184 research outputs found

    Applying valence framing to enhance the effect of information on transport-related carbon dioxide emissions

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    The provision of information about transport-related carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions to the traveler can be seen as an instrument to increase the likelihood of more sustainable choices being made by individuals. However, as transport-related CO2 emissions are largely seen as a 'social' cost rather than a 'private' cost to the individual, the behavioral engagement with and response to information on environmental effects of travel choices may be limited. It is argued that framing, studied in a range of contexts, can be used to enhance the evaluation of choice attributes and promote more sustainable choices. An experiment is reported that examines the effect of valence framing of amounts of CO2 emissions on the perceived differences between alternative amounts. Through the use of positive and negative terms, the information is framed to focus attention either on the potential of a travel mode to provide environmental benefit (positive frame) or on its potential to reduce environmental loss (negative frame). Survey participants' estimates of CO2 amounts were compared for positive and negative framing of the same information using an ordered logit model. The findings imply that negative framing is more effective than positive framing in highlighting differences between CO2 amounts of alternative travel modes and therefore is likely to influence travel-related choices. © 2012 Elsevier Ltd

    UNC System Math Pathways’ Digital Course Enhancement Collaboration to Improve Equity, Instruction, and Access During the COVID-19 Pandemic

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    This study examines how faculty members and students evaluated, perceived, and used a digital course content collection developed to support high quality remote instruction during the Covid-19 pandemic. The collections were the result of a multi-institutional, collaborative effort within the University of North Carolina System to support its students and faculty. Using surveys from faculty and demographically identified students enrolled in their classes, the authors evaluate the perceived utility and impact of the open educational resource collections. Faculty members rated the collections highly and typically found utility in at least some of the components of the collections. They found activities, videos and assessments to be the most useful tools. Students generally responded positively to the classes using the collections. While students who identified as minority found the materials useful or beneficial, they did not do so in proportional numbers to non-minority students

    The influence of information-based Transport Demand Management measures on commuting mode choice. Comparing web vs. face-to-face surveys

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    We test the effect of different contextualization, scaling, framing and formatting of environmental impacts and health benefits information on commuting mode choice. For this, a stated preference (SP) survey was designed. To also test survey mode effect, the survey was administrated both online and face-to-face. We find statistical differences across the two samples in terms of transport preferences, attitudes and perceptions towards the environment, health and social norms. These could be attributed both to differences in the levels of education and professional occupation and self-selection bias. The results in the models estimated from the SP hint the existence of irrational answers in the web-based sample. Information about global CO2 emissions appears to be ineffective in influencing mode choice whereas self-centric information about calories consumption is effective

    "If only I had taken the other road...": Regret, risk and reinforced learning in informed route-choice

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    This paper presents a study of the effect of regret on route choice behavior when both descriptional information and experiential feedback on choice outcomes are provided. The relevance of Regret Theory in travel behavior has been well demonstrated in non-repeated choice environments involving decisions on the basis of descriptional information. The relation between regret and reinforced learning through experiential feedbacks is less understood. Using data obtained from a simple route-choice experiment involving different levels of travel time variability, discrete-choice models accounting for regret aversion effects are estimated. The results suggest that regret aversion is more evident when descriptional information is provided ex-ante compared to a pure learning from experience condition. Yet, the source of regret is related more strongly to experiential feedbacks rather than to the descriptional information itself. Payoff variability is negatively associated with regret. Regret aversion is more observable in choice situations that reveal risk-seeking, and less in the case of risk-aversion. These results are important for predicting the possible behavioral impacts of emerging information and communication technologies and intelligent transportation systems on travelers' behavior. © 2012 Springer Science+Business Media, LLC

    Where two worlds meet: language policing in mainstream and complementary schools in England

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    We compare language policing in two educational contexts in England: mainstream schools and complementary schools. We draw on a varied dataset (policy documents, in-class observations, interviews) collected from mainstream schools and Greek complementary schools in London. We find similarities in how the two types of schools control, regulate, monitor and suppress the language of school students. Both settings hierarchise standardised and non-standardised varieties in institutional policies that delegitimise the non-standardised varieties. Teachers become vehicles for language ideologies in enacting monovarietal policies drawing on discourses around academic success and the primacy of written language over spoken language, including regional varieties such as Cypriot Greek. Our findings suggest that multilingual and multidialectal students in England who attend both mainstream and complementary schools are exposed to similar kinds of prescriptive discourses across the whole spectrum of their educational experiences, which can have a range of negative effects on their learning and the construction of their self-image. We argue that more links need to be forged between the two educational settings and that these should include the development of integrated pedagogies and policies that legitimise students’ whole linguistic repertoires, encompassing both their standardised and their non-standardised varieties as well as their other linguistic resources

