129 research outputs found

    Towards an increase of flash flood geomorphic effects due to gravel mining and ground subsidence in Nogalte stream (Murcia, SE Spain)

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    Transition from endorheic alluvial fan environments to well-channelized fluvial systems in natural conditions may occur in response to base-level fluctuations. However, human-induced changes in semi-arid regions can also be responsible for similar unforeseen modifications. Our results confirm that in-channel gravel mining and aquifer overexploitation over the last 50 years in the case study area have changed the natural stability of the Nogalte stream and, as a result, its geomorphic parameters including channel depth and longitudinal profile have begun to adapt to the new situation. Using interferometric synthetic aperture radar (InSAR) data we obtain maximum values for ground subsidence in the Upper Guadalentín Basin of  ∼ 10 cm yr−1 for the period 2003–2010. In this context of a lowered base level, the river is changing its natural flood model to a more powerful one. A comparison of the 1973 flood event, the most dramatic flood event ever recorded in the area, with the 2012 event, where there was a similar discharge but a sediment load deficit, reveals greater changes and a new flooding pattern and extension. In-channel gravel mining may be responsible for significant local changes in channel incision and profile. This, together with the collateral effects of aquifer overexploitation, can favour increased river velocity and stream power, which intensify the consequences of the flooding. The results obtained here clearly demonstrate an existing transition from the former alluvial pattern to a confined fluvial trend, which may become more pronounced in the future due to the time lag between the drop in aquifer level and ground subsidence, and introduce a new scenario to be taken into consideration in future natural hazard planning in this area.s. This research was partially funded by projects CGL 2011-23857, ESP2013-47780-C2-2-R and CGL2013-47412-C2-1-P (Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness).Peer reviewe

    Mapping vulnerable urban areas affected by slow-moving landslides using Sentinel-1InSAR data

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    Landslides are widespread natural hazards that generate considerable damage and economic losses worldwide. Detecting terrain movements caused by these phenomena and characterizing affected urban areas is critical to reduce their impact. Here we present a fast and simple methodology to create maps of vulnerable buildings affected by slow-moving landslides, based on two parameters: (1) the deformation rate associated to each building, measured from Sentinel-1 SAR data, and (2) the building damage generated by the landslide movement and recorded during a field campaign. We apply this method to Arcos de la Frontera, a monumental town in South Spain affected by a slow-moving landslide that has caused severe damage to buildings, forcing the evacuation of some of them. Our results show that maximum deformation rates of 4 cm/year in the line-of-sight (LOS) of the satellite, affects La Verbena, a newly-developed area, and displacements are mostly horizontal, as expected for a planar-landslide. Our building damage assessment reveals that most of the building blocks in La Verbena present moderate to severe damages. According to our vulnerability scale, 93% of the building blocks analysed present high vulnerability and, thus, should be the focus of more in-depth local studies to evaluate the serviceability of buildings, prior to adopting the necessary mitigation measures to reduce or cope with the negative consequences of this landslide. This methodology can be applied to slow-moving landslides worldwide thanks to the global availability of Sentinel-1 SAR data.Postprint (published version

    Andean structural control on interseismic coupling in the North Chile subduction zone

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    Segmentation can influence the extent of earthquake rupture and event magnitude: large megathrust earthquakes result from total rupture of relatively continuous segments of the subduction interface. Segmentation is attributed to variations in the frictional properties of the seismogenic zone or to topographic features on the down-going plate. Structures in the overriding plate may also influence segmentation but their importance has been dismissed. Here, we investigate the links between interface segmentation at the North Chile seismic gap and a crustal-scale fault structure in the overriding plate that forms a coastal scarp of about 1 km in height. We use satellite interferometric synthetic aperture radar (InSAR) and Global Positioning System (GPS) data to measure interseismic surface deformation between 2003 and 2009 and compare the deformation with rupture extent during well-documented earthquakes. From these data we infer the degree of coupling and segmentation at depth. We find that along a 500-km-long segment, the base of the strongly coupled seismogenic zone correlates with the line of the surface coastal scarp and follows the outline of the Mejillones Peninsula. This correlation implies that large-scale structures in the overriding plate can influence the frictional properties of the seismogenic zone at depth. We therefore suggest that the occurrence of megathrust earthquakes in northern Chile is controlled by the surface structures that build Andean topography

