2,236 research outputs found


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    Esta investigación tiene por finalidad una aplicación de la teoría microeconómica a los conceptos fundamentales del economista clásico Richard Cantillon, explicando cómo los mercados pueden hacer converger o divergir los precios a sus niveles naturales, dependiendo esto, de los procesos de aprendizaje evolutivos que tengan sus agentes (productores y consumidores) a través del tiempo. Se utilizarán conceptos de teoría de conjuntos y lógica difusa para formalizar algunos temas relacionados con funciones cognitivas y relaciones de preferencia.Cantillon, Microeconomía, Aprendizaje Evolutivo, Teoría de Conjuntos, Lógica Difusa.

    Evidence of circadian rhythms in non-photosynthetic bacteria?

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    Examples of circadian rhythms have been described in eukaryotic organisms and in photosynthetic bacteria, but direct proof of their existence in other prokaryotes is limited and has been largely ignored. The aim of this article is to review existing evidence and to present preliminary results that suggest that the heterotrophic bacterium Pseudomonas putida shows regular variations in its growth pattern synchronized with light/darkness cycles. We put forward the hypothesis that circadian regulation of certain processes can take place in non-photosynthetic prokaryotes and may represent an adaptative advantage in specific environments

    A statistical approximation of common Roman ceramics from the Isturgi deposits (Andújar, Andalusia)

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    Common ceramics constitute a very abundant material in the archaeological record. This study focuses on analyzing and statistically interpreting, from the perspective of archaeological material culture, the features of Roman coarse-ware ceramics from the Isturgi deposits (Andújar, Andalusia). The main goal of this research was to study ceramics from an archaeological perspective with reference to quantitative and qualitative aspects. The fragments of pottery belong to three essential types - kitchenware, tableware, and pottery for storage and transportation - and have different characteristics. The data set consists of 3,626 fragments of ceramics of Roman origin, divided in three clearly differentiated groups: 1) common calcareous ceramics, b) oxidized kitchen ceramics, and 3) reduced kitchen ceramics, having a very different quantity of fragments (1,635; 1,714; and 277, respectively) distributed in 16 excavation zones. The analysis of the information has been carried out on the basis of univariate methods, analysis of correlation and regression, analysis of the variance (ANOVA) and multivariate factorial analysis (Factorial Analysis with Varimax Rotation mainly). In this form it is possible to characterize ceramics on the basis of whether they were fired in an oxidizing or a reducing atmosphere

    Mercados clásicos: una aplicación en estructura de conjuntos y lógica difusa

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    Esta investigación tiene por finalidad una aplicación de la teoría microeconómica a los conceptos fundamentales del economista clásico Richard Cantillon, explicando cómo los mercados pueden hacer converger o divergir los precios a sus niveles naturales, dependiendo esto, de los procesos de aprendizaje evolutivos que tengan sus agentes (productores y consumidores) a través del tiempo. Se utilizarán conceptos de teoría de conjuntos y lógica difusa para formalizar algunos temas relacionados con funciones cognitivas y relaciones de preferencia. / Abstract. This research aims at an application of microeconomic theory to the fundamental concepts of Richard Cantillon, explaining how markets can converge make prices or diverge to their natural levels, which depends on the evolutionary learning process of agents (producers and consumers) over time. We use concepts of set theory and fuzzy logic to formalize some issues related to cognitive functions and preference relations

    Los arrabales de la Córdoba musulmana. De las fuentes escritas a la realidad arqueológica

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    We present in this report our particular visión about the knowledge situation of islamic Cordoba 's suburbs, departing from a little historiographic analysis and finishing, after explaining the facts we have nomaday thanks to the archeology, with a criticism trought of the present view.Presentamos en este artículo nuestra particular visión del estado de la cuestión sobre los arrabales de la Córdoba musulmana, partiendo de un sucinto análisis historiográfico y concluyendo, tras exponer los datos con que contamos en la actualidad gracias al rigor arqueológico, con una reflexión crítica del panorama actual.Comunicación presentada a: Jornadas Cordobesas de Arqueología Andaluza. Arqueología de Al Andalus: Los palacios islámicos. XI. 2001. Córdob

    Bluefin tuna (Thunnus thynnus) biomass estimation during transfers using acoustic and optic techniques

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    Our results show that the use of an acoustic transducer in transfers offers the possibility of performing an automatic counting with error below 10%, which is decreased to 1.2% after improving structure and algorithms. Moreover, the proposed procedure for automatic sizing using stereoscopic system achieved an accurate estimation of SFL distribution compared to true data from harvests, automatically measuring 20% of the fis

    Automatic Bluefin Tuna (Thunnus thynnus) Biomass Estimation during Transfers Using Acoustic and Computer Vision Techniques

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    In this work, acoustic and computer vision techniques are combined to develop an automatic procedure for biomass estimation of tuna during transfers. A side scan sonar working at 200 kHz and a stereo camera, posi- tioned facing towards the surface to record the ventral aspect of fish, are set as acquisition equipment. Moreover, a floating structure has been devised to place the sensors between cages in transfers, creating a transfer canal that allows data acquisition while fish swim from donor to receiving cage. Biomass assessment is computed by counting transferred tuna and sizing a representative sample of the stock. The number of transferred tuna is automatically deduced from acoustic echograms by means of image processing techniques, whereas tuna size is computed from the stereo videos using our automatic computer vision procedure based on a deformable model of the fish ventral silhouette. The results show that the system achieves automatic tuna counting with error below 10%, achieving around 1% error in the best configuration, and automatic tuna sizing of more than 20% of the stock, with highly accurate Snout Fork Length estimation when compared to true data from harvests. These results fulfil the requirements imposed by International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas for compliant transfer operations.Versión del editor1,42