12 research outputs found

    Vulnerabilidade da doença aterosclerótica de carótidas: mudança de paradigmas? = Vulnerability of atherosclerotic carotid disease: changing paradigms?

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    Objetivo: Esta revisão enfoca os aspectos clínicos da doença obstrutiva de carótidas, as indicações atuais de intervenção cirúrgica, e os conceitos emergentes de vulnerabilidade e caracterização morfológica da placa. Fonte de dados: Foram acessadas publicações contidas nas bases de dados do Medline entre 1986 e 2006. Foram selecionados artigos originais e revisões sistemáticas relevantes sobre o tema, priorizados a partir do preconizado pela Medicina Baseada em Evidências, excluindo-se relatos ou séries de casos. Síntese dos dados: Diversas são as evidências de que marcadores inflamatórios sorológicos, e determinadas características morfológicas da placa de caró- tida, expressas em métodos de imagem, podem associar-se aos eventos isquêmicos cerebrais. Conclusão: A identificação das placas vulneráveis de carótida poderá modificar as indicações vigentes de intervenção, atualmente baseadas apenas no percentual angiográfico de estenos

    ArtinM Cytotoxicity in B Cells Derived from Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma Depends on Syk and Src Family Kinases

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    Receptors on the immune cell surface have a variety of glycans that may account for the immunomodulation induced by lectins, which have a carbohydrate recognition domain (CRD) that binds to monosaccharides or oligosaccharides in a specific manner. ArtinM, a D-mannose-binding lectin obtained from Artocarpus heterophyllus, has affinity for the N-glycans core. Immunomodulation by ArtinM toward the Th1 phenotype occurs via its interaction with TLR2/CD14 N-glycans on antigen-presenting cells, as well as recognition of CD3γ N-glycans on murine CD4+ and CD8+ T cells. ArtinM exerts a cytotoxic effect on Jurkat human leukemic T-cell line and human myeloid leukemia cell line (NB4). The current study evaluated the effects of ArtinM on murine and human B cells derived from non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma. We found that murine B cells are recognized by ArtinM via the CRD, and the ArtinM stimulus did not augment the proliferation rate or production of IL-2. However, murine B cell incubation with ArtinM augmented the rate of apoptosis, and this cytotoxic effect of ArtinM was also seen in human B cell-lines sourced from non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma Raji cell line. This cytotoxic effect was inhibited by the phosphatase activity of CD45 on Lck, and the protein kinases of the Src family contribute to cell death triggered by ArtinM

    Maternal health during the COVID-19 pandemic: Experiences of health workers in three Brazilian municipalities.

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    ObjectiveTo analyze the experiences of maternal health workers in three Brazilian cities, located in the Northeast (São Luís), Southeast (Niterói), and South (Pelotas) regions during the first year of the COVID-19 pandemic.MethodsQualitative research carried out between December 2020 and February 2021. Interviews were conducted, in person or remotely, with 30 health workers, doctors and nurses, working in maternity hospitals of different degrees of complexity.ResultsSociodemographic characteristics, employment relationships and professional qualification of the interviewees were described. Two thematic axes were identified: 1) changes in hospital organization and dynamics in the pandemic; 2) Illness and suffering of health workers. The majority of respondents were women. Most physicians had work relationships in the public and private sectors. In Niterói, health workers had better professional qualifications and more precarious work relationships (as temporary hires), compared to São Luís and Pelotas. In the context of the uncertainties resulting from the pandemic, this situation generated even more insecurity for those workers. The statements at the beginning of the pandemic covered topics such as changes in the organizational dynamics of services, healthcare, telemedicine, and interaction between health workers and users. In the health workers' perception, the initial period of the health emergency, which resulted in intense changes in the provision of services, was marked by an increase in preterm births, perinatal mortality, and fetal losses. Work overload, fear of contamination, concern for family members and uncertainties regarding the new disease caused intense suffering in health workers who had little institutional support in the cities studied. The suffering experienced by health workers went beyond the work dimension, reaching their private life.ConclusionChanges caused by the pandemic required immediate adjustments in professional practices, generating insecurities in healthcare regardless of the location studied. The method of hiring health workers remained the same as the previously practiced one in each city. Due to the risk of disease transmission, measures contrary to humanization practices, and more restrictive in São Luís, were reported as harmful to obstetric care. The Covid-19 pandemic was a huge challenge for the Brazilian health system, aggravating the working conditions experienced by health workers. In addition to the work environment, it was possible to briefly glimpse its effects on private life

    Anísio Teixeira e a educação integral

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    A concepção de educação integral, ancorada na extensão do tempo escolar, esteve sempre presente na obra de Anísio Teixeira. Partindo de uma justificativa, em 1930, ainda em parte baseada no espírito higienista-educacional, chega, em 1950, a uma proposta de educação escolar emancipadora de indivíduos e nação. Este texto apresenta a ideia de que a defesa da educação integral pelo autor passou por momentos diversos, mas conduziu o desenvolvimento de seu pensamento em relação a temas como alfabetização das massas, fim do dualismo escolar e qualidade da educação popular, mantendo-se como premissa ao longo de sua obra