311 research outputs found
Nutritional supplements for muscle building and fat loss
Adquirir una buena forma física es el objetivo de la mayoría de las personas que asisten a un centro de acondicionamiento físico; sin embargo, este proceso requiere de una individualización en la programación del entrenamiento y en la estrategia de alimentación, razón por la cual muchas personas no alcanzan sus metas y resultan adoptando prácticas innecesarias y peligrosas de suplementación. De acuerdo a la evidencia científica actual cuando el objetivo es incrementar la masa muscular, y solo de recomendarse por un profesional, se podría hacer uso de la suplementación con proteína de suero de leche o Whey Protein (0.4 - 0.5 g / kg / post-ejercicio), caseína (≈30 g antes de dormir) y monohidrato de creatina (0.3 g / kg / día durante 5-7 días seguido de 0.075 g / kg / post-entrenamiento durante 4-6 semanas). Se requiere más investigación respecto al consumo de Ashwagandha - Withania somnifera (300 mg dos veces al día) durante el mesociclo de entrenamiento de la fuerza. Por otro lado, durante una estrategia de reducción de grasa corporal para sujetos con sobrepeso u obesidad, los profesionales de la salud que realizan el seguimiento del caso pueden valorar el consumo de un reemplazo de comida en polvo (Meal Replacement Powder), como una alternativa para incrementar el aporte diario de proteína si se requiere, además de contemplar el consumo de Isomaltulosa (Palatinosa®) o amilopectinas modificadas en algunas comidas o 1-2 horas antes del ejercicio, sobre todo para controlar la hiperinsulinemia postprandial. La ingesta de un suplemento de cafeína anhidra (2-4 mg·kg-1·día-1) y algunos compuestos termogénicos; tales como, capsaicina (capsicum), té verde (Camelia sinensis), pimienta negra (Piper nigrum) y jengibre (Ginger officinale) pueden ser una alternativa para mejorar la adherencia a la dieta y aprovechar su potencial para reducir el porcentaje de grasa corporal, aunque se necesita más investigación a largo plazo para respaldar un efecto con significancia clínica
The primary structure of three hemoglobin chains from the indigo snake (Drymarchon corais erebennus, Serpentes): First evidence for αD chains and two β chain types in snakes
The hemoglobin of the indigo snake (Drymarchon corais erebennus, Colubrinae) consists of two components, HbA and HbD, in the ratio of 1:1. They differ in both their alpha and beta chains. The amino acid sequences of both alpha chains (alpha(A) and alpha(D)) and one beta chain (betaI) were determined. The presence of an alpha(D)chain in a snake hemoglobin is described for the first time. A comparison of all snake beta chain sequences revealed the existence of two paralogous beta chain types in snakes as well, which are designated as betaI and betaII type. For the discussion of the physiological properties of Drymarchon hemoglobin, the sequences were compared with those of the human alpha and beta chains and those of the closely related water snake Liophis miliaris where functional data are available. Among the heme contacts, the substitution alpha(D)58(E7)His-->Gln is unusual but most likely without any effect. The residues responsible for the main part of the Bohr effect are the same as in mammalian hemoglobins. In each of the three globin chains only two residues at positions involved in the alpha1/beta2 interface contacts, most important for the stability and the properties of the hemoglobin molecule, are substituted with regard to human hemoglobin. On the contrary, nine, eleven, and six alpha1/beta1 contact residues are replaced in the alpha(A), alpha(D), betaI chains, respectively
Stability of mode-locked kinks in the ac driven and damped sine-Gordon lattice
Kink dynamics in the underdamped and strongly discrete sine-Gordon lattice
that is driven by the oscillating force is studied. The investigation is
focused mostly on the properties of the mode-locked states in the {\it
overband} case, when the driving frequency lies above the linear band. With the
help of Floquet theory it is demonstrated that the destabilizing of the
mode-locked state happens either through the Hopf bifurcation or through the
tangential bifurcation. It is also observed that in the overband case the
standing mode-locked kink state maintains its stability for the bias amplitudes
that are by the order of magnitude larger than the amplitudes in the
low-frequency case.Comment: To appear in Springer Series on Wave Phenomena, special volume
devoted to the LENCOS'12 conference; 6 figure
Leveraging natural history biorepositories as a global, decentralized, pathogen surveillance network
The Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) pandemic reveals a major gap in global biosecurity infrastructure: a lack of publicly available biological samples representative across space, time, and taxonomic diversity. The shortfall, in this case for vertebrates, prevents accurate and rapid identification and monitoring of emerging pathogens and their reservoir host(s) and precludes extended investigation of ecological, evolutionary, and environmental associations that lead to human infection or spillover. Natural history museum biorepositories form the backbone of a critically needed, decentralized, global network for zoonotic pathogen surveillance, yet this infrastructure remains marginally developed, underutilized, underfunded, and disconnected from public health initiatives. Proactive detection and mitigation for emerging infectious diseases (EIDs) requires expanded biodiversity infrastructure and training (particularly in biodiverse and lower income countries) and new communication pipelines that connect biorepositories and biomedical communities. To this end, we highlight a novel adaptation of Project ECHO’s virtual community of practice model: Museums and Emerging Pathogens in the Americas (MEPA). MEPA is a virtual network aimed at fostering communication, coordination, and collaborative problem-solving among pathogen researchers, public health officials, and biorepositories in the Americas. MEPA now acts as a model of effective international, interdisciplinary collaboration that can and should be replicated in other biodiversity hotspots. We encourage deposition of wildlife specimens and associated data with public biorepositories, regardless of original collection purpose, and urge biorepositories to embrace new specimen sources, types, and uses to maximize strategic growth and utility for EID research. Taxonomically, geographically, and temporally deep biorepository archives serve as the foundation of a proactive and increasingly predictive approach to zoonotic spillover, risk assessment, and threat mitigation
Climate adaptation and agriculture: Solutions to successful national adaptation plans
The purpose of this brief is to share insights on agriculture and NAPs with national-level decision makers in developing countries and Least Developed Countries (LDCs), multilateral agencies, UNFCCC negotiators and donors. This brief explores how countries are overcoming the biggest challenges in developing NAPs, outlines examples of successful cross-sector adaptation planning, explores influence and leverage necessary for successful NAP processes, and offers specific recommendations
Scientific exploitation of PAZ products in coastal surveillance and monitoring tasks
Revista oficial de la Asociación Española de Teledetección[EN] PAZ mission appears due to the need of a Spanish SAR satellite able to provide radar image products for security and defense, civil and scientific users. INTA is responsible for the technical direction of the Ground Segment, as well as the development of the Calibration and Validation Centre and the scientific exploitation. The ‘Demonstrator of Maritime SAR Applications’ is proposed as an answer to detection tasks in maritime synthetic aperture radar imagery, which are not completely solved yet. DeMSAR has been developed in the framework of a contract between the Spanish National Institute for Aerospace Technology (INTA) and the University of Alcalá. It is intended to be used as a demonstrator of the capabilities of the airborne SAR prototypes of INTA as well as for PAZ, the Spanish SAR satellite. With two operation modes, an automatic ship detector and a toolboxes mode, DeMSAR offers the user a high flexibility in SAR data processing tasks such as speckle filtering, coastline detection, land mask estimation and ship detection and characterization.[ES] La misión PAZ surge ante la necesidad de un satélite SAR español que pueda proporcionar productos imagen radar para usuarios de seguridad y defensa, civiles y científicos. INTA es el responsable de la dirección técnica del Segmento Terreno, así como del desarrollo y operación del Centro de Calibración y Validación y de la Explotación Científica. Dentro de este ámbito de explotación, se desarrolla un demostrador de aplicaciones SAR marítimas (DeMSAR) como herramienta robusta capaz de llevar a cabo tareas de detección sobre la superficie marina, empleando las imágenes adquiridas por radares de apertura sintética. Se desarrolla bajo un marco de colaboración entre el INTA y la Universidad de Alcalá con el fin de convertirse en un demostrador de las capacidades de los sistemas aerotransportados de INTA y, en el futuro, para procesar los datos adquiridos por el sensor PAZ. Con capacidad de operar en modo automático de detección de barcos o mediante librerías de procesado SAR, DeMSAR ofrece una gran versatilidad al usuario en tareas de procesado tales como filtrado de ruido speckle, detección de líneas de costa, estimación de máscaras de tierra y detección y caracterización de barcos.Jarabo, M.; González, M.; De La Mata, D.; Martín De Nicolás, J.; Del Rey, N.; Bárcena, J.; Peláez, V. (2014). Explotación científica de productos PAZ en tareas de vigilancia y monitorización costera. Revista de Teledetección. (41):97-109. doi:10.4995/raet.2014.2287.SWORD9710941Comaniciu, D., & Meer, P. (2002). Mean shift: a robust approach toward feature space analysis. