561 research outputs found

    Degree of association between the body mass index (BMI), waist-hip ratio (WHR), waist-height ratio (WHtR), body adiposity index (BAI) and conicity index (CI) in physically active older adults

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    Background: Aging is the main factor in the eventual development of cardiovascular disease (CVD) the prevalence of which is increasing progressively along with life expectancy. Therefore, it is essential to identify the most effective indicators for predicting the possible development of CVD. Anthropometric indices provide useful information for CVD risk evaluation. These are widely used for the simplicity of their estimates and their high correlation in the positive identification of CVD. The most used in the general population are the body mass index (BMI), the waist to hip ratio (WHR) and waist to height ratio (WHtR), body adiposity index (BAI) and conicity index (CI). However, the behavior and association of such indices in physically active people over 65 years of age is not well established. Purpose: To analyze the behavior and association of the BMI, WHR, WHtR, BAI and CI in a group of active people over 65 years of age. Methods: A group of 608 European participants with a mean age of 68.05 ± 5.43yrs, composed of 74.2% female and 28.5% male, was randomly selected and evaluated for anthropometric parameters and body composition by a bio-impedance measuring device with four electrode sensor systems. A descriptive analysis was completed via measures of central tendency (mean and standard deviation) and percentage analysis. As the distribution of the sample was normal (parametric), an association analysis was carried out through the Pearson correlation coefficient (r), in order to determine the relationship between anthropometric and body composition indices. A P value of <0.05 was considered to indicate statistical significance. Results: The results show that BMI, BAI and WHtR are significantly related to % body fat (Fat %), with BMI reaching the highest correlation (r ¼ 0.612), followed by BAI (r ¼ 0.556) and WHtR (r ¼ 0.521). When the association between indices is considered, the WHtR and BAI and WHtR and BMI are those with the highest significant correlation (r ¼ 0.981 and r ¼ 0,789, respectively). As for the effects of gender, good to strong correlations were found between the BMI and the WHtR (r ¼ 0.731 for female, r ¼ 0.568 for male) and between the WHtR and the BAI (r ¼ 0.989 for female, r ¼ 0.985 for male). Conclusion: The most accurate anthropometric index for indicating the level of body fat present in an active population of 65 years of age or over seems to be the BMI, followed by the BAI and WHtR. However, the degree of association between body fat and anthropometric parameters seems to be conditioned by gender.Universidade de Vigo/CISU

    Morcegos fitófagos do Parque Ecológico Olhos D´água

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    Chiroptera representa a segunda ordem dos mamíferos em riqueza de espécies com aproximadamente 1198 espécies identificadas. Desses, aproximadamente, 75% são insetívoros e o restante praticamente são fitófagos. O restante das espécies, em menor quantidade, são hematófagos, carnívoros, onívoros, piscivoros.Brasília teve uma arborização feita sem muitos critérios, utilizando-se espécies de crescimento rápido e que fornecessem sombreamento. Com isso, foram plantadas nas quadras residências árvores, em sua grande maioria, exóticas. O Parque Olhos D´água localizado junto a quadras residenciais de Brasília é um ambiente urbano que oferece muitas condições para a morcegos fitófagos. Os objetivos desse estudo foram (1) analisar os recursos alimentares disponibilizados no Parque Olhos D´Água e nas quadras residenciais vizinhas; (2) observar as espécies de morcegos que ocorrem no parque. Foram encontradas 4 espécies de morcegos fitófagos, Artibeus lituratus, Platyrrhinus lineatus, Artibeus jamaicensis, Glossophaga soricina. Devido a metodologia utilizada, redes estendidas na altura dos frutos, foram pegos em grande maioria morcegos fitófagos. As espécies mais coletadas foram Glossophaga soricina e Artibeus lituratus. Pode-se concluir que com as espécies vegetais que as quadras e o parque possui, é muito possíveis que algumas espécies sejam endêmicas ao parque e outras que podem estar nos dois ambientes, precisando assim de estudos posteriores para comprovar isso

