82 research outputs found
Conductometric Biosensor Based on Urease, Adsorbed on Silicalite for Determination of Urea in Serum Samples
The method of enzyme adsorption on nano- and microsized zeolites, developed by us, is described. It is
notable by such advantages as simple and fast performance, the absence of toxic compounds, high reproducibility
and repeatability. The biosensor based on the method developed was applied for urea measurement
in samples of blood serum. It was shown that the biosensor could surely distinguish healthy people
from people with renal dysfunction. Good results reproducibility was proved at urea determination in real
samples of blood serum (RSD = 10%). For these reasons, the biosensors based on enzyme adsorption are
more suitable for standardization and production than those based on conventional methods of immobilization.
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A wireless passive sensing system for displacement/strain measurement in reinforced concrete members
In this study, we show a wireless passive sensing system embedded in a reinforced concrete member successfully being employed for the measurement of relative displacement and strain in a simply supported beam experiment. The system utilizes electromagnetic coupling between the transceiver antenna located outside the beam, and the sensing probes placed on the reinforcing bar (rebar) surface inside the beam. The probes were designed in the form of a nested split-ring resonator, a metamaterial-based structure chosen for its compact size and high sensitivity/resolution, which is at µm/microstrains level. Experiments were performed in both the elastic and plastic deformation cases of steel rebars, and the sensing system was demonstrated to acquire telemetric data in both cases. The wireless measurement results from multiple probes are compared with the data obtained from the strain gages, and an excellent agreement is observed. A discrete time measurement where the system records data at different force levels is also shown. Practical issues regarding the placement of the sensors and accurate recording of data are discussed. The proposed sensing technology is demonstrated to be a good candidate for wireless structural health monitoring (SHM) of reinforced concrete members by its high sensitivity and wide dynamic range. © 2016 by the authors; licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland
An electromagnetic sensing system incorporating multiple probes and single antenna for wireless structural health monitoring
In this study, a wireless and passive displacement/strain sensing system is proposed for structural health monitoring (SHM). The wireless and passive interrogation of the sensing unit [a variant of a nested split-ring resonator (NSRR)] is achieved through the near-field interaction and electromagnetic coupling between the single antenna in the system and the multiple sensors called the NSRR probes. It is demonstrated that the system can acquire data from more than one NSRR probe simultaneously in a real-life scenario, where the probes are confined within concrete inside a beam, while the antenna monitors them from outside. © 2017 Euraap
Multi-Point Single-Antenna Sensing Enabled by Wireless Nested Split-Ring Resonator Sensors
In this paper, simultaneous multi-point wireless sensing is proposed and demonstrated via multiple sensors in nested split-ring resonator (NSRR) geometry coupled to a single illuminator antenna. In this passive multi-point sensing system, each probe in the sensor array is assigned a non-overlapping spectral interval for frequency shift in response to local mechanical loading around a unique operating resonance frequency in the band of the antenna. Here, it is shown that the antenna is capable of capturing the responses from all probes in a single frequency sweep. Furthermore, the inter-coupling between the array elements and the effect of antenna illumination on the coupling are experimentally investigated in a systematic way. In addition, as a proof-of-concept real-life application in structural health monitoring, two NSRR sensors are located inside a concrete beam to monitor the strain forming on reinforcing bars, and this dual-probe system is demonstrated to record strain simultaneously via both of the embedded probes. © 2001-2012 IEEE
Wireless Sensing in Complex Electromagnetic Media: Construction Materials and Structural Monitoring
In this paper, wireless sensing in the presence of complex electromagnetic media created by combinations of reinforcing bars and concrete is investigated. The wireless displacement sensing system, primarily designed for use in structural health monitoring (SHM), is composed of a comb-like nested split-ring resonator (NSRR) probe and a transceiver antenna. Although each complex medium scenario is predicted to have a detrimental effect on sensing in principle, it is demonstrated that the proposed sensor geometry is able to operate fairly well in all scenarios except one. In these scenarios that mimic real-life SHM, it is shown that this sensor exhibits a high displacement resolution of 1 μm, a good sensitivity of 7 MHz/mm in average, and a high dynamic range extending over 20 mm. For the most disruptive scenario of placing concrete immediately behind NSRR, a solution based on employing a separator behind the probe is proposed to overcome the handicaps introduced by the medium. In order to obtain a one-to-one mapping from the measured frequency shift to the displacement, a numerical fit is proposed and used. The effects of several complex medium scenarios on this fit are discussed. These results indicate that the proposed sensing scheme works well in real-life SHM applications. © 2001-2012 IEEE
RF displacement and strain sensing system for wireless structural health monitoring
