54 research outputs found
Analisis Statistik Kesahan dan Kebolehpercayaan Ujian Pencapaian Reka Bentuk Elektrik
Kajian ini bertujuan membina instrumen ujian pencapaian topik reka bentuk elektrik mata pelajaran Reka Bentuk dan Teknologi tingkatan dua, membuat penilaian dan mengesahkannya serta menjadikannya sah dan boleh dipercayai. Instrumen ini mengandungi 20 item iaitu 10 item aneka pilihan (Bahagian A) dan 10 item subjektif (Bahagian B). Proses kajian melibatkan empat fasa iaitu i) pembinaan instrumen; ii) analisis kesahan pakar; iii) analisis kualitatif berdasarkan cadangan pakar; dan iv) analisis kebolehpercayaan. Proses pembinaan instrumen bersumberkan kepada Dokumen Standard Kurikulum dan Pentaksiran (DSKP), Reka Bentuk dan Teknologi (RBT) tingkatan 2 dan domain kognitif Taksonomi Bloom. Analisis kesahan pakar instrumen melibatkan 10 pakar yang terdiri daripada guru cemerlang RBT, pegawai SISC+ Teknik dan Vokasional, Pegawai Teknik dan Vokasional dan pensyarah bidang kurikulum Teknik dan Vokasional UTHM. Manakala bagi analisis kebolehpercayaan pula, kajian telah dilaksanakan kepada 70 pelajar tingkatan dua yang telah mempunyai pengetahuan kognitif topik reka bentuk elektrik. Hasil kajian mendapati bahawa min keseluruhan instrumen ialah 7.85 dengan nilai minimum 7.10 dan maksimum 8.40. Dapatan analisis kesahan instrumen kebolehpercayaan antara penilai melalui pekali korelasi intrakelas (ICC) pula mendapati, nilai indeks kebolehpercayaan ialah .810 berdasarkan 95% sela keyakinan antara .584 ke .944 (F (9,171)=5.261, p< .000). Selain itu, data kualitatif melalui ulasan pakar juga menunjukkan bahawa instrumen ujian adalah baik dan mematuhi standard pembinaan ujian pencapaian. Hasil analisis kebolehpercayaan instrumen terhadap 70 pelajar tingkatan dua juga memperoleh nilai kebolehpercayaan cronbach alpha yang memuaskan iaitu .700 untuk bahagian A dan .760 bagi Bahagian B. Justeru, kajian ini membuktikan bahawa, pembinaan instrumen telah dilaksanakan secara sistematik dan mengikut standard yang ditetapkan, memperoleh nilai kesahan dan kebolehpercayaan yang memuaskan serta sah untuk digunakan dalam mana-mana kajian yang melibatkan ujian terhadap pencapaian topik reka bentuk elektrik tingkatan dua
Embracing TVET education: The effectiveness of project based learning on secondary school students’ achievement
Project based learning (PBL) has long been used especially in developing countries. Various results of PBL-related studies have also been found to be effective and have a positive impact on students. However, although it has been introduced in Malaysia, it is still considered foreign to students and teachers. Therefore, this study was conducted to look at the effectiveness of applying the PBL method in the topic of project design on form two students' learning process. An experimental study with mixed method approach was conducted through pre and post-tests on one control and one treatment group. A total of 60 form two students were involved, of which 30 were treatment students and another 30 were control students. Five students from the treatment group were randomly selected to go through a semi structured interview process. This interview was conducted to confirm the results of the quantitative study. The results of analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) showed that students in the PBL group performed significantly better in project design learning process than those in the contrast group. Therefore, this study demonstrated that the PBL method had a positive impact on students' learning process. Based on the interviews, all respondents agreed that PBL was an excellent approach because the learning activities were interesting and different from the normal learning environment. In addition, the interview results also showed that the respondents suggested that the PBL method should be continued and implemented in other topics and subjects
The effect of the successful intelligence interactive module on Universiti Utara Malaysia students’ analytical, creative and practical thinking skills
The study reported on here aimed to examine the effectiveness of the successful intelligence interactive module (SIIM) that employs thinking skills using the successful intelligence theory. This was an empirical study that used mixed method analysis. The rationale for the development of this interactive module was to increase the analytical, practical, and creative thinking skills score among undergraduates in the education programme at Universiti Utara Malaysia (UUM). We administered a quasi-experimental design with pre-tests and post-tests to 70 UUM undergraduates in the education programme. The participants were randomly selected and divided into a control group and an experimental group. The ANCOVA test result showed that SIIM was effective in increasing the respondents’ analytical, practical, and creative thinking skills scores. Overall, the findings showed that the teaching approach of using the interactive module was effective in enhancing analytical, creative and practical thinking skills. This study provides positive implications for undergraduates’ soft skill development in preparation for their future careers.
