412 research outputs found

    Probing structural and dynamic properties of trafficking subcellular nanostructures by spatiotemporal fluctuation spectroscopy

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    Imaging-derived mean square displacement (iMSD) is used to address the structural and dynamic properties of subcellular nanostructures, such as vesicles involved in the endo/exocytotic trafficking of solutes and biomolecules. iMSD relies on standard time-lapse imaging, is compatible with any optical setup, and does not need to dwell on single objects to extract trajectories. From each iMSD trace, a unique triplet of average structural and dynamic parameters (i.e., size, local diffusivity, anomalous coefficient) is calculated and combined to build the "iMSD signature" of the nanostructure under study. The potency of this approach is proved here with the exemplary case of macropinosomes. These vesicles evolve in time, changing their average size, number, and dynamic properties passing from early to late stages of intracellular trafficking. As a control, insulin secretory granules (ISGs) are used as a reference for subcellular structures that live in a stationary state in which the average structural and dynamic properties of the whole population of objects are invariant in time. The iMSD analysis highlights these peculiar features quantitatively and paves the way to similar applications at the sub-cellular level, both in the physiological and pathological states

    Silicon photomultiplier arrays - a novel photon detector for a high resolution tracker produced at FBK-irst, Italy

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    A silicon photomultiplier (SiPM) array has been developed at FBK-irst having 32 channels and a dimension of 8.0 x 1.1 mm^2. Each 250 um wide channel is subdivided into 5 x 22 rectangularly arranged pixels. These sensors are developed to read out a modular high resolution scintillating fiber tracker. Key properties like breakdown voltage, gain and photon detection efficiency (PDE) are found to be homogeneous over all 32 channels of an SiPM array. This could make scintillating fiber trackers with SiPM array readout a promising alternative to available tracker technologies, if noise properties and the PDE are improved

    Modeling the ecosystem services related to phytoextraction: Carbon sequestration potential using willow and poplar

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    Poplar and willow demonstrate great potential for the phytoextraction of trace elements (TEs) from soils. In most cases, these species are managed as short-rotation coppice, producing high woody biomass yields, which could provide a valuable contribution toward reducing greenhouse gas emissions in the atmosphere. In the current study, we compared the TE extraction and CO2 sequestration rates in a four-year field trial in Southern Italy of two arboreal species (willow and poplar). The results show that, once established in the study area, willow extracted more Cd and Cu and less Pb than poplar. The two species demonstrated the same average Ni and Zn extraction rates. Greater biomass yields in poplar suggest that this species was able to fix greater amounts of CO2 (28.7 Mg ha−1 yr−1) than willow (24.9 Mg ha−1 yr−1). We argue that the choice of the species to be used in phytoextraction should first be made considering the TE-specific affinity and phytoextraction rates. For TEs whose extraction rates were the same (i.e., Ni and Zn), poplar is to be preferred because of its ability to fix greater amounts of CO2 than willow

    Measurement of the effect of Non Ionising Energy Losses on the leakage current of Silicon Drift Detector prototypes for the LOFT satellite

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    The silicon drift detectors are at the basis of the instrumentation aboard the Large Observatory For x-ray Timing (LOFT) satellite mission, which underwent a three year assessment phase within the "Cosmic Vision 2015 - 2025" long-term science plan of the European Space Agency. Silicon detectors are especially sensitive to the displacement damage, produced by the non ionising energy losses of charged and neutral particles, leading to an increase of the device leakage current and thus worsening the spectral resolution. During the LOFT assessment phase, we irradiated two silicon drift detectors with a proton beam at the Proton Irradiation Facility in the accelerator of the Paul Scherrer Institute and we measured the increase in leakage current. In this paper we report the results of the irradiation and we discuss the impact of the radiation damage on the LOFT scientific performance.Comment: 21 pages, 7 figures, 2 tables. Accepted for publication by Journal of Instrumentation (JINST

    End-of-life care in high-grade glioma patients. The palliative and supportive perspective

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    High-grade gliomas (HGGs) are the most frequently diagnosed primary brain tumors. Even though it has been demonstrated that combined surgical therapy, chemotherapy, and radiotherapy improve survival, HGGs still harbor a very poor prognosis and limited overall survival. Differently from other types of primary neoplasm, HGG manifests also as a neurological disease. According to this, palliative care of HGG patients represents a peculiar challenge for healthcare providers and caregivers since it has to be directed to both general and neurological cancer symptoms. In this way, the end-of-life (EOL) phase of HGG patients appears to be like a journey through medical issues, progressive neurological deterioration, and psychological, social, and affective concerns. EOL is intended as the time prior to death when symptoms increase and antitumoral therapy is no longer effective. In this phase, palliative care is intended as an integrated support aimed to reduce the symptoms burden and improve the Quality Of Life (QOL). Palliative care is represented by medical, physical, psychological, spiritual, and social interventions which are primarily aimed to sustain patients’ functions during the disease time, while maintaining an acceptable quality of life and ensuring a dignified death. Since HGGs represent also a family concern, due to the profound emotional and relational issues that the progression of the disease poses, palliative care may also relieve the distress of the caregivers and increase the satisfaction of patients’ relatives. We present the results of a literature review addressed to enlighten and classify the best medical, psychological, rehabilitative, and social interventions that are addressed both to patients and to their caregivers, which are currently adopted as palliative care during the EOL phase of HGG patients in order to orientate the best medical practice in HGG management

