1,674 research outputs found

    Metodologias de laboratório para compactação de solos para análise de desenvolvimento de plantas.

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    Equipamentos utilizados; Solos; Ensaios.bitstream/CPPSE/17483/1/Documentos-74.pdfISSN 1980-684

    Fundamentos econômicos da formação do preço internacional de açucar e dos preços domésticos de açucar e etanol.

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    O objetivo deste estudo foi investigar os fatores que afetam o comportamento do etanol no mercado interno e os preços do açúcar nos mercados doméstico e internacional. Três ordens de fatores explicativos são considerados para o preço internacional: (a) índice geral de preços das commodities CRB Spot, (b) macro-fatores (taxa de câmbio, juros, liquidez) (c) fatores idiossincráticos relacionados ao mercado mundial de açúcar. Os fatores explicativos para os preços brasileiros de açúcar e etanol são: (a) preço internacional do açúcar, (b) macro fatores nacionais e internacionais (c) fatores idiossincráticos (clima, produtividade). O preço internacional é previsto principalmente pelo índice CRB e preços do petróleo. Relacionado ao mercado interno, o preço do açúcar foi previsto pelos preços internacionais e taxa de câmbio do real. Os erros de previsão permaneceram na faixa de 20%. No caso dos preços de etanol, os preços internacionais e domésticos do açúcar foram os principais preditores, embora os erros tenham atingido 40%. Como o etanol é commodity menos negociadas no exterior, seus preços são mais sensíveis a fatores idiossincráticos. No entanto, permanece a conclusão geral de que o comportamento dos preços do açúcar e etanol no mercado brasileiro é bastante coerente com o mercado global de commodities

    Local political leadership and the modernisation of local government

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    Political leadership has been a key element of central government’s attempts to ‘modernise’ local government over the past decade, within a discourse that emphasised ‘strong’ and ‘visible’ leadership and the role of leaders and leadership in driving change within local authorities. In the context of such an approach, and also taking account of academic discourse, this article draws upon interviews with nearly thirty individuals in leadership positions in local authorities in England, Scotland and Wales to assess their experiences of leadership and their views of some aspects of the role and work of councils. It suggests that whilst there is broad convergence between the aspirations of government and the narratives that emerge from these leaders on some aspects of local political leadership, there are also differences, perhaps most notably over the relationship between changes to decision making structures and the loci of political power

    High scale impact in alignment and decoupling in two-Higgs doublet models

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    The two-Higgs doublet model (2HDM) provides an excellent benchmark to study physics beyond the Standard Model (SM). In this work we discuss how the behaviour of the model at high energy scales causes it to have a scalar with properties very similar to those of the SM -- which means the 2HDM can be seen to naturally favor a decoupling or alignment limit. For a type II 2HDM, we show that requiring the model to be theoretically valid up to a scale of 1 TeV, by studying the renormalization group equations (RGE) of the parameters of the model, causes a significant reduction in the allowed magnitude of the quartic couplings. This, combined with BB-physics bounds, forces the model to be naturally decoupled. As a consequence, any non-decoupling limits in type II, like the wrong-sign scenario, are excluded. On the contrary, even with the very constraining limits for the Higgs couplings from the LHC, the type I model can deviate substantially from alignment. An RGE analysis similar to that made for type II shows, however, that requiring a single scalar to be heavier than about 500 GeV would be sufficient for the model to be decoupled. Finally, we show that not only a 2HDM where the lightest of the CP-even scalars is the 125 GeV one does not require new physics to be stable up to the Planck scale but this is also true when the heavy CP-even Higgs is the 125 GeV and the theory has no decoupling limit for the type I model.Comment: 28 pages, 19 figure

    Soil erosion evaluation in a small watershed in Brazil through 137 Cs fallout redistribution analysis and conventional models

