413 research outputs found


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    The structure of the title compound, [Mg(C10H6O6S2)(C3H7NO)2]n, consists of MgO6 octa­hedra ( symmetry) connected to naphthalene-1,5-disulfonate ligands ( symmetry) in the equatoral plane, forming a two-dimensional network propagating parallel to (010). The coordination sphere of the Mg atom is completed by the O atoms of two N,N-dimethyl­formamide (DMF) mol­ecules in the axial positions. The title compound represents the first time the naphthalene-1,5-disulfonate anion is bound directly to a Mg2+ atom. Disorder over two positions was found in the DMF mol­ecule in a 0.518 (8):0.482 (8) ratio

    Moderate lameness leads to marked behavioral changes in dairy cows.

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    Lameness is one of the most prevalent diseases affecting the welfare of cows in modern dairy production. Lameness leads to behavioral changes in severely lame cows, which have been investigated in much detail. For early detection of lameness, knowledge of the effects of moderate lameness on cow behavior is crucial. Therefore, the behavior of nonlame and moderately lame cows was compared on 17 Swiss dairy farms. On each farm, 5 to 11 nonlame (locomotion score 1 of 5) and 2 to 7 moderately lame (locomotion score 3 of 5) cows were selected for data collection in two 48-h periods (A, B) separated by an interval of 6 to 10 wk. Based on visual locomotion scoring, 142 nonlame and 66 moderately lame cows were examined in period A and 128 nonlame and 53 moderately lame cows in period B. Between these 2 periods, the cows underwent corrective hoof trimming. Lying behavior, locomotor activity, and neck activity were recorded by accelerometers (MSR145 data logger, MSR Electronics GmbH, Seuzach, Switzerland), and feeding and rumination behaviors by noseband sensors (RumiWatch halter, ITIN + HOCH GmbH, Liestal, Switzerland). Furthermore, visits to the brush and the concentrate feeder, and the milking order position were recorded. In comparison with nonlame cows, moderately lame cows had a longer lying duration, a longer average lying bout duration, and a greater lateral asymmetry in lying duration. Average locomotor activity, locomotor activity during 1 h after feed delivery or push-ups, and average neck activity were lower in moderately lame cows. Eating time and the number of eating chews (jaw movements) were reduced in moderately lame compared with nonlame cows, whereas no effect of moderate lameness was evident for ruminating time, number of ruminating chews and boluses, and average number of ruminating chews per bolus. Moderately lame cows visited the concentrate feeder and the brush less frequently, and they were further back in the milking order compared with nonlame cows. In conclusion, nonlame and moderately lame cows differed in a biologically relevant way in many of the behavioral variables investigated in this study. Therefore, the use of these behavioral changes seems to be promising to develop a tool for early lameness detection

    Reversal of hemochromatosis by apotransferrin in non-transfused and transfused Hbbth3/+ (heterozygous b1/b2 globin gene deletion) mice

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    Intermediate beta-thalassemia has a broad spectrum of sequelae and affected subjects may require occasional blood transfusions over their lifetime to correct anemia. Iron overload in intermediate beta-thalassemia results from a paradoxical intestinal absorption, iron release from macrophages and hepatocytes, and sporadic transfusions. Pathological iron accumulation in parenchyma is caused by chronic exposure to non-transferrin bound iron in plasma. The iron scavenger and transport protein transferrin is a potential treatment being studied for correction of anemia. However, transferrin may also function to prevent or reduce iron loading of tissues when exposure to non-transferrin bound iron increases. Here we evaluate the effects of apotransferrin administration on tissue iron loading and early tissue pathology in non-transfused and transfused Hbb(th3/+) mice. Mice with the Hbb(th3/+) phenotype have mild to moderate anemia and consistent tissue iron accumulation in the spleen, liver, kidneys and myocardium. Chronic apotransferrin administration resulted in normalization of the anemia. Furthermore, it normalized tissue iron content in the liver, kidney and heart and attenuated early tissue changes in non-transfused Hbb(th3/+) mice. Apotransferrin treatment was also found to attenuate transfusion-mediated increases in plasma non-transferrin bound iron and associated excess tissue iron loading. These therapeutic effects were associated with normalization of transferrin saturation and suppressed plasma non-transferrin bound iron. Apotransferrin treatment modulated a fundamental iron regulatory pathway, as evidenced by decreased erythroid Fam132b gene (erythroferrone) expression, increased liver hepcidin gene expression and plasma hepcidin-25 levels and consequently reduced intestinal ferroportin-1 in apotransferrin-treated thalassemic mice