Keywords: ANCOVA; curriculum design; educational effectiveness; higher-order thinking skills; interactive module; intraclass correlation coefficient; mixed method; problem solving; successful intelligence theory; Universiti Utara Malaysi
Pembinaan dan pernilaian Rancangan Pengajaran Harian (RPH) berasaskan lapan prinsip Pembelajaran Berasaskan Projek (PBL) bagi mata pelajaran kemahiran hidup bersepadu: Kajian di Malaysia
Kajian ini bertujuan menghasilkan rancangan pengajaran harian (RPH) bagi mata pelajaran Kemahiran Hidup Bersepadu tingkatan dua bagi topik reka bentuk projek yang mengandungi prinsip
pembelajaran berasaskan projek berdasarkan penilaian pakar.Isi kandungan dan aktiviti pembelajaran RPH yang diubahsuai berdasarkan tiga sumber iaitu huraian sukatan pelajaran KHB tingkatan dua (Kementerian Pendidikan Malaysia, 2002), rubrik pembinaan RPH yang diadaptasi daripada Stevens dan Levi (2013) dan lapan prinsip pembelajaran berasaskan projek (PBL) yang diasaskan oleh pengkaji Larmer dan Mergendoller
(2010).Sebanyak lima sesi rancangan pengajaran harian telah dibina dengan menerapkan lapan prinsip PBL.Proses penilaian pakar oleh pensyarah dari bidang teknik dan vokasional dan kurikulum pendidikan dari tiga universiti berbeza telah dilaksanakan.Penilaian pakar adalah berdasarkan kepada rubrik pembinaan RPH yang mengandungi tujuh konstruk untuk dinilai berdasarkan empat tahap (1=lemah, 2=perlu penambahbaikan, 3=memuaskan dan 4=cemerlang).Analisis skor dari empat pakar penilai isi menghasilkan nilai keesahan 3.21 (RPH 1), 3.25 (RPH 2), 3.29 (RPH 3), 3.29 (RPH 4), dan 3.54 (RPH 5).Pengubahsuaian dan pemurniaan RPH telah dilakukan berdasarkan komen dan cadangan dari pakar penilai bagi menghasilkan RPH terbaik dan sesuai untuk digunakan oleh guru-guru Kemahiran Hidup Bersepadu bagi topik reka bentuk projek
Local wisdom of dayak ethnic groups in central kalimantan, Indonesia
The Dayak ethnicity is the largest community in the Central Kalimantan region, but this ethnic identity is slowly disappearing along with the development of modernization among the younger generation. This study aims mapped sub-ethnic and ethnic groups (sedatuk) and identify the local wisdom of the Dayak ethnic groups that still survive in Central Kalimantan. This study uses a library research approach. The research collects data by reviewing and exploring journals, books, and documents (both printed and electronic) and other relevant data sources. The results show that the Dayak ethnicity in Central Kalimantan is divided into several sub-ethnics, where each sub-ethnic is further divided into kinship clans (sedatuk). Local wisdom that Dayak Ethnic still maintains which are religious and kinship system. Also, value systems are appreciation of nature, communal system, ancestors’ veneration, marriage system, traditional building, art (traditional music, dance, song, weaving art, sculpting, painting, and tattoo), traditional weapon, farming, and agriculture. Local governments can collaborate with private and public institutions to preserve local Dayak ethnic wisdom, especially in the younger generation
Multimedia constructivism instrument: Validity and reliability analysis
This study aimed to investigate the use of the translated version of constructivism multimedia instrument through validity and reliability tests. The instrument contained five constructs of which each construct contained five items which made 25 items in total. The translation process has been implemented through the back-translation by researchers and expert translators. The validation process was performed by nine panel experts who are lecturers in the field of Language and curriculum. The results of validity analysis through intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) found that the reliability value between evaluators was .957 based on 95% confidence interval between .904 to .989 (F (8,192)=23.469, p<.05). Meanwhile, the process of obtaining the reliability value was conducted on 70 students and obtained a high overall reliability value of the instrument which was .853. In addition, the reliability values for each construct of the multimedia constructivism learning instrument were .753 (negotiation), .780 (inquiry learning), .691 (reflective thinking), .683 (authenticity) and .803 (complexity). Overall, the high values of validity and reliability of the instrument proved that this translation study has been successfully implemented
Persepsi murid tahun lima terhadap penggunaan kaedah model bar dalam penyelesaian masalah matematik berayat tajauk pecahan
