444 research outputs found

    Changes in the tropical lapse rate due to entrainment and their impact on climate sensitivity

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    The tropical temperature in the free troposphere deviates from a theoretical moist-adiabat. The overall deviations are attributed to the entrainment of dry surrounding air. The deviations gradually approach zero in the upper troposphere, which we explain with a buoyancy-sorting mechanism: the height to which individual convective parcels rise depends on parcel buoyancy, which is closely tied to the impact of entrainment during ascent. In higher altitudes, the temperature is increasingly controlled by the convective parcels that are warmer and more buoyant because of weaker entrainment effects. We represent such temperature deviations from moist-adiabats in a clear-sky one-dimensional radiative-convective equilibrium model. Compared with a moist-adiabatic adjustment, having the entrainment-induced temperature deviations lead to higher clear-sky climate sensitivity. As the impact of entrainment depends on the saturation deficit, which increases with warming, our model predicts even more amplified surface warming from entrainment in a warmer climate. © 2021. The Authors

    Técnicas terapéuticas endovasculares

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    Percutaneous and endovascular techniques have shown their efficacy in the treatment of a great variety of pathologies. The advances in diagnostic imaging as well as the development of new materials have made it possible to carry out new procedures that were unthinkable not many years ago. The irruption of this new form of treating patients has had, is having, and will have a clear impact on the multidisciplinary approach to numerous diseases

    Nanoparticles engineered to bind cellular motors for efficient delivery

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    Background: Dynein is a cytoskeletal molecular motor protein that transports cellular cargoes along microtubules. Biomimetic synthetic peptides designed to bind dynein have been shown to acquire dynamic properties such as cell accumulation and active intra- and inter-cellular motion through cell-to-cell contacts and projections to distant cells. On the basis of these properties dynein-binding peptides could be used to functionalize nanoparticles for drug delivery applications. Results: Here, we show that gold nanoparticles modified with dynein-binding delivery sequences become mobile, powered by molecular motor proteins. Modified nanoparticles showed dynamic properties, such as travelling the cytosol, crossing intracellular barriers and shuttling the nuclear membrane. Furthermore, nanoparticles were transported from one cell to another through cell-to-cell contacts and quickly spread to distant cells through cell projections. Conclusions: The capacity of these motor-bound nanoparticles to spread to many cells and increasing cellular retention, thus avoiding losses and allowing lower dosage, could make them candidate carriers for drug delivery

    Necesidades de los cuidadores de pacientes con enfermedad lateral amiotrófica: estudio piloto sobre una intervención multidisciplinar

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    La esclerosis lateral amiotrófica (ELA) es una enfermedad que provoca incapacidad, cronicidad y minusvalía física. La dependencia del paciente se incrementa con el paso del tiempo hasta ser total. Objetivos Valorar la eficacia de intervenciones específicas diseñadas para capacitar a los cuidadores no profesionales de pacientes con enfermedad lateral amiotrófica. Método Estudio descriptivo transversal sobre una intervención diseñada para los cuidadores no profesionales de pacientes con ELA. Estudio piloto. Se evaluaron las necesidades de los cuidadores según el cuestionario de Kreutzer. Los pacientes se agruparon según el nivel de dependencia valorado con el índice de Barthel, y específicos de esclerosis lateral amiotrófica la Escala Revisada de Valoración Funcional y Cognitive Behavoral Screen. Se diseñó una intervención multidisciplinar y se evaluó su eficacia. Resultados Finalmente se incluyeron siete cuidadores en el estudio piloto. Son mujeres, de media de edad 56 años, parejas de los pacientes, con actividad económica paralela y con nivel medio de estudios. Los pacientes, son varones con una edad media de 63 años y de uno a tres años de evolución de la enfermedad; presentaron un Barthel moderado-leve, alteración cognitiva, de la motilidad gruesa y de la función respiratoria. Las necesidades más demandadas fueron las de «información médica/sanitaria» y de «implicación en el tratamiento y cuidado». Conclusiones Las intervenciones específicas para cubrir las necesidades de los cuidadores no profesionales son altamente efectivas. Utilizar herramientas que las identifiquen contribuyen a mejorar los cuidados que prestan. Amyotrophy lateral sclerosis is a disease that causes disability, chronicity and physical handicap. Moreover, the dependence of the patient will increase. Objectives To assess the efficacy of specific interventions designed to train non-professional caregivers of patients diagnosed with amyotrophic lateral disease. Method Descriptive cross-sectional study of an intervention designed for non-professional caregivers of patients with ALS. Pilot study. The target audience of this study are non-professional caregivers of patients with ALS. The level of dependence of the patients is measured with the Barthel index, the Revised Scale of Functional Assessment of Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis and Cognitive Behavioural Screening in ALS. The needs of these patients’ caregivers were evaluated according to the Kreutzer questionnaire. A multidisciplinary intervention designed to modify this situation was designed and reevaluated. Results Finally, seven caregivers were included in the pilot study. They were women, with an average age of 56 years, partners of the patients, with parallel economic activity and with an average level of education. The patients were men with a mean age of 63 years and 1-3 years of disease duration; they presented a moderate-mild Barthel, cognitive impairment, gross motility and respiratory function. The most demanded needs were for «medical/health information» and «involvement in treatment and care». Conclusion Specific interventions to meet the needs of non-professional caregivers are highly effective. Using tools that identify them contributes to improving caregivers’ care

