3,367 research outputs found

    Fibrose quistica : como chegamos à idade adulta

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    Copyright © 2019 Sociedade Portuguesa de Pneumologia. Published by Elsevier España, S.L.U. This is an open access article under the CCBY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/)info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    The Beta Generalized Exponential Distribution

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    We introduce the beta generalized exponential distribution that includes the beta exponential and generalized exponential distributions as special cases. We provide a comprehensive mathematical treatment of this distribution. We derive the moment generating function and the rrth moment thus generalizing some results in the literature. Expressions for the density, moment generating function and rrth moment of the order statistics also are obtained. We discuss estimation of the parameters by maximum likelihood and provide the information matrix. We observe in one application to real data set that this model is quite flexible and can be used quite effectively in analyzing positive data in place of the beta exponential and generalized exponential distributions

    Recalling an unfair experience reduces adolescents’ dishonest behavioral intentions: The mediating role of justice sensitivity

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    This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from Springer Verlag via the DOI in this record.Injustice experiences are likely to have a strong impact on—adolescents' life. However, individuals differ in how they perceive and respond to injustice depending on their justice sensitivity. Whereas several studies analyzed the relationships between justice sensitivity and antisocial behaviors in adult samples, little is known about this relationship among adolescents. The aim of the present experimental study is to expand knowledge on the antecedents and effects of justice sensitivity from the Victim (i.e., JS-Victim) and Others (i.e., JS-Observer, Perpetrator, and Beneficiary) perspective, particularly with regard to its relationship to willingness to act in dishonest behavioral intentions (e.g., stealing money or objects from classmates, teachers, or strangers). The study involved 369 Italian students (52% males; Mage = 16.64, SD = 1.78). We examined the role of justice sensitivity in the relationship between the recall of unfair, fair, or neutral episodes, and the consequent willingness to perform dishonest behaviors. Results demonstrate that recalling unfair (vs. fair or neutral) episodes leads to an increase in JS-Others, which in turn decreased willingness to behave dishonestly. Conversely, JS-Victim did not mediate the relationship between the recall of unfair episodes and intentions to behave dishonestly. The present findings suggest that during adolescence JS-Others might act as a protective factor against dishonest behaviors.This study was made possible due a FIRB 2012 grant from the Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research (MIUR; Grant Number RBFR128CR6)

    Polyphenols and antioxidant activity in macroalgae from Azores.

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    International Symposium FloraMac 2010”. Ponta Delgada, Açores, 23-25 de Setembro

    A Fisher-Rao metric for paracatadioptric images of lines

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    In a central paracatadioptric imaging system a perspective camera takes an image of a scene reflected in a paraboloidal mirror. A 360° field of view is obtained, but the image is severely distorted. In particular, straight lines in the scene project to circles in the image. These distortions make it diffcult to detect projected lines using standard image processing algorithms. The distortions are removed using a Fisher-Rao metric which is defined on the space of projected lines in the paracatadioptric image. The space of projected lines is divided into subsets such that on each subset the Fisher-Rao metric is closely approximated by the Euclidean metric. Each subset is sampled at the vertices of a square grid and values are assigned to the sampled points using an adaptation of the trace transform. The result is a set of digital images to which standard image processing algorithms can be applied. The effectiveness of this approach to line detection is illustrated using two algorithms, both of which are based on the Sobel edge operator. The task of line detection is reduced to the task of finding isolated peaks in a Sobel image. An experimental comparison is made between these two algorithms and third algorithm taken from the literature and based on the Hough transform

    Correlation equalities and upper bounds for the transverse Ising model

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    Starting from an exact formal identity for the two-state transverse Ising model and using correlation inequalities rigorous upper bounds for the critical temperature and the critical transverse field are obtained which improve effective results.Comment: 8 pages, 1 figur

    Self-similar and charged spheres in the diffusion approximation

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    We study spherical, charged and self--similar distributions of matter in the diffusion approximation. We propose a simple, dynamic but physically meaningful solution. For such a solution we obtain a model in which the distribution becomes static and changes to dust. The collapse is halted with damped mass oscillations about the absolute value of the total charge.Comment: 15 pages, 7 figure

    Weissella halotolerans W22 combines arginine deiminase and ornithine decarboxylation pathways and converts arginine to putrescine

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    Aims: To demonstrate that the meat food strain Weissella halotolerans combines an ornithine decarboxylation pathway and an arginine deiminase (ADI) pathway and is able to produce putrescine, a biogenic amine. Evidence is shown that these two pathways produce a proton motive force (PMF). Methods and Results: Internal pH in W. halotolerans was measured with the sensitive probe 2',7'-bis-(2-carboxyethyl)-5(and-6)-carboxyfluorescein. Membrane potential was measured with the fluorescent probe 3,3'-dipropylthiocarbocyanine iodine. Arginine and ornithine transport studies were made under several conditions, using cells loaded or not loaded with the biogenic amine putrescine. ADI pathway caused an increase in Delta pH dependent on the activity of F(0)F(1)ATPase. Ornithine decarboxylation pathway generates both a Delta pH and a Delta Psi. Both these pathways lead to the generation of a PMF. Conclusions: Weissella halotolerans W22 combines an ADI pathway and an ornithine decarboxylation pathway, conducing to the production of the biogenic amine putrescine and of a PMF. Transport studies suggest the existence of a unique antiporter arginine/putrescine in this lactic acid bacteria strain. Significance and Impact of the Study: The coexistence of two different types of amino acid catabolic pathways, leading to the formation of a PMF, is shown for a Weissella strain for the first time. Moreover, a unique antiport arginine/putrescine is hypothesized to be present in this food strain

    Área de ocorrência do mexilhão dourado (Limnoperna fortunei) na bacia do Alto Paraguai, entre os anos de 1998 e 2004.

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    O uso de água armazenada nos grandes navios marítimos para obter maior estabilidade, ajudar na propulsão e em manobras, a chamada "água de lastro", é o principal meio de introdução de organismos marinhos em ambientes aquáticos, tanto marinhos como de água doce. Em todo o mundo são transferidas anualmente cerca de 12 bilhões de toneladas de "água de lastro", que transportam aproximadamente 4.500 espécies diferentes. No Brasil, aproximadamente 95% de todo o comércio exterior é feito por via marítima e estima-se que 40.000 navios visitem os portos brasileiros anualmente, deslastrando 40 milhões de toneladas de água por ano (Silva & Souza, 2004). Pela "água de lastro" a espécie de bivale de água doce Limnoperna fortunei (Dunker, 1857) foi introduzida no estuário do rio da Prata, em 1991, provavelmente trazido por navios da Korea e Hong Kong (Pastorino et al., 1993). E a navegação no sistema Paraguai-Paraná foi o principal vetor da introdução desta espécie na Bacia do Alto Paraguai, onde foi observada pela primeira vez em 1998, no rio Paraguai, próximo à cidade de Corumba (MS).bitstream/item/39645/1/DOC64.pd