    Association between motor competence and functional movement screen scores

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    Background. Motor competence (MC) is generally used to describe a person?s proficiency in a variety of motor skills and is the basis for one?s performance in sports and recreational activities. Functional Movement Screen (FMSTM) is one of the most used screening systems to provide interpretable measure of movement quality. Both FMSTM and MC constructs share three components: locomotor, manipulative and stabilizing movements. In the present study, it was hypothesized that MC scores can explain FMSTM variables. It was also predicted that better MC leads to better functional movement patterns in young adults. Methods. A sample of 92 young adults (73.9% men) with a mean age of 21.2 years participated in this study. All participants were evaluated on anthropometric measurements, dual x-ray absorptiometry; FMSTM and MC. Results. Men showed better MC scores and fat mass composition than women. Regarding specific tests, women scored higher in the FMSTM active straight leg raise test, whereas men performed better in the FMSTM trunk stability push-up (TSP) test. Manipulative tasks and construct presents? significant and positive associations with FMSTM composite score (r ? 0.303). The significant negative correlation were more related to FMSTM TSP and MC shuttle run and FMSTM in-line lunge and MC manipulative. The FMSTM TSP presents significant associations with all MC constructs and tasks. Meanwhile, the FMSTM composite score is associated with all components of MC Stability (p < 0.05). In young adults, and independent of gender, the FMSTM explains fundamental movements based on motor control according to the stability construct. Moreover, the FMSTM TSP is associated with better performance in the all MC constructs and MC tasks. The FMSTM, on its own, is linked to objective MC stability measures.4811-99FE-2ECD | Luis Paulo RodriguesN/

    an exploratory study

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    Background: The association between obesity and physical inactivity strongly and independently predict overall obesity in young adulthood. Physical inactivity and increasing obesity in our society is multifaceted, but on key factor to promote physical activity is motor competence (MC). Purpose: This study aimed to analyse a physically active group of young adults by investigating the correlations between MC, adiposity and body mineral density by using dual X-ray absorptiometry (DXA). Methods: Forty-four young men (22,1 ? years; 69,0 ? kg; 173,7 ? meters) and 21 young women (20,2 ? years; 63,8 ? kg; 169,6 ? meters) participated in this study and completed anthropometrics; DXA; Motor Competence assessment battery that comprise two tests for each of the three constructs: locomotor, manipulative and stability. Descriptive statistics were considered and Spearman's correlation test to examine the association between MC scores and DXA results. The Mann-Whitney test was used to compare males to females for p < 0,05. Results: Motor Competence (MC) variables and body composition in female revealed significant associations only between shuttle run and total fat (r = ?0,648). In males, demonstrate several positive statistically asso ciations with MC Stability and Locomotor tasks and constructs (p < 0,05). Conclusions: In very active young adults, MC positive influences weight status, particularly in locomotor and stability tasks.4811-99FE-2ECD | Luis Paulo RodriguesN/

    Educação ambiental e práticas nas escolas: Environmental education and practices in schools

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    O meio ambiente precisa ser conservado em virtude da necessidade do ser humano garantir sua existência no planeta. O avanço tecnológico trouxe consigo a degradação do meio ambiente, sendo precípuo instituir Leis para ampará-lo. Nesse contexto, a educação ambiental busca oportunizar o respeito à sustentabilidade ambiental, social, ética, econômica e política. Este artigo tem o objetivo geral de analisar quais abordagens tratam da educação ambiental na escola da educação básica. Os objetivos específicos são: conhecer como se institui a educação ambiental na escola; identificar as abordagens metodológicas que podem ser usadas para ensinar a educação ambiental. A metodologia usada para construir este trabalho se baseou em uma revisão bibliográfica, cuja seleção de artigos foi realizada na internet em anais de eventos, em livros, revistas, resumos e e-books

    DXA assessment

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    Accurate assessment of body composition is an important issue among athletes. Different methodologies generate controversial results, leading to a deep uncertainty on individual exercise prescriptions. Thus, this study aims to identify the differences between field methods, such as bioelectrical impedance (BIA) and skinfold assessment, with a clinical method, highly accurate, dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA), among elite young football players. Thirty-eight male football players with a mean (sd) age of 16.7 (0.87) years, involved in the Portuguese national competition of U16 (n = 13) and U19 (n = 25), were evaluated and objective measures of body composition, muscle strength and football skills were collected by trained specialists. Body composition was assessed using BIA (Tanita BC-418, Tanita Corp., Tokyo, Japan), in agreement with all the evaluation premises. Additionally, all athletes were evaluated using the clinical method DXA (Hologic Inc., Waltham, MA, USA). Among the U19 athletes, three skinfold sites (SKF) were assessed: chest, abdomin and thigh. The Spearman correlation coefficients and the mean difference between methods were calculated. The agreement between both methods was analyzed using Bland-Altman plots. Among the evaluated athletes, lower mean values of body fat % were found using BIA as a method of body composition assessment compared with DXA (12.05 vs. 15.58 for U16; 11.97 vs. 14.16 for U19). Despite the moderate correlation between methods (r = 0.33) to estimate the percentage of total fat, the median of the difference (DXA vs. BIA) was relevant in clinical terms, with 2.90% and 1.47% for U16 and U19 athletes, respectively. Stronger correlations were found between the sum of the SKF and DXA fat estimation (r = 0.68). The Bland-Altman plots showed a clear underestimation in the evaluations using the BIA, namely among athletes with better body composition profiles (8%?12% of fat). Using BIA, an underestimation of body fat assessment was observed among 94.5% of the athletes with less than 12% body fat mass. Among the evaluated athletes, fat mass was underestimated at a median value of 2.21% using BIA in comparison with DXA. The sum of the SKF showed a stronger correlation with the reference method (DXA) (r = 0.68) than BIA.D915-7373-ED16 | Cesar LeaoN/


