175 research outputs found

    Modelling the breakup of solid aggregates in turbulent flows

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    The breakup of solid aggregates suspended in a turbulent flow is considered. The aggregates are assumed to be small with respect to the Kolmogorov length scale and the flow is assumed to be homogeneous. Further, it is assumed that breakup is caused by hydrodynamic stresses acting on the aggregates, and breakup is therefore assumed to follow a first-order kinetic where KB(x) is the breakup rate function and x is the aggregate mass. To model KB(x), it is assumed that an aggregate breaks instantaneously when the surrounding flow is violent enough to create a hydrodynamic stress that exceeds a critical value required to break the aggregate. For aggregates smaller than the Kolmogorov length scale the hydrodynamic stress is determined by the viscosity and local energy dissipation rate whose fluctuations are highly intermittent. Hence, the first-order breakup kinetics are governed by the frequency with which the local energy dissipation rate exceeds a critical value (that corresponds to the critical stress). A multifractal model is adopted to describe the statistical properties of the local energy dissipation rate, and a power-law relation is used to relate the critical energy dissipation rate above which breakup occurs to the aggregate mass. The model leads to an expression for KB(x) that is zero below a limiting aggregate mass, and diverges for x → ∞. When simulating the breakup process, the former leads to an asymptotic mean aggregate size whose scaling with the mean energy dissipation rate differs by one third from the scaling expected in a non-fluctuating flo

    Reakcje Zachodu na wprowadzenie szariatu w Nigerii

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    In 2000 and in 2001 twelve states of Northern Nigeria reintroduced shari’a criminal law. New Shari’a Penal Codes included punishments for hudud offences: capital punishment by stoning, amputation and flogging. Trials of women accused of adultery gained media attention in some western countries. Citizens of these countries organized letter writing campaigns to assert pressure on Nigerian politicians and shari’a courts. Experts and Nigerian NGOs argue that this type of intervention can be inefficient and may even put in danger both defendants and local activists.W 2000 i 2001 r. 12 stanów północnej Nigerii ponownie wprowadziło muzułmańskie prawo karne. Nowe szariackie kodeksy karne zawierały kary za przestępstwa należące do kategorii hudud: karę śmierci przez ukamienowanie, amputację oraz chłostę. Procesy kobiet oskarżonych o cudzołóstwo wywołały zainteresowanie mediów w niektórych krajach zachodnich. Obywatele tych państw organizowali akcje pisania listów, aby wywrzeć presję na nigeryjskich polityków oraz sądy szariackie. Eksperci oraz nigeryjskie organizacje pozarządowe dowodzą, że ten rodzaj interwencji może być nieskuteczny, a nawet narazić na niebezpieczeństwo zarówno podsądnych, jak i lokalnych działaczy

    Rekursy administracyjne w systemie sprawiedliwości administracyjnej w Kościele

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    Administrative justice in the Church is overall legislative measures thanks to which the faithful may request actions from the administrative authority of the Church in accordance with the law and in a broad sense of justice. It reflects the fundamental rights of defence that have all the faithful and which flows from their dignity and a specific position in the Church.Through the principle of legality of the church legislature indicates that the Church executive authorities are responsible for issuing decisions and regulating specific administrative acts in accordance with standards of canon law that should be understood as set of rules situated in laws and other legal acts respectively classified both of a purely human and divine origin.In the system of ecclesiastical administrative law the faithful have a wide range of legal means to protect the rights owed to them. By way of starting with reconciliation measures, aim of which is to take measures to avoid the administrative dispute, the forms which have their justification by the way of dispute, enabling investigation of one’s own rights in court or administrative forum.Sprawiedliwość administracyjna w Kościele to całokształt środków prawnych, dzięki którym wierni mogą domagać się od władzy administracyjnej Kościoła działania zgodnego z przepisami prawa i szeroko rozumianą sprawiedliwością. Jest ona odzwierciedleniem podstawowego prawa do obrony, które przysługuje wszystkim wiernym, a które wynika z ich godności i konkretnej pozycji w Kościele.Poprzez zasadę legalności ustawodawca kościelny wskazuje, że kościelne organy władzy wykonawczej mają obowiązek wydawania decyzji oraz stanowienia konkretnych aktów administracyjnych z zachowaniem norm prawa kanonicznego, które należy rozumieć jako zespół norm usytułowanych w ustawach i innych aktach prawnych, odpowiednio usystematyzowanych, zarówno pochodzenia czysto ludzkiego, jak i Bożego.W systemie kościelnego prawa administracyjnego wierni mają szeroki wachlarz środków prawnych, służących ochronie należnych im praw podmiotowych: od środków pojednawczych, których celem jest podjęcie działań zmierzających do uniknięcia sporu administracyjnego, po środki odwoławcze, umożliwiające dochodzenie własnych praw na sali sądowej czy forum administracyjnym

    Flow Structure, Drop Deformation and Mass Transfer in Dense Emulsions

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    This paper presents applications of a new model of the rheological behaviour of dense oil-inwater emulsions of non-colloidal droplets to describe the flow structure, the effects of the flow of dense emulsion on drop deformation and the related increase of the interfacial area and the mass transfer rate

    Flow Structure, Drop Deformation and Mass Transfer in Dense Emulsions

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    This paper presents applications of a new model of the rheological behaviour of dense oil-inwater emulsions of non-colloidal droplets to describe the flow structure, the effects of the flow of dense emulsion on drop deformation and the related increase of the interfacial area and the mass transfer rate

    System GS1 w Europie i w Polsce, jego struktura oraz obowiązkowe identyfikatory

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    GS1 - a global non-profit organization involved in standardization in supply chain and demand management. An organization under the present name has been operating since 2005, and its beginnings date from 1970s. Poland joined the organization in 1990. The organization's website informs that at present the GS1 system is applied by over 900,000 users from 128 countries who perform five billion operations on a daily basisGS1 - globalna organizacja o charakterze non-profit zajmująca się standaryzacją w obszarze zarządzania łańcuchem dostaw oraz zarządzania popytem. Organizacja pod obecną nazwą funkcjonuje od 2005 roku, a początki jej sięgają lat 70. XX wieku. Polska przystąpiła do organizacji w 1990 roku. Strony organizacji informują, iż obecnie z systemu GS1 korzysta ponad 900 tysięcy użytkowników ze 128 krajów, którzy dziennie przeprowadzają pięć miliardów operacj

    Large eddy simulation of precipitation process carried out in jet reactors

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    The paper presents an application of large eddy simulations to predict a course of precipitation process carried out in selected types of jet reactors. In the first part of this work the simulations results were validated using PIV and PLIF techniques and also by comparing model predictions with experimental data for fast parallel chemical test reactions. In the second part of this work predictions of modeling are compared with experimental data for BaSO4 precipitation. Precipitation model is tested in this part also by comparing predictions of the model based on LES with results obtained using the multiple-time-scale mixing model combined with the k‒e model

    A multi-layered view of chemical and biochemical engineering

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    The contents of this article are based on the results of discussions the corresponding author has had since 2015 with the co-authors, who are members of academia and industry in Europe, on the scope and significance of chemical and biochemical engineering as a discipline. The result is a multi-layered view of chemical and biochemical engineering where the inner-layer deals with the fundamental principles and their application; the middle-layer deals with consolidation and expansion of the principles through a combination of science and engineering, leading to the development of sustainable technologies; and the outer-layer deals with integration of knowledge and collaboration with other disciplines to achieve a more sustainable society. Through this multi-layered view several important issues with respect to education, research and practice are highlighted together with current and future challenges and opportunities