322 research outputs found

    Fiscal policy and stabilization in Brazil

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    The theoretical basis for the"heterodox shocks"recently implemented in Argentina and Brazil is that chronic inflation is essentially inertial - the product of staggered prices and wage adjustments. The underlying assumption is that the economic process is a cooperative game. Without legal and other forms of coercion, however, individuals tend to cheat - to fix their prices above average to start with. A basic flaw of the"heterodox"stabilization programs was to assume that stabilizing the price level was a precondition for fiscal equilibrium and eventual fiscal reform - instead of the reverse. The fiscal austerity promised after stabilization was never accomplished - blocked by bureaucrats and special interest groups interested in maintaining the status quo. The challenge in these countries is to devise economic programs that could make long-term stabilization programs viable and politically acceptable.Economic Stabilization,Economic Theory&Research,Environmental Economics&Policies,National Governance,Public Sector Economics&Finance

    Problemas de convergência econômica na Zona do Euro e crise da Grécia

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    TCC (Graduação) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. Centro Socioeconômico. Curso de Graduação em Ciências Econômicas.Este trabalho analisa a situação econômica da Grécia, bem como a crise por qual passa o país em virtude de problemas de convergência econômica entre os países da zona do euro, além de apresentar o histórico do processo de integração monetária na Europa. O trabalho apresenta caráter descritivo e as informações sobre o processo de integração monetária na Europa foram buscadas em livros e as estatísticas referentes à Grécia foram buscadas no site do Eurostat e do Banco Central Europeu. A análise buscou verificar a teoria econômica sobre o tema da integração monetária, em que se destaca o conceito de Área Monetária Ótima. Os problemas da Grécia devem-se em grande parte ao fato de que a União Européia não apresenta algumas condições essenciais para a formação de uma zona monetária e há chances de o país desvalorizar sua moeda e sair da zona do euro

    Dynamic Structural Models and the High Ination Period in Brazil: Modelling the Monetary System

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    In this paper we develop a linear, structural, dynamic, econometric model for the high ination period in Brazil. The main goal is to obtain a parsimonious model that accounts for a complex dynamic present in the monetary system during the period describing therelationships among output, ination rate, interest rates and real money. We start the analysis after the Cruzado plan cast in 1986 following a progressive strategy in deriving the econometric model. The results show that we can identify a long run money demand equation and the model describes parsimoniously and in detail the relationship among the variables despite all the instability present in the second half of the 1980's in Brazil with special attention to the role played by nominal wage ination in determining the dynamics observed in price ination.VAR, Cointegration, Money Demand, Simultaneous Equation Models

    Abertura comercial e a indústria no Brasil na década de 1990

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    Orientador: Marcelo Luiz CuradoMonografia(Graduação) - Universidade Federal do Paraná,Setor de Ciências Sociais Aplicadas, Curso de Ciências EconômicasResumo: Esta monografia apresenta um estudo sobre a abertura comercial no Brasil na década de 1990 e os impactos sobre a indústria nacional frente a nova concorrência internacional. Apresentaremos as teorias mais discutidas sobre o tema, liberal e nacionalista, para avaliarmos as consequências que o país teve diante de sua escolha. A partir de uma retomada histórica do período de Substituição de Importações (SI) podemos ver a clara dimensão da mudança estrutural que o país sofreu depois da abertura. E por ultimo discutimos como foi a internacionalização da economia brasileira, a racionalização do processo produtivo e as consequências enfrentadas pelo aquecimento da demanda em conjunto com a abertura comercial e o câmbio valorizado


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    The paper analyzes the process of nominal wage determination in Brazil. A wage equation is specified to capture the government's participation and the role of institutional and market factors in the wage bargaining of the organized and competitive sectors of the Brazilian economy The Chow Test is applied to the preliminary results and then the wage equation is re-estimated using the Kalman's Filter Algorithm. The article's main conclusions are as follows- (a) government's wage policy has been increasingly unimportant as a mechanism to guide the wage setting in Brazil; (b) the official minimum wage, on the other hand, has increased its importance in wage bargaining; (c) the "institutional factors" have been increasingly important in the process of nominal wage determination; and (d) the "market factor" has also worked as a relevant mechanism to steer the wage bargaining in Brazil.Este artigo analisa o processo de determinação do salário nominal no Brasil. Uma equação salarial é especificada para capturar a participação do governo e o papel dos fatores institucionais e do mercado na barganha salarial em setores organizados e competitivos da economia brasileira. O teste de Chow foi aplicado para resultados preliminares e, então, a equação salarial foi reestimada usando o algoritmo do Filtro de Kalman. As principais conclusões do trabalho são: (a) a política salarial do governo tem ficado cada vez menos importante como mecanismo para guiar a determinação salarial no Brasil; (b) o salário mínimo oficial, por outro lado, tem aumentado sua importância na barganha salarial; (c) os fatores institucionais têm aumentado de importância na determinação do salário nominal, (d) o fator mercado tem se tornado um mecanismo relevante para guiar a barganha salarial no Brasil

