69 research outputs found

    CIAT scientists mainstreaming gender in research

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    Modelo de evaluación del riesgo en la entrada y difusión de agentes patógenos que afectan a las abejas en España

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    Desde la aparición a nivel mundial del fenómeno denominado despoblamiento masivo de las colmenas, se han intensificado los estudios para determinar cuáles son las causas que lo producen. Así mismo, la preocupación por el estado sanitario de las colmenas ha ido en aumento debido a que existe un mercado apícola más competitivo económicamente, y a que las actividades comerciales que involucran la compra-venta de productos apícolas han hecho aumentar el riesgo, de manera considerable, de enfermedades exóticas que afectan a las abejas. Nuestro objetivo principal es estudiar el estado sanitario y las prevalencias de las enfermedades apícolas presentes. La evaluación de riesgo aquí presentada incluye la identificación de las posibles vías de entrada y difusión de los agentes patógenos, a partir de la información obtenida de encuestas, realizadas para tal efecto, al sector apícola español, así como de bibliografía científica disponible.From the appearance worldwide of the phenomenon called Colony Collapse Disorder (CCD), the studies have been intensified to determine which are the reasons that produce it. Likewise, the worry for the sanitary state of the beehives has gone in increase due to the fact that a beekeeping market exists more competitive economically, and to that the commercial activities that involve the dealing bee product have made increase the risk, of a considerable way, of exotic diseases of honeybees. Our principal aim is to study the sanitary state and the prevalences of the bees diseases present. The evaluation of risk here presented includes the identification of the possible routes of entry and spread of the pathogenic agents, from the information obtained of surveys, realized for such an effect, to the Spanish beekeeping, as well as of scientific available bibliograph

    Combining stable isotope analysis and conventional techniques to improve knowledge of the diet of the European Roller Coracias garrulus

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    Diet studies are crucial for understanding the ecology and evolution of species, as well as for establishing appropriate conservation and management strategies. However, they remain methodologically challenging due to variation between seasons, sites, sexes or age groups and even variation between individuals. Due to method-specific characteristics and biases, a combination of existing techniques can overcome the inherent limitations of each technique and provide a more accurate and broad picture of species’ food preferences. Here, we examine diet information obtained using three different assessment methods to better understand the trophic ecology of the European Roller Coracias garrulus, a species targeted by conservation measures in Europe. First, we analysed regurgitated pellets and video recordings to report the diet composition of adult and nestling Rollers, respectively. Secondly, we used stable isotope analysis (SIA) to investigate adult sexual diet segregation as well as to confirm the main findings regarding adult and nestling diets obtained through conventional methods. Based on the analysis of pellets, the diet of adult Rollers was dominated by Coleoptera, while camera images revealed that the diet of nestlings was dominated by Orthoptera, mainly grasshoppers and bush crickets. Blood isotopic signatures of adult and nestling Rollers confirmed the results obtained through pellet and video recording techniques. Of the 45 three methods, pellet analysis contained the most comprehensive trophic information regarding the detectable prey spectrum and prey species contribution, and also provided basic diet information to inform the SIA. Our results also highlight the potential of SIA for assessing intra-specific variation in diet by sampling individuals of known age and sex, which is often unfeasible through conventional approaches. SIA analysis showed no differences in δ13C and δ15N ratios of blood between males and females and a high degree of overlap amongst isotopic niches, suggesting no sex-specific partitioning in resource use. Overall, we showed that the combination of different methods could be used to gain new and clearer insights into avian trophic ecology that are essential for informing habitat management aiming to improve availability of foraging resources

    Objectives, organization and limiting factors of selection programs for indigenous breeds in Spain

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    Ponencia publicada en ITEA, vol.104En esta ponencia invitada se resumen las principales características de los programas de selección de las razas autóctonas que se están llevando a cabo en España. Se describen para cada una de ellas la población controlada, los caracteres registrados, los objetivos y criterios de selección, la valoración genética de los reproductores, los aspectos organizativos, la utilización de la información por parte de los ganaderos y los factores limitantes del progreso genético. Los más antiguos de estos programa comenzaron al principio de la década de los 80 del pasado siglo, la mayoría lo hicieron al final de dicha década o en la siguiente y unos pocos en la década actual. Debido a esta disparidad de fechas de iniciación y a otros factores estructurales y organizativos, sus niveles de desarrollo y efectividad son muy variables. Entre los factores limitantes de dicho desarrollo y efectividad más frecuentemente citados se encuentran los reducidos tamaños de los núcleos de selección, la reducida implantación de la I.A. y, consecuentemente, el bajo número de sementales en prueba de descendencia y las bajas fiabilidades de las valoraciones genéticas, la escasa utilización por parte algunos de los ganaderos de las valoraciones genéticas de sus animales para elegir la reposición en los rebaños y, en un cierto número de casos, la escasa participación e interés de los mismos.This invited contribution summarizes the most important characteristics of selection programs being applied to Spanish indigenous breeds. Population and traits being recorded, selection objectives and criteria, breeding values estimation, managing aspects, diffusion to and use of genetic information by breeders and constraints to genetic progress are synthetically described for each breed. The oldest programs started at the beginning of the eighties of the last century. Most of them began at the end of the eighties or in the nineties and a few were initiated within present decade. Due to these age differences, and to other structural and managing factors, their developmental and effectiveness levels are very variable. Small number of animals being registered and, therefore, selected, low number of dams inseminated an its consequence on the capacity to sire testing and on the reliability of estimated breeding values, the scanty use that some of the breeders make of the genetic evaluations and the low participation of farmers in the programs, are among the most important factors limiting their development and their effectiveness in terms of genetic progress obtained