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    AbstractIntroduction: Mosquito-borne diseases are currently the biggest public health problem globally. Dengue fever infection is one ofthe most important arboviral diseases in humans. Aedes aegypti is the most efficient vector for arboviruses because it is highlyanthropophilic, frequently bites, and thrives in close proximity to humans. Stored water in the containers for long period,extended rainfall during the rainy season, and ambient relative humidity and temperature may favor the breeding of Ae. aegyptiand other mosquitoes. Objective: We assessed potential container breeding sites of Ae. aegypti in a peripheral area of a mediumsizedmunicipality of the State of Maranhão, Brazil. Methods: In this study, Ae. aegypti breeding sites were investigated in the dryand rainy seasons, in 800 properties, located in peripheral area with poor urbanization and sanitation. Results: During the dryseason 35 (4.37%) residences showed the presence of immature forms of Ae. aegypti and in the rainy season we have found 82positive residences (10.25%). The group of containers with higher positivity to immature forms of Ae. aegypti was water storagecontainers, with values of 100% and 94.05% in the dry and rainy seasons, respectively. We found 3,529 immature forms in the dryseason and 17,827 in the rainy. Conclusion: Storage containers are the main recipients found with Ae. aegypti, and the mostproductive for immature forms, markedly during the rainy season, and contribute to the maintenance of this vector in high ratesin this period, in addition to providing the right conditions for vector survival during the dry period, in this semi-arid region.Keywords: Aedes aegypti. Arboviroses. Dengue.ResumoIntrodução: As doenças transmitidas por mosquitos atualmente são os maiores problemas de saúde pública globalmente. Ainfecção por dengue é uma das arboviroses mais importantes em humanos. O Aedes aegypti é o vetor mais eficiente para os arbovírusporque é altamente antropofílico, pica frequentemente e prospera nas proximidades dos seres humanos. A água armazenadaem recipientes durante um longo período, a precipitação prolongada durante a estação chuvosa e a umidade e temperaturaambiente podem favorecer a criação de Ae. aegypti e outros mosquitos. Objetivo: Avaliou-se potenciais criadouros do Ae. aegyptiem uma área periférica de um município de médio porte do Estado do Maranhão, Brasil. Métodos: Neste estudo, os criadouros doAe. aegypti foram investigados nas épocas seca e chuvosa, em 800 imóveis, localizadas em área periférica com baixa urbanizaçãoe saneamento. Resultados: Durante a estação seca, 35 (4,37%) dos imóveis mostraram a presença de formas imaturas de Ae.aegypti e na estação chuvosa foram encontradas 82 residências positivas (10,25%). O grupo de recipientes com maior positividadepara as formas imaturas do Ae. aegypti foi o de armazenamento de água, com valores de 100% e 94,05% nas estações seca echuvosa, respectivamente. Foram encontrados 3.529 imaturos na estação seca e 17.827 na estação chuvosa. Conclusão: Osrecipientes de armazenamento são os principais criadouros encontrados com Ae. aegypti, e os mais produtivos para formasimaturas, marcadamente durante a estação chuvosa, e contribuem para a manutenção do vetor em altas taxas neste período,além de fornecer as condições adequadas para a sobrevivência do vetor durante o período seco, nessa região do semiárido.Palavras-chave: Aedes aegypti. Arboviroses. Dengue

