91 research outputs found

    Exploring the Effect of Asymmetric Mitochondrial DNA Introgression on Estimating Niche Divergence in Morphologically Cryptic Species

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    If potential morphologically cryptic species, identified based on differentiated mitochondrial DNA, express ecological divergence, this increases support for their treatment as distinct species. However, mitochondrial DNA introgression hampers the correct estimation of ecological divergence. We test the hypothesis that estimated niche divergence differs when considering nuclear DNA composition or mitochondrial DNA type as representing the true species range. We use empirical data of two crested newt species (Amphibia: Triturus) which possess introgressed mitochondrial DNA from a third species in part of their ranges. We analyze the data in environmental space by determining Fisher distances in a principal component analysis and in geographical space by determining geographical overlap of species distribution models. We find that under mtDNA guidance in one of the two study cases niche divergence is overestimated, whereas in the other it is underestimated. In the light of our results we discuss the role of estimated niche divergence in species delineation

    Description of a new species of crested newt, previously subsumed in Triturus ivanbureschi (Amphibia: Caudata: Salamandridae)

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    Multilocus molecular data play a pivotal role in diagnosing cryptic species (i.e. genetically distinct but morphologically similar species). A multilocus phylogeographic survey has provided compelling evidence that Triturus ivanbureschi sensu lato comprises two distinct gene pools with restricted gene flow. We conclude that this taxon had better be treated as two distinct (albeit morphologically cryptic) species. The name T. ivanbureschi should be restricted to the western species, which is distributed in western Asiatic Turkey plus the south-eastern Balkan Peninsula. No name is as yet available for the eastern species, which is distributed in northern Asiatic Turkey. We propose the name T. anatolicus sp. nov. for the eastern species and provide a formal species description

    The distribution and taxonomy of Lissotriton newts in Turkey (Amphibia, Salamandridae)

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    Two and perhaps three taxa of Lissotriton newt occur in Turkey. Their species status is controversial. The distribution of these taxa and the taxonomic status of each are reviewed and discussed. A database of 128 Turkish Lissotriton localities was compiled and species distribution models were constructed. We reiterate that the presence of L. ( v. ) lantzi in Turkey is disputed and needs confirmation. The range of L. ( v. ) koss - wigi is restricted to north-western Anatolia – given the small global range of this Turkey endemic, a closer look at its conservation status is warranted. The distribution of L. v. schmidtleri covers western Asiatic and European Turkey. The findings support an allopatric distribution of the Turkish Lissotriton species. We reflect on the biological significance of previously reported morphological intermediates between L. ( v. ) kosswigi and L. v. schmidtleri in the light of the recent proposal to recognize kosswigi at the species level. The available data are in line with species status for L. ( v. ) lantzi and L. ( v. ) kosswigi . Although L. v. schmidtleri is a genetically diverged taxon as well, the extent of gene flow with parapatric European Lis - sotriton taxa is as yet unknown

    Southward autumn migration of waterfowl facilitates cross-continental transmission of the highly pathogenic avian influenza H5N1 virus.

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    The highly pathogenic avian influenza subtype H5N1 (HPAI H5N1) is a worldwide zoonotic infectious disease, threatening humans, poultry and wild birds. The role of wild birds in the spread of HPAI H5N1 has previously been investigated by comparing disease spread patterns with bird migration routes. However, the different roles that the southward autumn and northward spring migration might play in virus transmission have hardly been explored. Using direction analysis, we analyze HPAI H5N1 transmission directions and angular concentration of currently circulating viral clades, and compare these with waterfowl seasonal migration directions along major waterfowl flyways. Out of 22 HPAI H5N1 transmission directions, 18 had both a southward direction and a relatively high concentration. Differences between disease transmission and waterfowl migration directions were significantly smaller for autumn than for spring migration. The four northward transmission directions were found along Asian flyways, where the initial epicenter of the virus was located. We suggest waterfowl first picked up the virus from East Asia, then brought it to the north via spring migration, and then spread it to other parts of world mainly by autumn migration. We emphasize waterfowl autumn migration plays a relatively important role in HPAI H5N1 transmission compared to spring migration

    Phylogenomics of the adaptive radiation of Triturus newts supports gradual ecological niche expansion towards an incrementally aquatic lifestyle

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    Newts of the genus Triturus (marbled and crested newts) exhibit substantial variation in the number of trunk vertebrae (NTV) and a higher NTV corresponds to a longer annual aquatic period. Because the Triturus phylogeny has thwarted resolution to date, the evolutionary history of NTV, annual aquatic period, and their potential coevolution has remained unclear. To resolve the phylogeny of Triturus, we generated a c. 6,000 transcriptome-derived marker data set using a custom target enrichment probe set, and conducted phylogenetic analyses using: 1) data concatenation with RAxML, 2) gene-tree summary with ASTRAL, and 3) species-tree estimation with SNAPP. All analyses produce the same, highly supported topology, despite cladogenesis having occurred over a short timeframe, resulting in short internal branch lengths. Our new phylogenetic hypothesis is consistent with the minimal number of inferred changes in NTV count necessary to explain the diversity in NTV observed today. Although a causal relationship between NTV, body form, and aquatic ecology has yet to be experimentally established, our phylogeny indicates that these features have evolved together, and suggest that they may underlie the adaptive radiation that characterizes Triturus

