966 research outputs found

    Extending Human Perception of Electromagnetic Radiation to the UV Region through Biologically Inspired Photochromic Fuzzy Logic (BIPFUL) Systems.

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    Photochromic Fuzzy Logic Systems have been designed that extend human visual perception into the UV region. The systems are founded on a detailed knowledge of the activation wavelengths and quantum yields of a series of thermally reversible photochromic compounds. By appropriate matching of the photochromic behaviour unique colour signatures are generated in response differing UV activation frequencies

    The dissolved yellow substance and the shades of blue in the Mediterranean Sea

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    When the nominal algorithms commonly in use in Space Agencies are applied to satellite Ocean Color data, the retrieved chlorophyll concentrations in the Mediterranean Sea are recurrently notable overestimates of the field values. Accordingly, several regionally tuned algorithms have been proposed in the past to correct for this deviation. Actually, the blueness of the Mediterranean waters is not as deep as expected from the actual (low) chlorophyll content, and the modified algorithms account for this peculiarity. Among the possible causes for such a deviation, an excessive amount of yellow substance (or of chromophoric dissolved organic matter, CDOM) has been frequently cited. This conjecture is presently tested, by using a new technique simply based on the simultaneous consideration of marine reflectance determined at four spectral bands, namely at 412, 443, 490, and 555 nm, available on the NASA-SeaWiFS sensor (Sea–viewing Wide Field-of-view Sensor). It results from this test that the concentration in yellow colored material (quantified as <i>a<sub>y</sub></i>, the absorption coefficient of this material at 443 nm) is about twice that one observed in the nearby Atlantic Ocean at the same latitude. There is a strong seasonal signal, with maximal <i>a<sub>y</sub></i> values in late fall and winter, an abrupt decrease beginning in spring, and then a flat minimum during the summer months, which plausibly results from the intense photo-bleaching process favored by the high level of sunshine in these areas. Systematically, the <i>a<sub>y</sub></i> values, reproducible from year to year, are higher in the western basin compared with those in the eastern basin (by about 50%). The relative importance of the river discharges into this semi-enclosed sea, as well as the winter deep vertical mixing occurring in the northern parts of the basins may explain the high yellow substance background. The regionally tuned [Chl] algorithms, actually reflect the presence of an excess of CDOM with respect to its standard (Chl-related) values. When corrected for the presence of the actual CDOM content, the [Chl] values as derived via the nominal algorithms are restored to more realistic values, i.e., approximately divided by about two; the strong autumnal increase is smoothed whereas the spring bloom remains as an isolated feature

    Zeros of regular functions of quaternionic and octonionic variable: a division lemma and the camshaft effect

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    We study in detail the zero set of a regular function of a quaternionic or octonionic variable. By means of a division lemma for convergent power series, we find the exact relation existing between the zeros of two octonionic regular functions and those of their product. In the case of octonionic polynomials, we get a strong form of the fundamental theorem of algebra. We prove that the sum of the multiplicities of zeros equals the degree of the polynomial and obtain a factorization in linear polynomials.Comment: Proof of Lemma 7 rewritten (thanks to an anonymous reviewer

    Shear-driven solidification of dilute colloidal suspensions

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    We show that the shear-induced solidification of dilute charge-stabilized (DLVO) colloids is due to the interplay between the shear-induced formation and breakage of large non-Brownian clusters. While their size is limited by breakage, their number density increases with the shearing-time. Upon flow cessation, the dense packing of clusters interconnects into a rigid state by means of grainy bonds, each involving a large number of primary colloidal bonds. The emerging picture of shear-driven solidification in dilute colloidal suspensions combines the gelation of Brownian systems with the jamming of athermal systems

    Shear-induced reaction-limited aggregation kinetics of Brownian particles at arbitrary concentrations

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    The aggregation of interacting Brownian particles in sheared concentrated suspensions is an important issue in colloid and soft matter science per se. Also, it serves as a model to understand biochemical reactions occurring in vivo where both crowding and shear play an important role. We present an effective medium approach within the Smoluchowski equation with shear which allows one to calculate the encounter kinetics through a potential barrier under shear at arbitrary colloid concentrations. Experiments on a model colloidal system in simple shear flow support the validity of the model in the range considered. By generalizing Kramers' rate theory to the presence of collective hydrodynamics, our model explains the significant increase in the shear-induced reaction-limited aggregation kinetics upon increasing the colloid concentration

    The effects of repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation on empathy: a systematic review and meta-analysis

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    Empathy is a multi-dimensional concept with affective and cognitive components, the latter often referred to as Theory of Mind (ToM). Impaired empathy is prevalent in people with neuropsychiatric disorders, such as personality disorder, psychopathy, and schizophrenia, highlighting the need to develop therapeutic interventions to address this. Repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS), a non-invasive therapeutic technique that has been effective in treating various neuropsychiatric conditions, can be potentially used to modulate empathy. To our knowledge, no systematic reviews or meta-analyses in this field have been conducted. The aim of the current study was to review the literature on the use of rTMS to modulate empathy in adults. Seven electronic databases (AMED, Cochrane library, Embase, Medline, Pubmed, PsycInfo, and Web of Science) were searched using appropriate search terms. Twenty-two studies were identified, all bar one study involved interventions in healthy rather than clinical populations, and 18 of them, providing results for 24 trials, were included in the meta-analyses. Results showed an overall small, but statistically significant, effect in favour of active rTMS in healthy individuals. Differential effects across cognitive and affective ToM were evident. Subgroup analyses for cognitive ToM revealed significant effect sizes on excitatory rTMS, offline paradigms, and non-randomised design trials. Subgroup analyses for affective ToM revealed significant effect sizes on excitatory rTMS, offline paradigms, and non-randomised design trials. Meta-regression revealed no significant sources of heterogeneity. In conclusion, rTMS may have discernible effects on different components of empathy. Further research is required to examine the effects of rTMS on empathy in clinical and non-clinical populations, using appropriate empathy tasks and rTMS protocols

