67 research outputs found

    A matrix product state based algorithm for determining dispersion relations of quantum spin chains with periodic boundary conditions

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    We study a matrix product state (MPS) algorithm to approximate excited states of translationally invariant quantum spin systems with periodic boundary conditions. By means of a momentum eigenstate ansatz generalizing the one of \"Ostlund and Rommer [1], we separate the Hilbert space of the system into subspaces with different momentum. This gives rise to a direct sum of effective Hamiltonians, each one corresponding to a different momentum, and we determine their spectrum by solving a generalized eigenvalue equation. Surprisingly, many branches of the dispersion relation are approximated to a very good precision. We benchmark the accuracy of the algorithm by comparison with the exact solutions of the quantum Ising and the antiferromagnetic Heisenberg spin-1/2 model.Comment: 13 pages, 11 figures, 5 table

    Matrix product operator representations

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    We show how to construct relevant families of matrix product operators (MPOs) in one and higher dimensions. These form the building blocks for the numerical simulation methods based on matrix product states and projected entangled pair states. In particular, we construct translationally invariant MPOs suitable for time evolution, and show how such descriptions are possible for Hamiltonians with long-range interactions. We show how these tools can be exploited for constructing new algorithms for simulating quantum spin systems

    Matrix product states for critical spin chains: finite size scaling versus finite entanglement scaling

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    We investigate the use of matrix product states (MPS) to approximate ground states of critical quantum spin chains with periodic boundary conditions (PBC). We identify two regimes in the (N,D) parameter plane, where N is the size of the spin chain and D is the dimension of the MPS matrices. In the first regime MPS can be used to perform finite size scaling (FSS). In the complementary regime the MPS simulations show instead the clear signature of finite entanglement scaling (FES). In the thermodynamic limit (or large N limit), only MPS in the FSS regime maintain a finite overlap with the exact ground state. This observation has implications on how to correctly perform FSS with MPS, as well as on the performance of recent MPS algorithms for systems with PBC. It also gives clear evidence that critical models can actually be simulated very well with MPS by using the right scaling relations; in the appendix, we give an alternative derivation of the result of Pollmann et al. [Phys. Rev. Lett. 102, 255701 (2009)] relating the bond dimension of the MPS to an effective correlation length.Comment: 18 pages, 13 figure

    Exploiting translational invariance in matrix product state simulations of spin chains with periodic boundary conditions

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    We present a matrix product state (MPS) algorithm to approximate ground states of translationally invariant systems with periodic boundary conditions. For a fixed value of the bond dimension D of the MPS, we discuss how to minimize the computational cost to obtain a seemingly optimal MPS approximation to the ground state. In a chain with N sites and correlation length ξ, the computational cost formally scales as g(D,ξ/N)D3, where g(D,ξ/N) is a nontrivial function. For ξâN, this scaling reduces to D3, independent of the system size N, making our method N times faster than previous proposals. We apply the algorithm to obtain MPS approximations for the ground states of the critical quantum Ising and Heisenberg spin-1/2 models as well as for the noncritical Heisenberg spin-1 model. In the critical case, for any chain length N, we find a model-dependent bond dimension D(N) above which the polynomial decay of correlations is faithfully reproduced throughout the entire system

    An empirical evaluation of prediction by partial matching in assembly assistance systems

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    Industrial assistive systems result from a multidisciplinary effort that integrates IoT (and Industrial IoT), Cognetics, and Artificial Intelligence. This paper evaluates the Prediction by Partial Matching algorithm as a component of an assembly assistance system that supports factory workers, by providing choices for the next manufacturing step. The evaluation of the proposed method was performed on datasets collected within an experiment involving trainees and experienced workers. The goal is to find out which method best suits the datasets in order to be integrated afterwards into our context-aware assistance system. The obtained results show that the Prediction by Partial Matching method presents a significant improvement with respect to the existing Markov predictors

    Complete devil's staircase and crystal--superfluid transitions in a dipolar XXZ spin chain: A trapped ion quantum simulation