Structural health monitoring (SHM) is a technology with worldwide interest that is vital to ensure the reliability of any structure while also protecting the safety of human life. Over the years, a lot of research has been conducted on this topic, proposing SHM methods that may be instrumental in understanding the condition of critical parts of a structure. These methods generally rely on wired and/or active technologies, which are not preferable since the wires disallow telemetric measurements and mean increased weight and space, while the active technologies require electric power in order to operate. Two of the most important damage indices of a building structure such as a reinforcing bar (rebar) are the strain and displacement forming either with time or a sudden impact like an earthquake. © 2015 IEEE
Elaboration of new method of enzyme adsorption on silicalite and nano beta zeolite for amperometric biosensor creation
Aim. Optimization of a new method of enzyme immobilization for amperometric biosensor creation. Methods. The amperometric biosensor with glucose oxidase immobilized on zeolites as bioselective elements and platinum disk electrode as transducers of biochemical signal into the electric one was used in the work. Results. The biosensors based on glucose oxidase adsorbed on zeolites were characterized by a higher sensitivity to glucose and a better inter-reproducibility. The best analytical characteristics were obtained for the biosensors based on nano beta zeolite. It has been found that an increase in the amount of zeolite on the surface of amperometric transducer may change such biosensor parameters as sensitivity to the substrate and duration of the analysis. Conclusions. The proposed method of enzyme immobilization by adsorption on zeolites is shown to be quite promising in the development of amperometric biosensors and therefore should be further investigated.Мета. Оптимізація нового методу іммобілізації ферментів для розробки амперометричних біосенсорів. Методи. Використано іммобілізовану глюкозооксидазу на цеоліті як біоселективний елемент біосенсора та платиновий дисковий електрод – як амперометричний перетворювач біохімічного сигналу в електричний. Результати. Біосенсор на основі глюкозооксидази, адсорбованої на цеолітах, вирізняється високою чутливістю до глюкози та покращеною інтер-відновлюваністю виготовлення біосенсорів. Найкращі аналітичні характеристики притаманні біосенсору на основі нано-бета цеоліту. Встановлено, що при зміні кількості цеолітів на поверхні амперметричного перетворювача можна варіювати параметри біосенсора, такі як чутливість до субстрату та час аналізу. Висновки. Показано, що запропонований метод іммобілізації, а саме – адсорбція ферментів на цеолітах є дуже перспективним при розробці амперометричних біосенсорів.Цель. Оптимизация нового метода иммобилизации ферментов для разработки амперометрических биосенсоров. Методы. Использовали иммобилизованную глюкозооксидазу на цеолитах как биоселективный элемент биосенсора и платиновый дисковый электрод – как амперометрический преобразователь биохимического сигнала в электрический. Результаты. Биосенсор на основе глюкозооксидазы, адсорбированной на цеолитах, отличается высокой чувствительностью к глюкозе и улучшенной интер-воспроизводимостью приготовления биосенсоров. Наилучшими аналитическими характеристиками обладает биосенсор на основе нано-бета цеолита. Установлено, что при изменении количества цеолитов на поверхности амперометрического преобразователя можно менять параметры биосенсора, такие как чувствительность к субстрату и время анализа. Выводы. Показано, что предложенный метод иммобилизации, а именно – адсорбция ферментов на цеолитах является перспективным при разработке амперометрических биосенсоров
Application of silicalite for improvement of enzyme adsorption on the stainless steel electrodes
Aim. Improvement of analytical characteristics of an enzyme biosensor based on new inexpensive perspective stainless steel electrodes using silicalite nanoparticles. Methods. Conductometric enzyme biosensor was used. Results. Three methods of glucose oxidase (GOx) immobilization were studied and compared: GOx adsorption on silicalite modified electrodes (GOx-SME); cross-linking by glutaraldehyde without silicalite (GOx-GA); GOx adsorption on SME along with cross-linking by glutaraldehyde (GOx-SME-GA). The GOx-SME-GA biosensors based on stainless steel electrodes were characterized by 12–25-fold higher sensitivity comparing with other biosensors. The developed GOx-SME-GA biosensors were characterized by good reproducibility of glucose biosensors construction (relative standard deviation (RSD) – 18 %), improved signal reproducibility (RSD of glucose determination was 7 %) and good storage stability (29 % loss of activity after 18 days). Conclusions. The method of enzyme immobilization using silicalite together with GA cross-linking sufficiently enhances the enzyme adsorption on the stainless steel electrodes and improves the analytical parameters of biosensors. This method is found to be promising for further creation of other enzyme biosensors.