51 research outputs found

    Agroecosystem energy transitions in the old and new worlds: trajectories and determinants at the regional scale

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    Energy efficiency in biomass production is a major challenge for a future transition to sustainable food and energy provision. This study uses methodologically consistent data on agroecosystem energy flows and different metrics of energetic efficiency from seven regional case studies in North America (USA and Canada) and Europe (Spain and Austria) to investigate energy transitions in Western agroecosystems from the late nineteenth to the late twentieth centuries. We quantify indicators such as external final energy return on investment (EFEROI, i.e., final produce per unit of external energy input), internal final EROI (IFEROI, final produce per unit of biomass reused locally), and final EROI (FEROI, final produce per unit of total inputs consumed). The transition is characterized by increasing final produce accompanied by increasing external energy inputs and stable local biomass reused. External inputs did not replace internal biomass reinvestments, but added to them. The results were declining EFEROI, stable or increasing IFEROI, and diverging trends in FEROI. The factors shaping agroecosystem energy profiles changed in the course of the transition: Under advanced organic and frontier agriculture of the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, population density and biogeographic conditions explained both agroecosystem productivity and energy inputs. In industrialized agroecosystems, biogeographic conditions and specific socio-economic factors influenced trends towards increased agroecosystem specialization. The share of livestock products in a region's final produce was the most important factor determining energy returns on investment

    Periodic Host Absence Can Select for Higher or Lower Parasite Transmission Rates

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    This paper explores the effect of discontinuous periodic host absence on the evolution of pathogen transmission rates by using Ro maximisation techniques. The physiological consequence of an increased transmission rate can be either an increased virulence, i.e. there is a transmission-virulence trade-off or ii) a reduced between season survival, i.e. there is a transmission-survival trade-off. The results reveal that the type of trade-off determines the direction of selection, with relatively longer periods of host absence selecting for higher transmission rates in the presence of a trade-off between transmission and virulence but lower transmission rates in the presence of a trade-of between transmission and between season survival. The fact that for the transmission-virulence trade-off both trade-off parameters operate during host presence whereas for the transmission-survival trade-off one operates during host presence (transmission) and the other (survival) during the period of host absence is the main cause for this difference in selection direction. Moreover, the period of host absence seems to be the key determinant of the pathogens transmission rate. Comparing plant patho-systems with contrasting biological features suggests that airborne plant pathogen respond differently to longer periods of host absence than soil-borne plant pathogens

    Metabolic Rift or Metabolic Shift? Dialectics, Nature, and the World-Historical Method

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    Abstract In the flowering of Red-Green Thought over the past two decades, metabolic rift thinking is surely one of its most colorful varieties. The metabolic rift has captured the imagination of critical environmental scholars, becoming a shorthand for capitalism’s troubled relations in the web of life. This article pursues an entwined critique and reconstruction: of metabolic rift thinking and the possibilities for a post-Cartesian perspective on historical change, the world-ecology conversation. Far from dismissing metabolic rift thinking, my intention is to affirm its dialectical core. At stake is not merely the mode of explanation within environmental sociology. The impasse of metabolic rift thinking is suggestive of wider problems across the environmental social sciences, now confronted by a double challenge. One of course is the widespread—and reasonable—sense of urgency to evolve modes of thought appropriate to an era of deepening biospheric instability. The second is the widely recognized—but inadequately internalized—understanding that humans are part of nature

    Control of ergot in pearl millet through pollen management

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    The Pennisetum americanum F1 hybrids ICH-118, ICH-220, BJ-104 and ICH-206, which are highly susceptible to Claviceps fusiformis, were grown one/season in isolation plots and in a demonstration plot during the 4 rainy seasons of 1978-81, respectively, alone and mixed with an early flowering cultivar SC-2(M)5-4, which is less susceptible to ergot (<10% severity) to test the hypothesis that increased pollen availability at the early stages of flowering in hybrids protects the hybrids from ergot infection. In 1978, the hybrid was grown with the pollen donor in a seed mixture (4 parts hybrid and 1 part pollen donor) and in other years 1 row of the pollen donor was planted between 2, 4 or 8 rows of the hybrid. Ergot inoculations were made 3-4 times at protogyny flowering stage of the hybrids. Significant reductions in ergot infection and considerable increase in grain yields occurred in the hybrids when grown with the pollen donor line. The possible application of this control measure in farmers' fields is discusse
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