1,257 research outputs found

    Geospatial Technologies Applied to International Boundaries – the Case Study of Guinea Bissau

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    Modern geospatial technologies applied to frontiers involve remote sensing data, namely satellite imagery, orthophoto or orthoimages, global navigation technology (GPS/GNSS), as well as Geographical Information System (GIS) tools, which have been used during the last decade for boundary delimitation, demarcation or revision. This paper intends to present the case study of Guinea Bissau boundary which was the first African Portuguese colonies to settle its boundaries. It was delimitated by a Franco– Portuguese convention signed in Paris on May 12, 1886, and ratified later in Lisbon, on August 31, 1887. The demarcation was completed between 1900 and 1905 and recorded in memoranda prepared by the commissioners. For historical reasons Tropical Research Institute (IICT) concentrates a unique, vast and diverse amount of information concerning the borders of those countries. The scope of this research is to explore new methodologies and approaches to study frontiers, making use of geospatial technologies. A Boundary Geographical Information System (BGIS) is being developed based on GIS technology which is a powerful tool to integrate various datasets, visualize, analyze and model spatial and territorial specificities. Historicaldiplomatic information will be articulated with the geospatial data, in order to be included into the geodatabase and to recover the location of the borderlines. The original analogue data was converted into digital format, and image processing techniques were applied to remove residual artifacts, improving the appearance of the documents and reducing storage volume. These methodologies prepared the images for the application of optical character recognition (OCR) before integrating them into the geodatabase. The main objective is to make this information useful and accessible, in a digital platform, to support local authorities, thus promoting cooperation and facilitating public access. The BGIS will be used for present and future management of Guinea Bissau boundaries and as an instrument for policy making

    The subjective dimension of social inequality: studying life projects of rich and poor young people

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    Esta pesquisa investigou a dimensão subjetiva da desigualdade social, por meio do estudo de projetos de futuro de jovens ricos e pobres da cidade de São Paulo. Compreendemos que as desigualdades sociais brasileiras constituem fenômeno social complexo, que deve ser entendido tanto na sua dimensão objetiva quanto na subjetiva. Ao investigar a dimensão subjetiva desse fenômeno, buscamos dar visibilidade à presença de sujeitos que não são mera consequência da realidade social desigual, e sim sujeitos ativos, os quais constituem essa realidade e são, simultaneamente, constituídos por ela. Utilizamos como instrumentos duas redações acerca da temática do projeto de futuro: a primeira perguntando ao sujeito a respeito de seu futuro; a segunda a respeito do futuro que imagina para um jovem pertencente a uma classe social desigual. Consideramos as redações acerca de projetos de futuro como recursos metodológicos pelos quais podemos apreender a dimensão subjetiva da desigualdade social. Orientados pelo referencial teórico-metodológico da psicologia sócio-histórica, buscamos, nas falas escritas contidas nas redações, elementos de significações – sentidos e significados – dos jovens acerca de si mesmos, na relação com outros desiguais, em uma sociedade marcada por desigualdades sociais. As desigualdades sociais foram naturalizadas pelos jovens, que as justificaram a partir de esforços pessoais e/ou heranças familiares. Destacaram-se significações que valorizam o padrão de vida das elites como modelo a ser alcançado, com correlativa depreciação das camadas pobres. Para além das significações constituídas a partir das falas dos jovens, a dimensão subjetiva da desigualdade social configurou-se no silenciamento desses sujeitos quando solicitados a falar sobre outros desiguais.This research investigated the subjective dimension of social inequality by analyzing life projects of rich and poor young people. We understand that the social inequalities of Brazil constitute a complex social phenomenon that must be investigated both on its objective and subjective dimensions. By investigating the latter dimension, we aim to highlight the presence of subjects that are not a mere consequence of unequal social reality; they constitute it and, at the same time, are constituted by it. Each participant was asked to write two essays: The first one about his own life project; the second one about the life project of a young person from the other unequal social class. The life-project essays were taken as methodological tools to capture the subjective dimension of social inequality. Guided by the theoretic-methodological perspective of socio-historical psychology, we looked for elements of significance – sense and meaning – of young people about themselves, in the relation with other young people from the unequal social class, in a society characterized by socio-economic inequalities. We realized that social inequalities were naturalized by our subjects and justified by personal efforts or family heritage. We also found an emphasis on significances that valorize the way-of-life of the rich as a model to be followed, and a correlative depreciation of poor social classes. Beyond the significances constituted upon the young people writings, we highlight that the subjective dimension of social inequality is configured on the silence of these subjects about their unequal ones