    Identifying clinical clusters with distinct trajectories in first-episode psychosis through an unsupervised machine learning technique

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    The extreme variability in symptom presentation reveals that individuals diagnosed with a first-episode psychosis (FEP) may encompass different sub-populations with potentially different illness courses and, hence, different treatment needs. Previous studies have shown that sociodemographic and family environment factors are associated with more unfavorable symptom trajectories. The aim of this study was to examine the dimensional structure of symptoms and to identify individuals’ trajectories at early stage of illness and potential risk factors associated with poor outcomes at follow-up in non-affective FEP. One hundred and forty-four non-affective FEP patients were assessed at baseline and at 2-year follow-up. A Principal component analysis has been conducted to identify dimensions, then an unsupervised machine learning technique (fuzzy clustering) was performed to identify clinical subgroups of patients. Six symptom factors were extracted (positive, negative, depressive, anxiety, disorganization and somatic/cognitive). Three distinct clinical clusters were determined at baseline: mild; negative and moderate; and positive and severe symptoms, and five at follow-up: minimal; mild; moderate; negative and depressive; and severe symptoms. Receiving a low-dose antipsychotic, having a more severe depressive symptomatology and a positive family history for psychiatric disorders were risk factors for poor recovery, whilst having a high cognitive reserve and better premorbid adjustment may confer a better prognosis. The current study provided a better understanding of the heterogeneous profile of FEP. Early identification of patients who could likely present poor outcomes may be an initial step for the development of targeted interventions to improve illness trajectories and preserve psychosocial functioning

    Effects of vertical grid spacing on the climate simulated in the ICON-Sapphire global storm-resolving model

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    Global storm-resolving models (GSRMs) use strongly refined horizontal grids compared with the climate models typically used in the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project (CMIP) but employ comparable vertical grid spacings. Here, we study how changes in the vertical grid spacing and adjustments to the integration time step affect the basic climate quantities simulated by the ICON-Sapphire atmospheric GSRM. Simulations are performed over a 45 d period for five different vertical grids with between 55 and 540 vertical layers and maximum tropospheric vertical grid spacings of between 800 and 50 m, respectively. The effects of changes in the vertical grid spacing are compared with the effects of reducing the horizontal grid spacing from 5 to 2.5 km. For most of the quantities considered, halving the vertical grid spacing has a smaller effect than halving the horizontal grid spacing, but it is not negligible. Each halving of the vertical grid spacing, along with the necessary reductions in time step length, increases cloud liquid water by about 7 %, compared with an approximate 16 % decrease for halving the horizontal grid spacing. The effect is due to both the vertical grid refinement and the time step reduction. There is no tendency toward convergence in the range of grid spacings tested here. The cloud ice amount also increases with a refinement in the vertical grid, but it is hardly affected by the time step length and does show a tendency to converge. While the effect on shortwave radiation is globally dominated by the altered reflection due to the change in the cloud liquid water content, the effect on longwave radiation is more difficult to interpret because changes in the cloud ice concentration and cloud fraction are anticorrelated in some regions. The simulations show that using a maximum tropospheric vertical grid spacing larger than 400 m would increase the truncation error strongly. Computing time investments in a further vertical grid refinement can affect the truncation errors of GSRMs similarly to comparable investments in horizontal refinement, because halving the vertical grid spacing is generally cheaper than halving the horizontal grid spacing. However, convergence of boundary layer cloud properties cannot be expected, even for the smallest maximum tropospheric grid spacing of 50 m used in this study.</p

    Biocompatibility, Inflammatory Response, and Recannalization Characteristics of Nonradioactive Resin Microspheres: Histological Findings

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    Intra-arterial radiotherapy with yttrium-90 microspheres (radioembolization) is a therapeutic procedure exclusively applied to the liver that allows the direct delivery of high-dose radiation to liver tumors, by means of endovascular catheters, selectively placed within the tumor vasculature. The aim of the study was to describe the distribution of spheres within the precapillaries, inflammatory response, and recannalization characteristics after embolization with nonradioactive resin microspheres in the kidney and liver. We performed a partial embolization of the liver and kidney vessels in nine white pigs. The left renal and left hepatic arteries were catheterized and filled with nonradioactive resin microspheres. Embolization was defined as the initiation of near-stasis of blood flow, rather than total occlusion of the vessels. The hepatic circulation was not isolated so that the effects of reflux of microspheres into stomach could be observed. Animals were sacrificed at 48 h, 4 weeks, and 8 weeks, and tissue samples from the kidney, liver, lung, and stomach evaluated. Microscopic evaluation revealed clusters of 10–30 microspheres (15–30 μm in diameter) in the small vessels of the kidney (the arciform arteries, vasa recti, and glomerular afferent vessels) and liver. Aggregates were associated with focal ischemia and mild vascular wall damage. Occlusion of the small vessels was associated with a mild perivascular inflammatory reaction. After filling of the left hepatic artery with microspheres, there was some evidence of arteriovenous shunting into the lungs, and one case of cholecystitis and one case of marked gastritis and ulceration at the site of arterial occlusion due to the presence of clusters of microspheres. Beyond 48 h, microspheres were progressively integrated into the vascular wall by phagocytosis and the lumen recannalized. Eight-week evaluation found that the perivascular inflammatory reaction was mild. Liver cell damage, bile duct injury, and portal space fibrosis were not observed. In conclusion, resin microspheres (15–30 μm diameter) trigger virtually no inflammatory response in target tissues (liver and kidney). Clusters rather than individual microspheres were associated with a mild to moderate perivascular inflammatory reaction. There was no evidence of either a prolonged inflammatory reaction or fibrosis in the liver parenchyma following recannalization

