635 research outputs found

    On Picard groups of algebraic fibre spaces

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    A Review of the Pinned Photodiode for CCD and CMOS Image Sensors

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    The pinned photodiode is the primary photodetector structure used in most CCD and CMOS image sensors. This paper reviews the development, physics, and technology of the pinned photodiode

    The amalgamated duplication of a ring along a multiplicative-canonical ideal

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    After recalling briefly the main properties of the amalgamated duplication of a ring RR along an ideal II, denoted by R\JoinI, we restrict our attention to the study of the properties of R\JoinI, when II is a multiplicative canonical ideal of RR \cite{hhp}. In particular, we study when every regular fractional ideal of RIR\Join I is divisorial

    The electrorheology of suspensions consisting of Na-Fluorohectorite synthetic clay particles in silicon oil

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    Under application of an electric field greater than a triggering electric field Ec0.4E_c \sim 0.4 kV/mm, suspensions obtained by dispersing particles of the synthetic clay fluoro-hectorite in a silicon oil, aggregate into chain- and/or column-like structures parallel to the applied electric field. This micro-structuring results in a transition in the suspensions' rheological behavior, from a Newtonian-like behavior to a shear-thinning rheology with a significant yield stress. This behavior is studied as a function of particle volume fraction and strength of the applied electric field, EE. The steady shear flow curves are observed to scale onto a master curve with respect to EE, in a manner similar to what was recently found for suspensions of laponite clay [42]. In the case of Na-fluorohectorite, the corresponding dynamic yield stress is demonstrated to scale with respect to EE as a power law with an exponent α1.93\alpha \sim 1.93, while the static yield stress inferred from constant shear stress tests exhibits a similar behavior with α1.58\alpha \sim 1.58. The suspensions are also studied in the framework of thixotropic fluids: the bifurcation in the rheology behavior when letting the system flow and evolve under a constant applied shear stress is characterized, and a bifurcation yield stress, estimated as the applied shear stress at which viscosity bifurcation occurs, is measured to scale as EαE^\alpha with α0.5\alpha \sim 0.5 to 0.6. All measured yield stresses increase with the particle fraction Φ\Phi of the suspension. For the static yield stress, a scaling law Φβ\Phi^\beta, with β=0.54\beta = 0.54, is found. The results are found to be reasonably consistent with each other. Their similarities with-, and discrepancies to- results obtained on laponite-oil suspensions are discussed

    Cross-field mobility in a pure electron plasma

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    An electron trapping apparatus was constructed in order to study electron dynamics in the defining electric and magnetic fields of a Hall-effect thruster. The approach presented here decouples the cross-field mobility from plasma effects by conducting measurements on a pure electron plasma in a highly controlled environment. Dielectric walls are removed completely eliminating all wall effects; thus, electrons are confined solely by a radial magnetic field and a crossed, independently-controlled, axial electric field that induces the closed-drift azimuthal Hall current. Electron trajectories and cross-field mobility were examined in response to electric and magnetic field strength and background neutral density.Для исследования динамики электронов в ведущих электрическом и магнитном полях ускорителя с эффектом Холла было разработано устройство для запирания электронов. Представленный здесь подход подразумевает разделение поперечной подвижности и плазменных эффектов за счёт измерений проводимости в чисто электронной плазме в строго контролируемых внешних условиях. Влияние стенки полностью исключается путём удаления диэлектрических стенок; таким образом электроны удерживаются только радиальным магнитным полем и независимо изменяемым скрещенным аксиальным электрическим полем, которое индуцирует азимутальный ток Холла с замкнутым дрейфом. Выяснялись зависимости траекторий электронов и поперечной подвижности от напряжённости электрического и магнитного полей и фоновой плотности нейтралов.Для дослідження динаміки електронів в ведучих електричному і магнітному полях прискорювача з ефектом Хола був розроблений пристрій для запирання електронів. Підхід, що подається, припускає розділення поперечної рухомості і плазмових ефектів за рахунок вимірювань провідності в чисто електронній плазмі зі строгим контролем зовнішніх умов. Вплив стінки виключається повністю завдяки віддаленню діелектричних стінок; тим самим електрони утримуються тільки радіальним магнітним полем і схрещеним аксіальним електричним полем, яке змінюється незалежно і збуджує азимутальний струм Хола із замкненим дрейфом. З’ясовувалися залежності траєкторій електронів і поперечної рухомості від напруженості електричного і магнітного полів та фонової густини нейтралів

    High-Frequency Oscillations in a Solar Active Region observed with the Rapid Dual Imager

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    High-cadence, synchronized, multiwavelength optical observations of a solar active region (NOAA 10794) are presented. The data were obtained with the Dunn Solar Telescope at the National Solar Observatory/Sacramento Peak using a newly developed camera system : the Rapid Dual Imager. Wavelet analysis is undertaken to search for intensity related oscillatory signatures, and periodicities ranging from 20 to 370 s are found with significance levels exceeding 95%. Observations in the H-alpha blue wing show more penumbral oscillatory phenomena when compared to simultaneous G-band observations. The H-alpha oscillations are interpreted as the signatures of plasma motions with a mean velocity of 20 km/s. The strong oscillatory power over H-alpha blue-wing and G-band penumbral bright grains is an indication of the Evershed flow with frequencies higher than previously reported.Comment: 9 pages, 9 figure

    Frame-transfer CMOS active pixel sensor with pixel binning

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