176 research outputs found

    Antioxidant capacity and antimicrobial activity of selected aromatic Malaysian herbs and their effects on the storage stability of mechanically deboned chicken meat sausage / Nurain Aziman

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    Mechanically deboned chicken meat (MDCM) is widely used due to the lower price however it is very susceptible to oxidative rancidity and microbial growth. Hence, this study was conducted to produce a quality MDCM sausage with added nutritional values by diversify the usage of six aromatic Malaysian herbs; Persicaria hydropiper (L.) H. Gross, Citrus hystrix DC, Murraya koenigii Spreng., Etlingera elatior (Jack) R.M. Sm., Cymbopogon citratus Stapf and Kaempferia galanga L. as functional food ingredients. Spectrophotometric method and RP-HPLC were used to identify and determine phenolic acid and flavonoid compounds of aromatic Malaysian herbs. DPPH radical scavenging, ferric reducing antioxidant power (FRAP), β-carotene bleaching and oxygen radical absorbance capacity (ORAC) assays were used to determine antioxidant capacity, and the antimicrobial activity was determined using disc diffusion assay. An optimum formulation of MDCM sausage incorporated with selected aromatic Malaysian herbs was obtained using a mixture design (Design Expert 8.0.1) software. The synergistic effect of these herbs on the storage stability of MDCM sausage was also determined throughout the nine months of frozen storage (-18°C), and was compared with the formulation without any incorporation herb (control) and formulation incorporated with BHA/BHT combination. Results showed gallic acid, (-)-epicatechin and myricetin were the major bioactive compounds detected in six aromatic Malaysian herbs

    Seismic evaluation of vibro-stone column

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    Ground improvement work is crucial in enhancing the characteristics of weak soils commonly encountered in Civil Engineering, and one such technique commonly used is vibro-stone columns. An assessment of the effectiveness of such an approach is critical to determine whether the quality of the works meets the prescribed requirements. Conventional quality testing suffers limitations including: limited coverage (both area and depth) and problems with sampling quality. Traditionally quality assurance measurements use laboratory and in-situ invasive and destructive tests. However geophysical approaches, which are typically non-invasive and non-destructive, offer a method by which improvement profiles can be measured in a cost effective way. Of these seismic surface waves have proved the most useful to assess vibro-stone columns, however, to date much of the previous work conducted has focussed on field based observations making detailed evaluation of this approach difficult. This study evaluates the application of surface waves in characterizing the properties of laterally heterogeneous soil, specifically for using in the quality control of vibro-stone column. Three models were employed which began with a simple model and extended finally to complex model: (1) concrete mortar was used to establish the method, equipment and its system, (2) pilot test on a small scale soft kaolin to adopt a model vibro-stone column and (3) main test contained a configuration of vibro-stone column in soft Oxford clay. A generic scaled-down model of vibro-stone column(s) was constructed. Measurements were conducted using different arrays of column configuration, using sand to simulate stone material. This idealized set of laboratory conditions were used to provide guidelines for the interpretation of field measurements. The phase velocity obtained from the controlled tests showed close agreement to those reported in literature and with those generated through empirical correlations with vane shear test. The dispersive curve demonstrated an increased phase velocity with increasing wavelength for the measurements on the clay (between columns), and decreased phase velocity with increasing wavelength for the measurements on the column. More interestingly, the results showed that in the characterization of lateral non-homogeneities, the phase velocity versus wavelength relationship varies on stone columns of different diameters and densities. This illustrated that the shear modulus profiles are influenced by the effective region that spans both the lateral and depth axes, and also demonstrated how the results can be influenced by the positioning of sensors with respect to the survey target. This research demonstrates how Rayleigh waves can be used for quality assurance when constructing vibro-stone columns

    Laboratory Scale Seismic Surface Wave Testing for the Determination of Soil Elastic Profiles

