9 research outputs found

    Identidad o patriotismo ¿cuál es la imagen de las mujeres en la caricatura argelina?

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    Este estudio intenta analizar la visión que se desprende sobre la mujer en las caricaturas argelinas, no sólo como tema de debate académico y mediático, sino también en la construcción de identidades. La propia ideología que subyace en esta visión, a veces inocente, extiende su sombra sobre muchos temas importantes en el país, en términos de derechos básicos del ciudadano y otros problemas sociales y económicos. La caricatura se ha constituido históricamente como una herramienta al servicio de una explotación interesada, bien de denuncia o bien de complicidad. En este artículo tratamos de abordar la idea de pertenencia y nacionalismo estudiando algunas caricaturas de dibujantes argelinos de diferentes períodos.This study tries to analyze the vision that emerges about women in Algerian cartoons, not only as a topic of academic and media debate, but also in the construction of identities. The ideology itself that underlies this vision, sometimes innocent, extends its shadow over many important issues in the country, in terms of citizen’s basic rights and other social and economic problems. The cartoon has historically been constituted as a tool at the service of an interested exploitation, either of denunciation or of complicity. In this article we try to address the idea of belonging and nationalism by studying some cartoons of Algerian cartoonists from different periods

    Nanoreinforcement strategies for enhancing biodegradable composites in biochemical applications within agriwaste valorisation

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    peer reviewedExploring secondary outputs, specifically leftover materials from steam distillation of Rosmarinus tournefortii de Noé, as agents for reducing metals introduces a novel approach to eco-friendly nanomaterial production. This concept aligns with the creation of environmentally conscious nanoparticles, showcasing potential across various fields, notably biomedicine. The paper seamlessly fits into this context. By utilizing R. tournefortii de Noé, successful synthesis of silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) was achieved, yielding nanoscale variations influenced by the plant's by-products. Beyond structural aspects, investigating biomedical applications, focusing on antioxidant and antimicrobial properties. Consistently observing ∼94.9–97.3% scavenging inhibition in water residues at different concentrations and enhanced antimicrobial efficacy against Gram-negative and Gram-positive bacteria and Rhodotorula glutinis yeast due to these residues. Moreover, a thorough examination using density functional theory unveiled a robust interaction between silver clusters and specific biomolecules found within the residues, namely homoplantaginin, protocatechuic acid-glycoside, caffeic, and rosmarinic acids (ranging from 130.62 to 357.05 kcal/mol). These compounds notably enhance the reducing efficacy of Ag+ ions and contribute to the enduring stability of AgNPs (ζ values: -22.8 mV and -17.2 mV). Furthermore, the study recognizes challenges in finding alternative surface modification agents and explores the intricate toxicity mechanisms of silver nanoparticles, emphasizing their interactions with inflammation. Introducing promising nanomedicine approaches involving rosmarinic acid nanoparticles for inflammatory bowel disease and rheumatoid arthritis, highlighting the potential of rosemary by-products derived compounds in innovative therapeutic interventions for diverse inflammatory conditions

    Positionering en verloop van spoorvorming in bochten aan de hand van rijsimulatordata

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    Spoorvorming is een welgekend schadefenomeen op het Belgisch wegennet maar is slechts één van de vele schadefenomenen die een asfaltverharding te verduren krijgt tijdens haar levensduur. Allereerst wordt er wat kennis opgedaan over asfalt in het algemeen zodat het ontstaan van spoorvorming beter begrepen wordt. Spoorvorming wordt tot op heden pas hersteld wanneer de schade al opgetreden is. Men kan in de ontwerpfase nog niet zeggen waar de kans het grootst is op spoorvorming. Ook heeft men in de ontwerpfase nog geen beeld van de krachten die deze spoorvorming veroorzaken. Dit onderzoek spitst zich vooral toe op deze laatste twee vragen zodat de ontwerper al preventief maatregelen kan nemen eens de kritische zones gekend zijn. Allereerst wordt de huidige situatie opgemeten (3D) op twee reële bochtlocaties namelijk een bocht te Maaseik en een bocht te Hoogstraten. Deze data zullen gebruikt worden als validatiemiddel voor de prognose van de locatie en eigenschappen van de spoorvorming die via de gelogde data van de rijsimulatoronderzoeken geleverd worden. Zo wordt er met behulp van het wiskundig programma Matlab een omzetting gedaan van de ruwe rijsimulatordata naar overzichtelijke grafieken met de bandenposities en de krachtswerking die vergeleken worden met de opgemeten data. Uit dit onderzoek is gebleken dat de rijsimulator een vrij nauwkeurige prognose biedt over de posities van de voertuigen op het wegdek. Er wordt een beeld gegeven van de krachtswerking op het wegdek. Zo kan een wegontwerp al voor de uitvoering bijgestuurd worden indien de krachtswerking te groot is. De bevindingen in deze masterproef zijn interessant om verder diepgaand onderzoek te verrichten teneinde het model te verbeteren en eventueel uit te breiden

    Michel GODET et Evelyne SULLEROT, La famille : une affaire publique

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    L’ouvrage de Michel Godet et Evelyne Sullerot aborde un sujet d’actualité, celui de la famille. Le premier chapitre intitulé « Les enjeux économiques et familiaux du vieillissement » inclut des données démographiques relatives aux politiques publiques adoptées en France. Les auteurs affirment que la France, bien qu’elle occupe la première place en Europe au niveau des taux des naissances (grâce à sa politique familiale), elle reste toujours « prudente »vis-à-vis de cette question, les autorit..

