15 research outputs found

    Effects of sugar on helath [i. e. health]

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    The importance of foliar nutrition on maize productivity on chernozem type

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    Cilj ovog rada bio je da se utvrdi varijabilnost produktivnih osobina hibrida kukuruza različite FAO grupe zrenja na folijarnu ishranu biljaka u agroekoloÅ”kim uslovima Srema. Makroogledi su postavljeni na imanju Napredak iz Stare Pazove. ZemljiÅ”te je pripadalo tipu karbonatni černozem. Ovi ogledi predstavljaće deo viÅ”egodiÅ”njih sortnih istraživanja koja će se izvoditi na ovom imanju. Prvi rezultati su pokazali da nepovoljni vremenski uslovi nisu značajno uticali na smanjenje prinosa zahvaljujući savremenoj tehnologiji proizvodnje kukuruza koja se primenjuje na Napretku. Prosečan prinos sirovog zrna (17,7% vlažnosti) bio je 17,02 t ha-1. Folijarna hraniva nisu uticala na prinos, jer su upotrebljena u suÅ”nom periodu.The aim of this study was to determine the variability of productivetraits of maize hybrids of different FAO maturation groups on foliar plantnutrition in agro-ecological conditions of Srem. Macro-examinationswere set up at the Napredak farm in Stara Pazova. The land belonged tothe carbonate chernozem type. These experiments will be part of many years of varietal research that will be performed on this property. Thefirst results showed that unfavorable weather conditions did notsignificantly affect the reduction of yield thanks to the moderntechnology of corn production applied to Napredak. The average yield ofraw grain (17.7% moisture) was 17.02 t ha-1. The foliar nutrients did notaffect the yield, because they were used in the period when there was noprecipitation

    Impact of climate changes on wheat production

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    U ovoj studiji, analizirana je proizvodnja pÅ”enice u dvadesetogodiÅ”njem periodu (2001-2020. godina) u svetu i u Srbiji. Variranja visine prinosa zrna po jedinici povrÅ”ine u Srbiji poređene su sa količinom padavina u vegetacionom periodu pÅ”enice. Kvantifikovanjem uticaja klimatskih promena na proizvodnju pÅ”enice daje nam mogućnost da se kreiraju dugoročni planovi u poljoprivrednoj proizvodnji kako bi se održao visok i stabilan prinos zrna. Prosečan prinos zrna, za ispitivani period u svetu, iznosio je 3.112 kg ha-1 dok je u Srbiji bio veći za 26% i iznosio je 3.925 kg ha-1. I pored značajnih godiÅ”njih variranja, trend povećanja prinosa pÅ”enice u svetu bio je značajan. U 2020. godini prosečan prinos zrna u svetu je povećan za 23,5%, a u Srbiji za 34,6% u poređenju sa 2001. godinom. Analiza proizvodnje, kod svetski najvažnijih snabdevača pÅ”enicom, beleži značajno povećanje prinosa po jedinici povrÅ”ine, kao i ukupnu proizvodnju.This study analyzed wheat production in the twenty-year period (2001-2020) in the world and in Serbia. Variations in the yield of wheat grains per unit area in Serbia were compared with the amount of precipitation in the growing season. By quantifying the impact of climate change on wheat production, it gives us the opportunity to create long-term plans in agricultural production in order to maintain a high and stable grain yield. The average grain yield, for the examined period in the world, amounted to 3,112 kg ha-1, while in Serbia it was higher by 26% and amounted to 3,925 kg ha-1. Despite significant annual variations, the trend of increasing wheat yields in the world was significant. In 2020, the average grain yield in the world increased by 23.5%, and in Serbia by 34.6% compared to 2001. The analysis of production at the world's most important wheat suppliers records a significant increase in yield per unit area, as well as total production. The analysis of production at the world's most important wheat suppliers records a significant increase in yield per unit area, as well as total production

    Biserka Š°nd Rumenka - domestic high-yield millet varieties as a functional food

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    Proso je žito visoke nutritivne vrednosti i glavni je izvor energije i proteina za milione ljudi u svetu. Koristi ga jedna trećina svetske populacije u ishrani. Sve viÅ”e se koristi u ishrani zbog pozitivnog efekta na zdravlje ljudi. U ovom radu, analizirana je svetska proizvodnja prosa i agronomske karakteristike domaćih sorti Biserke i Rumenke, gajenih na černozemu, u Bačkom Petrovcu, sa naglaskom na ekoloÅ”ke zahteve, potencijal rodnosti i nutritivne vrednosti. Proso zauzima Å”esto mesto u svetu među žitaricama, a najveći proizvođači prosa su Azija i Afrika. Zahvaljujući visokoj otpornosti na suÅ”u, proso beleži trend rasta povrÅ”ina u svetu. Prosečni svetski prinosi zrna su 900 kg ha-1. Novosadske sorte ostvarile su statistički značajno viÅ”e prosečne prinose zrna (2,9 t ha-1) u odnosu na svetske prinose. Proso ima odličnu perspektivu za gajenje u Srbiji i alternativni je usev u sprečavanju nestaÅ”ice hrane i gladi u suÅ”nim rejonima.Millet is acereal, high nutritional value, and is a major source ofenergy and protein for millions of people in worldwide. It is used by onethird of the world's population in the diet. It is more represented in thediet due to the positive effect on human health. In this study, the milletworld production and agronomic characteristics of domestic varietiesBiserka and Rumenka were analyzed, grown on chernozem, in BačkiPetrovac, with emphasis on environmental requirements, fertilitypotential and nutritional value. Millet ranks sixth in the world amongcereals and the largest producers of millet are Asia and Africa. Thanks tothe high resistance to drought, millet has a growing trend in the world.The average world grain yield is 900 kg ha-1. NS varieties achievedstatistically significantly higher average grain yields (2.9 t ha-1) inrelation to world yields. Millet has an excellent prospect for growing inSerbia and is an alternative crop in preventing food shortages and faminein arid regions