    Ecotypic differentiation and phenotypic plasticity combine to enhance the invasiveness of the most widespread daisy in Chile, Leontodon saxatilis

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    Dispersal and reproductive traits of successful plant invaders are expected to undergo strong selection during biological invasions. Numerous Asteraceae are invasive and display dimorphic fruits within a single flower head, resulting in differential dispersal pathways - wind-dispersed fruits vs. nondispersing fruits. We explored ecotypic differentiation and phenotypic plasticity of seed output and fruit dimorphisms in exotic Chilean and native Spanish populations of Leontodon saxatilis subsp. rothii. We collected flower heads from populations in Spain and Chile along a rainfall gradient. Seeds from all populations were planted in reciprocal transplant trials in Spain and Chile to explore their performance in the native and invasive range. We scored plant biomass, reproductive investment and fruit dimorphism. We observed strong plasticity, where plants grown in the invasive range had much greater biomass, flower head size and seed output, with a higher proportion of wind-dispersed fruits, than those grown in the native range. We also observed a significant ecotype effect, where the exotic populations displayed higher proportions of wind-dispersed fruits than native populations. Together, these patterns reflect a combination of phenotypic plasticity and ecotypic differentiation, indicating that Leontodon saxatilis has probably increased propagule pressure and dispersal distances in its invasive range to enhance its invasiveness.Irene Martín-Forés, Marta Avilés, Belén Acosta-Gallo, Martin F. Breed, Alejandro del Pozo, José M. de Miguel, Laura Sánchez-Jardón, Isabel Castro, Carlos Ovalle, Miguel A. Casad

    A model for adapting 3D graphics based on scalable coding, real-time simplification and remote rendering

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    Most current multiplayer 3D games can only be played on dedicated platforms, requiring specifically designed content and communication over a predefined network. To overcome these limitations, the OLGA (On-Line GAming) consortium has devised a framework to develop distributive, multiplayer 3D games. Scalability at the level of content, platforms and networks is exploited to achieve the best trade-offs between complexity and quality

    Sintering by SPS of ultrafine TiCx N1-x powders obtained using mechanically induced self sustaining reaction

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    [EN] In this work high purity and nanometer character titanium carbonitride TiCx N1-x powders were obtained by mechanically induced self sustaining reaction (MSR) in a high-energy planetary ball mill, from a mixture of titanium with graphite or carbon nanofiber (CNFs) in a nitrogen atmosphere. A promising method for developing these materials is the coupling of the MSR with SPS sintering technique. The product is sintered at 1400 ºC and 1700 ºC, obtaining a completely dense monolithic ceramic (>99% t.d). In this work, the influence of SPS treatment and carbon precursor on material microstructures was studied and the main mechanical properties of the end material were evaluated[ES] En el presente trabajo se han obtenido carbonitruros de titanio TiCx N1-x de alta pureza y con carácter nanométrico, por molienda reactiva (MSR) de alta energía en un molino planetario, a partir de la mezcla de titanio con grafito o nanofibras de carbono (CNFs) en una atmósfera de nitrógeno. Una metodología prometedora para el desarrollo de estos materiales consiste en el acoplamiento de la técnica MSR con el sinterizado por SPS. El producto obtenido se ha sinterizado a 1400 ºC y 1700 ºC, obteniéndose una cerámica monolítica totalmente densa (>99% d.t). En este trabajo se analizan las distintas microestructuras obtenidas en función del precursor de carbono y el tratamiento de SPS, evaluando las principales propiedades mecánicas de los materiales resultantes.Este trabajo ha sido llevado acabo con financiación procedente de los proyectos del plan nacional MAT2006-01783 y MAT2006-04911.Borrell Tomás, MA.; Fernández, A.; Torrecillas, R.; Córdoba, J.; Avilés, M.; Gotor, F. (2010). Sinterización por SPS de polvos ultrafinos de TiCxN1-x obtenidos mediante reacciones de autopropagación inducidas mecánicamente. Boletín de la Sociedad Española de Cerámica y Vidrio. 49(5):357-360. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/64404S35736049