90 research outputs found

    Trellis decoding complexity of linear block codes

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    In this partially tutorial paper, we examine minimal trellis representations of linear block codes and analyze several measures of trellis complexity: maximum state and edge dimensions, total span length, and total vertices, edges and mergers. We obtain bounds on these complexities as extensions of well-known dimension/length profile (DLP) bounds. Codes meeting these bounds minimize all the complexity measures simultaneously; conversely, a code attaining the bound for total span length, vertices, or edges, must likewise attain it for all the others. We define a notion of “uniform” optimality that embraces different domains of optimization, such as different permutations of a code or different codes with the same parameters, and we give examples of uniformly optimal codes and permutations. We also give some conditions that identify certain cases when no code or permutation can meet the bounds. In addition to DLP-based bounds, we derive new inequalities relating one complexity measure to another, which can be used in conjunction with known bounds on one measure to imply bounds on the others. As an application, we infer new bounds on maximum state and edge complexity and on total vertices and edges from bounds on span lengths

    Aberrantly Expressed Hsa_circ_0060762 and CSE1L as Potential Peripheral Blood Biomarkers for ALS

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    Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) is a rapidly progressive adult-onset neurodegenerative disease that is often diagnosed with a delay due to initial non-specific symptoms. Therefore, reliable and easy-to-obtain biomarkers are an absolute necessity for earlier and more accurate diagnostics. Circular RNAs (circRNAs) have already been proposed as potential biomarkers for several neurodegenerative diseases. In this study, we further investigated the usefulness of circRNAs as potential biomarkers for ALS. We first performed a microarray analysis of circRNAs on peripheral blood mononuclear cells of a subset of ALS patients and controls. Among the differently expressed circRNA by microarray analysis, we selected only the ones with a host gene that harbors the highest level of conservation and genetic constraints. This selection was based on the hypothesis that genes under selective pressure and genetic constraints could have a major role in determining a trait or disease. Then we performed a linear regression between ALS cases and controls using each circRNA as a predictor variable. With a False Discovery Rate (FDR) threshold of 0.1, only six circRNAs passed the filtering and only one of them remained statistically significant after Bonferroni correction: hsa_circ_0060762 and its host gene CSE1L. Finally, we observed a significant difference in expression levels between larger sets of patients and healthy controls for both hsa_circ_0060762 and CSE1L. CSE1L is a member of the importin fi family and mediates inhibition of TDP-43 aggregation; the central pathogenicity in ALS and hsa_circ_0060762 has binding sites for several miRNAs that have been already proposed as biomarkers for ALS. In addition, receiver operating characteristics curve analysis showed diagnostic potential for CSE1L and hsa_circ_0060762. Hsa_circ_0060762 and CSE1L thus represent novel potential peripheral blood biomarkers and therapeutic targets for ALS

    Minimal trellises for linear block codes and their duals

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    We consider the problem of finding a trellis for a linear block code that minimizes one or more measures of trellis complexity for a fixed permutation of the code. We examine constraints on trellises, including relationships between the minimal trellis of a code and that of the dual code. We identify the primitive structures that can appear in a minimal trellis and relate this to those for the minimal trellis of the dual code

    High levels of effective long-distance dispersal may blur ecotypic divergence in a rare terrestrial orchid

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    Background: Gene flow and adaptive divergence are key aspects of metapopulation dynamics and ecological speciation. Long-distance dispersal is hard to detect and few studies estimate dispersal in combination with adaptive divergence. The aim of this study was to investigate effective long-distance dispersal and adaptive divergence in the fen orchid (Liparis loeselii (L.) Rich.). We used amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP)-based assignment tests to quantify effective long-distance dispersal at two different regions in Northwest Europe. In addition, genomic divergence between fen orchid populations occupying two distinguishable habitats, wet dune slacks and alkaline fens, was investigated by a genome scan approach at different spatial scales (continental, landscape and regional) and based on 451 AFLP loci. Results: We expected that different habitats would contribute to strong divergence and restricted gene flow resulting in isolation-by-adaptation. Instead, we found remarkably high levels of effective long-distance seed dispersal and low levels of adaptive divergence. At least 15% of the assigned individuals likely originated from among-population dispersal events with dispersal distances up to 220 km. Six (1.3%) ‘outlier’ loci, potentially reflecting local adaptation to habitat-type, were identified with high statistical support. Of these, only one (0.22%) was a replicated outlier in multiple independent dune-fen population comparisons and thus possibly reflecting truly parallel divergence. Signals of adaptation in response to habitat type were most evident at the scale of individual populations. Conclusions: The findings of this study suggest that the homogenizing effect of effective long-distance seed dispersal may overwhelm divergent selection associated to habitat type in fen orchids in Northwest Europe

    A Straightforward Introduction to Continuous Quantum Measurement

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    We present a pedagogical treatment of the formalism of continuous quantum measurement. Our aim is to show the reader how the equations describing such measurements are derived and manipulated in a direct manner. We also give elementary background material for those new to measurement theory, and describe further various aspects of continuous measurements that should be helpful to those wanting to use such measurements in applications. Specifically, we use the simple and direct approach of generalized measurements to derive the stochastic master equation describing the continuous measurements of observables, give a tutorial on stochastic calculus, treat multiple observers and inefficient detection, examine a general form of the measurement master equation, and show how the master equation leads to information gain and disturbance. To conclude, we give a detailed treatment of imaging the resonance fluorescence from a single atom as a concrete example of how a continuous position measurement arises in a physical system.Comment: 24 pages, 3 eps figues. To appear in Contemporary Physic

    Binary optical communication in single-mode and entangled quantum noisy channels

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    We address binary optical communication in single-mode and entangled quantum noisy channels. For single-mode we present a systematic comparison between direct photodetection and homodyne detection in realistic conditions, i.e. taking into account the noise that occurs both during the propagation and the detection of the signals. We then consider entangled channels based on twin-beam state of radiation, and show that with realistic heterodyne detection the error probability at fixed channel energy is reduced in comparison to the single-mode cases for a large range of values of quantum efficiency and noise parameters

    Worldwide impacts of climate change on energy for heating and cooling

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    The energy sector is not only a major contributor to greenhouse gases, it is also vulnerable to climate change and will have to adapt to future climate conditions. The objective of this study is to analyze the impacts of changes in future temperatures on the heating and cooling services of buildings and the resulting energy and macro-economic effects at global and regional levels. For this purpose, the techno-economic TIAM-WORLD (TIMES Integrated Assessment Model) and the general equilibrium GEMINI-E3 (General Equilibrium Model of International-National Interactions between Economy, Energy and Environment) models are coupled with a climate model, PLASIM-ENTS (Planet-Simulator - Efficient Numerical Terrestrial Scheme). The key results are as follows. At the global level, the climate feedback induced by adaptation of the energy system to heating and cooling is found to be insignificant, partly because heating and cooling-induced changes compensate and partly because they represent a limited share of total final energy consumption. However, significant changes are observed at regional levels, more particularly in terms of addi- tional power capacity required to satisfy additional cooling services, resulting in increases in electricity prices. In terms of macro-economic impacts, welfare gains and losses are associated more with changes in energy exports and imports than with changes in energy consumption for heating and cooling. The rebound effect appears to be non-negligible. To conclude, the coupling of models of different nature was successful and showed that the energy and economic impacts of climate change on heating and cooling remain small at the global level, but changes in energy needs will be visible at more local scale
