4,913 research outputs found

    Reweighting NNPDFs: the W lepton asymmetry

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    We present a method for incorporating the information contained in new datasets into an existing set of parton distribution functions without the need for refitting. The method involves reweighting the ensemble of parton densities through the computation of the chi-square to the new dataset. We explain how reweighting may be used to assess the impact of any new data or pseudodata on parton densities and thus on their predictions. We show that the method works by considering the addition of inclusive jet data to a DIS+DY fit, and comparing to the refitted distribution. We then use reweighting to determine the impact of recent high statistics lepton asymmetry data from the D0 experiment on the NNPDF2.0 parton set. We find that the D0 inclusive muon and electron data are perfectly compatible with the rest of the data included in the NNPDF2.0 analysis and impose additional constraints on the large-x d/u ratio. The more exclusive D0 electron datasets are however inconsistent both with the other datasets and among themselves, suggesting that here the experimental uncertainties have been underestimated.Comment: 36 pages, 22 figures: errors in Eqns.12,36,37 corrected and parts of Figs.1,6,10,13,15,19 replace

    Parton distributions with threshold resummation

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    We construct a set of parton distribution functions (PDFs) in which fixed-order NLO and NNLO calculations are supplemented with soft-gluon (threshold) resummation up to NLL and NNLL accuracy respectively, suitable for use in conjunction with any QCD calculation in which threshold resummation is included at the level of partonic cross sections. These resummed PDF sets, based on the NNPDF3.0 analysis, are extracted from deep-inelastic scattering, Drell-Yan, and top quark pair production data, for which resummed calculations can be consistently used. We find that, close to threshold, the inclusion of resummed PDFs can partially compensate the enhancement in resummed matrix elements, leading to resummed hadronic cross-sections closer to the fixed-order calculation. On the other hand, far from threshold, resummed PDFs reduce to their fixed-order counterparts. Our results demonstrate the need for a consistent use of resummed PDFs in resummed calculations.Comment: 43 pages, 17 figures, accepted for publication in JHE

    Parton distributions with LHC data

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    We present the first determination of parton distributions of the nucleon at NLO and NNLO based on a global data set which includes LHC data: NNPDF2.3. Our data set includes, besides the deep inelastic, Drell-Yan, gauge boson production and jet data already used in previous global PDF determinations, all the relevant LHC data for which experimental systematic uncertainties are currently available: ATLAS and LHCb W and Z lepton rapidity distributions from the 2010 run, CMS W electron asymmetry data from the 2011 run, and ATLAS inclusive jet cross-sections from the 2010 run. We introduce an improved implementation of the FastKernel method which allows us to fit to this extended data set, and also to adopt a more effective minimization methodology. We present the NNPDF2.3 PDF sets, and compare them to the NNPDF2.1 sets to assess the impact of the LHC data. We find that all the LHC data are broadly consistent with each other and with all the older data sets included in the fit. We present predictions for various standard candle cross-sections, and compare them to those obtained previously using NNPDF2.1, and specifically discuss the impact of ATLAS electroweak data on the determination of the strangeness fraction of the proton. We also present collider PDF sets, constructed using only data from HERA, Tevatron and LHC, but find that this data set is neither precise nor complete enough for a competitive PDF determination.Comment: 56 pages, 30 figures. LHCb dataset updated, all tables and plots recomputed accordingly (results essentially unchanged). Several typos corrected, several small textual improvements and clarification

    Fitting Parton Distribution Data with Multiplicative Normalization Uncertainties

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    We consider the generic problem of performing a global fit to many independent data sets each with a different overall multiplicative normalization uncertainty. We show that the methods in common use to treat multiplicative uncertainties lead to systematic biases. We develop a method which is unbiased, based on a self--consistent iterative procedure. We demonstrate the use of this method by applying it to the determination of parton distribution functions with the NNPDF methodology, which uses a Monte Carlo method for uncertainty estimation.Comment: 33 pages, 5 figures: published versio

    Hadamard matrices and 1-factorizations of complete graphs

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    We discuss 1-factorizations of complete graphs that “match” a given Hadamard matrix. We prove the existence of these factorizations for two families of Hadamard matrices: Walsh matrices and certain Paley matrices

    Dissertation Abstracts

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