307 research outputs found

    Moeda e espaço no Brasil: uma análise pós-keynesiana [Money and space in Brazil: a post-Keynesian analysis].

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    The aim of this piece is to analyse, based on the post-keynesian framework, the relationship between the centrality and dynamism of regions and the behaviour of some regional financial variables at Brazil from 1988 to 2000, which is a period of different levels of macroeconomic uncertainty. The great contribution of this thesis is to undertake the analysis using a special geo-economic delineation, which presents poles areas and its complementary regions according LEMOS, GUERRA e MORO (2000) study. From this scenery, it has been chosen for analysis some regions which metropolitan areas fulfilled on the last decades the requirement to be in the polygon of development presented by DINIZ (1993), and others regions whose metropolitan areas have not fulfilled that requirements. The results shown the relation between centrality of a region and the presence of institutional characteristics that make the credit easier to be created during the overall analysed period, being this relation stronger in periods of lower macroeconomic uncertainty.regional economics; financial system; money and liquidity preference

    Emerging heterogeneities in Italian customs and comparison with nearby countries

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    In this work we apply techniques and modus operandi typical of Statistical Mechanics to a large dataset about key social quantifiers and compare the resulting behaviours of five European nations, namely France, Germany, Italy, Spain and Switzerland. The social quantifiers considered are i.i. the evolution of the number of autochthonous marriages (i.e. between two natives) within a given territorial district and ii.ii. the evolution of the number of mixed marriages (i.e. between a native and an immigrant) within a given territorial district. Our investigations are twofold. From a theoretical perspective, we develop novel techniques, complementary to classical methods (e.g. historical series and logistic regression), in order to detect possible collective features underlying the empirical behaviours; from an experimental perspective, we evidence a clear outline for the evolution of the social quantifiers considered. The comparison between experimental results and theoretical predictions is excellent and allows speculating that France, Italy and Spain display a certain degree of {\em internal heterogeneity}, that is not found in Germany and Switzerland; such heterogeneity, quite mild in France and in Spain, is not negligible in Italy and highlights quantitative differences in the customs of Northern and Southern regions. These findings may suggest the persistence of two culturally distinct communities, long-term lasting heritages of different and well-established cultures.Comment: in PLoS One (2015

    Multitasking network with fast noise

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    We consider the multitasking associative network in the low-storage limit and we study its phase diagram with respect to the noise level TT and the degree dd of dilution in pattern entries. We find that the system is characterized by a rich variety of stable states, among which pure states, parallel retrieval states, hierarchically organized states and symmetric mixtures (remarkably, both even and odd), whose complexity increases as the number of patterns PP grows. The analysis is performed both analytically and numerically: Exploiting techniques based on partial differential equations, allows us to get the self-consistencies for the order parameters. Such self-consistence equations are then solved and the solutions are further checked through stability theory to catalog their organizations into the phase diagram, which is completely outlined at the end. This is a further step toward the understanding of spontaneous parallel processing in associative networks

    Comparacion de la distribucion normal y la distribucion inversa Gaussiana (Wald) en hibridos de populus.

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    48 p.La distribución Normal y la distribución Inversa Gaussiana (Wald) fueron comparadas para diámetros de dos híbridos de Populus (I-488 e I-63/51). La comparación se hizo mediante un análisis de varianza del estadístico Dn, generado por la prueba de bondad de ajuste Kolmogorov-Smirnov. Este análisis contempló tres factores, que corresponden a las distribuciones, los dos híbridos de Populus y las edades de cada parcela. Los resultados indicaron que no existen diferencias significativas entre ambas distribuciones de probabilidad

    Estratégia de comunicação para aumentar a notoriedade de uma marca de joalharia em aço junto da geração Z: O caso da marca Hassu

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    O mercado da joalharia está a crescer e a forma como comunicamos tem vindo a sofrer alterações. De forma a conseguirem manter-se relevantes e competitivas no mercado, as empresas têm de adaptar as suas estratégias de comunicação às novas gerações. Este estudo pretende ajudar a marca HASSU, uma marca de jóias em aço, a criar uma estratégia de comunicação para aumentar a notoriedade da marca junto da Geração Z. Para isso, é pertinente compreender quais os meios de comunicação mais valorizados pelos membros dessa mesma geração quando se trata de marcas de jóias em aço. A abordagem teórica incidiu sobre a marca e a Geração Z, sendo que o desenvolvimento do primeiro focou-se no conceito de marca, o seu valor e notoriedade, juntamente com a comunicação integrada de marketing. Para desenvolver o tema da Geração Z, explorou-se o conceito de geração, as características da Geração Z e o seu perfil enquanto consumidores de joalharia. Para responder ao objetivo do estudo, que consiste num estudo de caso, foi realizado um inquérito por questionário, através do qual foram recolhidas 219 respostas e foi possível concluir que os meios mais importantes para o aumento de notoriedade de uma marca de joalharia em aço junto da Geração Z são a loja física, as redes sociais e a publicidade televisiva. Também foi possível concluir que os aspetos que os membros desta geração mais valorizam nas jóias em aço são a durabilidade, a qualidade e o preço. As conclusões deste estudo permitem melhorar a comunicação da marca HASSU, bem como de outras empresas de joalharia em aço, junto dos consumidores mais jovens