    Formação do Psicólogo para a Realidade Brasileira: Identificando Recursos para Atuação Profissional

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    The objective of this research was to identify the features indicated by students of the last year of the Psychology course as facilitators of the new ways of acting professionally in major areas of psychology within the Brazilian reality. An online questionnaire with closed-ended and open-ended questions was made available to the students. The answers showed that there is an awareness regarding the need for training focused on social issues, while great importance was attributed to areas in their curriculum that already go in that direction. These results can contribute to the conversation about training in psychology, considering that there is a demand for a more critical education committed to the demands of the Brazilian society.Esta pesquisa objetivou verificar quais recursos foram percebidos pelos alunos do último ano de psicologia, como facilitadores para atuação profissional com o que consideravam ser questões da realidade brasileira. Esse processo se desenvolveu a partir de um questionário composto por perguntas fechadas e abertas, disponibilizado via plataforma online. Os resultados permitiram concluir que há uma preocupação por parte dos estudantes com uma formação voltada para as questões sociais e que também há uma valorização significativa dos espaços já existentes no currículo que caminham nesta direção. Este estudo pretendeu contribuir com os debates sobre a formação em Psicologia, considerando as exigências para uma formação mais crítica e comprometida com as necessidades sociais brasileiras. &nbsp

    Complex genetic patterns in closely related colonizing invasive species

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    Anthropogenic activities frequently result in both rapidly changing environments and translocation of species from their native ranges (i.e., biological invasions). Empirical studies suggest that many factors associated with these changes can lead to complex genetic patterns, particularly among invasive populations. However, genetic complexities and factors responsible for them remain uncharacterized in many cases. Here, we explore these issues in the vase tunicate Ciona intestinalis (Ascidiacea: Enterogona: Cionidae), a model species complex, of which spA and spB are rapidly spreading worldwide. We intensively sampled 26 sites (N= 873) from both coasts of North America, and performed phylogenetic and population genetics analyses based on one mitochondrial fragment (cytochrome c oxidase subunit 3–NADH dehydrogenase subunit I, COX3-ND1) and eight nuclear microsatellites. Our analyses revealed extremely complex genetic patterns in both species on both coasts. We detected a contrasting pattern based on the mitochondrial marker: two major genetic groups in C. intestinalis spA on the west coast versus no significant geographic structure in C. intestinalis spB on the east coast. For both species, geo-graphically distant populations often showed high microsatellite-based genetic affinities whereas neighboring ones often did not. In addition, mitochondrial and nuclear markers provided largely inconsistent genetic patterns. Multiple factors, including random genetic drift associated with demographic changes, rapid selection due to strong local adaptation, and varying propensity for human-mediated propagule dispersal could be responsible for the observed genetic complexities

    Depth profiling of tomato fruit cuticle during development using Confocal Raman Microscopy