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    Systems with long-range interactions show a variety of intriguing properties: they typically accommodate many meta-stable states, they can give rise to spontaneous formation of supersolids, and they can lead to counterintuitive thermodynamic behavior. However, the increased complexity that comes with long-range interactions strongly hinders theoretical studies. This makes a quantum simulator for long-range models highly desirable. Here, we show that a chain of trapped ions can be used to quantum simulate a one-dimensional model of hard-core bosons with dipolar off-site interaction and tunneling, equivalent to a dipolar XXZ spin-1/2 chain. We explore the rich phase diagram of this model in detail, employing perturbative mean-field theory, exact diagonalization, and quasiexact numerical techniques (density-matrix renormalization group and infinite time evolving block decimation). We find that the complete devil's staircase -- an infinite sequence of crystal states existing at vanishing tunneling -- spreads to a succession of lobes similar to the Mott-lobes found in Bose--Hubbard models. Investigating the melting of these crystal states at increased tunneling, we do not find (contrary to similar two-dimensional models) clear indications of supersolid behavior in the region around the melting transition. However, we find that inside the insulating lobes there are quasi-long range (algebraic) correlations, opposed to models with nearest-neighbor tunneling which show exponential decay of correlations

    Time Evolution within a Comoving Window: Scaling of signal fronts and magnetization plateaus after a local quench in quantum spin chains

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    We present a modification of Matrix Product State time evolution to simulate the propagation of signal fronts on infinite one-dimensional systems. We restrict the calculation to a window moving along with a signal, which by the Lieb-Robinson bound is contained within a light cone. Signal fronts can be studied unperturbed and with high precision for much longer times than on finite systems. Entanglement inside the window is naturally small, greatly lowering computational effort. We investigate the time evolution of the transverse field Ising (TFI) model and of the S=1/2 XXZ antiferromagnet in their symmetry broken phases after several different local quantum quenches. In both models, we observe distinct magnetization plateaus at the signal front for very large times, resembling those previously observed for the particle density of tight binding (TB) fermions. We show that the normalized difference to the magnetization of the ground state exhibits similar scaling behaviour as the density of TB fermions. In the XXZ model there is an additional internal structure of the signal front due to pairing, and wider plateaus with tight binding scaling exponents for the normalized excess magnetization. We also observe parameter dependent interaction effects between individual plateaus, resulting in a slight spatial compression of the plateau widths. In the TFI model, we additionally find that for an initial Jordan-Wigner domain wall state, the complete time evolution of the normalized excess longitudinal magnetization agrees exactly with the particle density of TB fermions.Comment: 10 pages with 5 figures. Appendix with 23 pages, 13 figures and 4 tables. Largely extended and improved versio

    Valence Bond States: Link models

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    An isotropic anti-ferromagnetic quantum state on a square lattice is characterized by symmetry arguments only. By construction, this quantum state is the result of an underlying valence bond structure without breaking any symmetry in the lattice or spin spaces. A detailed analysis of the correlations of the quantum state is given (using a mapping to a 2D classical statistical model and methods in field theory like mapping to the non-linear sigma model or bosonization techniques) as well as the results of numerical treatments (regarding exact diagonalization and variational methods). Finally, the physical relevance of the model is motivated. A comparison of the model to known anti-ferromagnetic Mott-Hubbard insulators is given by means of the two-point equal-time correlation function obtained i) numerically from the suggested state and ii) experimentally from neutron scattering on cuprates in the anti-ferromagnetic insulator phase.Comment: 20 pages, 15 figures; added references, corrected some typos, new sections. Published versio

    Optimal Matrix Product States for the Heisenberg Spin Chain

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    We present some exact results for the optimal Matrix Product State (MPS) approximation to the ground state of the infinite isotropic Heisenberg spin-1/2 chain. Our approach is based on the systematic use of Schmidt decompositions to reduce the problem of approximating for the ground state of a spin chain to an analytical minimization. This allows to show that results of standard simulations, e.g. density matrix renormalization group and infinite time evolving block decimation, do correspond to the result obtained by this minimization strategy and, thus, both methods deliver optimal MPS with the same energy but, otherwise, different properties. We also find that translational and rotational symmetries cannot be maintained simultaneously by the MPS ansatz of minimum energy and present explicit constructions for each case. Furthermore, we analyze symmetry restoration and quantify it to uncover new scaling relations. The method we propose can be extended to any translational invariant Hamiltonian.Comment: 10 pages, 3 figures; typos adde

    Tensor network techniques for the computation of dynamical observables in 1D quantum spin systems

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    We analyze the recently developed folding algorithm [Phys. Rev. Lett. 102, 240603 (2009)] to simulate the dynamics of infinite quantum spin chains, and relate its performance to the kind of entanglement produced under the evolution of product states. We benchmark the accomplishments of this technique with respect to alternative strategies using Ising Hamiltonians with transverse and parallel fields, as well as XY models. Additionally, we evaluate its ability to find ground and thermal equilibrium states.Comment: 33 pages, 22 figure