10 research outputs found

    Somatotopic map and inter- and intra-digit distance in Brodmann area 2 by pressure stimulation

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    The somatotopic representation of the tactile stimulation on the finger in the brain is an essential part of understanding the human somatosensory system as well as rehabilitation and other clinical therapies. Many studies have used vibrotactile stimulations and reported finger somatotopic representations in the Brodmann area 3 (BA 3). On the contrary, few studies investigated finger somatotopic representation using pressure stimulations. Therefore, the present study aimed to find a comprehensive somatotopic representation (somatotopic map and inter- and intra-digit distance) within BA 2 of humans that could describe tactile stimulations on different joints across the fingers by applying pressure stimulation to three joints-the first (p1), second (p2), and third (p3) joints-of four fingers (index, middle, ring, and little finger). Significant differences were observed in the inter-digit distance between the first joints (p1) of the index and little fingers, and between the third joints (p3) of the index and little fingers. In addition, a significant difference was observed in the intra-digit distance between p1 and p3 of the little finger. This study suggests that a somatotopic map and inter- and intra-digit distance could be found in BA 2 in response to pressure stimulation on finger joints.ope

    Restoration of Hindlimb Movements after Complete Spinal Cord Injury Using Brain-Controlled Functional Electrical Stimulation

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    Single neuron and local field potential signals recorded in the primary motor cortex have been repeatedly demonstrated as viable control signals for multi-degree-of-freedom actuators. Although the primary source of these signals has been fore/upper limb motor regions, recent evidence suggests that neural adaptation underlying neuroprosthetic control is generalizable across cortex, including hindlimb sensorimotor cortex. Here, adult rats underwent a longitudinal study that included a hindlimb pedal press task in response to cues for specific durations, followed by brain machine interface (BMI) tasks in healthy rats, after rats received a complete spinal transection and after the BMI signal controls epidural stimulation (BMI-FES). Over the course of the transition from learned behavior to BMI task, fewer neurons were responsive after the cue, the proportion of neurons selective for press duration increased and these neurons carried more information. After a complete, mid-thoracic spinal lesion that completely severed both ascending and descending connections to the lower limbs, there was a reduction in task-responsive neurons followed by a reacquisition of task selectivity in recorded populations. This occurred due to a change in pattern of neuronal responses not simple changes in firing rate. Finally, during BMI-FES, additional information about the intended press duration was produced. This information was not dependent on the stimulation, which was the same for short and long duration presses during the early phase of stimulation, but instead was likely due to sensory feedback to sensorimotor cortex in response to movement along the trunk during the restored pedal press. This post-cue signal could be used as an error signal in a continuous decoder providing information about the position of the limb to optimally control a neuroprosthetic device

    Serotonergic pharmacotherapy promotes cortical reorganization after spinal cord injury

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    Cortical reorganization plays a significant role in recovery of function after injury of the central nervous system. The neural mechanisms that underlie this reorganization may be the same as those normally responsible for skilled behaviors that accompany extended sensory experience and, if better understood, could provide a basis for further promoting recovery of function after injury. The work presented here extends studies of spontaneous cortical reorganization after spinal cord injury to the role of rehabilitative strategies on cortical reorganization. We use a complete spinal transection model to focus on cortical reorganization in response to serotonergic (5-HT) pharmacotherapy without any confounding effects from spared fibers left after partial lesions. 5-HT pharmacotherapy has previously been shown to improve behavioral outcome after SCI but the effect on cortical organization are unknown. After a complete spinal transection in the adult rat, 5-HT pharmacotherapy produced more reorganization in the sensorimotor cortex than would be expected by transection alone. This reorganization was dose dependent, extended into intact (forelimb) motor cortex, and, at least in the hindlimb sensorimotor cortex, followed a somatotopic arrangement. Animals with the greatest behavioral outcome showed the greatest extent of cortical reorganization suggesting that the reorganization is likely to be in response to both direct effects of 5-HT on cortical circuits and indirect effects in response to the behavioral improvement below the level of the lesion