234 research outputs found

    Biochemical evaluation of Gmelina arborea fruit meal as a swine feedstuff

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    An experiment was conducted to evaluate the influence of Gmelina arborea fruits (GAF) meal on haematology and certain biochemical parameters including blood enzyme profile of wean pigs. 16-piglets, 8-males and 8-females averaging 12.41 ± 0.59 kg live weight from Hampshire commercial breed were allotted to four dietary treatment groups each consisting of four piglets per treatment group in a completely randomised design. The diets formulated on iso-nitrogenous and iso-energetic basis had Diet 1 containing 30% processed GAF meal and was taken as a reference Diet while Diets 2, 3 and 4 contained 10, 20 and 30% raw GAF meal respectively. The experimental diets and water were supplied to appetite in a feeding trial which lasted for 28 days. There were no statistically significant differences in haematological parameters (p > 0.05) except lymphocytes and neutrophils of the leucocytes differential count (p < 0.05). There were also no significant differences in the selected blood enzymes and serum biochemical parameters of the trial animal models (p >0.05). Urine analyses similarly showed no significant difference in urea and creatinine excretions except that there was a significant difference in uric acid produced (p < 0.05). An overall assessment of the study indicated that values of some parameters measured tended to decrease (in case of blood indices and serum constituents) and increase (with regards to blood urea nitrogen, creatinine in blood and urine and uric acids) though not significantly as the dietary inclusion level of raw GAF meal increased. It was therefore concluded that GAF when processed or incorporated at lower levels has no adverse effect on animals.Keywords: Gmelina arborea, diets, pi

    Robust Methods of Assessing Fidelity Bank Share Price Movements in Nigeria Stock Market

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    Markov chain is a viable tool for studying the share price formation; since each finite state communicates for proper management decisions in Fidelity bank. Therefore, this paper studied stochastic analysis of Markov chain and PCA in the closing share price data of Fidelity (2016-2022) in Nigeria Stock Exchange. The share prices were transformed into 3-steps transition probability matrix solution to cover this number of years. The future share prices changes were known. The criteria of obtaining four share prices which formed 2x2 matrices were given and analytical solution of principal component were considered for future stock price changes. From the solution matrix of stochastic analysis, showed that Fidelity bank, PLC has the best probability of price increasing in the near future: 10%, best probability of reducing in future by 23% and best probability of no-change in the near future by 22% which is a tool for proper decision making in the day-to-day management of the bank; which shows it is profit making organization and are hopeful for future investment plans both short or long term respectively

    Follow-up of kidney donors at a single center in South Africa

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    Background:There is a worldwide shortage of organ donors. Inour province, KwaZulu / Natal, this problem is morepronounced as the rate of cadaveric donation is verylow. Thus both patients and nephrology staff areunder pressure to seek living donors.Methods and results:We studied 135 living kidney donors in ten yearsperiod: 85 females and 50 males; 78 (57.8%) were ofIndian origin, 33 (24.4%) Black, 15 (11.1%) Whiteand 9 (6.7%) of mixed race groups. The majority ofdonors (57%) were siblings, while 14.8% wereparents, 6.7% children, 17.8% spouses and 3.7%were cousins. The mean age of donors was 34.2 years(range 21-56 years). Donors were hospitalised for amean peroid of 6.1 days (range 3-15). Post-operativecomplications were left lobe atelectasis and chestinfection in 11.1 %, other infections in 5.2%,pneumothorax in 2.2%, ileus in two cases, depressionin one and prolonged pain at the site of surgery in11.1%. Proteinuria was noted in three cases (0.26gm/d and 0.66 gm/d in two donors at 2 years and 0.27gm/d in the third case at 10 years).Blood pressure levels were virtually unchanged frompre-nephrectomy data.Conclusion:This study confirms that unilateral nephrectomy innormal individuals is associated with few major adverse effects and living donors in renal transplantation is a viable option

    Internal structure of the Nisa-Alburquerque batholith

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    The Late Variscan Nisa-Alburquerque batholith (SW-Iberian Peninsula) is located close to the boundary between two major geologic domains of the Iberian Massif: the Central Iberian Zone and the Ossa-Morena Zone. This baholith is made up of S-type granitic rocks with minor I-type ones. The main facies displays frequent magmatic orientations defined by the k-feldspar ± plagioclase phenocrysts. We have made six schematic cross sections perpendicular to the internal structure and to the elongated shape of the batholith. These sections show the internal structure of the batholith and the relationships between the different granitic facies. The cross-cutting relationships indicate that the general orientation was developed during the emplacement of the main granitic magma and prior to the differentiation/intrusion of the remaining facies. Diachronic eastward-progressing cooling of the granitic magma could explain some of the differences between the western and central-eastern domains of the batholith: sharp contacts and fabric tightening in western domains versus sinuous contacts, magma mixing and re-intrusion of different magmas, in centraleastern domain

