49 research outputs found

    Job Satisfaction, Anxiety Level and Associated Factors in a Group of Residents in a University Hospital

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    In present study, we aimed to research the job satisfaction among the residents at Dicle University Medical Faculty Hospital, some factors affecting this and some psychological effects of not being pleased with their jobs. With respect to this aim, socio demographic data form, Minnesota Job Satisfaction, Beck Anxiety Inventory, State Trait Anger Scale were given to 140 residents at University who accepted to join this study and were collected the following day. In study, 35 percent of the participants having joined the study weren’t pleased with their works. The number of satisfied residents was higher among the willingly choice making residents in favour of their Works(34.8%) than the participants who were unwilling to choice the department (65.2%) they are working now (x2:11.046, p<0.01). Beck anxiety results were found to be much higher in the residents who were not pleased with their workers than the workers pleased with their works. Finally, there are some factors determining the job satisfaction. There is relationship between job satisfaction and mental health. Because this can give rise to negative effects on the performance of the work, it is required that some solution ways be found in order to increase the work contention

    Çocukluk çağı akut gastroenterit olgularında etiyolojik ajanların belirlenmesi

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    TEZ5425Tez (Uzmanlık) -- Çukurova Üniversitesi, Adana, 2005.Kaynakça (s. 69-75) var.vii, 76 s. ; 29 cm.Etiologic Agents Of Acute Gastroenteritis in Childhood: Acute gastroenteritis is considered to be one of the most fetal disease of childhood. In devoleped countries the most frequent etiology of gastroenteritis are viruses while in developing countries bacterial and parasitologic microorganisms are considered to be frequent. Knowledge of gastroenteritis etiologic causes in specific areas helps in diagnosis and proper management of gastroenteritis also when antimicrobial treatment is required prior knowledge of microorganism is important. In order to determine etiologic agents of acute gastroenteritis in our region (Adana district). Stools of 501 patients with diarrhea were examined. To retrieve etiologic agents of gastroenteritis bacteriologic, parasitologic and viral screening of stools samples were completed in 501 patients. At least one pathogen was identified in 67.5% patients while in 32.5% no etiologic cause was found. Pathogens that were determined, 35.3% were bacterial, 29.7% rotaviruses, 29.2% protozoons. In 11.7% mixt infection were determined. The most common pathogen was rotavirus (29.7%, 118 patients). E. histolytica 21.7% in (86 patients) and Campylobacter spp 16.4% (65 patients). In 76.1% (16 patients) percent of Salmonella isolated were resistant to antibiotics. Resistance to ampisilin, amicasine, trimetoprim sulfametaxazol and ceftriaxone were 52.3%, 33.3%, 23.8% and 9.5% respectively. All of the Salmonella spp. were sensitive to ciprofloxacine. In 63.6% of Shigella isolates (7 patients) were resistant to at least one antibiotic. These resistant spp were completely resistant to ampiciline and 45.4% were resistant to TMP-STX (5 patients). In our region protozoons and bacterial agents are important causes of gastroenteritis rotaviruses should not be undermined.Akut gastroenterit çocukluk çağında en sık görülen öldürücü hastalıklar arasında ilk sırada yer almaktadır. Gelişmiş ülkelerde çocukluk çağı gastroenterit etkenleri arasında en sık viral etkenler bulunurken, gelişmekte olan ülkelerde, bakteriyel ve paraziter etkenler önemli yer almaktadır. Bölgedeki gastroenterit etkenlerinin bilinmesi, tanıya yönelik araştırmalarda kolaylık, erken doğru tanı ve etkin tedavi fırsatı sağlayacak, ayrıca antimikrobiyal tedavi gereken durumlarda antibiyotik seçimi için yol gösterecektir. Bölgemizdeki akut gastroenteritlerde etiyolojik ajanların belirlenmesi amacıyla, ishal şikayeti ile başvuran 501 çocuk hastanın dışkı örneklerinde bakteriyolojik, parazitolojik ve virolojik incelemeler yapıldı. Hastaların %67,5'unda akut gastroenterit etkeni olarak en az bir patojen belirlenirken, %32,5'unda ise etken belirlenemedi. Belirlenen etkenlerin %35,3'ü bakteri, %29,7'si rotavirus, ve %29,2'si protozoonlardı. Olguların %11,7'sinde mikst enfeksiyon bulundu. En sık saptanan patojen %29,7 oranı ile rotavirustü (118 hasta). Bunu %21,7 ile E. histolytica (86 hasta) ve %16,4 ile campylobacter'ler (65 hasta) izledi. Salmonella türlerinin 16 (%76,1)'sında en az bir antibiyotige direnç saptanmıştır. Bu dirençli izolatlarda direnç ampisiline karşı %52,3, amikasine %33,3, TMP-STX'e %23,8 ve seftriaksona karşı %9,5 olarak saptandı. Salmonella türlerinin tamamı siprofloksasine duyarlı bulundu. Shigella izolatların %63,6'sında (7 hasta) en az bir antibiyotige direnç saptandı. Bu dirençli izolatların tamamında ampisilin direnci ve %45,4 daha az oranda TMP-STX (n:5, %45,4) direnci dikkati çekmektedir. Çocukluk çağında bölgemizdeki ishallerin etiyolojisinde, protozoonlar ve bakteriyel etkenlerle birlikte rotavirüsler de önemli yer tutmaktadır