    A Scintillating Fiber Tracker With SiPM Readout

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    We present a prototype for the first tracking detector consisting of 250 micron thin scintillating fibers and silicon photomultiplier (SiPM) arrays. The detector has a modular design, each module consists of a mechanical support structure of 10mm Rohacell foam between two 100 micron thin carbon fiber skins. Five layers of scintillating fibers are glued to both top and bottom of the support structure. SiPM arrays with a channel pitch of 250 micron are placed in front of the fibers. We show the results of the first module prototype using multiclad fibers of types Bicron BCF-20 and Kuraray SCSF-81M that were read out by novel 32-channel SiPM arrays from FBK-irst/INFN Perugia as well as 32-channel SiPM arrays produced by Hamamatsu. A spatial resolution of 88 micron +/- 6 micron at an average yield of 10 detected photons per minimal ionizig particle has been achieved.Comment: 5 pages, 7 figures, submitted as proceedings to the 11th Topical Seminar on Innovative Particle and Radiation Detectors (IPRD08

    Role and regulation of ACC deaminase gene in Sinorhizobium meliloti: Is it a symbiotic, rhizospheric or endophytic gene?

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    Plant-associated bacteria exhibit a number of different strategies and specific genes allow bacteria to communicate and metabolically interact with plant tissues. Among the genes found in the genomes of plant-associated bacteria, the gene encoding the enzyme 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylate (ACC) deaminase (acdS) is one of the most diffused. This gene is supposed to be involved in the cleaving of plant-produced ACC, the precursor of the plant stress-hormone ethylene toning down the plant response to infection. However, few reports are present on the actual role in rhizobia, one of the most investigated groups of plant-associated bacteria. In particular, still unclear is the origin and the role of acdS in symbiotic competitiveness and on the selective benefit it may confer to plant symbiotic rhizobia. Here we present a phylogenetic and functional analysis of acdS orthologs in the rhizobium model-species Sinorhizobium meliloti. Results showed that acdS orthologs present in S. meliloti pangenome have polyphyletic origin and likely spread through horizontal gene transfer, mediated by mobile genetic elements. When acdS ortholog from AK83 strain was cloned and assayed in S. meliloti 1021 (lacking acdS), no modulation of plant ethylene levels was detected, as well as no increase in fitness for nodule occupancy was found in the acdS-derivative strain compared to the parental one. Surprisingly, AcdS was shown to confer the ability to utilize formamide and some dipeptides as sole nitrogen source. Finally, acdS was shown to be negatively regulated by a putative leucine-responsive regulator (LrpL) located upstream to acdS sequence (acdR). acdS expression was induced by root exudates of both legumes and non-leguminous plants. We conclude that acdS in S. meliloti is not directly related to symbiotic interaction, but it could likely be involved in the rhizospheric colonization or in the endophytic behavior

    Gastrointestinal strongyles burden monitoring in a flock of Zerasca sheep treated with homeopathy

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    Introdution The widespread use of conventional drugs in farm animals has resulted in anthelmintic resistance as well as the contamination of deleterious molecules in animal products and in the environment. Researchers are thus focusing on production systems that rely less on chemicals. The aim of this study was to monitor the gastrointestinal strongyle burden, blood count, body condition scores (BCS), and FAffa MAlan CHArt (FAMACHA) in a local Italian breed of sheep reared in natural conditions. Methods The study was carried out in a farm where homeopathy was utilised. Over a one-year period, faeces were sampled six times from ten Zerasca ewes to evaluate the fecal eggs count using a modified McMaster technique. At the same time, blood samples were collected to evaluate white blood cells, red blood cells, hemoglobin, packed cell volume, mean corpuscular volume, mean corpuscular hemoglobin, mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration, and red cell distribution width. BCS and FAMACHA were also recorded. Results Results showed low parasite levels in most of the samples with the highest value in the spring. Blood parameters were within the normal range, with significant fluctuations during the sampling period. BCS values corresponded to an adequate nutritional condition of the animals and FAMACHA scores did not suggest a worrying state of anemia. Conclusions In this farm, a thorough monitoring of the gastrointestinal parasite burden together with a BCS and FAMACHA evaluation allowed the amount of chemical treatments to be limited, normally administered twice a year without laboratory tests

    Radiation tests of the Silicon Drift Detectors for LOFT

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    During the three years long assessment phase of the LOFT mission, candidate to the M3 launch opportunity of the ESA Cosmic Vision programme, we estimated and measured the radiation damage of the silicon drift detectors (SDDs) of the satellite instrumentation. In particular, we irradiated the detectors with protons (of 0.8 and 11 MeV energy) to study the increment of leakage current and the variation of the charge collection efficiency produced by the displacement damage, and we "bombarded" the detectors with hypervelocity dust grains to measure the effect of the debris impacts. In this paper we describe the measurements and discuss the results in the context of the LOFT mission.Comment: Proc. SPIE 9144, Space Telescopes and Instrumentation 2014: Ultraviolet to Gamma Ray, 91446
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