26 research outputs found

    Porque mis logros también son tus logros, vivamos juntos esta gran aventura, blog educativo de pre-escolar para disfrutar y aprender en familia

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    El presente trabajo de investigación plantea una propuesta de intervención pedagógica con el fin de integrar a los padres de familia de pre-escolar 01 del colegio distrital Manuel Zapata Olivella en el acompañamiento de las actividades propuestas para la casa. El documento enfatiza en una estrategia significativa de apoyo por medio del uso de las tics, que contribuye de manera directa al proceso de la enseñanza aprendizaje de los estudiantes y a la integración de la diada escuela familia. Con base en lo anteriormente expuesto, esta propuesta busca implementar diversas estrategias con el fin de fortalecer saberes y contribuir a una formación integral, es por ello que como resultado del proceso se presenta una serie de actividades mediadas por la lúdica en relación a la implementación de un blog que incluye videos, audios, entre otros que promueven el trabajo colaborativo, creando un ambiente de comunicación y posibilitar el desarrollo creativo, la expresión, la lúdica y el pensamiento crítico-reflexivo en el campo educativo

    Factors related to the development of high antibody titres against SARS-CoV-2 in convalescent plasma donors from the ConPlas-19 trial

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    Background and objectives: The efficacy of COVID-19 convalescent plasma (CP) associates with high titres of antibodies. ConPlas-19 clinical trial showed that CP reduces the risk of progression to severe COVID-19 at 28 days. Here, we aim to study ConPlas-19 donors and characteristics that associate with high anti-SARS-CoV-2 antibody levels. Materials and methods: Four-hundred donors were enrolled in ConPlas-19. The presence and titres of anti-SARS-CoV-2 antibodies were evaluated by EUROIMMUN anti-SARS-CoV-2 S1 IgG ELISA. Results: A majority of 80.3% of ConPlas-19 donor candidates had positive EUROIMMUN test results (ratio ≥1.1), and of these, 51.4% had high antibody titres (ratio ≥3.5). Antibody levels decline over time, but nevertheless, out of 37 donors tested for an intended second CP donation, over 90% were still EUROIMMUN positive, and nearly 75% of those with high titres maintained high titres in the second sample. Donors with a greater probability of developing high titres of anti-SARS-CoV-2 antibodies include those older than 40 years of age (RR 2.06; 95% CI 1.24-3.42), with more than 7 days of COVID-19 symptoms (RR 1.89; 95% CI 1.05-3.43) and collected within 4 months from infection (RR 2.61; 95% CI 1.16-5.90). Male donors had a trend towards higher titres compared with women (RR 1.67; 95% CI 0.91-3.06). Conclusion: SARS-CoV-2 CP candidate donors' age, duration of COVID-19 symptoms and time from infection to donation associate with the collection of CP with high antibody levels. Beyond COVID-19, these data are relevant to inform decisions to optimize the CP donor selection process in potential future outbreaks.European Regional Development Fund (FEDER); Government of Spain, Ministry of Science and Innovation, Instituto de Salud Carlos III, Grant/Award Number: COV20/00072; SCReN (Spanish Clinical Research Network), Instituto de Salud Carlos III, Grant/Award Number: PT17/0017/0009S

    Evaluation of two treatment strategies for the prevention of preterm birth in women identified as at risk by ultrasound (PESAPRO Trial): Study protocol for a randomized controlled trial

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    Background: Premature birth is considered one of the main problems in modern Obstetrics. It causes more than 50 % of neonatal mortality; it is responsible for a large proportion of infant morbidity and incurs very high economic costs. Cervical length, which can be accurately measured by ultrasound, has an inverse relationship with the risk of preterm birth. As a result, having an effective intervention for asymptomatic patients with short cervix could reduce the prematurity. Although recently published data demonstrates the effectiveness of vaginal progesterone and cervical pessary, these treatments have never been compared to one another. Methods/Design: The PESAPRO study is a noncommercial, multicenter, open-label, randomized clinical trial (RCT) in pregnant women with a short cervix as identified by transvaginal ultrasonography at 19 to 22 weeks of gestation. Patients are randomized (1:1) to either daily vaginal progesterone or cervical pessary until the 37th week of gestation or delivery; whichever comes first. During the trial, women visit every 4 weeks for routine questions and tests. The primary outcome is the proportion of spontaneous preterm deliveries before 34 weeks of gestation. A sample size of 254 pregnant women will be included at 29 participating hospitals in order to demonstrate noninferiority of placing a pessary versus vaginal progesterone. The first patient was randomized in August 2012, and recruitment of study subjects will continue until the end of December 2015. Discussion: This trial assesses the comparative efficacy and safety between two accepted treatments, cervical pessary versus vaginal progesterone, and it will provide evidence in order to establish clinical recommendationsThe study has been funded by two national grants from the Spanish Ministry of Health and ISCIII

