2,206 research outputs found

    Electromagnetic channel capacity for practical purposes

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    We give analytic upper bounds to the channel capacity C for transmission of classical information in electromagnetic channels (bosonic channels with thermal noise). In the practically relevant regimes of high noise and low transmissivity, by comparison with know lower bounds on C, our inequalities determine the value of the capacity up to corrections which are irrelevant for all practical purposes. Examples of such channels are radio communication, infrared or visible-wavelength free space channels. We also provide bounds to active channels that include amplification.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figures. NB: the capacity bounds are constructed by generalizing to the multi-mode case the minimum-output entropy bounds of arXiv:quant-ph/0404005 [Phys. Rev. A 70, 032315 (2004)

    Inequalities for quantum channels assisted by limited resources

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    The information capacities and ``distillability'' of a quantum channel are studied in the presence of auxiliary resources. These include prior entanglement shared between the sender and receiver and free classical bits of forward and backward communication. Inequalities and trade-off curves are derived. In particular an alternative proof is given that in the absence of feedback and shared entanglement, forward classical communication does not increase the quantum capacity of a channel.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figures (references updated, minor changes

    Positioning and clock synchronization through entanglement

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    A method is proposed to employ entangled and squeezed light for determining the position of a party and for synchronizing distant clocks. An accuracy gain over analogous protocols that employ classical resources is demonstrated and a quantum-cryptographic positioning application is given, which allows only trusted parties to learn the position of whatever must be localized. The presence of a lossy channel and imperfect photodetection is considered. The advantages in using partially entangled states is discussed.Comment: Revised version. 9 pages, 6 figure

    Normal form decomposition for Gaussian-to-Gaussian superoperators

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    In this paper we explore the set of linear maps sending the set of quantum Gaussian states into itself. These maps are in general not positive, a feature which can be exploited as a test to check whether a given quantum state belongs to the convex hull of Gaussian states (if one of the considered maps sends it into a non positive operator, the above state is certified not to belong to the set). Generalizing a result known to be valid under the assumption of complete positivity, we provide a characterization of these Gaussian-to-Gaussian (not necessarily positive) superoperators in terms of their action on the characteristic function of the inputs. For the special case of one-mode mappings we also show that any Gaussian-to-Gaussian superoperator can be expressed as a concatenation of a phase-space dilatation, followed by the action of a completely positive Gaussian channel, possibly composed with a transposition. While a similar decomposition is shown to fail in the multi-mode scenario, we prove that it still holds at least under the further hypothesis of homogeneous action on the covariance matrix

    KCrF_3: Electronic Structure, Magnetic and Orbital Ordering from First Principles

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    The electronic, magnetic and orbital structures of KCrF_3 are determined in all its recently identified crystallographic phases (cubic, tetragonal, and monoclinic) with a set of {\it ab initio} LSDA and LSDA+U calculations. The high-temperature undistorted cubic phase is metallic within the LSDA, but at the LSDA+U level it is a Mott insulator with a gap of 1.72 eV. The tetragonal and monoclinic phases of KCrF_3 exhibit cooperative Jahn-Teller distortions concomitant with staggered 3x^2-r^2/3y^2-r^2 orbital order. We find that the energy gain due to the Jahn-Teller distortion is 82/104 meV per chromium ion in the tetragonal/monoclinic phase, respectively. These phases show A-type magnetic ordering and have a bandgap of 2.48 eV. In this Mott insulating state KCrF_3 has a substantial conduction bandwidth of 2.1 eV, leading to the possibility for the kinetic energy of charge carriers in electron- or hole-doped derivatives of KCrF_3 to overcome the polaron localization at low temperatures, in analogy with the situation encountered in the colossal magnetoresistive manganites.Comment: 7 pages, 11 figure

    Imaging using quantum noise properties of light

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    We show that it is possible to estimate the shape of an object by measuring only the fluctuations of a probing field, allowing us to expose the object to a minimal light intensity. This scheme, based on noise measurements through homodyne detection, is useful in the regime where the number of photons is low enough that direct detection with a photodiode is difficult but high enough such that photon counting is not an option. We generate a few-photon state of multi-spatial-mode vacuum-squeezed twin beams using four-wave mixing and direct one of these twin fields through a binary intensity mask whose shape is to be imaged. Exploiting either the classical fluctuations in a single beam or quantum correlations between the twin beams, we demonstrate that under some conditions quantum correlations can provide an enhancement in sensitivity when estimating the shape of the object

