1998) / Badariah Zakaria

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    Unity - national unity to be precise - is always in the mind of the nation since the dawn of Merdeka when Malaysia (formerly Malaya) gained her independence from the British in 1957. The newly bom nation inherited a melange of various races, religions, cultures and ethnic backgrounds - predominantly Malays, Chinese and Indians; and a wide ethnic diversity from Sabah and Sarawak such as Kadazan, Iban, Bidayuh, Dayak, Melanau and Bajau. From that moment on, the entire diverse communities are expected to understand, accept, appreciate, respect, and enjoy each other’s culture and existence; as a result of which there is a desired state of ‘oneness’ - unity in diversity. This study explores the role of televisions, both public (first launched in 1963) and private (first launched in 1984) in fostering the spirit of national unity amongst the multifarious society in the critical period from 1963 to 1998 - a long span of 35 years - uncovering a rich historical tapestry of the broadcasting era. Through in-depth interviews, the researcher solicits the expert testimonies from seventeen (17) informants, who are highly experienced senior officials from the broadcasting industry (retired or still in service), based on a set of four (4) research questions in terms of: i) ownership, policies and regulations, ii) programming strategies, iii) socialisation and social networking, and iv) language utilisation. The data gathered from the informants were, in turn, examined and analysed by using constant comparative method of data analysis and peer validation. The data were then validated by applying the theoretical sampling process to arrive at the findings in the form of themes that really shape the answers to the research questions. The researcher is mindful and ensures the validity (both internal and external) and reliability of the findings by following the basic rules in qualitative research. Finally, the study reveals that indeed televisions have succeeded in contributing to these positive findings (i.e. fostering national unity) by observing the guidelines of the Federal Constitution and Broadcasting Act, adhering to the sets of government policies and regulations, guided by Broadcasting Code of Ethics, relying on the elements of Rukunegara and promoting the spirit of Muhibbah, to cite a few. The findings, judging by the number and variety of themes that have emerged; clearly infer that televisions (both public and private) have taken sustained serious efforts in fostering the spirit of national unity amongst the multi-ethnic society in the period of study from 1963 to 1998. The informants further opine that though television audience is inevitably segmented by the arrival of the private television (starting with TV3 in 1984 after a long broadcasting monopoly by RTM from 1963 to 1983), the degree of national unity remains ‘fairly strong’. The study is guided by two relevant theories, namely: a) Media Development Theory, and b) Agenda Setting Theory. At the conclusion of the study, the theories themselves are in turn further refined by ‘theoretical contributions’ and the research enriched with ‘practical contributions’


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    Tujuan dari penelitian ini yaitu untuk mengetahui jenis tumbuhan rotan serta potensi pemanfaatan Jenis Rotan yang terdapat di kawasan hutan Desa baru kecamatan Mestong kabupaten Muaro Jambi. penelitian ini dilakukan pada bulan Maret-Mei 2020. Pengumpulan data yang dilakukan yaitu metode kualitatif deskriptif. Instrumen pengumpulan data yaitu observasi, dokumentasi wawancara serta herbarium tumbuhan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan adanya 5 spesies rotan yaitu rotan manau (Calamus manan M.), rotan sega (Calamus caesius B.), rotan semut (Korthalsia echinometra B.), rotan tunggal (Calamus laevigatus M. ), rotan cacing(Calamus heteroideus B.) yang terdiri dari 2 genus yaitu Calamus dan Korthalsia yang dimanfaatkan untuk pembuatan anyaman. Produk kerajinan yang dihasilkan adalah Kursi, ayunan bayi, keranjang buah/sayuran, keranjang hantaran/parsel, gebuk kasur dan timbangan buah sawit. Pemanfaatan rotan oleh sebagian masyarakat sebagai produk kerajinan tangan dapat meningkatkan pendapatan bagi masyarakat


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    People still queue crammed when they get health services. Queues are generally carried out by cramming and mixing between male and female. This phenomenon has a very unfavorable impact for women. For this reason, policy makers must pay more attention to facilities and infrastructure to support gender equality. This study aims to see the extent to which the availability of facilities and infrastructure to support health institution services, especially hospitals in Jambi and how hospital policies regarding the implementation of government policies are related to gender equality. This study used a combination research method (mixed method research) with a sequential type explanatory strategy. Data collection techniques using quantitative techniques followed by qualitative techniques. The sample in this study were three government hospitals in Jambi. The sample was taken by using purposive sampling technique. The data collection instruments used observation,questionnaires, interviews and documentation. The data validation was done by using triangulation technique. The data analysis technique uses a mixed method technique. Quantitative data analysis using a percentage and a scale of 100 followed by qualitative analysis. This study found that hospitals in Jambi have sufficient status to meet the standards of supporting gender equality. The percentage value amounted to 48.73% of the 13 parameters of the facilities and infrastructure studied. These results indicate that the implementation of government policies in support of gender equality has not been fully realized and requires monitoring from the government. Keywords: Health institution; gender equality; hospitals; facilities and infrastructur

    The relationship between workload, supervisory coaching, work engagement and job satisfaction among nurses at Sultanah Bahiyah Hospital

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    The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between workload, supervisory coaching, work engagement and job satisfaction among nurses. Ninety six participants were randomly selected among nurses from Sultanah Bahiyah Hospital, Alor Setar, Kedah. A cross-sectional survey technique was employed in this study. Instrument for measuring job satisfaction was utilised from Weiss, Dawis, England, and Lofquist (1967) while instruments for measuring workload was developed by Houston, Meyer & Paewai (2006), the supervisory coaching was developed by Karasek (1985) and the work engagement instrument was developed by Schaufeli & Baker (2003). Data collected was analysed descriptively and inferentially through the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS). Findings of this study suggested that there were significant relationship between supervisory coaching and work engagement with job satisfaction. However, no significant relationship was found between work load and job satisfaction among nurses in Sultanah Bahiyah Hospital, Alor Setar, Kedah. The findings of this study may provide guidelines for organizations such as hospitals and health centres to understand employees’ job satisfactio
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