    La Orogenia Cadomiense y el rifting del Paleozoico Inferior en el Sudoeste de Iberia

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    La intensidad y la duración de la Orogenia Cadomiense en el sudoeste de Iberia han sido temas controvertidos. El magmatismo calcoalcalino del Vendiense superior, que se encuentra ampliamente representado en la Zona de Ossa Morena, es el efecto orogénico cadomiense más significativo. Además, en las rocas del Proterozoico superior que afloran en Peraleda del Zaucejo (sur de la Zona Centroibérica) se ha establecido firmemente la existencia de foliación y metamorfismos tardiprecámbricos. En la Zona de Ossa Morena, sin embargo, la deformación penetrativa de las rocas precámbricas parece corresponder casi exclusivamente a pliegues y cabalgamientos de edad varisca. En conjunto, la intensidad de la orogenia cadomiense en el sudoeste de Iberia es, como en el resto del Macizo Ibérico, moderada. Los datos geocronológicos existentes aparentan la existencia de un magmatismo initerrumpido desde el Proterozoico superior hasta el Ordovícico; sin embargo, se sugiere que tal continuidad no es real. Del análisis de los datos estratigráficos se deduce que la orogenia cadomiense se habría desarrollado exclusivamente en el Proterozoico terminal, siendo el Cámbrico inferior un período de transición entre el ciclo orogénico cadomiense y el ciclo varisco. Desde el Cámbrico Inferior alto, se desarrolló en la Zona de Ossa Morena el rifting pre-varisco, cuyo reflejo estratigráfico es la sustitución de carbonatos de plataforma (Cámbrico Inferior) por sedimentos terrígenos y rocas volcánicas. Localmente, el rifting pre-varisco originó una fábrica milonítica y un metamorfismo de grado medio-alto, como el que se observa en Valuengo y en Monesterio. Como consecuencia del rifting cambro-ordovícico, la Zona de Ossa-Moreno debió de ser en el Silúrico un fragmento aislado de corteza continental

    Proximate Analysis Of Castor Seeds And Cake

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    Castor seed obtained from Ilorin was evaluated analytically using its un-decorticated and decorticated full-fat and cake forms for chemical composition and nutritional constituents. Proximate analyses of un-decorticated and decorticated seeds and cake revealed that both the oil seed and cake contain valuable nutrients namely soluble carbohydrate: seed-7.96, cake-24.69, protein: seed-20.78, cake-31.06, fat: seed-51.20, cake-19.40, mineral matter: seed-7.75, cake-11.10 for undecorticated castor seeds and cake respectively. The decorticated seed cake gave higher values of these nutrients than the un-decorticated, for instance carbohydrate: seed-8.86, cake-24.88, nitrogen: seed-21.87, cake-35.43, ether extract: seed-55.50, cake-25.10, total ash: seed- 9.40, cake-7.14. Amino acid profile analysis of un-decorticated and decorticated seed and cake compared with soybeans as standard plant protein indicated that the cake is deficient in some indispensable amino acids like lysine (4.11), iso-leucine (3.09), tryptophan (0) compared with 6.30, 7.90 and 1.30 lysine, iso-leucine and tryptopha in soybeans respectively.Based on results of the analyses, it is observed that the seed and cake contain valuable nutrients especially when decorticated and may serve useful alternatives to food/feedstuffs if the castor seed is detoxified of the phytotoxins, ricin (a toxic protein), ricinine (a relatively harmless protein), hydrocyanides and allergens, the extremely potent toxins

    Intra-breed genetic diversity characterization of the Iberian pig

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    Ponencia publicada en ITEA, vol.104El desenvolvimiento en el tiempo de subpoblaciones aisladas adscritas a un mismo tipo racial es el origen de la diversidad natural que surge en toda raza animal enriqueciéndola. El Cerdo Ibérico no ha sido ajeno a este proceso, acumulando a lo largo de los siglos una gran heterogeneidad intrarracial, reflejada en un valor alto (0,19) para el FST de Wright entre las subpoblaciones analizadas. En el presente trabajo abordaremos el estudio de esta diversidad genética interna del Cerdo Ibérico con especial atención a las cuatro estirpes principales (Negro Lampiño, Entrepelado, Retinto y Torbiscal), sin descuidar, no obstante, otras estirpes y líneas que la integran. Para ello partiremos de diferentes estudios de caracterización de las estirpes y líneas del Cerdo Ibérico. Resaltaremos no sólo sus diferencias genéticas sino también las habidas entre sus productos para consumo en fresco (solomillos), en los que la estirpe Negro Lampiño muestra los porcentajes de proteína, capacidad de retención de agua (CRA) e infiltración grasa intramuscular más elevados (23.74, 17.06 y 5.28, respectivamente), definiendo una calidad diferenciada. Finalmente aportaremos una clasificación que explique la estructura interna del Cerdo Ibérico.The evolution in time of isolated subpopulations assigned to a same breed is the origin of the natural diversity that arises in any breed animal enriching it. The Iberian Pig breed has not been unaware of this process, accumulating throughout the centuries a great intra-breed heterogeneity that is reflected by a high FST value (0.19) among the subpopulations analyzed. In the present study we will undertake the assessment of the internal genetic diversity of the Iberian Pig breed with special attention to the four main strains (Negro Lampiño, Entrepelado, Retinto and Torbiscal), without forgetting others strains and lines that integrate Iberian Pig Breed. To that purpose, we based on different characterization studies of the strains and lines of the Iberian Pig breed. We emphasize not only their genetic differences but also the differences among their meat products for fresh consumption (tenderloin) by strain, in which Negro Lampiño shows the higher percentages of protein, water-holding capacity (ARC) and intramuscular fat infiltration (23.74, 17.06 and 5.28, respectively), defining a differentiated quality. Finally, we expose a classification to explain the population structure of the Iberian Pig Breed

