705 research outputs found

    The Mental Health Benefits of Acquiring a Home in Older Age: A Fixed-Effects Analysis of Older US Adults.

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    Homeownership is consistently associated with better mental health, but whether becoming a homeowner in later in life has positive psychological benefits has not, to our knowledge, been examined. We assessed whether acquiring a home after age 50 years was associated with depression in a representative sample of older US adults. We used individual fixed-effects models based on data from 20,524 respondents aged ≥50 years from the Health and Retirement Study, who were interviewed biennially during 1993-2010. Depressive symptoms were measured using the 8-item Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression Scale. Controlling for confounders, becoming a homeowner in later life predicted a decline in depressive symptoms in the same year (β = -0.0768, 95% confidence interval (CI): -0.152, -0.007). The association remained significant after 2 years (β = -0.0556, 95% CI: -0.134, -0.001) but weakened afterward. Buying a home for reasons associated with positive characteristics of the new house or neighborhood drove this association (β = -0.426, 95% CI: -0.786, -0.066), while acquiring a home for reasons associated with characteristics of the previous home or neighborhood, the desire to be closer to relatives, downsizing, or upsizing did not predict mental health improvements. Findings suggest that there are small but significant benefits for mental health associated with acquiring a home in older age

    Influence de l'anthropisation sur la végétation locale et l'abondance des tsé-tsé au sud du Burkina Faso

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    Entomological and phyto-sociological surveys were undertaken in Folonzo, southern Burkina Faso, along the Comoe river. The purpose of this survey was to compete densities and diversity of tsetse species in a protected versus a non protected area, by the mean of transects going from the river bank to the savannah. A detailed phytological description was made in all the trapping sites. The entomological data were also compared to what was obtained in 1980 in the some trapping sites. The phyto-geographical study showed great vegetation homogeneity between transects, particularly in the forest gallery, while savannah showed more heterogeneity. Four tsetse species were caught in the area, with 74 % G. tachinoides, 20 % G. rn. submorsitans, 4 % G. p. gambiensis and 2 % G. medicorum. There was a significant difference in tsetse densities between the protected and the non-protected area, with in average, four times more tsetse in the protected one. This difference was particularly high for G. m. submorsitans with a ratio of 1/9. This decrease was attributed to the reduction in wildlife density in the non protected area, and can be applied to the situation of the whole country where this tsetse species is of decreasing importance. It is one of the consequences of the increase in human densities, this latter causing much less visible changes in phytological species composition. From the comparison between old (1980) and new data collected on the river bank, we see a general trend of decrease in density, which affects less G. polpolis gambiensis

    Міхал Бобжинський: суспільно-політична діяльність

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    Розглянута суспільно-політична діяльність визначного представника краківської історичної школи М. Бобжинського. Акцентовано увагу на зв’язку наукових поглядів історика з його політичною практикою. Охарактеризовано дискусії, які досьогодні точаться серед науковців щодо оцінки результатів його діяльності.Рассмотрена общественно-политическая деятельность выдающегося представителя краковской исторической школы М. Бобжинского. Акцентировано внимание на связи научных взглядов историка с его политической практикой. Охарактеризованы дискуссии, которые досегодня ведутся среди ученых относительно оценки результатов его деятельности.The socio-political activities of M. Bobzhynski – a prominent representative of the Krakow historical school – are reviewed. Attention is given to the connection of the historian scholarly views with his political practice. The discussions that until now are going on among scholars in evaluating the results of his work are characterised

    Feasibility of Electrified Propulsion for Ultra-Efficient Commercial Aircraft Final Report

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    MIT, Aurora Flight Sciences, and USC have collaborated to assess the feasibility of electric, hybridelectric, and turbo-electric propulsion for ultra-efficient commercial transportation. The work has drawn on the team expertise in disciplines related to aircraft design, propulsion-airframe integration, electric machines and systems, engineering system design, and optimization. A parametric trade space analysis has been carried out to assess vehicle performance across a range of transport missions and propulsion architectures to establish how electrified propulsion systems scale. An optimization approach to vehicle conceptual design modeling was taken to enable rapid multidisciplinary design space exploration and sensitivity analysis. The results of the analysis indicate vehicle aero-propulsive integration benefits enabled by electrification are required to offset the increased weight and loss associated with the electric system and achieve enhanced performance; the report describes the conceptual configurations than can offer such enhancements. The main contribution of the present work is the definition of electric vehicle design attributes for potential efficiency improvements at different scales. Based on these results, key areas for future research are identified, and extensions to the trade space analysis suitable for higher fidelity electrified commercial aircraft design and analysis have been developed