    Gestión del conocimiento. Perspectiva multidisciplinaria. Volumen 17

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    El libro “Gestión del Conocimiento. Perspectiva Multidisciplinaria”, Volumen 17 de la Colección Unión Global, es resultado de investigaciones. Los capítulos del libro, son resultados de investigaciones desarrolladas por sus autores. El libro es una publicación internacional, seriada, continua, arbitrada, de acceso abierto a todas las áreas del conocimiento, orientada a contribuir con procesos de gestión del conocimiento científico, tecnológico y humanístico. Con esta colección, se aspira contribuir con el cultivo, la comprensión, la recopilación y la apropiación social del conocimiento en cuanto a patrimonio intangible de la humanidad, con el propósito de hacer aportes con la transformación de las relaciones socioculturales que sustentan la construcción social de los saberes y su reconocimiento como bien público

    Actitud del personal de enfermería ante la muerte de la persona en la unidad de cuidados intensivos: estudio cuantitativo

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    In the present study we seek to determine the attitude of nurses towards a person’s death process in the intensive care unit. A descriptive, non-probabilistic study was carried out, using convenience sampling of 30 nursing professionals assigned to a second level institution in the state of Durango, Mexico. The questionnaire on Attitudes to Death (CAM), based on the review of Death Attitudes and Self-Reported Health - Relevant Behaviors, was used in a Cuban version. It includes 33 reactants, grouped in six sub-scales for analysis: avoidance, acceptance, fear, passage, departure and professional perspective. The findings allowed to conclude that the professional nursing is prepared to take care of life, considering that they accept death as an inevitable fact. Nevertheless, from the professional perspective of the nurse practitioner, death is considered as a relief, taking into account the workload experienced by the relatives in the process of death.En el presente estudio se buscó determinar la actitud de la enfermera ante la muerte de la persona en la unidad de cuidados intensivos. Se realizó un estudio descriptivo no probabilístico, con un muestreo a conveniencia en el que participaron 30 profesionales de enfermería adscritos a una institución de segundo nivel en el estado de Durango, México. Se utilizó el Cuestionario de Actitudes ante la Muerte (CAM), elaborado a partir de la revisión del Death Attitudes and Self-Reported Health – Relevant Behaviors, en una versión cubana. Este incluye 33 reactivos, agrupados para su interpretación en seis sub-escalas: evitación, aceptación, temor, pasaje, salida y perspectiva profesional. Los hallazgos permitieron concluir que el profesional de enfermería está preparado para cuidar la vida, considerando que, a nivel general, acepta la muerte como un hecho inevitable. No obstante, desde la perspectiva profesional del personal de enfermería, la muerte es considerada como un alivio, al ver la carga que evidencian los familiares del paciente en su proceso final

    Lysyl oxidase induces vascular oxidative stress and contributes to arterial stiffness and abnormal elastin structure in hypertension: role of p38MAPK

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    Aims: Vascular stiffness, structural elastin abnormalities, and increased oxidative stress are hallmarks of hypertension. Lysyl oxidase (LOX) is an elastin crosslinking enzyme that produces H2O2 as a by-product. We addressed the interplay between LOX, oxidative stress, vessel stiffness, and elastin. Results: Angiotensin II (Ang II)-infused hypertensive mice and spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHR) showed increased vascular LOX expression and stiffness and an abnormal elastin structure. Mice over-expressing LOX in vascular smooth muscle cells (TgLOX) exhibited similar mechanical and elastin alterations to those of hypertensive models. LOX inhibition with β-aminopropionitrile (BAPN) attenuated mechanical and elastin alterations in TgLOX mice, Ang II-infused mice, and SHR. Arteries from TgLOX mice, Ang II-infused mice, and/or SHR exhibited increased vascular H2O2 and O2.− levels, NADPH oxidase activity, and/or mitochondrial dysfunction. BAPN prevented the higher oxidative stress in hypertensive models. Treatment of TgLOX and Ang II-infused mice and SHR with the mitochondrial-targeted superoxide dismutase mimetic mito-TEMPO, the antioxidant apocynin, or the H2O2 scavenger polyethylene glycol-conjugated catalase (PEG-catalase) reduced oxidative stress, vascular stiffness, and elastin alterations. Vascular p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase (p38MAPK) activation was increased in Ang II-infused and TgLOX mice and this effect was prevented by BAPN, mito-TEMPO, or PEG-catalase. SB203580, the p38MAPK inhibitor, normalized vessel stiffness and elastin structure in TgLOX mice. Innovation: We identify LOX as a novel source of vascular reactive oxygen species and a new pathway involved in vascular stiffness and elastin remodeling in hypertension. Conclusion: LOX up-regulation is associated with enhanced oxidative stress that promotes p38MAPK activation, elastin structural alterations, and vascular stiffness. This pathway contributes to vascular abnormalities in hypertension