    Consumer-company Identification: Development and Validation of a Scale

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    Consumer-Company Identification is a relatively new issue in the marketing academia. Bhattacharya and Sen(2003) explored the Social Identity theory and established Consumer-Company Identification as the primary psychological substrate for deep relationships between the organization and its customers. In the present study a new instrument was constructed and validated that permits the empirical verification of the phenomenon described by Bhattacharya and Sen (2003). The scale validated in the present study is the first to embrace the idiosyncrasies of the identification between consumers and organizations. The process was conducted through 3 independent data collections. The first one was collected using literature search and in-depth interviews with 12 undergraduate students and bachelors from different professional fields. The second data base was obtained from a survey of 226 undergraduate students from 3 universities in 2 big Brazilian cities. This data base was used for purification purposes using Explanatory Factorial Analysis. Finally, the Structural Equation Modeling technique was applied to analyze a third data base composed of 387 observations collected from the same 3 universities of the second study. The results confirm the content, convergent and discriminant validity of the new scale proposed

    ¿Cárceles privadas?: elementos para el debate: estudio comparado de casos de gestión penitenciaria pública y privada.

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    En el mundo existen infinidad de problemas de diversa índole que competen al Estado de forma directa o indirecta, los cuales derivan en acciones o actividades concretas por parte del propio Estado, agentes privados o asociaciones público privado. De acuerdo a Luiz Bresser, las actividades principales del Estado son las siguientes: En primer lugar, el Estado posee actividades exclusivas tales como la administración de justicia, generación de normativas, brindar seguridad, recaudar impuestos y demás que son realizadas directamente a través del personal idóneo en las diferentes instituciones y organizaciones públicas; en segundo lugar, servicios sociales y científicos del Estado tales como la educación pública, investigación científica y tecnológica, programas sociales, entre otros que suelen se terciarizados a agentes privados; por último, producción de bienes y servicios para el mercado, los cuales pueden ser privatizados a agentes privados o asociaciones públicoprivado.Tesi

    Predição de vida à fadiga de eixo entalhado sob flexão-torção baseada na abordagem deformação-vida

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    Monografia (graduação)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Tecnologia, Departamento de Engenharia Mecânica, 2013.Esse trabalho tem o objetivo de avaliar uma metodologia de estimativa de vida à fadiga baseada na abordagem deformação-vida. A metodologia emprega o modelo de encruamento cinemático de Chaboche para obtenção das tensões e deformações e o modelo de Fatemi-Socie para estimar o número de ciclos para falha por fadiga. Para avaliar a metodologia foram utilizados dados experimentais disponíveis na literatura obtidos em um eixo entalhado, fabricado em aço SAE 1045, submetido a carregamentos de flexão e torção em fase e fora de fase. Os resultados apresentaram uma correlação entre as vidas estimadas e observadas dentro de uma banda de fator 3, na região de baixo até alto número de ciclos para falha (até 106 de ciclos). Para vidas observadas acima de 106 de ciclos, as vidas estimadas foram conservativas e ficaram dentro de uma banda de fator 10. ____________________________________________________________________________ ABSTRACTThe aim of the work is to assess a fatigue life prediction methodology based on the strain-life approach. Stresses and strains were estimated by means of the kinematic hardening model developed by Chaboche, while the number of cycles to failure was estimated by means of the critical plane based model proposed by Fatemi and Socie. Assessment was carried out with experimental data available in the literature obtained with a notched shaft, made of SAE 1045 steel, subjected to in-phase and out-of-phase bending and torsion. Correlations were within a factor of 3 in the low-high life regions (observed lives less than 106 cycles). For observed lives greater than 106 cycles, life estimates were conservative and were in error by a factor of 10 in fatigue life

    Inflationary pressure in Nigeria: the structuralists’ approach

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    Opinions differ on the right solutions to inflation in Nigeria. This is due mainly to the fact that while a school of thought sees inflation as a fundamental monetary phenomenon, another school sees it as structural. This paper examined the structural aspect. Structural factors in Nigeria as principal causes of inflation were identified. These structural factors were grouped together under budget deficits, external reserves, and the level of the Nigerian economy (represented by the GDP). Using data on these variables for 32 years (1977 - 2008), and analyzing them with Co- integration and Error Correction Model (ECM), it was found that inflation is 77% affected by structural variables and that the Nigerian economy, as expected, is negatively correlated to inflation while budget deficits and external reserves are positively correlated. All the variables are significant at 5% significant level. The policy implication of the finding is that the supply management of curbing inflation cannot be ignored in tackling inflation in Nigeria.Key words: Inflation Structural Fundamental Budget deficit External reserves GD