    Infralittoral ostracoda and benthic foraminifera of the Gulf of Pozzuoli (Tyrrhenian Sea, Italy)

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    AbstractThe shallow water benthic foraminiferal and ostracod assemblages of the Gulf of Pozzuoli, located in the central Tyrrhenian Sea, were studied to investigate the relationship between calcareous meiofaunas and contaminant concentrations in bottom sediments exposed to prolonged industrial pollution. Both benthic foraminifers and ostracods displayed high-diversity and low-dominance, unusual features in highly contaminated environments. High-diversity values were possibly linked to the oligotrophic, well-oxygenated, and CaCO3-supersaturated coastal Mediterranean waters. The comparison with historical data suggested that assemblage composition changed in the last decades, with an increase in the relative abundance of benthic foraminiferal (Quinqueloculina seminulum, Bulimina elongata) and ostracod (Xestoleberis,Loxoconcha, Semicytherura rarecostata) taxa. They probably represent organisms tolerant to the environmental variations in the last decades. The relationships between granulometry and diversity indices, high correlation values betweenQuinqueloculina lataand heavy metal pollution, and the preference of the ostracod generaUrocythereisandParacytherideafor very shallow marine waters were highlighted

    Desenvolvimento econômico, preferência pela liquidez e acesso bancário: um estudo de caso [Economic development, liquidity preference and access to bank services: a case study].

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    The aim of this paper is to study the access to bank services and the public liquidity preference in Minas Gerais. The theoretical approach will be post-keynesian, which suggests that in peripherical regions the liquidity preference would be higher, due to the uncertainty. This situation leads to fewer bank branches, less information within the peripheral region and lower willingness in lending by the bank system. In this way, regions with higher liquidity preferences and lower access to bank services are supposed to show credit problems, what make their development more difficult.economic development; financial system; post-Keynesian

    Cardiovascular effects of antimuscarinic agents and beta3-adrenergic receptor agonist for the treatment of overactive bladder

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    Overactive bladder (OAB) syndrome is common in the general population, particularly in elderly patients. Antimuscarinic drugs (AMs) are considered the mainstay pharmaceutical treatment of OAB whereas \u3b23-adrenoceptor agonists, such as mirabegron, represent a good alternative. Owing to the important role of muscarinic and \u3b23 receptors in cardiovascular (CV) tissue and to the fact that OAB patients often have CV comorbidities, the safety-profile of these drugs constitute an important challenge. Area covered: The aim of this review is to evaluate the CV effects of AMs and mirabegron in OAB. A systematic literature search from inception until December 2017 was performed on PubMed and Medline. Expert opinion: AMs are generally considered to have good CV safety profile but, however, they may cause undesirable adverse events, such as dry mouth, constipation. CV AEs are rare but noteworthy, the most common CV consequences related to the use of these drugs are constituted by an increase in HR and QT interval. Mirabegron has similar efficacy and tolerability to AMs but causes less adverse events, with either modest hypertension and modest increase in HR (<5 bpm) being the most commonly reported

    Análisis del sistema de agua potable mediante el modelo Watercad y la condición sanitaria del Centro Poblado Atipayan, Huaraz, 2022

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    La investigación tiene como objetivo analizar la red de agua potable mediante el modelo Watercad para establecer la influencia en la condición sanitaria del Centro Poblado Atipayan. Se enfatiza en el uso del software, permitiendo obtener resultados exactos con la modelación aplicada en el software. Asimismo, la investigación tiene como metodología de tipo aplicativo, diseño no experimental, permitiendo medir la variable independiente. Por otro lado, es de nivel descriptivo y explicativo, debido a se encargan de recolectar información y explica como ocurrió el fenómeno y las condiciones que manifiesta

    Virtual biopsy in prostate cancer: can machine learning distinguish low and high aggressive tumors on MRI?

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    In the last decades, MRI was proven a useful tool for the diagnosis and characterization of Prostate Cancer (PCa). In the literature, many studies focused on characterizing PCa aggressiveness, but a few have distinguished between low-aggressive (Gleason Grade Group (GG) =3) PCas based on biparametric MRI (bpMRI). In this study, 108 PCas were collected from two different centers and were divided into training, testing, and validation set. From Apparent Diffusion Coefficient (ADC) map and T2-Weighted Image (T2WI), we extracted texture features, both 3D and 2D, and we implemented three different methods of Feature Selection (FS): Minimum Redundance Maximum Relevance (MRMR), Affinity Propagation (AP), and Genetic Algorithm (GA). From the resulting subsets of predictors, we trained Support Vector Machine (SVM), Decision Tree, and Ensemble Learning classifiers on the training set, and we evaluated their prediction ability on the testing set. Then, for each FS method, we chose the best classifier, based on both training and testing performances, and we further assessed their generalization capability on the validation set. Between the three best models, a Decision Tree was trained using only two features extracted from the ADC map and selected by MRMR, achieving, on the validation set, an Area Under the ROC (AUC) equal to 81%, with sensitivity and specificity of 77% and 93%, respectively.Clinical Relevance- Our best model demonstrated to be able to distinguish low-aggressive from high-aggressive PCas with high accuracy. Potentially, this approach could help clinician to noninvasively distinguish between PCas that might need active treatment and those that could potentially benefit from active surveillance, avoiding biopsy-related complications