    tert-Butyl 2-methyl-2-(4-methyl­benzo­yl)propanoate

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    The title compound, C16H22O3, is bent with a dihedral angle of 75.3 (1)° between the mean planes of the benzene ring and a group encompassing the ester functionality (O=C—O—C). In the crystal, the mol­ecules are linked into infinite chains held together by weak C—H⋯O hydrogen-bonded inter­actions between an H atom on the benzene ring of one mol­ecule and an O atom on the ketone functionality of an adjacent mol­ecule. The chains are arranged with neighbouring tert-butyl and dimethyl groups on adjacent chains exhibiting hydro­phobic stacking, with short C—H⋯H—C contacts (2.37 Å) between adjacent chain

    Downscaling of a Three-Dimensional Alveolar In Vitro Model for High-Throughput Screening of Inhalable Respiratory Sensitizers in the Food Industry

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    Allergic diseases represent an increasing global health problem, among which food and respiratory allergies play an important part. Inhalation of sensitizers from food sources primes the immune system for an exacerbated response upon subsequent exposure via the ingestion route. With the increasing emergence of novel food additives and proteins and growing morbidity in both food and respiratory allergies, the hazard assessment of the allergenicity of food components is of paramount importance. A three-dimensional (3D) alveolar in vitro model for respiratory sensitization prediction was downscaled from the 6- to the 24-well plate insert format, to meet the industry’s high-throughput (HTS) screening requirements. The resemblance of the cellular architecture of the downscaled model to the alveolar region of the lung was evaluated through microscopy techniques and the functionality of the in vitro model was assessed following air-liquid interface (ALI) exposure to ammonium persulfate (APS). The model represents a promising in vitro tool to screen for the respiratory sensitization potential of food components in a fast and reliable approach

    Seven 3-methylidene-1H-indol-2(3H)-ones related to the multiple-receptor tyrosine kinase inhibitor sunitinib

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    The solid-state structures of a series of seven substituted 3-methylidene-1H-indol-2(3H)-one derivatives have been determined by single-crystal X-ray diffraction and are compared in detail. Six of the structures {(3Z)-3-(1H-pyrrol-2- ylmethylidene)-1H-indol-2(3H)-one, C13H10N2O, (2a); (3Z)-3-( 2-thienylmethylidene)-1H-indol-2(3H)-one, C13H9NOS, (2b); (3E)-3-(2-furylmethylidene)-1H-indol-2(3H)-one monohydrate, C13H9NO2 center dot H2O, (3a); 3-(1-methylethylidene)-1H-indol- 2(3H)-one, C11H11NO, (4a); 3-cyclohexylidene-1H-indol- 2(3H)-one, C14H15NO, (4c); and spiro[1,3-dioxane-2,3'-indolin]- 2'-one, C11H11NO3, (5)} display, as expected, intermolecular hydrogen bonding (N-H center dot center dot center dot O=C) between the 1H-indol-2(3H)-one units. However, methyl 3-(1-methylethylidene)- 2-oxo-2,3-dihydro-1H-indole-1-carboxylate, C13H13NO3, (4b), a carbamate analogue of (4a) lacking an N-H bond, displays no intermolecular hydrogen bonding. The structure of (4a) contains three molecules in the asymmetric unit, while (4b) and (4c) both contain two independent molecules

    Evaluation of air oxidized PAPC: A multi laboratory study by LC-MS/MS

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    Oxidized LDL (oxLDL) has been shown to play a crucial role in the onset and development of cardiovascular disorders. The study of oxLDL, as an initiator of inflammatory cascades, led to the discovery of a variety of oxidized phospholipids (oxPLs) responsible for pro-inflammatory actions. Oxidized 1-palmitoyl-2-arachidonoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine (PAPC) is frequently used by the scientific community as a representative oxPL mixture to study the biological effects of oxidized lipids, due to the high abundance of PAPC in human tissues and the biological activities of oxidized arachidonic acids derivatives. Most studies focusing on oxPAPC effects rely on in-house prepared mixtures of oxidized species obtained by exposing PAPC to air oxidation. Here, we described a multi-laboratory evaluation of the compounds in oxPAPC by LC-MS/MS, focusing on the identification and relative quantification of the lipid peroxidation products (LPPs) formed. PAPC was air-oxidized in four laboratories using the same protocol for 0, 48, and 72 h. It was possible to identify 55 different LPPs with unique elemental composition and characterize different structural isomeric species within these. The study showed good intra-sample reproducibility and similar qualitative patterns of oxidation, as the most abundant LPPs were essentially the same between the four laboratories. However, there were substantial differences in the extent of oxidation, i.e. the amount of LPPs relative to unmodified PAPC, at specific time points. This shows the importance of characterizing air-oxidized PAPC preparations before using them for testing biological effects of oxidized lipids, and may explain some variability of effects reported in the literature