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    The plant cuticle is defined as the first barrier between the aerial non-lignified organs of land plants and the environment. Some pivotal roles are ascribed to this outermost layer such as acting as support to the plant, protecting it against radiation, pathogens, water loss or mechanical injuries as well as controlling the gas exchange with the surroundings or the proper development of the plant. Although the composition of tomato fruit cuticle has been analysed, the spatial distribution of its components has received little attention. Confocal Raman Microscopy has been employed to locate the microspatial distribution and changes throughout development of different tomato fruit cuticle components. Results have shown the cutin matrix as a homogeneous layer. A combination of uni and multivariate approaches has allowed to selective locate the phenolic acids and flavonoids. Comparison of the cuticle Raman spectra with a reference library has additionally allowed to identify esterified p-coumaric acid and free p-hydroxybenzoic acid as the main phenolic acids present during growth. Both showed a similar distribution during fruit development, mainly located to the outermost layer of the cuticle and within pegs, which changed to a more homogenous distribution of esterified p-coumaric acid during ripening. Changes in flavonoid composition and location were also detected during ripening. Based on the results, we propose three models of spatial location of cuticle components during fruit development. During the earliest stages of development phenolics are homogenously distributed along the whole depth of the cuticle. Further in development, phenolics are restricted to the outermost side of the cuticle and the middle region of the pegs. Finally, during ripening, phenolic acids are located across the entire cuticle and flavonoids started to accumulate displaying a heterogeneous distribution along cuticle width, with a higher accumulation to the inner side.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech. Proyecto TI2018-094277-B/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 de la Agencia Estatal de Investigación, Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación, Spain cofinnciado por la European Regional Development Fund (ERDF). Ana González es beneficiario de la beca con referencia FPU17/0177

    Validation of an Ex Vivo Permeation Method for the Intestinal Permeability of Different BCS Drugs and Its Correlation with Caco-2 In Vitro Experiments

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    The absorption study of drugs through different biological membranes constitutes an essential step in the development of new pharmaceutical dosage forms. Concerning orally administered forms, methods based on monolayer cell culture of Caco-2 (Caucasian colon adenocarcinoma) have been developed to emulate intestinal mucosa in permeability studies. Although it is widely accepted, it has disadvantages, such as high costs or high technical complexity, and limitations related to the simplified structure of the monolayer or the class of molecules that can be permeated according to the transport mechanisms. The aim of this work was to develop a new ex vivo methodology which allows the evaluation of the intestinal apparent permeability coefficient (Papp) while using fewer resources and to assess the correlation with Caco-2. To this end, pig (Sus scrofa) duodenum segments were mounted in Franz diffusion cells and used to permeate four different drugs: ketorolac tromethamine (Kt), melatonin (Mel), hydrochlorothiazide (Htz), and furosemide (Fur). No statistically significant differences (p > 0.05) were observed corelating Papp values from Franz diffusion cells and Caco-2 cell experiments for Kt, Htz, and Fur. However, there were statistically significant differences (p < 0.05) correlating Papp values and Mel. The difference is explained by the role of Mel in the duodenal epithelial paracellular permeability reduction. Ex vivo permeation may be an equivalent method to Caco-2 for drugs that do not produce intestinal membrane phenomena that could affect absorption

    Age-dependent availability and functionality of bone marrow stem cells in an experimental model of acute and chronic myocardial infarction

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    The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of aging and timing of left ventricular ischemic injury on the availability and functionality of stem cells. We studied young and aged male inbred Lewis rats that were used as donors of bone marrow mononuclear cells (BM-MNCs), divided in four experimental groups: controls, sham operated, 48 h post-myocardial infarction (MI), and 28 days post-MI. In vitro studies included flow cytometry analysis, hematopoietic colony-forming capacity, and invasion assays of migration capacity. BM-MNCs from these groups were transplanted in female rats after MI induction. Late engraftment was evaluated by real-time PCR of the SRY chromosome. Percentage of CD34+/CD45+low cells was similar among different experimental groups in young rats, but was significantly higher in aged animals (p < 0.001), particularly 28 days post-MI. KDR+/CD34+ cells were increased 48 h after MI and decreased 28 days post-MI in young animals, while they were profoundly reduced in the aged group (p < 0.001). Triple staining for CD44+/CD29+/CD71+ cells was similar in different groups of aged rats, but we observed an intense increase 48 h post-MI in young animals. Colony-forming units and cytokine-induced migration were significantly attenuated 28 days after the MI. Late engraftment in infarcted transplanted female hearts was present, but considerably heterogeneous. Finally, recovery of left ventricular systolic function in transplanted female recipients was significantly influenced by donors’ BM-MNCs groups (p < 0.01). We have demonstrated that aging and timing of myocardial injury are factors that may act synergistically in determining stem cell availability and function. Such interaction should be considered when planning new cell therapy strategies for acute and chronic ischemic heart disease in the clinical arena

