1,226 research outputs found

    The Future is Now: the Formation of Single Low Mass White Dwarfs in the Solar Neighborhood

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    Low mass helium-core white dwarfs (M < 0.45 Msun) can be produced from interacting binary systems, and traditionally all of them have been attributed to this channel. However, a low mass white dwarf could also result from a single star that experiences severe mass loss on the first ascent giant branch. A large population of low mass He-core white dwarfs has been discovered in the old metal-rich cluster NGC 6791. There is therefore a mechanism in clusters to produce low mass white dwarfs without requiring binary star interactions, and we search for evidence of a similar population in field white dwarfs. We argue that there is a significant field population (of order half of the detected systems) that arises from old metal rich stars which truncate their evolution prior to the helium flash from severe mass loss. There is a consistent absence of evidence for nearby companions in a large fraction of low mass white dwarfs. The number of old metal-rich field dwarfs is also comparable with the apparently single low mass white dwarf population, and our revised estimate for the space density of low mass white dwarfs produced from binary interactions is also compatible with theoretical expectations. This indicates that this channel of stellar evolution, hitherto thought hypothetical only, has been in operation in our own Galaxy for many billions of years. One strong implication of our model is that single low mass white dwarfs should be good targets for planet searches because they are likely to arise from metal-rich progenitors. We also discuss other observational tests and implications, including the potential impact on SN Ia rates and the frequency of planetary nebulae.Comment: ApJ published versio

    In Vitro Assay and Characterization of the Farnesylation-Dependent Prelamin a Endoprotease

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    The 72-kDa nuclear lamina protein lamin A is synthesized as a 74-kDa farnesylated precursor. Conversion of this precursor to mature lamin A appears to be mediated by a specific endoprotease. Prior studies of overexpressed wild-type and mutant lamin A proteins in cultured cells have indicated that the precursor possesses the typical carboxyl-terminal S- farnesylated, cysteine methyl ester and that farnesylation is required for endoproteolysis to occur. In this report, we describe the synthesis of an S- farnesyl, cysteinyl methyl ester peptide corresponding to the carboxyl- terminal 18 amino acid residues of human prelamin A. This peptide acts as a substrate for the prelamin A endoprotease in vitro, with cleavage of the synthetic peptide at the expected site between Tyr657 and Leu658. Endoproteolytic cleavage requires the S-prenylated cysteine methyl ester and, in agreement with transfection studies, is more active with the farnesylated than geranylgeranylated cysteinyl substrate. N-Acetyl farnesyl methyl cysteine is shown to be a noncompetitive inhibitor of the enzyme. Taken together, these observations suggest that there is a specific farnesyl binding site on the enzyme which is not at the active site

    Spectral modeling of gaseous metal disks around DAZ white dwarfs

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    We report on our attempt for the first non-LTE modeling of gaseous metal disks around single DAZ white dwarfs recently discovered by Gaensicke et al. and thought to originate from a disrupted asteroid. We assume a Keplerian rotating viscous disk ring composed of calcium and hydrogen and compute the detailed vertical structure and emergent spectrum. We find that the observed infrared CaII emission triplet can be modeled with a hydrogen-deficient gas ring located at R=1.2 R_sun, inside of the tidal disruption radius, with Teff about 6000 K and a low surface mass density of about 0.3 g/cm**2. A disk having this density and reaching from the central white dwarf out to R=1.2 R_sun would have a total mass of 7 10**21 g, corresponding to an asteroid with about 160 km diameter.Comment: Proceedings, 16th European White Dwarf Workshop, Barcelona, 200

    Manifestations of Top Compositeness at Colliders

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    We explore the possibility that the right-handed top quark is composite, identifying possible signatures of compositeness and how they might manifest themselves at the LHC and Tevatron. We perform a complete analysis of the dimension six modifications of the top coupling to gluons and find that cancellations among operators in the t\bar{t} rate allow for very low compositeness scales, but this can be drastically improved by looking at kinematic distributions. Turning to the LHC, we examine four top production from a dimension six four-top operator and estimate the LHC with 100 {\rm fb}^{-1} collected luminosity to be sensitive to compositeness scales as high as 5 TeV.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figures, updated figure 6, updated references, final version published in JHE

    Decreased mitochondrial DNA content drives OXPHOS dysregulation in chromophobe renal cell carcinoma

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    Chromophobe renal cell carcinoma (chRCC) and renal oncocytoma (RO) are closely related, rare kidney tumors. Mutations in complex I (CI)-encoding genes play an important role in dysfunction of the oxidative phosphorylation (OXPHOS) system in RO but are less frequently observed in chRCC. As such, the relevance of OXPHOS status and role of CI mutations in chRCC remain unknown. To address this issue, we performed proteome and metabolome profiling as well as mitochondrial whole-exome sequencing to detect mitochondrial alterations in chRCC tissue specimens. Multi-omic analysis revealed downregulation of electron transport chain (ETC) components in chRCC that differed from the expression profile in RO. A decrease in mitochondrial (mt)DNA content, rather than CI mutations, was the main cause for reduced OXPHOS in chRCC. There was a negative correlation between protein and transcript levels of nuclear DNA- but not mtDNA-encoded ETC complex subunits in chRCC. In addition, the reactive oxygen species scavenger glutathione (GSH) was upregulated in chRCC due to decreased expression of proteins involved in GSH degradation. These results demonstrate that distinct mechanisms of OXPHOS exist in chRCC and RO and that expression levels of ETC complex subunits can serve as a diagnostic marker for this rare malignancy