Penyelesaian masalah matematik berayat merupakan kemahiran yang sukar dikuasai.Walaupun terdapat pelbagai heuristik untuk menyelesaikan masalah ini tetapi pendekatan Model Polya digunakan sebagai penyelesaian kepada soalan masalah. Namun terdapat satu strategi dikenali sebagai Singapore Bar Model yang semakin dipelopori penggunaannya oleh negara maju.Kajian ini bertujuan untuk mengenal pasti dan mengkaji proses pengajaran dan pembelajaran penyelesaian masalah matematik berayat bagi topik pecahan dengan menggunakan kaedah model bar terhadap murid tahun lima di sekolah kebangsaan di daerah Kota Setar.Kajian ini melibatkan enam orang murid tahun lima berpencapaian sederhana dalam matematik dan tiga orang guru di sekolah kebangsaan di daerah Kota Setar.Ia menggunakan pendekatan reka bentuk kajian kes yang melibatkan murid menjalani sesi pembelajaran penyelesaian masalah matematik berayat kaedah model bar menggunakan lima set rancangan pengajaran harian. Data kajian dikumpulkan daripada pemerhatian, temu bual berstruktur dan dokumen analisis.Analisis daripada data yang dikumpul menunjukkan mengubah cara penyelesaian masalah daripada kaedah empat langkah penyelesaian masalah Polya kepada kaedah model bar berjaya mengubah sikap dan persepsi murid kepada minat dan keseronokkan belajar kemahiran penyelesaian masalah matematik berayat. Hasil kajian mendapati kaedah model bar adalah lebih berkesan dalam menarik minat serta meningkatkan prestasi murid dalam kemahiran menyelesaikan masalah matematik berayat tajuk pecahan
Malaysia and China students’ feedback on the implementation of critical thinking pedagogy: a case study
Having a knowledgeable and highly skilled human capital is an important factor for Malaysia to transform its economy towards achieving a developed nation and high-income status by the year 2020. Hence, the Malaysian government strives to improve the enrolment of local and international post-graduate students by providing an effective learning process to ensure their quality. This research aimed at describing the impact of critical thinking pedagogy using case-based learning in curriculum studies course among postgraduate students. It was a case study with qualitative approach. Interview technique was used in this study whereby five students who enrolled in curriculum studies course were selected as the respondents. The study sample underwent learning through critical thinking pedagogy using SCSCBL interactive application. Overall, the findings showed that the teaching approach of using the case-based learning can promote critical thinking skills among pre-service and in-service teachers. This study has provided positive implications on the postgraduates’ soft skill development as preparation for their future career
Kesan Penerapan Kepelbagaian Kecerdasan Dan Kemahiran Berfikir Analitis Melalui Aktiviti Pengayaan Bermodul (Effect Of Application Of Multiple Intelligence And Analitical Thinking Skills Through Modular Enrichment Activities)
Kajian ini bertujuan menguji keberkesanan dua buah modul aktiviti pengayaan
berasaskan penyelesaian masalah. Modul pertama adalah aktiviti pengayaan berdasarkan
empat jenis kepelbagaian kecerdasan (KK) manakala modul kedua mengintegrasikan
aspek kepelbagaian kecerdasan dan kemahiran berfikir analitis (KK + KBA). Penerapan
empat jenis kecerdasan tersebut adalah seperti yang diperkenalkan oleh Gardner (1983),
yang terdiri daripada kecerdasan ruang visual, kinestatik, muzik dan interpersonal.
Manakala kemahiran berfikir analitis adalah seperti yang diperkenalkan oleh Sternberg
(1996) dalam teori kecerdasan berjaya (successful intelligence). Kajian kuasi eksperimen
ini menggunakan reka bentuk ujian pra dan ujian pasca. Ia dijalankan di dua buah Maktab
Rendah Sains MARA (MRSM) yang bertindak sebagai kumpulan rawatan 1 (KR1) dan
rawatan 2 (KR2). KR1 menggunakan modul KK sahaja manakala KR2 menggunakan
modul KK + KBA. Dua jenis instrumen digunakan, iaitu Sternberg Triarchic Ability Test
(STAT) dan ujian kepelbagaian kecerdasan (McKenzie, 2000). Analisis ANCOVA
digunakan dengan menjadikan ujian pra sebagai kovariat bagi melihat kesan perbezaan
profil kepelbagaian kecerdasan dan tahap kemahiran berfikir analitis antara kedua-dua
kumpulan rawatan. Hasil kajian menunjukkan bahawa pengintegrasian empat jenis
kecerdasan dan kemahiran berfikir analitis melalui aktiviti pengayaan bermodul
merangsang peningkatan profil kepelbagaian kecerdasan dan tahap kemahiran berfikir
analitis KR2 secara signifika
The Effectiveness of the Modular Enrichment Activities Based on Gardner Multiple Intelligences and Sternberg Thinking Skills
This study aimed to test the effectiveness of the modular enrichment activities which were developed based on multiple intelligences and thinking skills. The adoption of the four types of intelligence as introduced by Gardner (1983) consisted of verbal linguistic, logical mathematical, visual and kinesthetic intelligences. While the analytical, practical and creative thinking skills as raised by Sternberg (1985) in the triarchic theory of intelligence (Sternberg Triarchic Theory). A quasi-experimental research design was used which involved academically-gifted students from two Mara Junior Science Colleges (MRSMs) in Malaysia. Two instruments were used in this study, the Sternberg Triarchic Ability Test (STAT) and multiple intelligence test. ANCOVA analysis and Kruskal-Wallis H test were then employed to analyze the data. The findings suggested that the integration of Gardner's multiple intelligence and Sternberg’s thinking skills through the modular enrichment activities stimulated the multiple intelligence profiles and the levels of the thinking skills of the treatment group significantly. Keywords: Multiple intelligences, Thinking skills, Enrichment activities
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