    Gross community production and metabolic balance in the South Pacific Gyre, using a non intrusive bio-optical method

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    The very clear waters of the South Pacific Gyre likely constitute an end-member of oligotrophic conditions which remain essentially unknown with respect to its impact on carbon fixation and exportation. We describe a non-intrusive bio-optical method to quantify the various terms of a production budget (Gross community production, community losses, net community production) in this area. This method is based on the analysis of the diel cycle in Particulate Organic Carbon (POC), derived from high frequency measurements of the particle attenuation coefficient <i>c</i><sub>p</sub>. We report very high integrated rates of Gross Community Production within the euphotic layer (average of 846±484 mg C m<sup>−2</sup> d<sup>−1</sup> for 17 stations) that are far above any rates determined using incubation techniques for such areas. Furthermore we show that the daily production of POC is essentially balanced by the losses so that the system cannot be considered as net heterotrophic. Our results thus agree well with geochemical methods, but not with incubation studies based on oxygen methods. We stress to the important role of deep layers, below the euphotic layer, in contributing to carbon fixation when incident irradiance at the ocean surface is high (absence of cloud coverage). These deep layers, not considered up to know, might fuel part of the heterotrophic processes in the upper layer, including through dissolved organic carbon. We further demonstrate that, in these extremely clear and stratified waters, integrated gross community production is proportional to the POC content and surface irradiance via an efficiency index ψ <sub>GCP</sub><sup>*</sup>, the water column cross section for Gross Community Production. We finally discuss our results in the context of the role of oligotrophic gyre in the global carbon budget and of the possibility of using optical proxies from space for the development of growth community rather than primary production global models


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    INTRODUCTION: In our paper we describe the results obtained by quantifying the ground reaction forces with a Kistler force platform of 19 adults affected by achilles tendonitis, before during and after treatment with personalized viscoelastic insoles. Our goal was to quantify the functional deficit determined by that pathology, and quantify the recovery of normal function by treatment with personalized visco-elastic insoles. METHODS: We considered 19 adults athletes (runners) who got achilles tendonitis, to be put in causal relation with their sport activity; they were males and female, 19-63 aged (35 y.o in mean). They all made gait analysis, and the time evolution of the 3 components of ground reaction force was compared with 'normal' ones, so defined in the article by Chao and al. (1983) for healthy female and male adults, that matched with our patients for age, gender and gait velocity. From this comparison we found out some characteristics of the ground reaction of subjects affected by Achilles tendonitis, particularly for what is about the vertical and the antero-posterior components, that are related to the exercise of force on the ground in the first and the last moment of stance, and that for our patients resulted depressed than the normal data. After this first gait analysis the subjects were treated only with personalized visco-elastic insoles, for a mean period of 12 weeks (8 weeks - 6 months), to 'normalize' the foot-ground interaction during stance phase; the gait analysis was repeated at about the mean time of the treatment, and 18 months in mean (12 - 24 months) after his end. RESULTS: This treatment determined not only full remission of symptoms, but a recovery of good functionality of affected lower limbs, as we could verify by repeating gait analysis in the mean time of the treatment, and after 18 months in mean from his end, and performin a statistical elaboration of the data with the Student 't' test. We found that during the treatment functionality improves gradually, and after his end it remaines good, so that visco-elastic insoles resulted effective in avoiding relapses of pathology

    Canonical, squeezed and fermionic coherent states in a right quaternionic Hilbert space with a left multiplication on it

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    Using a left multiplication defined on a right quaternionic Hilbert space, we shall demonstrate that various classes of coherent states such as the canonical coherent states, pure squeezed states, fermionic coherent states can be defined with all the desired properties on a right quaternionic Hilbert space. Further, we shall also demonstrate squeezed states can be defined on the same Hilbert space, but the noncommutativity of quaternions prevents us in getting the desired results.Comment: Conference paper. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1704.02946; substantial text overlap with arXiv:1706.0068

    Beta-tricalcium phosphate ceramic triggers fast and robust bone formation by human mesenchymal stem cells

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    Due to their osteoconductive and inductive properties, a variety of calcium phosphate (CaP) scaffolds are commonly used in orthopaedics as graft material to heal bone defects. In this study, we have used two CaP scaffolds with different hydroxyapatite (HA) and \u3b2-tricalcium phosphate (\u3b2-TCP) ratios (MBCP\uae; 60/40 and MBCP+\uae; 20/80) to investigate their intrinsic capacity to favour human bone marrow stem cells (hBMSCs) osteogenic differentiation capacity. We report that MBCP+\uae showed in in vitro culture model a higher rate of calcium ion release in comparison with MBCP\uae. In two defined coculture systems, the hBMSC seeded onto MBCP+\uae presented an increased amount of VEGF secretion, resulting in an enhanced endothelial cell proliferation and capillary formation compared with hBMSC seeded onto MBCP\uae. When both ceramics combined with hBMSC were implanted in a nude mouse model, we observed a faster osteogenic differentiation and enhancement mature bone deposition sustained by the presence of a vast host vasculature within the MBCP+\uae ceramics. Bone formation was observed in samples highly positive to the activation of calcium sensing receptor protein (CaSr) on the surface of seeded hBMSC that also shown higher BMP-2 protein expression. With these data we provide valuable insights in the possible mechanisms of ossification and angiogenesis by hBMSC that we believe to be primed by calcium ions released from CaP scaffolds. Evidences could lead to an optimization of ceramic scaffolds to prime bone repair