    Sustainable travel behaviour and the widespread impacts on the local economy

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    Statistics show that unsustainable travel behaviour and global greenhouse gas emissions are growing and due to the perceived indispensable nature of personal travel, shifts to more sustainable modes remain a challenge. Automobility supports sustained local economic growth but also raises issues around safety, health, road fatalities, traffic and congestion, and detrimental environmental impacts. This article addresses the issue of sustainable mobility by investigating how to increase sustainable travel choices and, where this is not possible, ensure existing travel choices and patterns are as environmentally friendly as possible. Existing soft initiatives aimed at increasing sustainable travel behaviour fail to fully acknowledge that travel decisions are made at the individual level and that tailored strategies would be more effective at targeting distinct behavioural patterns. Influencing changes in travel behaviour at the local level demonstrates significant potential where individual behaviour can be influenced if appropriate support at the system level is in place and complies with the needs of individuals. This article demonstrates that, in doing so, this will simultaneously address other areas, such as accessibility, employability, health and sustainable growth, crucial to the establishment and survival of automobility by both supporting local economic growth and achieving reductions in carbon emissions

    Interaction of consumer preferences and climate policies in the global transition to low-carbon vehicles

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    Burgeoning demands for mobility and private vehicle ownership undermine global efforts to reduce energy-related greenhouse gas emissions. Advanced vehicles powered by low-carbon sources of electricity or hydrogen offer an alternative to conventional fossil-fuelled technologies. Yet, despite ambitious pledges and investments by governments and automakers, it is by no means clear that these vehicles will ultimately reach mass-market consumers. Here, we develop state-of-the-art representations of consumer preferences in multiple, global energy- economy models, specifically focusing on the non-financial preferences of individuals. We employ these enhanced model formulations to analyse the potential for a low-carbon vehicle revolution up to mid-century. Our analysis shows that a diverse set of measures targeting vehicle buyers is necessary for driving widespread adoption of clean technologies. Carbon pricing alone is insufficient for bringing low-carbon vehicles to mass market, though it can certainly play a supporting role in ensuring a decarbonised energy supply

    Utopianism and social change: materialism, conflict and pluralism

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    This article discusses criticisms that utopia and utopianism undermine social change. It outlines two types of utopia, future and current. It argues against claims that utopianism is idealist and steps aside from material and conflictual dimensions of society and so undermines change, proposing that utopias are material and conflictual and contribute to change. Against liberal and pluralist criticisms that utopianism is end-ist and totalitarian and terminates diversity and change it argues that utopianism can encompass liberal and pluralist dimensions and be dynamic rather than static. It is proposed that criticisms create false conflations and dichotomies. Critical perspectives, rather than being rejected, are answered on their own terms. Utopianism, it is argued, is part of change, materially, now and in the future

    Israel and a sports boycott: Antisemitic? Anti-Zionist?

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    The paper identifies and summarises the debates that surround the place of Israel in international sport and assesses how that place is increasingly being contested. The long-standing conflict between Israel and Palestine has begun to manifest in the world of sport with the paper sketching the debates of those calling for, and those opposed to, sport sanctions/boycott of Israel until the ‘Palestinian Question’ is resolved. Five related tasks are addressed: first, to summarise the call for sanctions/boycott emanating from the Boycott, Disinvestment and Sanctions movement. Second, to explore how this call is establishing itself in the world of sport. The responses of those opposed to any form of sanction/boycott are then considered. The confusion that surrounds the term antisemitism is addressed and the relationship between (anti-) Zionism and antisemitism unpacked. The discussion concludes with an assessment of the claim made by the Israeli state, and its supporters, that any action against the country’s participation in international sport would be an act of antisemitism. Offering a timely, integrated summary of the heated debates that surround the Israel/Palestine conflict, the paper contributes to a wider discussion on the relationship between sport and politics
