338 research outputs found

    Judo, the gentle way

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    Phase I and pharmacological study of the farnesyltransferase inhibitor tipifarnib (Zarnestra®, R115777) in combination with gemcitabine and cisplatin in patients with advanced solid tumours

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    This phase I trial was designed to determine the safety and maximum tolerated dose (MTD) of tipifarnib in combination with gemcitabine and cisplatin in patients with advanced solid tumours. Furthermore, the pharmacokinetics of each of these agents was evaluated. Patients were treated with tipifarnib b.i.d. on days 1–7 of each 21-day cycle. In addition, gemcitabine was given as a 30-min i.v. infusion on days 1 and 8 and cisplatin as a 3-h i.v. infusion on day 1. An interpatient dose-escalation scheme was used. Pharmacokinetics was determined in plasma and white blood cells. In total, 31 patients were included at five dose levels. Dose-limiting toxicities (DLTs) consisted of thrombocytopenia grade 4, neutropenia grade 4, febrile neutropenia grade 4, electrolyte imbalance grade 3, fatigue grade 3 and decreased hearing grade 2. The MTD was tipifarnib 200 mg b.i.d., gemcitabine 1000 mg m−2 and cisplatin 75 mg m−2. Eight patients had a confirmed partial response and 12 patients stable disease. No clinically relevant pharmacokinetic interactions were observed. Tipifarnib can be administered safely at 200 mg b.i.d. in combination with gemcitabine 1000 mg m−2 and cisplatin 75 mg m−2. This combination showed evidence of antitumour activity and warrants further evaluation in a phase II setting

    Reconstruction of the Corticospinal Tract in Patients with Motor-Eloquent High-Grade Gliomas Using Multilevel Fiber Tractography Combined with Functional Motor Cortex Mapping

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    BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: Tractography of the corticospinal tract is paramount to presurgical planning and guidance of intraoperative resection in patients with motor-eloquent gliomas. It is well-known that DTI-based tractography as the most frequently used technique has relevant shortcomings, particularly for resolving complex fiber architecture. The purpose of this study was to evaluate multilevel fiber tractography combined with functional motor cortex mapping in comparison with conventional deterministic tractography algorithms. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Thirty-one patients (mean age, 61.5 [SD, 12.2] years) with motor-eloquent high-grade gliomas underwent MR imaging with DWI (TR/TE ¼ 5000/78 ms, voxel size ¼ 2 × 2 × 2 mm3, 1 volume at b ¼ 0 s/mm2, 32 volumes at b ¼ 1000 s/mm2). DTI, constrained spherical deconvolution, and multilevel fiber tractography–based reconstruction of the corticospinal tract within the tumor-affected hemispheres were performed. The functional motor cortex was enclosed by navigated transcranial magnetic stimulation motor mapping before tumor resection and used for seeding. A range of angular deviation and fractional anisotropy thresholds (for DTI) was tested. RESULTS: For all investigated thresholds, multilevel fiber tractography achieved the highest mean coverage of the motor maps (eg, angular threshold = 60°; multilevel/constrained spherical deconvolution/DTI, 25% anisotropy threshold ¼ 71.8%, 22.6%, and 11.7%) and the most extensive corticospinal tract reconstructions (eg, angular threshold ¼ 60°; multilevel/constrained spherical deconvolution/DTI, 25% anisotropy threshold ¼ 26,485 mm3, 6308 mm3, and 4270 mm3). CONCLUSIONS: Multilevel fiber tractography may improve the coverage of the motor cortex by corticospinal tract fibers compared with conventional deterministic algorithms. Thus, it could provide a more detailed and complete visualization of corticospinal tract architecture, particularly by visualizing fiber trajectories with acute angles that might be of high relevance in patients with gliomas and distorted anatomy.</p

    Assessment of algorithms for mitosis detection in breast cancer histopathology images

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    The proliferative activity of breast tumors, which is routinely estimated by counting of mitotic figures in hematoxylin and eosin stained histology sections, is considered to be one of the most important prognostic markers. However, mitosis counting is laborious, subjective and may suffer from low inter-observer agreement. With the wider acceptance of whole slide images in pathology labs, automatic image analysis has been proposed as a potential solution for these issues. In this paper, the results from the Assessment of Mitosis Detection Algorithms 2013 (AMIDA13) challenge are described. The challenge was based on a data set consisting of 12 training and 11 testing subjects, with more than one thousand annotated mitotic figures by multiple observers. Short descriptions and results from the evaluation of eleven methods are presented. The top performing method has an error rate that is comparable to the inter-observer agreement among pathologists

    Efficacy assessment of newly-designed filtering facemasks during the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic

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    The SARS-CoV-2 pandemic resulted in shortages of production and test capacity of FFP2-respirators. Such facemasks are required to be worn by healthcare professionals when performing aerosol-generating procedures on COVID-19 patients. In response to the high demand and short supply, we designed three models of facemasks that are suitable for local production. As these facemasks should meet the requirements of an FFP2-certified facemask, the newly-designed facemasks were tested on the filtration efficiency of the filter material, inward leakage, and breathing resistance with custom-made experimental setups. In these tests, the facemasks were benchmarked against a commercial FFP2 facemask. The filtration efficiency of the facemask's filter material was also tested with coronavirus-loaded aerosols under physiologically relevant conditions. This multidisciplinary effort resulted in the design and production of facemasks that meet the FFP2 requirements, and which can be produced at local production facilities.Molecular basis of virus replication, viral pathogenesis and antiviral strategie

    Cisplatin-DNA adduct formation in patients treated with cisplatin-based chemoradiation: lack of correlation between normal tissues and primary tumor

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    Contains fulltext : 69595.pdf (publisher's version ) (Closed access)PURPOSE: In this study, the formation of cisplatin-DNA adducts after concurrent cisplatin-radiation and the relationship between adduct-formation in primary tumor tissue and normal tissue were investigated. METHODS: Three intravenous cisplatin-regimens, given concurrently with radiation, were studied: daily low-dose (6 mg/m(2)) cisplatin, weekly 40 mg/m(2), three-weekly 100 mg/m(2). A (32)P-postlabeling technique was used to quantify adducts in normal tissue [white blood cells (WBC) and buccal cells] and tumor. RESULTS: Normal tissue samples for adduct determination were obtained from 63 patients and tumor biopsies from 23 of these patients. Linear relationships and high correlations were observed between the levels of two guanosine- and adenosine-guanosine-adducts in normal and tumor tissue. Adduct levels in tumors were two to five times higher than those in WBC (P<0.001). No significant correlations were found between adduct levels in normal tissues and primary tumor biopsies, nor between WBC and buccal cells. CONCLUSIONS: In concurrent chemoradiotherapy schedules, cisplatin adduct levels in tumors were significantly higher than in normal tissues (WBC). No evidence of a correlation was found between adduct levels in normal tissues and primary tumor biopsies. This lack of correlation may, to some extent, explain the inconsistencies in the literature regarding whether or not cisplatin-DNA adducts can be used as a predictive test in anticancer platinum therapy
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