    The characteristics of innovation in small and medium-sized enterprises in the Republic of Croatia

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    Razvitkom inovacijske aktivnosti u malim i srednjim poduzećima dolazi se do konkurentske prednosti i omogućuje se tržiÅ”ni prosperitet. PoduzetniÅ”tvo je snaga i pokretač svakog gospodarstva, radilo se o malom, srednjem ili velikom poduzetniÅ”tvu. Svaki poduzetnik poduzima rizik prilikom pokretanja pothvata. Samom činjenicom da se u malom i srednjem poduzetniÅ”tvu nalazi skoro dvije trećine zaposlenih osoba, dolazi se do zaključka koliko je bitan naglasak na razvoju inovacija u malom i srednjem poduzetniÅ”tvu. Inovativnim se poduzetnikom smatra pojedinac koji će ideje uspjeÅ”no transformirati u djelo ā€“ proizvod ili uslugu. Uspjeh malih i srednjih poduzeća ovisi o kreativnosti rukovodstva, zaposlenika i inovativnosti cijele organizacije. Danas se poduzeća susreću sa sve većom i rastućom konkurencijom, promjene postaju sve intenzivnije uslijed globalizacije, stoga je potrebno primjenjivati različite modele inovativnosti radi stjecanja konkurentske prednosti. Prema istraživanju koje je provedeno u ovom diplomskom radu, konstantno inovativno djelovanje, ulaganja i istraživanja i razvoj te ulaganja u obrazovanje i usavrÅ”avanje zaposlenika donose uspjeh i razvoj poduzeća, dok za isto nedostaje dobar dio državne i javne potpore za male i srednje poduzetnike.The development of innovation activity in small and medium-sized enterprises leads to a competitive advantage and enables market prosperity. Entrepreneurship is the strength and driving force of any economy, whether it is a small, medium or large enterprise. Every entrepreneur takes a risk when starting a venture. The mere fact that almost two-thirds of employed persons are in small and medium-sized enterprises leads to the conclusion of how important the emphasis on the development of innovations in small and medium-sized enterprises is. An innovative entrepreneur is considered to be an individual who will successfully transform ideas into action - a product or service. The success of small and medium-sized enterprises depends on the creativity of management, employees and the innovation of the entire organization. Today, companies face increasing and growing competition, changes are becoming more intense due to globalization, therefore it is necessary to apply different models of innovation in order to gain a competitive advantage. According to the research carried out in this thesis, constant innovative activity brings success and development of the company, while a good part of state and public support for small and medium-sized entrepreneurs is missing for the same

    The characteristics of innovation in small and medium-sized enterprises in the Republic of Croatia

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    Razvitkom inovacijske aktivnosti u malim i srednjim poduzećima dolazi se do konkurentske prednosti i omogućuje se tržiÅ”ni prosperitet. PoduzetniÅ”tvo je snaga i pokretač svakog gospodarstva, radilo se o malom, srednjem ili velikom poduzetniÅ”tvu. Svaki poduzetnik poduzima rizik prilikom pokretanja pothvata. Samom činjenicom da se u malom i srednjem poduzetniÅ”tvu nalazi skoro dvije trećine zaposlenih osoba, dolazi se do zaključka koliko je bitan naglasak na razvoju inovacija u malom i srednjem poduzetniÅ”tvu. Inovativnim se poduzetnikom smatra pojedinac koji će ideje uspjeÅ”no transformirati u djelo ā€“ proizvod ili uslugu. Uspjeh malih i srednjih poduzeća ovisi o kreativnosti rukovodstva, zaposlenika i inovativnosti cijele organizacije. Danas se poduzeća susreću sa sve većom i rastućom konkurencijom, promjene postaju sve intenzivnije uslijed globalizacije, stoga je potrebno primjenjivati različite modele inovativnosti radi stjecanja konkurentske prednosti. Prema istraživanju koje je provedeno u ovom diplomskom radu, konstantno inovativno djelovanje, ulaganja i istraživanja i razvoj te ulaganja u obrazovanje i usavrÅ”avanje zaposlenika donose uspjeh i razvoj poduzeća, dok za isto nedostaje dobar dio državne i javne potpore za male i srednje poduzetnike.The development of innovation activity in small and medium-sized enterprises leads to a competitive advantage and enables market prosperity. Entrepreneurship is the strength and driving force of any economy, whether it is a small, medium or large enterprise. Every entrepreneur takes a risk when starting a venture. The mere fact that almost two-thirds of employed persons are in small and medium-sized enterprises leads to the conclusion of how important the emphasis on the development of innovations in small and medium-sized enterprises is. An innovative entrepreneur is considered to be an individual who will successfully transform ideas into action - a product or service. The success of small and medium-sized enterprises depends on the creativity of management, employees and the innovation of the entire organization. Today, companies face increasing and growing competition, changes are becoming more intense due to globalization, therefore it is necessary to apply different models of innovation in order to gain a competitive advantage. According to the research carried out in this thesis, constant innovative activity brings success and development of the company, while a good part of state and public support for small and medium-sized entrepreneurs is missing for the same