    Solid-phase molecular recognition of cytosine based on proton-transfer reaction. Part II. supramolecular architecture in the cocrystals of cytosine and its 5-Fluoroderivative with 5-Nitrouracil

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Cytosine is a biologically important compound owing to its natural occurrence as a component of nucleic acids. Cytosine plays a crucial role in DNA/RNA base pairing, through several hydrogen-bonding patterns, and controls the essential features of life as it is involved in genetic codon of 17 amino acids. The molecular recognition among cytosines, and the molecular heterosynthons of molecular salts fabricated through proton-transfer reactions, might be used to investigate the theoretical sites of cytosine-specific DNA-binding proteins and the design for molecular imprint.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Reaction of cytosine (Cyt) and 5-fluorocytosine (5Fcyt) with 5-nitrouracil (Nit) in aqueous solution yielded two new products, which have been characterized by single-crystal X-ray diffraction. The products include a dihydrated molecular salt (CytNit) having both ionic and neutral hydrogen-bonded species, and a dihydrated cocrystal of neutral species (5FcytNit). In CytNit a protonated and an unprotonated cytosine form a triply hydrogen-bonded aggregate in a self-recognition ion-pair complex, and this dimer is then hydrogen bonded to one neutral and one anionic 5-nitrouracil molecule. In 5FcytNit the two neutral nucleobase derivatives are hydrogen bonded in pairs. In both structures conventional N-H<sup>...</sup>O, O-H<sup>...</sup>O, N-H<sup>+...</sup>N and N-H<sup>...</sup>N<sup>- </sup>intermolecular interactions are most significant in the structural assembly.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The supramolecular structure of the molecular adducts formed by cytosine and 5-fluorocytosine with 5-nitrouracil, CytNit and 5FcytNit, respectively, have been investigated in detail. CytNit and 5FcytNit exhibit widely differing hydrogen-bonding patterns, though both possess layered structures. The crystal structures of CytNit (D<it>p</it>k<sub>a </sub>= -0.7, molecular salt) and 5FcytNit (D<it>p</it>k<sub>a </sub>= -2.0, cocrystal) confirm that, at the present level of knowledge about the nature of proton-transfer process, there is not a strict correlation between the D<it>p</it>k<sub>a </sub>values and the proton transfer, in that the acid/base <it>p</it>k<sub>a </sub>strength is not a definite guide to predict the location of H atoms in the solid state. Eventually, the absence in 5FcytNit of hydrogen bonds involving fluorine is in agreement with findings that covalently bound fluorine hardly ever acts as acceptor for available Brønsted acidic sites in the presence of competing heteroatom acceptors.</p

    Redefining Palliative Care-A New Consensus-Based Definition.

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    The International Association for Hospice and Palliative Care developed a consensus-based definition of palliative care (PC) that focuses on the relief of serious health-related suffering, a concept put forward by the Lancet Commission Global Access to Palliative Care and Pain Relief. The main objective of this article is to present the research behind the new definition. The three-phased consensus process involved health care workers from countries in all income levels. In Phase 1, 38 PC experts evaluated the components of the World Health Organization definition and suggested new/revised ones. In Phase 2, 412 International Association for Hospice and Palliative Care members in 88 countries expressed their level of agreement with the suggested components. In Phase 3, using results from Phase 2, the expert panel developed the definition. The consensus-based definition is as follows: Palliative care is the active holistic care of individuals across all ages with serious health-related suffering due to severe illness and especially of those near the end of life. It aims to improve the quality of life of patients, their families and their caregivers. The definition includes a number of bullet points with additional details as well as recommendations for governments to reduce barriers to PC. Participants had significantly different perceptions and interpretations of PC. The greatest challenge faced by the core group was trying to find a middle ground between those who think that PC is the relief of all suffering and those who believe that PC describes the care of those with a very limited remaining life span