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    An investigation of rates and patterns of soil erosion on agricultural land cultivated with sugarcane was undert a ken using the 137Cs technique, USLE (Universal Soil Loss Equation) and WEPP (Water Erosion Prediction Project) model. The study was carried out on a representative catchment of a small watershed of the Piracicaba river basin, State of São Paulo, Brazil, called Ceveiro watershed, well known for its severe soil degradation caused by erosion. The results from the 137Cs technique indicate that most part of the studied area (94%) are eroded at erosion rates that go up to 59 Mg ha-1 y-1, with a weighted average rate of 23 Mg ha-1 y-1 . The weighted average rate of infield deposition and sediment retrieval that occurs in only 6% of the total area was estimated to be around 12 Mg ha-1 y-1 . These values led to very high net soil loss from the field, with rates of the order of 21 Mg ha-1 y-1 , which represents a sediment delive ry ratio of 97%. A linear correlation between soil erosion rate estimated by the 137Cs technique and the amount of available K in the top soil layer (0-20 cm) was observed. Based on this correlation the estimated amounts of net and gross K loss in the grid area due to soil erosion were of 0.2 and 1.52 kg ha-1 y-1, respectively. The erosion rate estimated by USLE was 39 Mg ha-1 y-1 and by WEPP model 16.5 Mg ha-1 y-1 with a sediment delivery of 12.4 Mg ha-1 y-1 (75%). The results are a confirmation that the soil conservation practices adopted in the area are very poor and can explain the high siltation level of water reservoirs in the watershed

    Antigenic expression in human choroid plexus carcinoma : report of two cases

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    Neoplasias provenientes do epitélio de revestimento do plexo coróide são inco-muns, tendo sido descritos 6 padrões morfológicos. O padrão anaplásico, também denominado carcinoma do plexo coróide, é o de menor freqüência e pode dar metastases fora do SNC. A distinção histológica desses tumores, particularmente da variedade anaplásica, com outras neoplasias primárias e metastáticas no SNC pode ser difícil. O uso de técnicas imunocitoquimicas em parafina tem-se mostrado útil no esclarecimento das linhagens tumorais. Os papilomas do plexo coróide têm, no entanto, sido objeto de controvérsia, por sua complexa expressão antigênica. Usando a técnica de imunoperoxidase (sistema avidina-biotina-peroxidase) pesquisaram-se, em dois casos da variedade anaplásica, os seguintes marcadores: proteína glial fibrilar ácida (GFAP) com anticorpo monoclonal e policlonal; ceratinas de 40-50kDa, ceratinas de 60-70kDa (callus ceratina), enolase neuronal específica (NSE) e proteína S-100, com anticorpos monoclonais. Os dois tumores mostraram positividade para NSE, proteína S-100 e ceratina de 40-50kDa; uma das duas neoplasias mostrou diferenciação glial, revelando positividade para GFAP tanto com anticorpo monoclonal quanto policlonal.Primary neoplasms of choroid plexus are rare. Six morphological variants have been described: papillary, cystic, acinar, mucus-secreting, oncocytic, and anaplastic. The anaplastic variant, the so-called choroid plexus carcinoma, is the rarest of all and can metastasize. The differential diagnosis of the anaplastic variant of choroid plexus neoplasms with adenocarcinomas, melanomas and indifferentiated neoplasms can be troublesome chiefly in adults. The now large use of immunocytochemical techniques in tissue section has become a powerful tool in the analysis of cell lineages, tumoral and non-tumoral. Nevertheless, the choroid plexus neoplasms have shown a complex and a somewhat confusing pattern of antigenic expression. In two choroid plexus carcinomas (one localized in the right lateral ventricle from a boy of 1 year and 9 months old, and the other localized in the left lateral ventricle from a girl of 3 years old) the following antigens were searched (using the avidin-biotin-peroxydase complex): glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP) with monoclonal and polyclonal antibodies; cytokeratins of 40-50kDa, cytokeratins of 60-70kDA (callus cytokeratin), neuronal specific enolase (NSE) and S-100 protein with monoclonal antibodies. The two neoplasms showed immunoreactivity against NSE, S-100 protein and cytokeratin of 40-50kDA The neoplasm of the boy exhibited glial differentiation having immunoreactivity against GFAP with monoclonal and polyclonal antibodies

    Complement System Part I – Molecular Mechanisms of Activation and Regulation

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    Complement is a complex innate immune surveillance system, playing a key role in defense against pathogens and in host homeostasis. The complement system is initiated by conformational changes in recognition molecular complexes upon sensing danger signals. The subsequent cascade of enzymatic reactions is tightly regulated to assure that complement is activated only at specific locations requiring defense against pathogens, thus avoiding host tissue damage. Here we discuss the recent advances describing the molecular and structural basis of activation and regulation of the complement pathways and their implication on physiology and pathology. This article will review the mechanisms of activation of alternative, classical and lectin pathways, the formation of C3 and C5 convertases, the action of anaphylatoxins and the membrane attack complex. We will also discuss the importance of structure-function relationships using the example of atypical hemolytic uremic syndrome. Lastly we will discuss the development and benefits of therapies using complement inhibitors