    Cognitive clusters in first-episode psychosis

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    Impairments in a broad range of cognitive domains have been consistently reported in some individuals with first-episode psychosis (FEP). Cognitive deficits can be observed during the prodromal stage. However, the course of cognitive deficits is still unclear. The aim of this study was to identify cognitive subgroups over time and to compare their sociodemographic, clinical and functional profiles. A total of 114 patients with Schizophrenia Spectrum Disorders were included in the present study. We assessed subjects through psychiatric scales and eight neuropsychological tests at baseline and at two-year follow-up visit. We performed the Partition Around Medoids algorithm with all cognitive variables. Furthermore, we performed a logistic regression to identify the predictors related to the different cognitive clusters at follow-up. Two distinct subgroups were found: the first cluster characterized by cognitive impairment and a second cluster had relatively intact cognition in comparison with norms. Up to 54.7% of patients with cognitive deficits at baseline tended to improve during the first two years of treatment. Patients with intact cognition at follow-up had a higher socioeconomic status, later age of onset, lower negative symptoms and a higher cognitive reserve (CR) at baseline. CR and age of onset were the baseline variables that predicted cognitive impairment. This research allows us to obtain a better understanding of the heterogeneous profile of psychotic disorders. Identifying the characteristics of patients who will present a cognitive impairment could improve early detection and intervention. These results suggest that enhancing CR could contribute to improving the course of the illness

    Cognitive clusters in first-episode psychosis

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    Impairments in a broad range of cognitive domains have been consistently reported in some individuals with first-episode psychosis (FEP). Cognitive deficits can be observed during the prodromal stage. However, the course of cognitive deficits is still unclear. The aim of this study was to identify cognitive subgroups over time and to compare their sociodemographic, clinical and functional profiles. A total of 114 patients with Schizophrenia Spectrum Disorders were included in the present study. We assessed subjects through psychiatric scales and eight neuropsychological tests at baseline and at two-year follow-up visit. We performed the Partition Around Medoids algorithm with all cognitive variables. Furthermore, we performed a logistic regression to identify the predictors related to the different cognitive clusters at follow-up. Two distinct subgroups were found: the first cluster characterized by cognitive impairment and a second cluster had relatively intact cognition in comparison with norms. Up to 54.7% of patients with cognitive deficits at baseline tended to improve during the first two years of treatment. Patients with intact cognition at follow-up had a higher socioeconomic status, later age of onset, lower negative symptoms and a higher cognitive reserve (CR) at baseline. CR and age of onset were the baseline variables that predicted cognitive impairment. This research allows us to obtain a better understanding of the heterogeneous profile of psychotic disorders. Identifying the characteristics of patients who will present a cognitive impairment could improve early detection and intervention. These results suggest that enhancing CR could contribute to improving the course of the illness. © 2021 Elsevier B.V

    Obstetric complications and clinical presentation in first episode of psychosis

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    Objective: Psychotic disorders exhibit a complex aetiology that combines genetic and environmental factors. Among the latter, obstetric complications (OCs) have been widely studied as risk factors, but it is not yet well understood how OCs relate to the heterogeneous presentations of psychotic disorders. We assessed the clinical phenotypes of individuals with a first episode of psychosis (FEP) in relation to the presence of OCs. Methods: Two-hundred seventy-seven patients with an FEP were assessed for OCs using the Lewis–Murray scale, with data stratified into three subscales depending on the timing and the characteristics of the obstetric event, namely: complications of pregnancy, abnormal foetal growth and development and difficulties in delivery. We also considered other two groups: any complications during the pregnancy period and all OCs taken altogether. Patients were clinically evaluated with the Positive and Negative Syndrome Scale for schizophrenia. Results: Total OCs and difficulties in delivery were related to more severe psychopathology, and this remained significant after co-varying for age, sex, traumatic experiences, antipsychotic dosage and cannabis use. Conclusions: Our results highlight the relevance of OCs for the clinical presentation of psychosis. Describing the timing of the OCs is essential in understanding the heterogeneity of the clinical presentation