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    Seismic surface wave testing is well-adapted to the study of elastic parameters and, hence, the elastic profile of soils in the field.  Knowledge of a ground’s stiffness profile enables the prediction of ground movement and, thus, the quality of the foundation.  The stiffness parameter obtained in this research corresponds to the measurement of the seismic surface wave phase velocity of materials, which relates to the very small strain shear modulus.  This paper describes a methodology for performing surface wave testing in the laboratory.  In comparison with field tests, a laboratory-scale experiment offers the advantage of allowing the process of data collection to be calibrated, and analytical studies can be carried out as the properties of the material under test are controllable and known a priori.  In addition, a laboratory scale experiment offers insight into the interaction between the seismic surface wave, the soil, the boundary and, hence, the constraints associated with the seismic surface wave technique.  Two simplified models of different sizes were developed using homogeneous remoulded Oxford Clay (from Midlands region of the UK).  The laboratory experimental methodology demonstrated that the seismic surface wave equipment used in the laboratory was directly influenced by the clay properties as well as the size of the test model.  The methodology also showed that the arrangement of the seismic source and the receivers had an impact on the range of reliable frequencies and wavelengths obtained.&nbsp

    Smart Parking System: SMS Payment System Module

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    Shopping complex is a place where a lot of people gather; shopping for clothing, basic necessities, or everyday used materials. In order for the management side to facilitate such huge crowd, it is also important to have an efficient system to control flows of shoppers' car in the parking area and also the payment system. Today, SMS is an extensively used service and almost everyone is able to use it. This has lead to an increasing number of applications using SMS as the interface to the user. Besides it has been used in other way to communicate with each other, SMS application also can be used to make our live easier. For example we can use SMS for paying parking or anything else. This thesis describes the implementation and experience with SMS payment system with focusing on using SMS application to pay for car-park fees. The main objective of this project is to test practical approach of the SMS application for the payment system at all steps


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    In Indonesia, the government through the Ministry of Social Affairs has started to offer social protection measures for people with low economic abilities, one of them is through the Non-Cash Food Assistance (BPNT) program which has been implemented since 2017.The targets for this BPNT program are poor families or communities with the lowest 25% socioeconomic status in the implementation area or vulnerable to social risks. As for the aim is to reduce the burden of KPM expenditure through food fulfillment, provide more balanced nutrition to KPM, increase accuracy of targeting and timing of beneficiaries for KPM,provide choice and control to KPM in meeting food needs, and encourage the achievement of sustainable development goals (Sustainable development Goals/SDGs). Scientific research is conducted to describe implementation of the Non-cash Assistance Program (BPNT) for the urban poor by the Bengkulu City Social Service in 2019.The research method used is descriptive qualitative, which clearly describes the data and facts found in the field. The aspects used by the Riant Nugroho theory application and social regulation No.11 of 2018 concerning the distribution of Non-Cash Food Assistance, namely socialization, planning, implementation and evaluation. From the research results, the authors conclude that the implementation of the BPNT program in the city of Bengkulu in 2019 has not been quite successful.This is evidenced by the existence of several summary interviews that have been conducted. There was a delay in the distribution of funds, lack of socialization and coordination between the implementer and the sub-district and sub-district authorities. BPNT activities at the end caused problems which resulted in the unsuccessful implementation of the BPNT program. The program has not been able to optimally achieve the objectives that have been previously set. the involvement of several program implementers, program implementation mechanisms that are not in accordance with what is stipulated in the implementation guidelines, as well as programs that are judged to be inappropriate with existing conditions in the field. As for the recommendation to make the implementation of this policy successful, it is necessary to have the involvement of all implementing parties in program implementation, it is necessary to readjust the program objectives with the current conditions of KPM in the community.Pemanfaatan program dana desa melalui program pembangunan menimbulkan dampak baik bagi individu, rumah tangga maupun kelompok sebagai bagian dari unit analisis dampak. Tujuan penting yang ingin dicapai dalam penelitian tersebut adalah mengetahui dampak (impact) social pada program pembangunan melalui dana desatahun 2015 sampaidengantahun 2019 sertaMengetahui dampak sosial positif dan negatif program pembangunan melalui dana desa tahun 2015 sampai dengan tahun 2019. Aspek dalam penelitian ini adalah Peningkatan Interaksi social dalamkelompok,keterlibatan dalam pengambilan keputusan dalam organisasi desa, pemecahan masalah kelompok serta penting kata kapasitas social lainnya. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian deskriptif kualitatif yang dilakukan di Desa Sunda Kelapa Kecamatan Pondok Kelapa Kabupaten Bengkulu Tengah. Metode pengambilan sampe meggunakan metode purposive sampling. Metode pengumpulan data mealalui observasi, wawancra, dokumentasi dan triangulasi data. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini adalah peningkatan in teraksi social dalam kelompok semakin tinggi, Keterlibatan dalam pengambilan keputusan dalam organisasi desa mengalami dampak yang positif, Pemecahan masalah kelompok mencapai dampak yang positif, munculnya kegiatan silaturahmi melalui bentuk pengajian dan kelompok tani