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 24(5), 603-619. doi:10.1109/34.1000236Duda, R. O. & Hart, P. E., 1973. Pattern classification and scene analysis. Wiley.Mallat, S., 2008. A wavelet tour of signal processing. 3rd Edition. Academic Press
Macroporous thin membranes for cell transplant in regenerative medicine
The aim of this paper is to present a method to produce macroporous thin membranes made of poly (ethyl acrylate-co-hydroxyethyl acrylate) copolymer network with varying cross-linking density for cell transplantation and prosthesis fabrication. The manufacture process is based on template techniques and anisotropic pore collapse. Pore collapse was produced by swelling the membrane in acetone and subsequently drying and changing the solvent by water to produce 100 microns thick porous membranes. These very thin membranes are porous enough to hold cells to be transplanted to the organism or to be colonized by ingrowth from neighboring tissues in the organism, and they present sufficient tearing stress to be sutured with surgical thread. The obtained pore morphology was observed by Scanning Electron Microscope, and confocal laser microscopy. Mechanical properties were characterized by stress-strain experiments in tension and tearing strength measurements. Morphology and mechanical properties were related to the different initial thickness of the scaffold and the cross-linking density of the polymer network. Seeding efficiency and proliferation of mesenchymal stem cells inside the pore structure were determined at 2 hours, 1, 7, 14 and 21 days from seeding.This work was funded by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (MINECO) through the project MAT2013-46467-C4-1-R (including the FEDER financial support). J.R.R. acknowledges funding of his PhD by the Generalitat Valenciana through VALi+d grant (ACIF/2010/238). CIBER-BBN is an initiative funded by the VI National R&D&i Plan 2008-2011, Iniciativa Ingenio 2010, Consolider Program, CIBER Actions and financed by the Instituto de Salud Carlos III with assistance from the European Regional Development Fund. The authors acknowledge too the advice of Dr. Daniel Kelly, Dr. Conor Buckley and Dr. Yurong Liu about the isolation and expansion of porcine MSCs. The authors acknowledge the assistance and advice of Electron Microscopy Service of the UPV.Antolinos Turpín, CM.; Morales Román, RM.; Ródenas Rochina, J.; Gómez Ribelles, JL.; Gómez-Tejedor, JA. (2015). Macroporous thin membranes for cell transplant in regenerative medicine. Biomaterials. 67:254-263. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.biomaterials.2015.07.032S2542636
Relationship between damage and mortality in juvenile-onset systemic lupus erythematosus: Cluster analyses in a large cohort from the Spanish Society of Rheumatology Lupus Registry (RELESSER)
Objectives: To identify patterns (clusters) of damage manifestation within a large cohort of juvenile SLE (jSLE) patients and evaluate their possible association with mortality.
Methods: This is a multicentre, descriptive, cross-sectional study of a cohort of 345 jSLE patients from the Spanish Society of Rheumatology Lupus Registry. Organ damage was ascertained using the Systemic Lupus International Collaborating Clinics Damage Index. Using cluster analysis, groups of patients with similar patterns of damage manifestation were identified and compared.
Results: Mean age (years) ± S.D. at diagnosis was 14.2 ± 2.89; 88.7% were female and 93.4% were Caucasian. Mean SLICC/ACR DI ± S.D. was 1.27 ± 1.63. A total of 12 (3.5%) patients died. Three damage clusters were identified: Cluster 1 (72.7% of patients) presented a lower number of individuals with damage (22.3% vs. 100% in Clusters 2 and 3, P < 0.001); Cluster 2 (14.5% of patients) was characterized by renal damage in 60% of patients, significantly more than Clusters 1 and 3 (P < 0.001), in addition to increased more ocular, cardiovascular and gonadal damage; Cluster 3 (12.7%) was the only group with musculoskeletal damage (100%), significantly higher than in Clusters 1 and 2 (P < 0.001). The overall mortality rate in Cluster 2 was 2.2 times higher than that in Cluster 3 and 5 times higher than that in Cluster 1 (P < 0.017 for both comparisons).