Мета. Покращення аналітичних характеристик ферментних біосенсорів на основі нових недорогих перспективних електродів з нержавіючої сталі за допомогою наночастинок силікаліту. Методи. Використано кондуктометричний біосенсор з іммобілізованою глюкозооксидазою як біоселективним елементом та сталеві електроди як перетворювачі. Результати. Застосовано і порівняно три методи іммобілізації глюкозооксидази (ГО) на поверхні датчиків: адсорбція ГО на модифікованій частинками силікаліту поверхні електрода; поперечне зшивання ГО з глутаровим альдегідом (ГА) без використання силікаліту; сорбція ГО на модифікованому силікалітом електроді у комбінації з поперечним зшиванням з ГА. Біосенсори з ферментами, іммобілізованими на поверхні сталевого електроду за рахунок сорбції на шарі силікаліту у комбінації з поперечним зшиванням з ГА, мають в 12–25 разів вищу чутливість порівняно з іншими біосенсорами. Ця ж група біосенсорів характеризується високою відтворюваністю сигналів між різними партіями (відносне стандартне відхилення (ВСВ) становить 18 %), а також відтворюваністю в одній партії з ВСВ 7 %. Таким біосенсорам притаманна висока стабільність при зберіганні (втрата лише 29 % від первинного сигналу після 18 днів зберігання). Висновки. Показано, що використання частинок силікаліту поряд з методом поперечного зшивання з ГА значно підвищує сорбцію ферментів на поверхні датчиків з нержавіючої сталі під час іммобілізації, а також покращує аналітичні параметри біосенсорів. Цей метод іммобілізації ферментів може бути застосований для подальшого удосконалення роботи біосенсорів.Цель. Улучшение аналитических характеристик ферментных биосенсоров на основе новых недорогих перспективных электродов с помощью наночастиц силикалита. Методы. Использовали кондуктометрический биосенсор с иммобилизованной глюкозооксидазой в качестве биоселективного элемента и стальные электроды как преобразователь. Результаты. Сопоставлены между собой три метода иммобилизации глюкозооксидазы (ГО) на поверхности преобразователей: адсорбция ГО на поверхности модифицированных силикалитом электродов; поперечная сшивка ГО с глутаровым альдегидом (ГА) без использования силикалита; адсорбция ГО на модифицированном силикалитом преобразователе в комбинации с поперечной сшивкой с ГА. Биосенсоры, созданные вследствие комбинации сорбции ГО на слое силикалита на поверхности стального электрода и сшивки с ГА, имеют чувствительность в 12–25 раз выше, нежели другие биосенсоры. Биосенсоры этой же группы отличаются высокой воспроизводимостью сигналов между разными партиями (относительное стандартное отклонение (ОСО) составляет 18 %), и воспроизводимостью внутри одной партии с ОСО 7 %. Такие биосенсоры обладают высокой стабильностью при хранении (потеря чувствительности в первые 18 дней хранения достигает лишь 29 %). Выводы. Показано, что использование частиц силикалита одновременно с методом поперечной сшивки с ГА в значительной степени повышает сорбцию ферментов на поверхности преобразователей из нержавеющей стали во время иммобилизации, а также улучшает аналитические парметры бисоенсоров. Такой метод иммобилизации ферментов может быть применен для дальнейшего усовершенствования работы биосенсоров
Spatial Organization and Molecular Correlation of Tumor-Infiltrating Lymphocytes Using Deep Learning on Pathology Images
Beyond sample curation and basic pathologic characterization, the digitized H&E-stained images
of TCGA samples remain underutilized. To highlight this resource, we present mappings of tumorinfiltrating lymphocytes (TILs) based on H&E images from 13 TCGA tumor types. These TIL
maps are derived through computational staining using a convolutional neural network trained to
classify patches of images. Affinity propagation revealed local spatial structure in TIL patterns and
correlation with overall survival. TIL map structural patterns were grouped using standard
histopathological parameters. These patterns are enriched in particular T cell subpopulations
derived from molecular measures. TIL densities and spatial structure were differentially enriched
among tumor types, immune subtypes, and tumor molecular subtypes, implying that spatial
infiltrate state could reflect particular tumor cell aberration states. Obtaining spatial lymphocytic
patterns linked to the rich genomic characterization of TCGA samples demonstrates one use for
the TCGA image archives with insights into the tumor-immune microenvironment
Lineage-specific evolution of the vertebrate Otopetrin gene family revealed by comparative genomic analyses
Background: Mutations in the Otopetrin 1 gene (Otop1) in mice and fish produce an unusual bilateral vestibular pathology that involves the absence of otoconia without hearing impairment. The encoded protein, Otop1, is the only functionally characterized member of the Otopetrin Domain Protein (ODP) family; the extended sequence and structural preservation of ODP proteins in metazoans suggest a conserved functional role. Here, we use the tools of sequence-and cytogenetic-based comparative genomics to study the Otop1 and the Otop2-Otop3 genes and to establish their genomic context in 25 vertebrates. We extend our evolutionary study to include the gene mutated in Usher syndrome (USH) subtype 1G (Ush1g), both because of the head-to-tail clustering of Ush1g with Otop2 and because Otop1 and Ush1g mutations result in inner ear phenotypes. Results: We established that OTOP1 is the boundary gene of an inversion polymorphism on human chromosome 4p16 that originated in the common human-chimpanzee lineage more than 6 million years ago. Other lineage-specific evolutionary events included a three-fold expansion of the Otop genes in Xenopus tropicalis and of Ush1g in teleostei fish. The tight physical linkage between Otop2 and Ush1g is conserved in all vertebrates. To further understand the functional organization of the Ushg1-Otop2 locus, we deduced a putative map of binding sites for CCCTC-binding factor (CTCF), a mammalian insulator transcription factor, from genome-wide chromatin immunoprecipitation-sequencing (ChIP-seq) data in mouse and human embryonic stem (ES) cells combined with detection of CTCF-binding motifs. Conclusions: The results presented here clarify the evolutionary history of the vertebrate Otop and Ush1g families, and establish a framework for studying the possible interaction(s) of Ush1g and Otop in developmental pathways
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