    Academic Integrity in Higher Education: Analysis of Research Publication and Web Citation

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    Higher education is a critical organization for nation-building, either for economic development or social well-being. However, this noble and vital institution has been affected by the issue of “academic integrity” due to digital technology adoption, the Internet. Many research studies have been conducted and published, but the impact on the institution and society yet not been properly reported. This study attempts to assess the impact of research on academic integrity by exploring its relationship with web citation. Quantitative method is adopted by analyzing data collected from Google Scholar, SCOPUS, and aHref web analytics cloud service. A strong positive correlation (Pearson’s coefficient = 0.915) of the published research works on “academic integrity” with web citation can be used as an effective strategy to put research into action in academic integrity. Thus, this study suggests that web citation is a potential metrics that can be used as an effective tool to measure the impact of research in academic integrity

    Failure Analysis of Heat Exchanger’s Tubes at GPP Kerteh

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    A study was conducted into the failure of the heat exchanger. Design of the heat exchanger and operation parameters were scrutinized. In addition, samples of the failed heat exchanger tubes were obtained and studied using various failure analysis tools such as X-ray, optical examination and SEM

    Stability Analysis of Weathered Rock Cut Slope Using Geological Mapping and Laboratory Tests

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    A study on determining the stability of weathered rock cut slope using geological mapping and laboratory tests. The study is divided into two parts: field work and laboratory testing. The field study focused on the measurement and analysis of the orientation and characteristics of discontinuity. Identification of rock types, weathering grades and observation of cut slope conditions were also included in the field study. Laboratory testing involved determination of natural moisture content, particle size distribution and shear strength. Discontinuity data were analyzed using stereographical method for identification of potential instabilities. A factor of safety (FOS) analysis was conducted on unstable cut slopes using SWEDGE software and manual calculation It is found that the geological mapping and laboratory tests are feasible for assessing slope stability. The FOS analysis has distinguished 10 slope to be considered as fail whilst the other 6 are consider stable same as field observation


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    Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah selain sebagai salah satu syarat akademik untuk menyelesaikan studi kesarjanaan, juga untuk memberikan dan mengupayakan solusi pada sistem yang sedang berjalan di AKBID Nusantara Palembang terhadap kegiatan pembelajaran dan keperluan akademik dikelola oleh admin untuk berbagai keperluan kegiatan pembelajaran yang diimplementasikan dengan membuatkan sebuah sistem pembelajaran online berbasis website yang lebih optimal dengan menggunakan metode penelitian berupa iterasi serta metode analisis berupa Pieces untuk menganalisa permasalahan yang ada serta menggunakan diagram ERD, DFD untuk pemodelan aplikasi yang dibangun dengan menggunakan aplikasi PHP Desainer, Adobe Dreamweaver dan MySQL-Server 2008 sebagai basis data