Conclusions: In a large cohort of jSLE patients, renal and musculoskeletal damage manifestations were the two dominant forms of damage by which patients were sorted into clinically meaningful clusters. We found two clusters of jSLE with important clinical damage that were associated with higher rates of mortality, especially for the cluster of patients with predominant renal damage. Physicians should be particularly vigilant to the early prevention of damage in this subset of jSLE patients with kidney involvement
Sensitization of cervix cancer cells to Adriamycin by Pentoxifylline induces an increase in apoptosis and decrease senescence
<p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Chemotherapeutic drugs like Adriamycin (ADR) induces apoptosis or senescence in cancer cells but these cells often develop resistance and generate responses of short duration or complete failure. The methylxantine drug Pentoxifylline (PTX) used routinely in the clinics setting for circulatory diseases has been recently described to have antitumor properties. We evaluated whether pretreatment with PTX modifies apoptosis and senescence induced by ADR in cervix cancer cells.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>HeLa (HPV 18+), SiHa (HPV 16+) cervix cancer cells and non-tumorigenic immortalized HaCaT cells (control) were treated with PTX, ADR or PTX + ADR. The cellular toxicity of PTX and survival fraction were determinated by WST-1 and clonogenic assay respectively. Apoptosis, caspase activation and ADR efflux rate were measured by flow cytometry, senescence by microscopy. IκBα and DNA fragmentation were determinated by ELISA. Proapoptotic, antiapoptotic and senescence genes, as well as HPV-E6/E7 mRNA expression, were detected by time real RT-PCR. p53 protein levels were assayed by Western blot.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>PTX is toxic (WST-1), affects survival (clonogenic assay) and induces apoptosis in cervix cancer cells. Additionally, the combination of this drug with ADR diminished the survival fraction and significantly increased apoptosis of HeLa and SiHa cervix cancer cells. Treatments were less effective in HaCaT cells. We found caspase participation in the induction of apoptosis by PTX, ADR or its combination. Surprisingly, in spite of the antitumor activity displayed by PTX, our results indicate that methylxantine, <it>per se </it>does not induce senescence; however it inhibits senescence induced by ADR and at the same time increases apoptosis. PTX elevates IκBα levels. Such sensitization is achieved through the up-regulation of proapoptotic factors such as <it>caspase </it>and <it>bcl </it>family gene expression. PTX and PTX + ADR also decrease E6 and E7 expression in SiHa cells, but not in HeLa cells. p53 was detected only in SiHa cells treated with ADR.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>PTX is a good inducer of apoptosis but does not induce senescence. Furthermore, PTX reduced the ADR-induced senescence and increased apoptosis in cervix cancer cells.</p
Associated factors to serious infections in a large cohort of juvenile-onset systemic lupus erythematosus from Lupus Registry (RELESSER).
Objective: To assess the incidence of serious infection (SI) and associated factors in a large juvenile-onset systemic lupus erythematosus (jSLE) retrospective cohort. Methods: All patients in the Spanish Rheumatology Society Lupus Registry (RELESSER) who meet =4 ACR-97 SLE criteria and disease onset <18 years old (jSLE), were retrospectively investigated for SI (defined as either the need for hospitalization with antibacterial therapy for a potentially fatal infection or death caused by the infection). Standardized SI rate was calculated per 100 patient years. Patients with and without SI were compared. Bivariate and multivariate logistic and Cox regression models were built to calculate associated factors to SI and relative risks. Results: A total of 353 jSLE patients were included: 88.7% female, 14.3 years (± 2.9) of age at diagnosis, 16.0 years (± 9.3) of disease duration and 31.5 years (±10.5) at end of follow-up. A total of 104 (29.5%) patients suffered 205 SI (1, 55.8%; 2-5, 38.4%; and =6, 5.8%). Incidence rate was 3.7 (95%CI: 3.2–4.2) SI per 100 patient years. Respiratory location and bacterial infections were the most frequent. Higher number of SLE classification criteria, SLICC/ACR DI score and immunosuppressants use were associated to the presence of SI. Associated factors to shorter time to first infection were higher number of SLE criteria, splenectomy and immunosuppressants use. Conclusions: The risk of SI in jSLE patients is significant and higher than aSLE. It is associated to higher number of SLE criteria, damage accrual, some immunosuppressants and splenectomy
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