Kafa`ah: Journal of Gender Studies
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    Despite its low current level, the number of women employed in the public sector continues to increase annually. However, the positive advancement of women's roles in Indonesia's public sector still encounters numerous challenges. Cultural barriers, social norms, religious perspectives, and non-gender-responsive policies are among the factors hindering women's participation in the public sphere. Thus, this study aims to analyze the perceptions of female alumni from IAIN Samarinda regarding the status of women working in the public sphere, examine the factors that encourage and impede female alumni from IAIN Samarinda to pursue careers in public spaces. This study is qualitative research employing a phenomenological approach involving 101 informants who are alumni of STAIN/IAIN Samarinda. Data collection was conducted through questionnaires, interviews, and documentation. Findings were categorized according to themes and key codes that emerged during the data analysis process. The study findings demonstrate that employment opportunities have opened up for female alumni from STAIN/IAIN Samarinda. The majority of alumni secure employment for a period of 6-12 months, and most respondents believe that women have equal opportunities as men to work in public spaces. Factors supporting female alumni from STAIN/IAIN Samarinda in pursuing careers in the public sector include spousal permission for married individuals and familial consent for unmarried individuals. Moreover, economic motives, self-actualization, and social responsibility are additional factors driving women to work in public spaces. Conversely, factors impeding female alumni from STAIN/IAIN Samarinda in working within public spaces encompass religious interpretations, the belief that wives should remain at home, and the perception of domestic duties assigned to women


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    There are women who work as farmers in Nagari Pandai Sikek District X Koto Tanah Datar. So it was found that there was a disequilibrium in the role of women farmers. This study aims to see how the form of disequilibrium that occurs in the role of women farmers. The type of research used is descriptive qualitative research method using interview, observation and documentation data collection techniques. Interviews were conducted with women farmers, daughters of farmers, husbands of women farmers and head of farmer groups. The results showed that women who work as farmers are caused by several factors, namely economic factors, education of women farmers and land factors that support agriculture. The cause of disequilibrium is the division of labor that is still entrenched in society. There are two forms of disequilibrium in the role of women farmers. First, there are dual roles of women farmers, such as women as mothers, women as wives, women taking care of children and husbands, women educating children and women playing a role in supporting the family economy. Second, the occurrence of role conflict, the form of role conflict is the problem of child care, homework help, communication and interaction with family, time to be with family, setting priorities and work pressure.This research needs to be done in order to be able to see whaat forms will occur if woman experience disequilibrium in their roles


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    The increasing number of women who enter the world of politics in Indonesia is the background for the development of publications that review this matter. This phenomenon inspires other women to be confident in actualizing themselves in public. The purpose of this study is to determine the development of research topics per year and a map of research on political women in Indonesia. The research methodology used in this research is bibliometric analysis with VOSviewer. Data is taken from Harzing's Publish or Perish for 2019–2021. The results of this study indicate that the development of research on the topic of political women in Indonesia has decreased every year, one of the factors being triggered by limited activities outside the home during the pandemic. Meanwhile, the research map on the topic of political women in Indonesia in the last three years gives a sign of the development of a democratic climate in Indonesia. This is indicated by the active participation of women in the political sphere. Women have the opportunity to express their opinions, fight for the aspirations of their constituents, and have the same rights to maintain the stability of democracy in Indonesia.Meningkatnya jumlah perempuan yang terjun ke dunia politik di Indonesia melatarbelakangi berkembangnya publikasi yang mengulas mengenai hal tersebut. Fenomena ini menjadikan inspirasi bagi perempuan yang lain untuk percaya diri mengaktualisasikan diri di hadapan umum. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui perkembangan topik penelitian per tahun dan peta penelitian mengenai perempuan politik di Indonesia. Metodologi penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian yakni analisis bibliometrik dengan VOSviewer. Data diambil dari Publish or Perish selama tahun 2019-2021. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan perkembangan penelitian mengenai topik perempuan politik di Indonesia mengalami penurunan di setiap tahunnya yang salah satu faktornya dipicu terbatasnya aktivitas di luar rumah selama pandemi. Sedangkan peta penelitian dengan topik perempuan politik di Indonesia tiga tahun terakhir memberikan tanda berkembangnya iklim demokrasi di Indonesia. Hal ini ditandai dengan partisipasi aktif para perempuan di ranah politik. Para perempuan berkesempatan untuk mengeluarkan pendapat, memperjuangkan aspirasi konstituen, dan mempunyai hak yang sama untuk menjaga kestabilan demokrasi di Tanah Air Indonesia