    On the Solution of the Monge-Ampere Equation ZxxZyy - Z²xy= f (x, y) with Quadratic Right Side

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    For the Monge{Ampere equation ZxxZyy-Z²xy = b₂₀x²+b₁₁xy+b₀₂y²+b₀₀ we consider the question on the existence of a solution Z(x, y) in the class of polynomials such that Z = Z(x, y) is a graph of a convex surface. If Z is a polynomial of odd degree, then the solution does not exist. If Z is a polynomial of 4-th degree and 4b₂₀b₀₂ - b₁₁² > 0, then the solution also does not exist. If 4b₂₀b₀₂ - b₁₁² = 0, then we have solutions

    The Spectral Energy Distributions of White Dwarfs in 47 Tucanae: The Distance to the Cluster

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    We present a new distance determination to the Galactic globular cluster 47 Tucanae by fitting the spectral energy distributions of its white dwarfs to pure hydrogen atmosphere white dwarf models. Our photometric dataset is obtained from a 121 orbit Hubble Space Telescope program using the Wide Field Camera 3 UVIS/IR channels, capturing F390W, F606W, F110W, and F160W images. These images cover more than 60 square arcmins and extend over a radial range of 5-13.7 arcmin (6.5-17.9 pc) within the globular cluster. Using a likelihood analysis, we obtain a best fitting unreddened distance modulus of (m - M)o=13.36+/-0.02+/-0.06 corresponding to a distance of 4.70+/-0.04+/-0.13 kpc, where the first error is random and the second is systematic. We also search the white dwarf photometry for infrared excess in the F160W filter, indicative of debris disks or low mass companions, and find no convincing cases within our sample.Comment: Accepted to The Astronomical Journal, 13 Figures, 2 Tables. Figures 3 and 6 are figure sets, each composed of 59 subfigures (to appear in the electronic journal). This is a Companion paper to the article ID: submit/037561

    Vectorlike Confinement at the LHC

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    We argue for the plausibility of a broad class of vectorlike confining gauge theories at the TeV scale which interact with the Standard Model predominantly via gauge interactions. These theories have a rich phenomenology at the LHC if confinement occurs at the TeV scale, while ensuring negligible impact on precision electroweak and flavor observables. Spin-1 bound states can be resonantly produced via their mixing with Standard Model gauge bosons. The resonances promptly decay to pseudo-Goldstone bosons, some of which promptly decay to a pair of Standard Model gauge bosons, while others are charged and stable on collider time scales. The diverse set of final states with little background include multiple photons and leptons, missing energy, massive stable charged particles and the possibility of highly displaced vertices in dilepton, leptoquark or diquark decays. Among others, a novel experimental signature of resonance reconstruction out of massive stable charged particles is highlighted. Some of the long-lived states also constitute Dark Matter candidates.Comment: 33 pages, 6 figures. v4: expanded discussion of Z_2 symmetry for stability, one reference adde

    Spectrophotometrically Identified stars in the PEARS-N and PEARS-S fields

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    Deep ACS slitless grism observations and identification of stellar sources are presented within the Great Observatories Origins Deep Survey (GOODS) North and South fields which were obtained in the Probing Evolution And Reionization Spectroscopically (PEARS) program. It is demonstrated that even low resolution spectra can be a very powerful means to identify stars in the field, especially low mass stars with stellar types M0 and later. The PEARS fields lay within the larger GOODS fields, and we used new, deeper images to further refine the selection of stars in the PEARS field, down to a magnitude of mz = 25 using a newly developed stellarity parameter. The total number of stars with reliable spectroscopic and morphological identification was 95 and 108 in the north and south fields respectively. The sample of spectroscopically identified stars allows constraints to be set on the thickness of the Galactic thin disk as well as contributions from a thick disk and a halo component. We derive a thin disk scale height, as traced by the population of M4 to M9 dwarfs along two independent lines of sight, of h_thin = 370 +60/-65 pc. When including the more massive M0 to M4 dwarf population, we derive h_thin = 300 +/- 70pc. In both cases, we observe that we must include a combination of thick and halo components in our models in order to account for the observed numbers of faint dwarfs. The required thick disk scale height is typically h_thick=1000 pc and the acceptable relative stellar densities of the thin disk to thick disk and the thin disk to halo components are in the range of 0.00025<f_halo<0.0005 and 0.05<f_thick<0.08 and are somewhat dependent on whether the more massive M0 to M4 dwarfs are included in our sample