    Large Deformation Effects in the N = Z 44Ti Compound Nucleus

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    The N = Z 44Ti* nucleus has been populated in Fusion Evaporation process at very high excitation energies and angular momenta using two entrance channels with different mass-asymmetry. The deformation effects in the rapidly rotating nuclei have been investigated through the energy distribution of the alpha-particle combined to statistical-model calculations. In the case of low-multiplicity events, the ratio between first particle emitted has been measured and shows significant disagreement with the predictions of the statistical-model. This may explain The large discrepancies observed in proton energy spectra measured in previous experiments performed in the same mass region.Comment: Proceeding of the 10th International Conference on Nuclear Reaction Mechanisms, Varenna Italy, June 9-13 2003. 10 pages, 6 figures, 1 tabl

    Baited-boats : an innovative way to control riverine tsetse, vectors of sleeping sickness in West Africa

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    Background: Human African Trypanosomiasis (HAT) is an important neglected tropical disease caused by Trypanosoma spp. parasites transmitted by species of tsetse fly (Glossina spp). The most important vectors of HAT are riverine tsetse and these can be controlled by attracting them to stationary baits such as insecticide-impregnated traps or targets deployed along the banks of rivers. However, the geographical nature of some riverine habitats, particularly mangroves but also extensive lake and river networks, makes deployment of baits difficult and limits their efficacy. It is known that tsetse are attracted by the movement of their hosts. Our hypothesis was that mounting a target on canoes typically used in Africa ('pirogues') would produce an effective means of attracting-and-killing riverine tsetse in extensive wetland habitats. Methods: In Folonzo, southern Burkina Faso, studies were made of the numbers of tsetse attracted to a target (75 x 50 cm) of blue cloth and netting mounted on a pirogue moving along a river, versus the same target placed on the riverbank. The targets were covered with a sticky film which caught tsetse as they contacted the target. Results: The pirogue-mounted target caught twice as many G. tachinoides and G. p. gambiensis, and 8 times more G. morsitans submorsitans than the stationary one (P < 0.001). Conclusion: Pirogues are common vehicle for navigating the rivers, lakes and swamps of West Africa. The demonstration that tsetse can be attracted to targets mounted on such boats suggests that pirogues might provide a cost-effective and convenient platform for deploying targets to control tsetse in the mangrove systems of West Africa where HAT persists. Further studies to assess the impact of pirogue-mounted targets on tsetse populations in HAT foci and the protective value of targets for pirogue passengers are recommended

    Deformation of the N=Z nucleus 76Sr using beta-decay studies

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    A novel method of deducing the deformation of the N=Z nucleus 76Sr is presented. It is based on the comparison of the experimental Gamow-Teller strength distribution B(GT) from its beta decay with the results of QRPA calculations. This method confirms previous indications of the strong prolate deformation of this nucleus in a totally independent way. The measurement has been carried out with a large Total Absorption gamma Spectrometer, "Lucrecia", newly installed at CERN-ISOLDE.Comment: Accepted in Phys. Rev. Letter

    Reaction mechanisms in 24Mg+12C and 32S+24Mg

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    The occurence of "exotic" shapes in light N=Z alpha-like nuclei is investigated for 24Mg+12C and 32S+24Mg. Various approaches of superdeformed and hyperdeformed bands associated with quasimolecular resonant structures with low spin are presented. For both reactions, exclusive data were collected with the Binary Reaction Spectrometer in coincidence with EUROBALL IV installed at the VIVITRON Tandem facility of Strasbourg. Specific structures with large deformation were selectively populated in binary reactions and their associated γ\gamma-decays studied. The analysis of the binary and ternary reaction channels is discussed.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figures, Paper presented at the Fusion08 International Conference on New Aspects of Heavy Ion Collisions Near the Coulomb Barrier, Chicago. Proceedings to be published by AIP Conference Proceedings Illinois, USA, September 22-26, 200

    Constraints on Titan's middle atmosphere ammonia abundance from Herschel/SPIRE sub-millimetre spectra

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    Sub-millimetre spectra measured with Herschel's SPIRE Fourier Transform Spectrometer were used to search for ammonia (NH3) in Titan's stratosphere. Observations were taken during 2010 and 2011, just after Titan's northern spring equinox, which occurred in mid-2009. In our analysis we used high spectral resolution data (0.074 cm-1 apodised) from the SPIRE shortwave spectrometer array (SSW), which provided the best possible signal-to-noise ratio for detecting any NH3 emission features. These data have the most sensitivity to NH3 spectral emission of any currently available observations, although despite this we did not detect any significant emission features above the noise. However, we can place an improved 3-sigma upper limit on NH3 abundance of &lt;0.19ppb for altitudes 65-110 km (75 km peak sensitivity), or alternatively a column abundance of &lt;1.23×1015molecules/cm2. These observations provide modest constraint for future photochemical models and are consistent with most current stratospheric predictions. Scaling of photochemical model profiles, in order to fit elevated abundances observed at 1100 km by Cassini's INMS instrument, are for the most part also consistent with our observations. © 2012 Elsevier Ltd