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    During the pandemic period, access to radio media is a good choice. By accessing various broadcast programs on the radio, radio listeners can use the health procedure by keeping a distance and avoiding crowds with many numbers of people. Through radio broadcasts, information and entertainment can be obtained through broadcast or advertising programs. The process of gender socialization can be carried out through advertisements on the radio for listeners, which can also affect the listener's environment. There are a number of examples of advertisements that do not support gender equality. Efforts to find examples of advertisements that support gender equality formulate the problem in this study. The research was carried out on Radio Swaranusa Bahagia and Radio Bahana Sangkakala in Jayapura City. There are eleven advertisements highlighted as sources of information besides literary techniques and observations. There are a number of advertisements supporting gender equality. Among them are equal access and opportunity to buy computers, computer credit, worship, get information, and care for health related to the prevention of COVID-19. It is hoped that by knowing this advertisement that supports gender equality, listeners can understand gender equality and apply it appropriately to their family, social, and work environments. By producing the results of research on radio advertisements that support gender equality, further research can be developed in the future. Future research related to radio advertising that supports gender equality can also be carried out on television and print media in Jayapura City, Papua Province.Pada masa pandemi akses pada media radio menjadi pilihan yang tepat. Dengan mengakses berbagai program siaran pada radio, dapat dilakukan protokol kesehatan melalui menjaga jarak dan menghindari kerumunan dengan banyak orang. Melalui siaran radio dapat didapatkan informasi dan hiburan melalui program siaran ataupun iklan. Proses sosialisasi gender dapat dilakukan melalui iklan pada radio kepada para pendengarnya yang juga dapat mempengaruhi lingkungan terdekat pendengar tersebut. Terdapat sejumlah contoh iklan-iklan yang tidak mendukung kesetaraan gender. Upaya untuk mengetahui contoh iklan yang mendukung kesetaraan gender yang menjadi rumusan masalah dalam penelitian ini. Lokasi penelitian dilakukan pada Radio Swarannusa Bahagia dan Radio Bahana Sangkakala di Kota Jayapura. Terdapat sebelas iklan yang disoroti sebagai sumber informasi selain teknik literatur dan observasi. Terdapat sejumlah iklan yang mendukung kesetaraan gender. Diantaranya adalah kesamaan akses dan kesempatan dalam membeli komputer, kredit komputer, beribadah, mendapatkan informasi dan peduli kesehatan terkait pencegahan Covid-19. Diharapkan dengan mengetahui iklan yang mendukung kesetaraan gender ini para pendengar dapat memahami kesetaraan gender dan menerapkan secara tepat pada lingkungan keluarga, pergaulan dan pekerjaannya. Dengan dihasilkannya hasil penelitian mengenai iklan di radio yang mendukung kesetaraan gender maka dapat dikembangkan penelitian lanjutan pada waktu mendatang. Penelitian mendatang terkait iklan di radio yang mendukung kesetaraan gender tersebut dapat dilakukan juga pada media televisi dan cetak di Kota Jayapura Provinsi Papu


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    Taboo (Pantangan) is part of the oral tradition Konjo language user community in Bulukumba. The local community still adheres to this tradition. The objectives of this research are to: 1) examine the meaning of the oral tradition of abstinence in the community of Bulukumba Regency, and 2) describe the position of women in the Abstinence tradition in the community of Bulukumba Regency in a gender perspective. Qualitative research involving data gathering techniques such as observation and interviews was used in this study. Transcribing the recorded interview data into written form, classifying data/speech based on the form of oral tradition, translating the speech data into Indonesian; examining the meaning of taboo using anthropolinguistic theory, analyzing based on gender theory and drawing conclusions were all used to analyze the data. The results showed that 1) in textual and contextually taboos in the Konjo language user society in Bulukumba mean a form of avoiding disaster (a form of protection), moral and behavioral protection and maintenance of self-identity and symbols of affection. 2) The position of women in the Bulukumba Regency's abstinence tradition is examined from a gender perspective.  Women were in a marginalized position. In the Konjo language-speaking society of Bulukumba, there were certain fundamental disparities between men and women's abstinence.  Women were always analogized as weak objects, easy to do wrong things, so they needed to be regulated by "taboo”


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    In many parts of the world, early marriage is a persisting problem. The number of early marriage in Indonesia increases every year and, if the condition persists, will pose a serious risk for the young brides both physically and mentally. Psychologically, young brides experience burdens and pressures from internal and external sources hence they need tough personality (hardiness) along with the awareness of developing emotional intelligence to overcome this stressful situation. This study aims to determine the relationship between emotional intelligence and hardiness in young brides, with the use of correlational quantitative method. The study involves 34 young brides as subjects, gathered through purposive sampling technique. The research makes use of two scales, namely emotional intelligence scale and hardiness scale. The test results show that there is a significant positive relationship between emotional intelligence and hardiness. This indicates that well-formed emotional intelligence enables young brides to toughly and strongly cope with their marriage life