    The effect of ethanol/water concentration on phenolic composition, antioxidant, and antimicrobial activities of Rosmarinus tournefortii de Noé hydrodistillation solid residues

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    peer reviewedRosemary is one of the well-known aromatic and therapeutic plants recognized for the interesting pharmacological properties of its essential oil. After hydrodistillation, a huge amount of solid residue-remains, which still contains non-volatile bioactive compounds. Our work aims to study in depth the efect of ethanol/water concentration on the extraction yield, total phenolic and favonoid content, chemical profle, antioxidant and antimicrobial activities of Rosmarinus tournefortii de Noé solid residues. Phenolic and favonoid content was estimated spectrophotometrically and for their identifcation, High-performance liquid chromatography-photodiode array detector (HPLC-DAD) analysis was adopted. The antioxidant activity was established using common methods such as DPPH, ABTS, and the Beta-carotene/linoleate model system. Furthermore, the antimicrobial capacity was investigated against Escherichia coli ATCC 25,922 and Listeria innocua ATCC 33,090, two well-known organisms representing gram-negative and gram-positive bacteria, respectively, as well as against the mold Geotrichum.s p and the yeast Rhodotorula glutinis. Based on the statistical analysis, a signifcant efect of ethanol/ water concentration on the phenolic composition, antioxidant, and antifungal activity was revealed, while a slight diference was observed for the antibacterial activity. On the other hand, HPLC–DAD analysis endorsed the preferential extraction of gallocatechin and cafeic acid in 20% ethanol, homoplantaginin in 40%, cirsimaritin in 0% ethanol, and rosmarinic acid in 100% ethanol. Additionally, the 80% ethanol/water concentration indicated the highest extraction yield and favonoid content (yield=51.6%, TFC=21.38±0.23 mg QUE/g DW). On the contrary, 40% ethanol revealed both the highest phenolic content (TPC=128.18±0.56 mg GAE/g DW) and radical scavenging activities (IC50=0.051±0.008 mg/mL, 0.061±0.002 mg/ mL, and 1.232±0.013 mg/mL for DPPH, ABTS, and beta-carotene/linoleate model system, respectively). Besides, 20% was the highest concentration for the inhibition of the two bacteria Escherichia coli (7.35±0.05%) and Listeria innocua (8±0.1%) as well as the mold Geotrichum sp, (16.5±0.3%) and for the yeast Rhodotorula (26±1.2%), 50% ethanol was found to be the most appropriate concentration. These diferences detected between the studied activities of rosemary solid residue extracts were strongly infuenced by the target phenolic compounds extracted

    Carbapenem-resistant Enterobacteriaceae in wildlife, food-producing, and companion animals : a systematic review

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    Objectives: The spread of carbapenem-resistant Enterobacteriaceae (CRE) in healthcare settings challenges clinicians worldwide. However, little is known about dissemination of CRE in livestock, food, and companion animals and potential transmission to humans. Methods: We performed a systematic review of all studies published in the PubMed database between 1980 and 2017 and included those reporting the occurrence of CRE in samples from food-producing and companion animals, wildlife, and exposed humans. The primary outcome was the occurrence of CRE in samples from these animals; secondary outcomes included the prevalence of CRE, carbapenemase types, CRE genotypes, and antimicrobial susceptibilities. Results: We identified 68 articles describing CRE among pigs, poultry, cattle, seafood, dogs, cats, horses, pet birds, swallows, wild boars, wild stork, gulls, and black kites in Africa, America, Asia, Australia, and Europe. The following carbapenemases have been detected (predominantly affecting the genera Escherichia and Klebsiella): VIM, KPC, NDM, OXA, and IMP. Two studies found that 33–67% of exposed humans on poultry farms carried carbapenemase-producing CRE closely related to isolates from the farm environment. Twenty-seven studies selectively screened samples for CRE and found a prevalence of <1% among livestock and companion animals in Europe, 2–26% in Africa, and 1–15% in Asia. Wildlife (gulls) in Australia and Europe carried CRE in 16–19%. Conclusions: The occurrence of CRE in livestock, seafood, wildlife, pets, and directly exposed humans poses a risk for public health. Prospective prevalence studies using molecular and cultural microbiological methods are needed to better define the scope and transmission of CRE