    Evidence for the formation of a Mott state in potassium-intercalated pentacene

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    We investigate electronic transport through pentacene thin-films intercalated with potassium. From temperature-dependent conductivity measurements we find that potassium-intercalated pentacene shows metallic behavior in a broad range of potassium concentrations. Surprisingly, the conductivity exhibits a re-entrance into an insulating state when the potassium concentration is increased past one atom per molecule. We analyze our observations theoretically by means of electronic structure calculations, and we conclude that the phenomenon originates from a Mott metal-insulator transition, driven by electron-electron interactions.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figure

    Generating Entangled Two-Photon States with Coincident Frequencies

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    It is shown that parametric downconversion, with a short-duration pump pulse and a long nonlinear crystal that is appropriately phase matched, can produce a frequency-entangled biphoton state whose individual photons are coincident in frequency. Quantum interference experiments which distinguish this state from the familiar time-coincident biphoton state are described.Comment: Revised version (a typo was corrected) as published on PR

    On the Interpretation of Energy as the Rate of Quantum Computation

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    Over the last few decades, developments in the physical limits of computing and quantum computing have increasingly taught us that it can be helpful to think about physics itself in computational terms. For example, work over the last decade has shown that the energy of a quantum system limits the rate at which it can perform significant computational operations, and suggests that we might validly interpret energy as in fact being the speed at which a physical system is "computing," in some appropriate sense of the word. In this paper, we explore the precise nature of this connection. Elementary results in quantum theory show that the Hamiltonian energy of any quantum system corresponds exactly to the angular velocity of state-vector rotation (defined in a certain natural way) in Hilbert space, and also to the rate at which the state-vector's components (in any basis) sweep out area in the complex plane. The total angle traversed (or area swept out) corresponds to the action of the Hamiltonian operator along the trajectory, and we can also consider it to be a measure of the "amount of computational effort exerted" by the system, or effort for short. For any specific quantum or classical computational operation, we can (at least in principle) calculate its difficulty, defined as the minimum effort required to perform that operation on a worst-case input state, and this in turn determines the minimum time required for quantum systems to carry out that operation on worst-case input states of a given energy. As examples, we calculate the difficulty of some basic 1-bit and n-bit quantum and classical operations in an simple unconstrained scenario.Comment: Revised to address reviewer comments. Corrects an error relating to time-ordering, adds some additional references and discussion, shortened in a few places. Figures now incorporated into tex

    Bosonic quantum communication across arbitrarily high loss channels

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    A general attenuator Φλ,σ\Phi_{\lambda, \sigma} is a bosonic quantum channel that acts by combining the input with a fixed environment state σ\sigma in a beam splitter of transmissivity λ\lambda. If σ\sigma is a thermal state the resulting channel is a thermal attenuator, whose quantum capacity vanishes for λ≤1/2\lambda\leq 1/2. We study the quantum capacity of these objects for generic σ\sigma, proving a number of unexpected results. Most notably, we show that for any arbitrary value of λ>0\lambda>0 there exists a suitable single-mode state σ(λ)\sigma(\lambda) such that the quantum capacity of Φλ,σ(λ)\Phi_{\lambda,\sigma(\lambda)} is larger than a universal constant c>0c>0. Our result holds even when we fix an energy constraint at the input of the channel, and implies that quantum communication at a constant rate is possible even in the limit of arbitrarily low transmissivity, provided that the environment state is appropriately controlled. We also find examples of states σ\sigma such that the quantum capacity of Φλ,σ\Phi_{\lambda,\sigma} is not monotonic in λ\lambda. These findings may have implications for the study of communication lines running across integrated optical circuits, of which general attenuators provide natural models.Comment: 28 pages, 4 figures; v2 is very close to the published version. In the SM we added Section I.D, on the comparison between quantum communication and non-locality distribution, and Section V, where we discuss a possible extension of our main result (Thm. 2
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