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    This research aims to explore the life shifting phenomena of Sakai women in the modernity era. The research based on the phenomenon of Sakai women living in off the beaten track of rural areas in which communication with outsider is extremely limited. Living with traditional patterns that handed down from generation to generation, their social shift occurs very slowly. Up to this moment, they are still at a marginal level; where the level of education, public social participation, and economic level is considered  low still.. This study was carried out using phenomenological qualitative methods by looking at and exploring phenomena into structured concepts so that they were easy to understand. The study involved 10 key informants, six women including  the village  head and  four men. The research findings explain that the cultural shift towards change in the Sakai women more created through the assimilation between ethnic groups. It leads to cultural interaction which is built positively, the coercion of situations that force to stay settled, living side by side with the outside of Sakai community, exposure to the social environment and TV media have change their life style.


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    The marriage agreement is a tradition or custom of the ancestral Dayak tribe in marriage which until now has been maintained and preserved. If one of the parties has behavior that can damage household harmony and violates the agreement, the agreed sanctions will be imposed. With this marriage agreement, it will become a buffer for domestic life, especially to act arbitrarily for men. The urgency of a tradition and how the context of this marriage agreement as gender justice in husband-wife relations is interesting to study. This study focuses on analyzing the customary marriage agreement of the Dayak tribe from the perspective of Asy-Syāțibi. Furthermore, this customary agreement is reviewed on the concept of gender justice through the Qirā’ah Mubādalah approach. The data collected is qualitative with the type of library research. Viewed from the perspective of ash-Syatibi customs, the customary marriage agreement is included in al-’Aw āid al-Jāriyah baina an-nās, namely the habits that apply in the community that gets legitimacy from the syāri’ as long as it is not out of the teachings of Islam, namely the creation of benefit. In terms of gender justice, marriage agreements can accommodate the equality of rights and obligations of husband and wife, especially women's rights which are often negated by the arbitrariness of men in controlling them. All actions that can make the household far from happiness, extinguish the feeling of love and affection can be avoided by the existence of an agreement


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    This paper discusses the practice of sexual violence perpetrated by religious leaders (kyai) against female students in Islamic boarding schools. Using the literature review research method, the researcher dissects the pattern that is often used by kyai in committing sexual violence, how it impacts, and how preventive measures can be taken. The results of this study show that there are two general patterns used by kyai as a tool to commit sexual violence in Islamic boarding schools. The first is the existence of a patriarchal culture that is eternal and has been institutionalized in the pesantren environment. Second, there is an unequal power relationship between the kyai and the santri. The impact experienced is to suffer physically, psychologically, theologically, and sociologically. Therefore, a gender mainstreaming program is needed to create a gender-sensitive and responsive pesantren through sexual education that is integrated into the pesantren curriculum which emphasizes awareness of gender issues and increases awareness for students as a preventive measure against sexual violence in pesantren


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    Gender inequality occurs in the form of marginalization, subordination, stereotype, violence, and double burden happened in every social institution, one of which is the DEMA Faculty at IAIN Bukittinggi. The difference in gender roles between male students and female students in various Faculty DEMA activities in the IAIN Bukittinggi environment causes inequality in gender relations, due to the limited space owned by female students. Meanwhile, the sexist division of labor is based on gender, where male students play a role in broader activities, and female students are only tasked with taking care of correspondence and finances within the organization. The research method used is descriptive qualitative with data collection techniques, interviews, and documentation, the analysis used is Miles and Huberman data analysis techniques. For the data obtained to be accurate, data validity techniques were carried out by extending observations, increasing persistence, and triangulation. The results of the study can be described that the conditions that occur in the Faculty DEMA in the IAIN Bukittinggi environment place male students as superiority and female students as inferiority so that it is very detrimental to the position of female students in the policymaking process at the Faculty DEMA in the IAIN Bukittinggi environment. Which results in inequality in gender relations, because of the understanding that men must be in the top position in policymaking. The form of inequality in gender relations that occurs in DEMA Faculties in the IAIN Bukittinggi environment, such as marginalization, stereotypes, and subordination. Strongly rooted in a patriarchal culture that always puts men as the central figure in gender relations, so that female students are always the second class and get less professional treatment in organizational reality and the weak pattern of gender relations in DEMA Faculty in IAIN Bukittinggi, and less open in the context of the relationship between the two, also affects the effectiveness of the organization


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    Kafa`ah: Journal of Gender Studies
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