    A quasi-elastic aquifer deformational behavior: Madrid aquifer case study

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    The purpose of this paper is to analyze the quasi-elastic deformational behavior that has been induced by groundwater withdrawal of the Tertiary detrital aquifer of Madrid (Spain). The spatial and temporal evolution of ground surface displacement was estimated by processing two datasets of radar satellite images (SAR) using Persistent Scatterer Interferometry (PSI). The first SAR dataset was acquired between April 1992 and November 2000 by ERS-1 and ERS-2 satellites, and the second one by the ENVISAT satellite between August 2002 and September 2010. The spatial distribution of PSI measurements reveals that the magnitude of the displacement increases gradually towards the center of the well field area, where approximately 80 mm of maximum cumulated displacement is registered. The correlation analysis made between displacement and piezometric time series provides a correlation coefficient greater than 85% for all the wells. The elastic and inelastic components of measured displacements were separated, observing that the elastic component is, on average, more than 4 times the inelastic component for the studied period. Moreover, the hysteresis loops on the stress–strain plots indicate that the response is in the elastic range. These results demonstrate the quasi-elastic behavior of the aquifer. During the aquifer recovery phase ground surface uplift almost recovers from the subsidence experienced during the preceding extraction phase. Taking into account this unique aquifer system, a one dimensional elastic model was calibrated in the period 1997–2000. Subsequently, the model was used to predict the ground surface movements during the period 1992–2010. Modeled displacements were validated with PSI displacement measurements, exhibiting an error of 13% on average, related with the inelastic component of deformation occurring as a long-term trend in low permeability fine-grained units. This result further demonstrates the quasi-elastic deformational behavior of this unique aquifer system.This work was developed during Pablo Ezquerro research stay within the Geohazards InSAR laboratory and Modeling group of the Instituto Geológico y Minero de España in the framework of DORIS project (Ground Deformation Risk Scenarios: an Advanced Assessment Service) funded by the EC-GMES-FP7 initiative (Grant Agreement nº 242212). This work has been also supported by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Research (MICINN) under project TEC2011-28201-C02-02 and EU FEDER. Additional funding was obtained from Spanish Research Program through the project ESP2013-47780-C2-2-R

    Assessment of ground deformation and seismicity in two areas of intense hydrocarbon production in the Argentinian Patagonia

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    The exploitation of both conventional and unconventional hydrocarbons may lead to still not well-known environmental consequences such as ground deformation and induced/triggered seismicity. Identifying and characterizing these effects is fundamental for prevention or mitigation purposes, especially when they impact populated areas. Two case studies of such effects on hydrocarbon-producing basins in Argentina, the Neuquén and the Golfo de San Jorge, are presented in this work. The intense hydrocarbon production activities in recent years and their potential link with the occurrence of two earthquakes of magnitude 4.9 and 5 near the operating well fields is assessed. A joint analysis of satellite radar interferometry and records of fluid injection and extraction demonstrate that, between 2017 and 2020, vertical ground displacements occurred in both study areas over active well fields that might indicate a correlation to hydrocarbon production activities. Coseismic deformation models of the two earthquakes constrain source depths to less than 2 km. The absence of seismicity before the beginning of the hydrocarbon activities in both areas, and the occurrence of the two largest and shallow earthquakes in the vicinity of the active well fields just after intensive production periods, points towards the potential association between both phenomena.Fil: Tamburini Beliveau, Guillermo. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro de Investigaciones y Transferencia de Santa Cruz. Universidad Tecnológica Nacional. Facultad Regional Santa Cruz. Centro de Investigaciones y Transferencia de Santa Cruz. Universidad Nacional de la Patagonia Austral. Centro de Investigaciones y Transferencia de Santa Cruz; ArgentinaFil: Grosso Heredia, Javier A.. Universidad Nacional del Comahue; ArgentinaFil: Béjar Pizarro, Marta. Instituto Geológico y Minero de España; EspañaFil: Pérez López, Raúl. Instituto Geológico y Minero de España; EspañaFil: Portela, Juan. Universidad Politécnica de Madrid; EspañaFil: Cismondi Duarte, Martín. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Instituto de Investigación y Desarrollo en Ingeniería de Procesos y Química Aplicada. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Córdoba. Instituto de Investigación y Desarrollo en Ingeniería de Procesos y Química Aplicada; ArgentinaFil: Monserrat, Oriol. Centre Tecnològic de Telecomunicacions de Catalunya; Españ

    Evaluation of the potential of InSAR time series to study the spatio-temporal evolution of piezometric levels in the Madrid aquifer