    Molecular data reveal the hybrid nature of an introduced population of banded newts (Ommatotriton) in Spain

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    The three species of banded newt (genus Ommatotriton) are endemic to the Near East. Recently an introduced banded newt population was discovered in Catalonia, Spain. To determine the species involved and the geographical source, we genotyped 11 individuals for one mitochondrial and two nuclear genetic markers, and compared the observed haplotypes to a range-wide phylogeography of Ommatotriton. All haplotypes identified in Spain are identical to haplotypes known from the native range. The mitochondrial haplotypes derive from O. ophryticus and were originally recorded in northeast Turkey. The nuclear haplotypes reveal that all individuals are genetically admixed between O. ophryticus and O. nesterovi. While the geographical resolution for the nuclear markers is low, the source of the O. nesterovi ancestry must be Turkey, as this species is a Turkish endemic. Species distribution models suggest a large potential distribution for the two Ommatotriton species, extending over northern Iberia and southern France. The ecology of hybrids can differ substantially from that of the parent species, making the impact of the Spanish hybrid banded newt population difficult to predict

    Parallel tagged amplicon sequencing of transcriptome-based genetic markers for Triturus newts with the Ion Torrent next-generation sequencing platform

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    Next-generation sequencing is a fast and cost-effective way to obtain sequence data for nonmodel organisms for many markers and for many individuals. We describe a protocol through which we obtain orthologous markers for the crested newts (Amphibia: Salamandridae: Triturus), suitable for analysis of interspecific hybridization. We use transcriptome data of a single Triturus species and design 96 primer pairs that amplify c. 180 bp fragments positioned in 3-prime untranslated regions. Next, these markers are tested with uniplex PCR for a set of species spanning the taxonomical width of the genus Triturus. The 52 markers that consistently show a single band of expected length at gel electrophoreses for all tested crested newt species are then amplified in five multiplex PCRs (with a plexity of ten or eleven) for 132 individual newts: a set of 84 representing the seven (candidate) species and a set of 48 from a presumed hybrid population. After pooling multiplexes per individual, unique tags are ligated to link amplicons to individuals. Subsequently, individuals are pooled equimolar and sequenced on the Ion Torrent next-generation sequencing platform. A bioinformatics pipeline identifies the alleles and recodes these to a genotypic format. Next, we test the utility of our markers. baps allocates the 84 crested newt individuals representing (candidate) species to their expected (candidate) species, confirming the markers are suitable for species delineation. newhybrids, a hybrid index and hiest confirm the 48 individuals from the presumed hybrid population to be genetically admixed, illustrating the potential of the markers to identify interspecific hybridization. We expect the set of markers we designed to provide a high resolving power for analysis of hybridization in Triturus

    The hybrid zone between the Italian and Northern Crested Newts (Triturus carnifex and T. cristatus) reaches Germany

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    While it is generally assumed that only the Northern Crested Newt (Triturus cristatus) occurs in Germany, there are early reports of Crested Newts with features typical of the Italian Crested Newt (T. carnifex) from the Berchtesgadener Land (Bavaria). We study a panel of eight nuclear DNA SNP markers for 26 individual Crested Newts to test if T. carnifex alleles occur in this region. All but two of the studied individuals contain alleles diagnostic for T. carnifex, with the largest percentage of T. carnifex alleles observed in a single individual being 37.5%. The sampled individuals show morphological characteristics typically associated with T. carnifex. We conclude that the natural hybrid zone between the Northern Crested Newt and the Italian Crested Newt reaches further west than previously realized and extends into the extreme southeast of Germany.Animal sciencesNaturali

    A signature of dynamic biogeography: enclaves indicate past species replacement

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    Understanding how species have replaced each other in the past is important to predicting future species turnover. While past species replacement is difficult to detect after the fact, the process may be inferred from present-day distribution patterns. Species with abutting ranges sometimes show a characteristic distribution pattern, where a section of one species range is enveloped by that of the other. Such an enclave could indicate past species replacement: when a species is partly supplanted by a competitor, but a population endures locally while the invading species moves around and past it, an enclave forms. If the two species hybridize and backcross, the receding species is predicted to leave genetic traces within the expanding one under a scenario of species replacement. By screening dozens of genes in hybridizing crested newts, we uncover genetic remnants of the ancestral species, now inhabiting an enclave, in the range of the surrounding invading species. This independent genetic evidence supports the past distribution dynamics we predicted from the enclave. We suggest that enclaves provide a valuable tool in understanding historical species replacement, which is important because a major conservation concern arising from anthropogenic climate change is increased species replacement in the future

    Balanced lethal systems: an evolutionary mystery

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    NWO023.016.006NaturalisAnimal science
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