9 research outputs found

    The Dichotomy of the 65B Certificate: Analysing Trends with Regard to the Authentication of Electronic Evidence in India

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    It is a known fact as to how intricately interwoven electronic forms of communication and electronic media are in all aspects of life in the 21st century, including governance, crime and justice. This is widely recognised, and our reliance on technology is only bound to increase.Yet, development in legal literature does not occur synchronously. Where the pace oftechnology increases with time, legal developments that should ideally be concomitant, fall behind and often cause confusion, not only among the parties to the dispute in question, but also to lower Courts that seek to apply such principles in the future. One such nobly motivated legislative development is the 65B Certificate, the legal position with regard to which has seen multiple alternating views on the question of its mandatory nature with the latest developments delivered by the Supreme Court in the judgments of Shafhi Muhammad (2018) and Arjun Khotkar (2020). This paper discusses the changes that regulations dealing with the authentication of electronic evidence have undergone, post the introduction of the Section, analyses probable causes of the same and concludes with the contention that the current position of law may be inadequate

    A Review on working of Cflow

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    In the field of program analysis, call graphs provide a succinct and human readable visual form of function flows in a program. Typically, call graphs are directed graphs, that determine the sequence of invocation of subroutines depicting the caller callee dependencies. This is used to tap the flow a program takes during execution, laying a foundation for further needful analysis. In this context, Call graph generators, taking a program as input, are typically used to generate call graphs. GNU Cflow, is one such tool. It accepts a C program or a number of C programs as input and generates a procedure flow, with clear caller-callee sequence distinguished by level indentation, with callee functions indented inside caller functions. This output can be altered by supplying different available flags and output-formatting options to suit the requirement. There is a lot of scope to revamp the Cflow source code and utilize the dispensed output. In this paper, we discuss the nature of cflow, its expected output, its limitations and scope for future research in it

    Smart Manufacturing using IOT

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    We are entering a new era of computing technology that many are calling the Internet of Things (IoT).Machine to machine, machine to infrastructure, machine to environment, the Internet of Everything, the Internet of Intelligent Things, intelligent systems–call it what you want, but it's happening, and its potential is huge. We see the IoT as billions of smart, connected “things” (a sort of “universal global neural network” in the cloud) that will encompass every aspect of our lives, and its foundation is the intelligence that embedded processing provides. The IoT is comprised of smart machines interacting and communicating with other machines, objects, environments and infrastructures. As a result, huge volumes of data are being generated, and that data is being processed into useful actions that can “command and control” things to make our lives much easier and saferand to reduce our impact on the environment. The creativity of this new era is boundless, with amazing potential to improve our lives

    2. Livius Andronicus

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    Energy retrofit scenarios: material flows and circularity

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    Cities are fast growing and are becoming more and more dependent on external services and supplies to meet their demands. In this context, the building industry can play a major role to reach European and regional targets of low-energy construction and circular design, particularly if considering the need of improving the energy standards and performance of the existing stock. On these premises, this paper presents the findings from recent research and discusses upcoming challenges, in particular: what are the consequences of retrofit operations on material flows, and their impact on circularity and low carbon objectives? In other words, which energy retrofit strategies are being implemented in buildings that could contribute to the production of building’ waste or secondary resources today, but also in the future? The purpose of this paper is to analyse the impact of different retrofitting scenarios on the energy performance of material flows. These scenarios can directly influence the nature and quantity of the materials used (inflows) and discarded (outflows) by upgrading or renewing the existing building stock. They can also lead to different environmental impacts and vary the embodied potential (through reuse or recycling) of resources. The analysis focuses on selected case studies representative of the housing stock in Brussels (Belgium). The overall objective is to inform, sensitize, and lead various stakeholders to responsible and conscious choices when retrofitting a building by adding concerns of resources efficiency while focusing on reducing energy demands