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    The Tertiary detritic aquifer of Madrid (TDAM), with an average thickness of 1500 m and a heterogeneous, anisotropic structure, supplies water to Madrid, the most populated city of Spain (3.2 million inhabitants in the metropolitan area). Besides its complex structure, a previous work focused in the north-northwest of Madrid city showed that the aquifer behaves quasi elastically trough extraction/recovery cycles and ground uplifting during recovery periods compensates most of the ground subsidence measured during previous extraction periods (Ezquerro et al., 2014). Therefore, the relationship between ground deformation and groundwater level through time can be simulated using simple elastic models. In this work, we model the temporal evolution of the piezometric level in 19 wells of the TDAM in the period 1997–2010. Using InSAR and piezometric time series spanning the studied period, we first estimate the elastic storage coefficient (Ske) for every well. Both, the Ske of each well and the average Ske of all wells, are used to predict hydraulic heads at the different well locations during the study period and compared against the measured hydraulic heads, leading to very similar errors when using the Ske of each well and the average Ske of all wells: 14 and 16 % on average respectively. This result suggests that an average Ske can be used to estimate piezometric level variations in all the points where ground deformation has been measured by InSAR, thus allowing production of piezometric level maps for the different extraction/recovery cycles in the TDAM.This work is supported by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness and EU FEDER funds under projects TEC2011-28201-C02-02, TIN2014-55413-C2-2-P and ESP2013-47780-C2-2-R, by the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport trough the project PRX14/00100 and by the project 15224/PI/10 from the Regional Agency of Science and Technology in Murcia

    Exploitation of satellite A-DInSAR time series for detection, characterization and modelling of land subsidence

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    In the last two decades, advanced differential interferometric synthetic aperture radar (A-DInSAR) techniques have experienced significant developments, which are mainly related to (i) the progress of satellite SAR data acquired by new missions, such as COSMO-SkyMed and ESA’s Sentinel-1 constellations; and (ii) the development of novel processing algorithms. The improvements in A-DInSAR ground deformation time series need appropriate methodologies to analyse extremely large datasets which consist of huge amounts of measuring points and associated deformation histories with high temporal resolution. This work demonstrates A-DInSAR time series exploitation as valuable tool to support different problems in engineering geology such as detection, characterization and modelling of land subsidence mechanisms. The capabilities and suitability of A-DInSAR time series from an end-user point of view are presented and discussed through the analysis carried out for three test sites in Europe: the Oltrepo Pavese (Po Plain in Italy), the Alto Guadalentín (Spain) and the London Basin (United Kingdom). Principal component analysis has been performed for the datasets available for the three case histories, in order to extract the great potential contained in the A-DInSAR time serie

    Improving multi-technique monitoring using Sentinel-1 and Cosmo-SkyMed data and upgrading groundwater model capabilities

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    Aquifer-systems have become a strategic source of fresh water in the present climatic conditions, especially under stress in arid regions like the Iberian Mediterranean Arc. Understanding the behavior of groundwater reservoirs is crucial to their well-management and mitigation of adverse consequences of overexploitation. In this work, we use space geodetic measurements from satellite interferometric synthetic aperture radar (InSAR) and Global Positioning System (GPS) data, covering the period 2011–2017, to predict and validate the ground surface displacement over the fastest subsiding basin due to groundwater withdrawal in Europe (>10 cm/year). The 2D decomposition of InSAR displacements from Cosmo-SkyMed and Sentinel-1 satellites allows us to detect horizontal deformation towards the basin center, with a maximum displacement of 1.5 cm/year. InSAR results were introduced in a newly developed methodology for aquifer system management to estimate unknown pumping rates for the 2012–2017 period. This study illustrates how the combination of InSAR data, groundwater flow and deformation models can be used to improve the aquifer-systems sustainable management.This work was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities (MICINN), Spain; the State Agency of Research (AEI), Spain; and European Funds for Regional Development (FEDER), under projects AQUARISK (ESP2013-47780-C2-2-R), TEMUSA (TEC2017-85244-C2-1-P) and STAR-EO (TIN2014-55413-C2-2-P). First author shows gratitude for PhD student contract BES-2014-069076. A first version of this work was written during the research stay of first and second authors in the Università degli Studi di Firenze supported by the Spanish Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport, under fellowships EEBB-I-18-13014 and PRX17/00439, respectively

    The 1 April 2014 Iquique, Chile, M w

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    On 1 April 2014, a great (Mw8.1) interplate thrust earthquake ruptured in the northern portion of the 1877 earthquake seismic gap in northern Chile. The sequence commenced on 16 March 2014 with a magnitude 6.7 thrust event, followed by thrust-faulting aftershocks that migrated northward ~40km over 2weeks to near the main shock hypocenter. Guided by short-period teleseismic P wave backprojections and inversion of deepwater tsunami wave recordings, a finite-fault inversion of teleseismic P and SH waves using a geometry consistent with long-period seismic waves resolves a spatially compact large-slip (~2-6.7m) zone located ~30km downdip and ~30km along-strike south of the hypocenter, downdip of the foreshock sequence. The main shock seismic moment is 1.7×1021N m with a fault dip of 18°, radiated seismic energy of 4.5-8.4×1016J, and static stress drop of ~2.5MPa. Most of the 1877 gap remains unbroken and hazardous. © 2014. American Geophysical Union. All Rights Reserved
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