    A randomized placebo controlled clinical trial to evaluate the efficacy and safety of minocycline in patients with Angelman syndrome (A-MANECE study)

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    Background: Minocycline is an old tetracycline antibiotic that has shown antiinflammatory and antiapoptotic properties in different neurological disease mouse models. Previous single arm study in humans demonstrated benefits in individuals with Angelman Syndrome (AS); however, its efficacy in patients with Angelman Syndrome has not been assessed in a controlled trial. This was a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, crossover trial in individuals with AS, aged 6 years to 30 years (n = 32, mean age 12 [SD 6·29] years). Participants were randomized to minocycline or placebo for 8 weeks and then switched to the other treatment (a subset of 22 patients) or to receive minocycline for up to 16 weeks (10 patients). After week 16, all patients entered a wash-out 8-week follow-up period. Results: Thirty-six subjects were screened and 34 were randomized. Thirty two subjects (94·1%) completed at least the first period and all of them completed the full trial. Intention-to-treat analysis demonstrated the lack of significantly greater improvements in the primary outcome, mean changes in age equivalent of the development index of the Merrill-Palmer Revised Scale after minocycline compared with placebo (1·90 ± 3·16 and 2·00 ± 3·28, respectively, p = 0·937). Longer treatment duration up to 16 weeks did not result in better treatment outcomes (1·86 ± 3·35 for 8 weeks treatment vs 1·20 ± 5·53 for 16 weeks treatment, p = 0·667). Side effects were not significantly different during minocycline and placebo treatments. No serious adverse events occurred on minocycline. Conclusions: Minocycline treatment for up to 16 weeks in children and young adults with AS resulted in lack of significant improvements in development indexes compared to placebo treatment. Treatment with minocycline appears safe and well tolerated; even if it cannot be completely ruled out that longer trials might be required for a potential minocycline effect to be expressed, available results and lack of knowledge on the actual mechanism of action do not support this hypothesis. Trial registration: European Clinical Trial database (EudraCT 2013-002154-67), registered 16th September 2013; US Clinical trials database (NCT02056665), registered 6th February 2014.Depto. de Psicología Experimental, Procesos Cognitivos y LogopediaFac. de PsicologíaTRUEpu

    Infectología Clínica

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    Infections are one of the main reasons for consultation in daily practice, as well as being the cause of multiple hospital admissions. The world faces a serious crisis with antimicrobial resistance; During the last decade, the creation of new antibiotics has been elusive against multiresistant pathogens, so the mortality rate has increased due to this situation.Health not only faces this problem with antimicrobials, it also suffers from antivirals, especially with patients with HIV, the various mutations at the viral level condition the therapeutic response.The facts mentioned in therapeutics have suggested the creation of new approaches to solve them and these are phage therapy and nanotechnology, alternatives not only used for autoimmune or cancer diseases, their clinical use against persistent infections and against multi-resistant strains.The early recognition of sepsis becomes one of the main objectives when caring for a patient; the establishment of early treatment represents the opportunity to obtain a higher survival rate.Las infecciones constituyen uno de los principales motivos de consulta en la práctica diaria, además de ser la causa de múltiples ingresos a nivel hospitalario. El mundo enfrenta una grave crisis con la resistencia antimicrobiana; durante la última década la creación de nuevos antibióticos ha sido esquivo frente a patógenos multirresistentes, por lo que la tasa de mortalidad aumento por esta situación. La salud no solo enfrenta este problema con los antimicrobianos también lo sufre con los antivirales en especial con los pacientes con VIH, las diversas mutaciones a nivel viral condicionan la respuesta terapéutica. Los hechos mencionados en la terapéutica han sugerido la creación de nuevos abordajes para resolverlos y estos son la fagoterapía y la nanotecnología, alternativas no solo utilizadas para enfermedades autoinmunes o cancerígenas, su uso clínico frente a infecciones persistentes y contra cepas multirresistentes. El reconocimiento temprano de la sepsis se convierte en uno de los principales objetivos en el momento de la atención de un paciente, la instauración del tratamiento temprano representa la oportunidad para obtener una mayor tasa de supervivencia