    Mathematical modelling of polyamine metabolism in bloodstream-form trypanosoma brucei: An application to drug target identification

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    © 2013 Gu et al. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are creditedThis article has been made available through the Brunel Open Access Publishing Fund.We present the first computational kinetic model of polyamine metabolism in bloodstream-form Trypanosoma brucei, the causative agent of human African trypanosomiasis. We systematically extracted the polyamine pathway from the complete metabolic network while still maintaining the predictive capability of the pathway. The kinetic model is constructed on the basis of information gleaned from the experimental biology literature and defined as a set of ordinary differential equations. We applied Michaelis-Menten kinetics featuring regulatory factors to describe enzymatic activities that are well defined. Uncharacterised enzyme kinetics were approximated and justified with available physiological properties of the system. Optimisation-based dynamic simulations were performed to train the model with experimental data and inconsistent predictions prompted an iterative procedure of model refinement. Good agreement between simulation results and measured data reported in various experimental conditions shows that the model has good applicability in spite of there being gaps in the required data. With this kinetic model, the relative importance of the individual pathway enzymes was assessed. We observed that, at low-to-moderate levels of inhibition, enzymes catalysing reactions of de novo AdoMet (MAT) and ornithine production (OrnPt) have more efficient inhibitory effect on total trypanothione content in comparison to other enzymes in the pathway. In our model, prozyme and TSHSyn (the production catalyst of total trypanothione) were also found to exhibit potent control on total trypanothione content but only when they were strongly inhibited. Different chemotherapeutic strategies against T. brucei were investigated using this model and interruption of polyamine synthesis via joint inhibition of MAT or OrnPt together with other polyamine enzymes was identified as an optimal therapeutic strategy.The work was carried out under a PhD programme partly funded by Prof. Ray Welland, School of Computing Science, University of Glasgo

    Phase I multicenter study of combined high-dose ifosfamide and doxorubicin in the treatment of advanced sarcomas

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    Ifosfamide and doxorubicin are the most active agents in the treatment of sarcomas and are characterized by a marked dose-response relationship. The objective of this study was to determine the maximum tolerated dose (MTD) of both agents in combination under granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor (GM-CSF) cover. Patients and methods: Thirty-three patients with untreated sarcomas (soft tissue: n = 20; gynecological: n = 11; bone: n = 2) were treated with ifosfamide 12 g/m2 by continuous i.v. infusion over five days and doxorubicin with dose escalation from 50 mg/m2 i.v. bolus divided on two days, then to 60 mg/m2bolus divided on three days. Ifosfamide was reduced to 10 g/m2 and doxorubicin was further escalated up to 90 mg/m2. GM-CSF (5 μg/kg/day subcutaneously) was started 24 hours after chemotherapy and continued for 10 days. Results: The MTD was reached with the combination of ifosfamide at 12 g/m2 and doxorubicin at 60 mg/m2. But with ifosfamide 10 g/m2 and doxorubicin 90 mg/m2 the MTD was not obtained. While severe leukopenia and granulopenia were observed at all-dose levels, severe anemia was more frequently related to the highest dose of ifosfamide. Severe thrombopenia and mucositis were more commonly observed at the highest dose of doxorubicin. Ifosfamide 10 g/m2 and doxorubicin 90 mg/m2 induced WHO grade 4 leukopenia in 58%, grade 3-4 thrombopenia in 42%, and anemia in 31% of cycles. Mucositis was minor in 50% of cycles. The overall response rate among 31 evaluable patients was 55% (95 confidence interval (CI): 36%-73%), with four (13%) complete responders and 13 (42%) partial responders. Response rates based on soft-tissue sarcomas or gynecological sarcomas alone were similar. Ten patients could be treated by elective surgery and/or radiotherapy. The total group of patients reached a median survival of two years, with 25% (SE 8%) survivors after three years. Conclusions: The dose level of ifosfamide 10 g/m2 and doxorubicin 90 mg/m2 with supportive GM-CSF is manageable in a multicenter setting and should be further tested in regular phase II trials, including patients with gynecological and soft-tissue sarcomas. Transient toxicity with myelosup-pression should be accepted in order to obtain a high anti-tumor activity of this regimen and a potential improvement in surviva
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