    Impactos da pandemia da covid-19 na educação básica: a questão do fracasso escolar

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    Os dois primeiros anos da pandemia de Covid-19, que correspondem a 2020 e 2021, foram os mais difíceis e desafiadores para toda a sociedade, o que inclui a educação escolar, que passou a funcionar sob o regime do ensino remoto emergencial, cujas aulas, mediadas por recursos tecnológicos, poderiam ser ministradas ao vivo ou gravadas e disponibilizadas aos estudantes. Outra medida adotada por todas as esferas de governo diz respeito ao sistema de progressão automática, tendo por finalidade evitar o abandono escolar e a retenção dos estudantes, pelo baixo desempenho acadêmico nos estudos. Assim, tendo por objetivo compreender os impactos da pandemia da Covid-19 na produção do fracasso escolar na educação básica no Brasil, foi realizada uma pesquisa documental no Inep, com foco nos resultados de avaliação da educação básica, compreendendo o período de 2018 a 2021, isto é, os primeiros dois anos da pandemia, e dois anos antes, para efeito de comparação com a realidade pandêmica. Para complementar algumas informações, outras fontes documentais, além do Inep, também foram consultadas, a exemplo do Unicef e do CNE. Os dados da pesquisa nem sempre são suficientemente claros, mas a análise articulada das várias fontes denotam impactos substanciais da pandemia na educação básica. Por fim, mesmo que indicadores de fracasso escolar, como reprovação, abandono e distorção idade-série não estejam quantitativamente definidos de forma confiável, o Inep e os demais organismos consultados apontam impactos imensuráveis na educação, o que exige urgência de planejamento, ação e políticas públicas para reverter a situação

    Unique expression of the atypical mitochondrial subunit NDUFA4L2 in cerebral pericytes fine tunes HIF activity in response to hypoxia

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    A central response to insufficient cerebral oxygen delivery is a profound reprograming of metabolism, which is mainly regulated by the Hypoxia Inducible Factor (HIF). Among other responses, HIF induces the expression of the atypical mitochondrial subunit NDUFA4L2. Surprisingly, NDUFA4L2 is constitutively expressed in the brain in non-hypoxic conditions. Analysis of publicly available single cell transcriptomic (scRNA-seq) data sets coupled with high-resolution multiplexed fluorescence RNA in situ hybridization (RNA F.I.S.H.) revealed that in the murine and human brain NDUFA4L2 is exclusively expressed in mural cells with the highest levels found in pericytes and declining along the arteriole-arterial smooth muscle cell axis. This pattern was mirrored by COX4I2, another atypical mitochondrial subunit. High NDUFA4L2 expression was also observed in human brain pericytes in vitro, decreasing when pericytes are muscularized and further induced by HIF stabilization in a PHD2/PHD3 dependent manner. In vivo, Vhl conditional inactivation in pericyte targeting Ng2-cre transgenic mice dramatically induced NDUFA4L2 expression. Finally NDUFA4L2 inactivation in pericytes increased oxygen consumption and therefore the degree of HIF pathway induction in hypoxia. In conclusion our work reveals that NDUFA4L2 together with COX4I2 is a key hypoxic-induced metabolic marker constitutively expressed in pericytes coupling mitochondrial oxygen consumption and cellular hypoxia respons