    Selection program of retinta beef native cattle breed: prelyminary results of the control nucleus

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    Because of its population, the Retinta breed is considered the second Spanish beef producing cattle with an estimated 200000 to 250000 cows, 10 percent of which are registered in the genealogical book, and is the predominant breed in Southwest Spain. It is a maternal breed outstanding for its care of its offspring, for its milk capacity, for its reproductive features and its magnificent aptness for crossing with specialised breeds such as the Charoles, Fleckviek, or Limusin. In 1995, a selection plan officially went into action, having been planned and developed by a group of ranchers who had worked together since 1987. In this paper, the evolution of this selection group and its principal aims in improving this breed are presented as well as the present situation of the main productive variables. At the present time, for genetic evaluation, it has 40680 weightings from 24833 calves, offspring of 7751 cows from 64 ranches. These data allowed the genetic evaluation of 19443 animals, of which 229 are studs (113 with descendent tested) through the BLUP methodology. Controls of female reproducers" reproductive aptness was also obtained. Lastly, at present 917 young male future studs were evaluated at a test station.Se ha estimado la existencia 200000-250000 vacas de la raza Retinta, de las cuales alrededor del 10 p.100 están inscritas en su libro genealógico por lo que está considerada por su censo la segunda raza española de bovino de carne, constituyendo la raza predominante en el cuadrante suroccidental peninsular. Es una raza considerada maternal, destacando por su cuidado a las crías, capacidad lechera, y características reproductivas y su magnífica aptitud para el cruce con razas especializadas como el Charolés, el Fleckvieck o el Limusín. En el año 1995 comienza oficialmente un esquema de selección que venía desarrollándose por parte de un núcleo de ganaderos desde 1987. En este trabajo se presenta la evolución del núcleo de selección y de las principales objetivos de mejora, así como la situación actual de las principales variables productivas. Hoy día se cuenta para las valoraciones genéticas con 40685 pesadas correspondientes a 24833 terneros, hijos de 7751 vacas correspondientes a 64 ganaderías. Estos datos han permitido valorar genéticamente mediante metodología BLUP a 19443 animales, de los cuales 229 son sementales (113 con prueba de descendencia terminada). De las reproductoras se tiene así mismo controles de su aptitud reproductiva (edad al primer parto e intervalo entre partos). Por último en la actualidad se han valorado en estación de prueba a 917 machos jóvenes futuros reproductores

    Transmission ratio distortion detection by neutral genetic markers in the Pura Raza Española horse breed

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    Transmission Ratio Distortion (TRD) is a genetic phenomenon widely demonstrated in several livestock species, but barely in equine species. The TRD occurs when certain genotypes are over- or under-represented in the offspring of a particular mating and can be caused by a variety of factors during gamete formation or during embryonic development. For this study, 126 394 trios consisting of a stallion, mare, and offspring were genotyped using a panel of 17 neutral microsatellite markers recommended by the International Society for Animal Genetics for paternity tests and individual identification. The number of alleles available for each marker ranges from 13 to 18, been 268 the total number of alleles investigated. The TRDscan v.2.0 software was used with the biallelic procedure to identify regions with distorted segregation ratios. After completing the analysis, a total of 12 alleles (out of 11 microsatellites) were identified with decisive evidence for genotypic TRD; 3 and 9 with additive and heterosis patterns, respectively. In addition, 19 alleles (out of 10 microsatellites) were identified displaying allelic TRD. Among them, 14 and 5 were parent-unspecific and stallion-mare-specific TRD. Out of the TRD regions, 24 genes were identified and annotated, predominantly associated with cholesterol metabolism and homeostasis. These genes are often linked to non-specific symptoms like impaired fertility, stunted growth, and compromised overall health. The results suggest a significant impact on the inheritance of certain genetic traits in horses. Further analysis and validation are needed to better understand the TRD impact before the potential implementation in the horse breeding programme strategies.</p