    Impact of climate changes on wheat production

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    U ovoj studiji, analizirana je proizvodnja pÅ”enice u dvadesetogodiÅ”njem periodu (2001-2020. godina) u svetu i u Srbiji. Variranja visine prinosa zrna po jedinici povrÅ”ine u Srbiji poređene su sa količinom padavina u vegetacionom periodu pÅ”enice. Kvantifikovanjem uticaja klimatskih promena na proizvodnju pÅ”enice daje nam mogućnost da se kreiraju dugoročni planovi u poljoprivrednoj proizvodnji kako bi se održao visok i stabilan prinos zrna. Prosečan prinos zrna, za ispitivani period u svetu, iznosio je 3.112 kg ha-1 dok je u Srbiji bio veći za 26% i iznosio je 3.925 kg ha-1. I pored značajnih godiÅ”njih variranja, trend povećanja prinosa pÅ”enice u svetu bio je značajan. U 2020. godini prosečan prinos zrna u svetu je povećan za 23,5%, a u Srbiji za 34,6% u poređenju sa 2001. godinom. Analiza proizvodnje, kod svetski najvažnijih snabdevača pÅ”enicom, beleži značajno povećanje prinosa po jedinici povrÅ”ine, kao i ukupnu proizvodnju.This study analyzed wheat production in the twenty-year period (2001-2020) in the world and in Serbia. Variations in the yield of wheat grains per unit area in Serbia were compared with the amount of precipitation in the growing season. By quantifying the impact of climate change on wheat production, it gives us the opportunity to create long-term plans in agricultural production in order to maintain a high and stable grain yield. The average grain yield, for the examined period in the world, amounted to 3,112 kg ha-1, while in Serbia it was higher by 26% and amounted to 3,925 kg ha-1. Despite significant annual variations, the trend of increasing wheat yields in the world was significant. In 2020, the average grain yield in the world increased by 23.5%, and in Serbia by 34.6% compared to 2001. The analysis of production at the world's most important wheat suppliers records a significant increase in yield per unit area, as well as total production. The analysis of production at the world's most important wheat suppliers records a significant increase in yield per unit area, as well as total production

    Impact of climate changes on wheat production

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    U ovoj studiji, analizirana je proizvodnja pÅ”enice u dvadesetogodiÅ”njem periodu (2001-2020. godina) u svetu i u Srbiji. Variranja visine prinosa zrna po jedinici povrÅ”ine u Srbiji poređene su sa količinom padavina u vegetacionom periodu pÅ”enice. Kvantifikovanjem uticaja klimatskih promena na proizvodnju pÅ”enice daje nam mogućnost da se kreiraju dugoročni planovi u poljoprivrednoj proizvodnji kako bi se održao visok i stabilan prinos zrna. Prosečan prinos zrna, za ispitivani period u svetu, iznosio je 3.112 kg ha-1 dok je u Srbiji bio veći za 26% i iznosio je 3.925 kg ha-1. I pored značajnih godiÅ”njih variranja, trend povećanja prinosa pÅ”enice u svetu bio je značajan. U 2020. godini prosečan prinos zrna u svetu je povećan za 23,5%, a u Srbiji za 34,6% u poređenju sa 2001. godinom. Analiza proizvodnje, kod svetski najvažnijih snabdevača pÅ”enicom, beleži značajno povećanje prinosa po jedinici povrÅ”ine, kao i ukupnu proizvodnju.This study analyzed wheat production in the twenty-year period (2001-2020) in the world and in Serbia. Variations in the yield of wheat grains per unit area in Serbia were compared with the amount of precipitation in the growing season. By quantifying the impact of climate change on wheat production, it gives us the opportunity to create long-term plans in agricultural production in order to maintain a high and stable grain yield. The average grain yield, for the examined period in the world, amounted to 3,112 kg ha-1, while in Serbia it was higher by 26% and amounted to 3,925 kg ha-1. Despite significant annual variations, the trend of increasing wheat yields in the world was significant. In 2020, the average grain yield in the world increased by 23.5%, and in Serbia by 34.6% compared to 2001. The analysis of production at the world's most important wheat suppliers records a significant increase in yield per unit area, as well as total production. The analysis of production at the world's most important wheat suppliers records a significant increase in yield per unit area, as well as total production