    EuroSurg: Cerrahide, öğrenci odaklı Avrupa çapında yürütülen alışılmışın dışında yeni bir çalışma grubu

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    In 2013, a student-oriented working group called STARSurg (The Student Audit and Research in Surgery)directed to medical students and surgical residents was founded in the UK. STARSurg is a group offeringstudents the opportunity to participate in high-quality studies and encouraging them to be cliniciansengaged in active research in the future (1). The first study of STARSurg was joined by more than 250students from 109 hospitals. This study was related to the post-operative impacts of nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs in patients undergoing major gastrointestinal tract surgery, and was performedprospectively on 1500 patients. All participants were co-authors in the publication on completion of thestudy (2). STARSurg have been established in all schools in England and Ireland, and now includes morethan 180 hospitals. All manuscripts of STARSurg projects can be accessed through PubMed and can beused as references. Everyone involved in studies is included in these publications.İngiltere’de; 2013 yılında tıp öğrencileri ve cerrahi asistanlarından oluşan STARSurg (The Student Audit and Research in Surgery) adı altında öğrenci odaklı bir çalışma grubu kuruldu. STARSurg, öğrencilere yüksek kaliteli çalışmalara katılma fırsatı sunan ve gelecekte aktif araştırmalar yapan klinisyenler olmaları için onları teşvik eden bir gruptur (1). STARSurg’ün ilk çalışmasına 109 hastaneden 250’den fazla öğrenci katıldı. Bu çalışma majör gastrointestinal sistem cerrahisi yapılan hastalarda non-steroid anti-inflamatu var ilaçların postoperatif etkileriyle ilgiliydi ve 1500 hastanın üzerinde prospektif olarak gerçekleştirildi. Tüm katılımcılar, çalışma sonundaki yayında ortak yazar oldular

    Short-term clinical outcomes after first metatarsal head resurfacing hemiarthroplasty for late stage hallux rigidus

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    © 2015 American College of Foot and Ankle Surgeons.The purpose of the present study was to evaluate the short-term results of metatarsal head resurfacing hemiarthroplasty in the treatment of advanced hallux rigidus. We reviewed 14 consecutive patients (5 males [35.71%], 9 females [64.29%]; mean age, 58.7±7.4years). These patients underwent first metatarsal head resurfacing hemiarthroplasty (HemiCAP®) for hallux rigidus from March 2010 to September 2012 at our institution. According to the Coughlin and Shurnas clinical and radiographic classification, 10 feet (71.43%) were classified as grade III and 4 (28.57%) as grade IV. We clinically rated all patients before surgery and at the final follow-up visit using the American Orthopaedic Foot and Ankle Society hallux metatarsophalangeal-interphalangeal scale, the visual analog scale for pain, and first metatarsophalangeal joint (MTPJ) range of motion. The mean follow-up duration was 24.2±7.2 (range 12 to 36) months. The mean preoperative hallux metatarsophalangeal-interphalangeal scale score was 33.9±9.8 (range 22 to 59), and it increased to 81.6±10.1 (range 54 to 96; p<.05) postoperatively. The mean preoperative 10-cm visual analog scale for pain score was 8.4±0.9 (range 7 to 10), which decreased to 1.21±1.2 (range 0 to 5; p<.05) postoperatively. The mean preoperative MTPJ range of motion was 22.8° ± 7.7° (range 15° to 45°), which increased to 69.6°±11.8° (range 50° to 90° p<.05) postoperatively. None of the 14 patients experienced component malalignment or loosening, infection, or neurovascular compromise during the follow-up period. One patient (7.14%) experienced postoperative pain and subsequently underwent first MTPJ arthrodesis. From the results of our investigation, first MTPJ arthroplasty is an effective treatment modality that can reduce pain and increase motion in the case of advanced hallux rigidus