    Filmes como estratégias para as aulas de Educação Física na Escola

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    This study aimed to analyze the theoretical and methodological contributions of the use of films as a strategy in Physical Education classes. In this view, the research was characterized as qualitative with a documentary nature, in which twelve films were analyzed. After the analyses, themes such as racism, gender, education, and religiosity were identified and used to subsidize the current discussions. In this sense, we emphasize the importance of using films as a teaching strategy during Physical Education classes as they bring about cross-cutting themes which are inherent to the reality of students; thus, enabling teachers to problematize them.Este estudio tuvo como objetivo analizar los aportes teóricos y metodológicos del uso de películas como estrategia en las clases de Educación Física. Para ello, la investigación se caracterizó como cualitativa de tipo documental, donde se analizaron doce películas. Luego de los análisis, se identificaron temas como racismo, género, educación y religiosidad, los que sirvieron para subsidiar las discusiones de la investigación. En este sentido, destacamos la importancia de utilizar películas como estrategia didáctica durante las clases de Educación Física, ya que traen temas transversales inherentes a la realidad de los estudiantes, los que pueden ser problematizados por los docentes.O presente estudo teve como objetivo analisar contribuições teórico-metodológicas do uso de filmes como estratégia nas aulas de Educação Física. Para isso, a pesquisa caracterizou-se como qualitativa de cunho documental, na qual foram analisados doze filmes. Após as análises, foram identificados temas como racismo, gênero, educação e religiosidade, que serviram para subsidiar as discussões da pesquisa em voga. Nesse sentido, ressaltamos a importância da utilização de filmes como estratégia de ensino durante as aulas de Educação Física, pois estes trazem consigo temas transversais inerentes à realidade dos estudantes, que podem ser problematizados pelos professores

    O perigo de todes! Considerações em torno do banheiro neutro em Fortaleza

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    It can be said that the agenda around sexual and gender identities are inscribed in Brazilian political life from the most diverse angles, ranging from the possibility of recognition and inclusion to performativity around the “denunciation” of a supposed “danger” to be faced. fought. The recent endeavor around the construction, in public spaces, of neutral bathrooms (overcoming the previous possibility of the “third bathroom”) has been used in both directions. The question that structures this article focuses on the reactionary uses of the problem and is structured in the following terms: how inclusion policies, linked to gender identity issues, are used to generate political polemics in spaces of institutional power, producing, discursively, moral panics? It is taken as a corpus of analysis speeches given by councilors in the City Council of Fortaleza when the "discovery", through "denunciation", of neutral bathrooms in a public facility, in the year 2021, and practical actions of violence, even if verbal, as performativity after that.Pode-se dizer que a agenda em torno das identidades sexuais e de gênero estão inscritas na vida política brasileira sob os mais diversos ângulos, indo da possibilidade de reconhecimento e inclusão à performatividade em torno de “denúncia” de um suposto “perigo” a ser combatido. A recente empreitada em torno da construção, em espaços públicos, de banheiros neutros (superando a anterior possibilidade do “terceiro banheiro”) tem sido utilizada em ambas as direções. A questão que estrutura este artigo centra-se nos usos reacionários da problemática e estrutura-se nos seguintes termos: como políticas de inclusão, ligadas às questões de identidade de gênero, são utilizadas para gerar polêmicas políticas em espaços de poder institucional produzindo, discursivamente, pânicos morais? Toma-se como córpus de análise discursos proferidos por vereadores na Câmara Municipal de Fortaleza quando da “descoberta”, por meio de “denúncia”, de banheiros neutros em um equipamento público, no ano de 2021, e ações práticas de violência, ainda que verbal, como performatividade após isso. &nbsp

    Atributos Morfométricos de um Segmento do Médio Curso da Bacia Hidrográfica do Rio Pacoti, Ceará-Brasil

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    Este estudo trata da aplicação de parâmetros morfométricos em um segmento do médio curso da bacia hidrográfica do rio Pacoti, voltados ao entendimento dos processos hidrogeomorfológicos. Do ponto de vista metodológico, foram determinados os seguintes parâmetros: hierarquia fluvial, coeficiente de manutenção (Cm), extensão do percurso superficial (Eps), densidade de drenagem (Dd), densidade de rios (Dh), índice de circularidade (Ic), coeficiente de compacidade (Kc) e o índice de sinuosidade (Is). Para isto, recorreu-se ao uso das ferramentas do software ArcGis 10.1, obtendo-se coeficiente de manutenção de 1785m²/m; percurso superficial extensão em torno 892,8m; densidade de drenagem de 0,56km/km²; densidade hidrográfica de 0,21 rios/km², índice de circularidade de 0,43; coeficiente de compacidade de 1,50 e índice de sinuosidade de 1,18. De modo geral, observa-se que o trecho da bacia analisado apresenta média predisposição a erosão, baixa densidade de drenagem, baixa tendência à formação de canais e baixa susceptibilidade da bacia a enchentes