136 research outputs found

    Design of Polyamine-Grafted Starches for Nucleotide Analogue Delivery: In Vitro Evaluation of the Anticancer Activity

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    Nucleotide analogues are a therapeutic class that is very promising and currently used in clinics, notably against viral infectious diseases and cancer. However, their therapeutic potential is often restricted by a poor stability in vivo, the induction of severe side effects, and limited passive intracellular diffusion due to their hydrophilicity. Polysaccharide-based polymers (e.g., starch) have considerable advantages, including a lack of toxicity and the absence of antigenicity. The aim of this study was to develop new cationic starches able to form complexes with nucleotide analogues, thus protecting them and increasing their cell uptake. At the same time, the material should demonstrate good biocompatibility and low cytotoxicity. Different polyamines, (TREN, TEPA, and spermine) were grafted to starch to evaluate the impact of side-chain properties. The resulting cationic starch derivatives were characterized (e.g., degree of modification) and compared in their ability to form polyplexes with ATP as a model nucleotide. Among the tested candidates, the formulation of starch–TEPA and ATP with an N/P ratio of 2 led to nanoparticles with a size of 429 nm, a PdI of 0.054, and a ζ potential of −9 mV. MTT and LDH assays on A549 cell line showed low toxicity for this polymer. Confocal microscopy study proved that the cell internalization was an incubation-time- and energy-dependent process. Most important, starch–TEPA complexed with ddGTP showed significant biological activity on A549 cancer cells compared to that of plain ddGTP at the same concentration

    Modelling the bronchial barrier in pulmonary drug delivery: A human bronchial epithelial cell line supplemented with human tracheal mucus.

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    The airway epithelium together with the mucus layer coating it forms a protective system that efficiently filters and removes potentially harmful particles contained in inhaled air. The same mechanism, however, serves to entrap particulate drug carriers, precluding their interaction with their target. The mucus barrier is often neglected in in vitro testing setups employed for the assessment of pulmonary drug delivery strategies. Therefore, our aim was to more accurately model the bronchial barrier, by developing an in vitro system comprising a tight epithelial cell layer which may be optionally supplemented with a layer of human tracheal mucus. To form the epithelium in vitro, we used the cystic fibrosis cell line CFBE41o-, which can be grown as monolayers on Transwell® supports, expressing tight junctions as well as relevant transport proteins. In contrast to the cell line Calu-3, however, CFBE41o- does not produce mucus. Therefore, native human mucus, obtained from tracheal tubes of patients undergoing elective surgery, was used as a supplement. The compatibility of CFBE41o- cells with the human mucus was addressed with the MTT assay, and confirmed by fluorescein diacetate/propidium iodide live/dead staining. Moreover, the CFBE41o- cells retained their epithelial barrier properties after being supplemented with mucus, as evidenced by the high trans-epithelial electrical resistance values (∼1000Ωcm(2)) together with a continued low level of paracellular transport of sodium fluorescein. Fluorescently-labeled chitosan-coated PLGA nanoparticles (NP, ∼168nm) were used as a model drug delivery system to evaluate the suitability of this in vitro model for studying mucus permeation and cell uptake. Comparing CFBE41o- cell monolayers with and without mucus, resp., showed that the NP uptake was dramatically reduced in the presence of mucus. This model may therefore be used as a tool to study potential mucus interactions of aerosolized drugs, and more specifically NP-based drug delivery systems designed to exert their effect in the bronchial region

    Design of polyamines-grafted starches for nucleotide analogues delivery: in vitro evaluation of the anticancer activity

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    Nucleotide analogues are a therapeutic class really promising and currently used in clinic notably against viral infectious diseases and cancer. However, their therapeutic potential is often restricted by a poor stability in vivo, the induction of severe side effects and a limited passive intracellular diffusion due to their hydrophilicity. Polysaccharide-based polymers (e. g. starch) have considerable advantages including a lack of toxicity and absence of antigenicity. The aim of this study was to develop new cationic starches able to form complexes with nucleotide analogues: to protect them and increase their cell uptake. The material should demonstrate good biocompatibility and low cytotoxicity. Different oligoamines, (TREN, TEPA and spermine) were covalently grafted to starch: the resulting cationic starch derivatives were characterized (e.g. degree of modification) and compared in their properties to form polyplexes with ATP as a model nucleotide. Among the tested candidates, the formulation of starch-TEPA and ATP with a N/P ratio = 2 led to nanoparticles with a size of 429 nm, a PdI of 0.054 and a zeta potential of -9 mV. MTT and LDH assays on A549 cell line showed a low toxicity of this cationic starch. Confocal microscopy studies proved that the cell internalization was an incubation time and energy dependent process. Most important, starch-TEPA complexes with ddGTP (0.3 mg/mL) showed a significant biological activity on A549 cancer cells (> 90 %) compared to plain ddGTP (~ 21 %) at the same concentration, revealing a real promising system to deliver intracellularly nucleotide analogues

    Bioinspired Liposomes for Oral Delivery of Colistin to Combat Intracellular Infections by Salmonella enterica.

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    Bacterial invasion into eukaryotic cells and the establishment of intracellular infection has proven to be an effective means of resisting antibiotic action, as anti-infective agents commonly exhibit a poor permeability across the host cell membrane. Encapsulation of anti-infectives into nanoscaled delivery systems, such as liposomes, is shown to result in an enhancement of intracellular delivery. The aim of the current work is, therefore, to formulate colistin, a poorly permeable anti-infective, into liposomes suitable for oral delivery, and to functionalize these carriers with a bacteria-derived invasive moiety to enhance their intracellular delivery. Different combinations of phospholipids and cholesterol are explored to optimize liposomal drug encapsulation and stability in biorelevant media. These liposomes are then surface-functionalized with extracellular adherence protein (Eap), derived from Staphylococcus aureus. Treatment of HEp-2 and Caco-2 cells infected with Salmonella enterica using colistin-containing, Eap-functionalized liposomes resulted in a significant reduction of intracellular bacteria, in comparison to treatment with nonfunctionalized liposomes as well as colistin alone. This indicates that such bio-invasive carriers are able to facilitate intracellular delivery of colistin, as necessary for intracellular anti-infective activity. The developed Eap-functionalized liposomes, therefore, present a promising strategy for improving the therapy of intracellular infections

    Release of engineered nanomaterials from personal care products throughout their life cycle

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    The impetus for this study was to provide release estimates that can serve to improve predictions of engineered nanomaterial (ENM) exposure for risk assessment. We determined the likely release of ENMs from personal care products (PCPs) through a consumer survey on use and disposal habits, and research on the types and quantities of ENMs in PCPs. Our estimates show that in the US zinc oxide (ZnO), with 1,800-2,100 mt yr-1, and titanium dioxide (TiO2), with 870-1,000 mt yr-1, represent 94 % of ENMs released into the environment or landfills from the use of PCPs. Around 36-43 % of ENMs from PCPs were estimated to end up in landfills, 24-36 % released to soils, 0.7-0.8 % to air, and 28-32 % to water bodies. ENMs in sunscreen represent around 81-82 % of total release, from ZnO and TiO2 as UV blockers, followed by facial moisturizer (7.5 %), foundation (5.7 %), and hair coloring products (3.1 %). Daily care products such as body wash, shampoo, and conditioner had by far the highest per capita and total use, but contributed little to the ENM release estimates as these products generally contain little or no ENMs. However, if ENMs are incorporated into these daily care products, this may substantially increase ENM release. © 2014 Springer Science+Business Media